170 research outputs found

    A new approach to dynamic buckling load estimation for plate structures

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    Raketenabwehr: Potentiale einer Kooperation mit Russland

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    In der aktuellen Konfrontation zwischen dem Westen und Russland ist ein Konfliktthema weitgehend aus dem Blickfeld geraten: das Raketenabwehr-Projekt der Nato. Um eine Verschlechterung der Beziehungen mit Moskau im Zuge des Aufbaus der Nato-Raketenabwehr zu vermeiden, versicherte die Allianz Russland zu Beginn des Projekts, dass es sich für eine gleichberechtigte Zusammenarbeit in diesem Bereich einsetzen wolle. Ungeachtet mehrerer Kooperationsvorschläge aus Washington, Moskau und Brüssel ist der Dialog über Raketenabwehr vor drei Jahren zum Erliegen gekommen, vor allem aufgrund politischer Differenzen zwischen den USA und Russland. Die Grundvoraussetzung für die Wiederaufnahme des Dialogs ist die Reaktivierung der praktischen Zusammenarbeit im Nato-Russland-Rat. Darüber hinaus sollten Verhandlungen über taktische Raketenabwehr (Schutz von Truppen im Einsatz vor ballistischen Raketen) von Gesprächen über territoriale Raketenabwehr (Schutz der Gebiete und der Bevölkerung) abgekoppelt werden. Deutschland sollte dafür Sorge tragen, dass die Nato in der gegenwärtig angespannten Lage ihre Raketenabwehr nicht gegen Russland richtet. Sollten erneute Versuche scheitern, den Raketenabwehrdialog mit Russland wiederaufzunehmen, sollte Berlin vor allem für konventionelle Rüstungskontrolle und nukleare Abrüstung plädieren. Eine Entscheidung über die Erweiterung der deutschen Raketenabwehrfähigkeiten wäre an nachvollziehbare und transparenzschaffende Kriterien zu binden. Dabei müsste die Bundesregierung der Öffentlichkeit klar kommunizieren, dass ein vollständiger Schutz vor ballistischen Raketen nicht möglich ist. Außerdem sollte Berlin versuchen, die betriebsbedingten Risiken der Rakektenabwehr so weit wie möglich zu minimieren. (Autorenreferat

    Hydrographic changes in a river system and their influence on the legal classification of watercourses, exemplified by selected tributaries of the San river

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    The paper presents hydrographic changes in a river system and their influence on the legal classification of watercourses in Poland. As a case study, the watercourse Motwica, right tributary of the river San has been analysed. The main objective of this paper is an attempt to analyse whether the Motwica should be classified as flowing or standing water and the legal grounds for such classification in the Water Law act. On the base of archival and contemporary cartographic materials’ analysis it has been determined that the Motwica should not be classified as natural watercourse because its significant part flows in an artificial channel

    Dynamics of the status of groundwater in the Polish Lowland: the River Gwda catchment example

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    The aim of the present study is to monitor changes in the location of the groundwater table in the catchment area of the River Gwda within the Quaternary and Neogene water-bearing level over a 35-year period, between 1981 and 2015. In addition, on account of very diverse total annual precipitation levels in particular parts of the catchment, attempts were made to determine the influence of precipitation on the location of the groundwater table. By correlating groundwater level and meteorological parameters (precipitation), it was discovered that precipitation in the previous year made the largest impact on the groundwater table. Moreover, low precipitation totals in the southern part of the catchment are not discernible in groundwater table fluctuations, which is linked to the location of the observation well within the drainage zone as well as to water ascension from deeper aquifers

    Germany and NATO missile defence: between adaptation and persistence

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    At the 2010 Lisbon summit, the NATO allies decided to develop a joint missile defence system as a core element of collective defence. Since then, the security environment has changed fundamentally. The hopes of cooperating with Moscow on missile defence have been shattered, while the nuclear deal with Iran reduces the threat from the south and thus undermines one of the central justifications for the proposed system. At the same time, the alliance has made progress in its efforts to protect its territory, forces and populations from missile attacks. While the fundamental decision to create a missile defence system is likely to hold, the German Bundestag should consider the foreign policy, security, industrial, arms control and financial implications before approving any additional German contributions. (Autorenreferat


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    In this work we propose several ways of the CMOS implementation of a circuit for the multiplication of matrices. We mainly focus on parallel and asynchronous solutions, however serial and mixed approaches are also discussed for the comparison. Practical applications are the motivation behind our investigations. They include fast Kalman filtering commonly used in automotive active safety functions, for example. In such filters, numerous time-consuming operations on matrices are performed. An additional problem is the growing amount of data to be processed. It results from the growing number of sensors in the vehicle as fully autonomous driving is developed. Software solutions may prove themselves to be insuffucient in the nearest future. That is why hardware coprocessors are in the area of our interests as they could take over some of the most time-consuming operations. The paper presents possible solutions, tailored to specific problems (sizes of multiplied matrices, number of bits in signals, etc.). The estimates of the performance made on the basis of selected simulation and measurement results show that multiplication of 3×3 matrices with data rate of 20 100 MSps is achievable in the CMOS 130 nm technology

    Analiza wybranych elementów infrastruktury technicznej na obszarach wiejskich powiatów nakielskiego i sępoleńskiego

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    The paper presents saturation and spatial diversity of technical infrastructure elements (water supply and sewerage networks) on rural areas of Sępólno and Nakło districts. Research revealed areas of under-development of the infrastructure and areas that have well developed water supply and sewerage networks. It was indicated that technical infrastructure is better developed in Sępólno district than in Nakło district

    Propozycje uatrakcyjnienia fragmentu Kanału Bydgoskiego i Brdy w Bydgoszczy

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    Celem pracy jest przedstawienie stanu obecnego i propozycji zagospodarowania Kanału Bydgoskiego w granicach miasta Bydgoszczy. Zwrócono uwagę na istotne według autorów elementy infrastruktury, które towarzyszą lub powinny towarzyszyć kanałowi (oświetlenie, ścieżki utwardzone, ławki, tablice informacyjne itp.). Niewątpliwie uatrakcyjnią one teren nad kanałem do wykorzystania w celach rekreacyjnych. W opracowaniu skupiono się na Starym i Nowym Kanale oraz fragmencie Brdy na odcinku od ul. Jagiellońskiej na wysokości dworca PKS i Węzła Zachodniego, czyli tej części która znajduje się najbliżej centrum miasta