950 research outputs found

    Suppression of energetic electron transport in flares by double layers

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    During flares and coronal mass ejections, energetic electrons from coronal sources typically have very long lifetimes compared to the transit times across the systems, suggesting confinement in the source region. Particle-in-cell simulations are carried out to explore the mechanisms of energetic electron transport from the corona to the chromosphere and possible confinement. We set up an initial system of pre-accelerated hot electrons in contact with ambient cold electrons along the local magnetic field, and let it evolve over time. Suppression of transport by a nonlinear, highly localized electrostatic electric field (in the form of a double layer) is observed after a short phase of free-streaming by hot electrons. The double layer (DL) emerges at the contact of the two electron populations. It is driven by an ion-electron streaming instability due to the drift of the back-streaming return current electrons interacting with the ions. The DL grows over time and supports a significant drop in temperature and hence reduces heat flux between the two regions that is sustained for the duration of the simulation. This study shows transport suppression begins when the energetic electrons start to propagate away from a coronal acceleration site. It also implies confinement of energetic electrons with kinetic energies less than the electrostatic energy of the DL for the DL lifetime, which is much longer than the electron transit time through the source region

    Effect of binary collisions on electron acceleration in magnetic reconnection

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    Context. The presence of energetic X-ray sources in the solar corona indicates there are additional transport effects in the acceleration region. A prime method of investigation is to add collisions into models of particle behaviour at the reconnection region.<p></p> Aims. We investigate electron test particle acceleration in a simple model of an X-type reconnection region. In particular, we explore the possibility that collisions will cause electrons to re-enter the acceleration more frequently, in turn causing particles to be accelerated to high energies.<p></p> Methods. The deterministic (Lorentz) description of particle gyration and acceleration has been coupled to a model for the effects of collisions. The resulting equations are solved numerically using Honeycutt’s extension of the RK4 method to stochastic differential equations. This approach ensures a correct description of collisional energy loss and pitch-angle scattering combined with a sufficiently precise description of gyro-motion and acceleration.<p></p> Results. Even with initially mono-energetic electrons, the competition between collisions and acceleration results in a distribution of electron energies. When realistic model parameters are used, electrons achieve X-ray energies. A possible model for coronal hard X-ray sources is indicated. Conclusions. Even in competition with energy losses, pitch-angle scattering results in a small proportion of electrons reaching higher energies than they would in a collisionless situation.<p></p&gt

    Inverse Compton X-rays from relativistic flare electrons and positrons

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    <p><b>Context:</b> In solar flares, inverse Compton scattering (ICS) of photospheric photons might give rise to detectable hard X-ray photon fluxes from the corona where ambient densities are too low for significant bremsstrahlung or recombination. γ-ray lines and continuum in some large flares imply the presence of the necessary ~100 MeV electrons and positrons, the latter as by-products of GeV energy ions. Recent observations of coronal hard X-ray sources in particular prompt us to reconsider here the possible contribution of ICS.</p> <p><b>Aims:</b> We aim to evaluate the ICS X-ray fluxes to be expected from prescribed populations of relativistic electrons and positrons in the solar corona. The ultimate aim is to determine if ICS coronal X-ray sources might offer a new diagnostic window on relativistic electrons and ions in flares.</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> We use the complete formalism of ICS to calculate X-ray fluxes from possible populations of flare primary electrons and secondary positrons, paying attention to the incident photon angular distribution near the solar surface and thus improving on the assumption of isotropy made in previous solar discussions.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> Both primary electrons and secondary positrons produce very hard ICS X-ray spectra. The anisotropic primary radiation field results in pronounced centre-to-limb variation in predicted fluxes and spectra, with the most intense spectra, extending to the highest photon energies, expected from limb flares. Acceptable numbers of electrons or positrons could account for RHESSI coronal X/γ-ray sources.</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> Some coronal X-ray sources at least might be interpreted in terms of ICS by relativistic electrons or positrons, particularly when sources appear at such low ambient densities that bremsstrahlung appears implausible.</p&gt

    Thermalisation of self-interacting solar flare fast electrons

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    Most theoretical descriptions of the production of solar flare bremsstrahlung radiation assume the collision of dilute accelerated particles with a cold, dense target plasma, neglecting interactions of the fast particles with each other. This is inadequate for situations where collisions with this background plasma are not completely dominant, as may be the case in, for example, low-density coronal sources. We aim to formulate a model of a self-interacting, entirely fast electron population in the absence of a dense background plasma, to investigate its implications for observed bremsstrahlung spectra and the flare energy budget. We derive approximate expressions for the time-dependent distribution function of the fast electrons using a Fokker-Planck approach. We use these expressions to generate synthetic bremsstrahlung X-ray spectra as would be seen from a corresponding coronal source. We find that our model qualitatively reproduces the observed behaviour of some flares. As the flare progresses, the model's initial power-law spectrum is joined by a lower energy, thermal component. The power-law component diminishes, and the growing thermal component proceeds to dominate the total emission over timescales consistent with flare observations. The power-law exhibits progressive spectral hardening, as is seen in some flare coronal sources. We also find that our model requires a factor of 7 - 10 fewer accelerated electrons than the cold, thick target model to generate an equivalent hard X-ray flux. This model forms the basis of a treatment of self-interactions among flare fast electrons, a process which affords a more efficient means to produce bremsstrahlung photons and so may reduce the efficiency requirements placed on the particle acceleration mechanism. It also provides a useful description of the thermalisation of fast electrons in coronal sources.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for Astronomy & Astrophysics; this version clarifies arguments around Eqs. (11) and (20

    Local re-acceleration and a modified thick target model of solar flare electrons

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    The collisional thick target model (CTTM) of solar hard X-ray (HXR) bursts has become an almost 'Standard Model' of flare impulsive phase energy transport and radiation. However, it faces various problems in the light of recent data, particularly the high electron beam density and anisotropy it involves.} {We consider how photon yield per electron can be increased, and hence fast electron beam intensity requirements reduced, by local re-acceleration of fast electrons throughout the HXR source itself, after injection.} {We show parametrically that, if net re-acceleration rates due to e.g. waves or local current sheet electric (E{\cal E}) fields are a significant fraction of collisional loss rates, electron lifetimes, and hence the net radiative HXR output per electron can be substantially increased over the CTTM values. In this local re-acceleration thick target model (LRTTM) fast electron number requirements and anisotropy are thus reduced. One specific possible scenario involving such re-acceleration is discussed, viz, a current sheet cascade (CSC) in a randomly stressed magnetic loop.} {Combined MHD and test particle simulations show that local E{\cal E} fields in CSCs can efficiently accelerate electrons in the corona and and re-accelerate them after injection into the chromosphere. In this HXR source scenario, rapid synchronisation and variability of impulsive footpoint emissions can still occur since primary electron acceleration is in the high Alfv\'{e}n speed corona with fast re-acceleration in chromospheric CSCs. It is also consistent with the energy-dependent time-of-flight delays in HXR features.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Size dependence of solar X-ray flare properties

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    Non-thermal and thermal parameters of 85 solar flares of GOES class B1 to M6 (background subtracted classes A1 to M6) have been compared to each other. The hard X-ray flux has been measured by RHESSI and a spectral fitting provided flux and spectral index of the non-thermal emission, as well as temperature and emission measure of the thermal emission. The soft X-ray flux was taken from GOES measurements. We find a linear correlation in a double logarithmic plot between the non-thermal flux and the spectral index. The higher the acceleration rate of a flare, the harder the non-thermal electron distribution. The relation is similar to the one found by a comparison of the same parameters from several sub-peaks of a single flare. Thus small flares behave like small subpeaks of large flares. Thermal flare properties such as temperature, emission measure and the soft X-ray flux also correlate with peak non-thermal flux. A large non-thermal peak flux entails an enhancement in both thermal parameters. The relation between spectral index and the non-thermal flux is an intrinsic feature of the particle acceleration process, depending on flare size. This property affects the reported frequency distribution of flare energies.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    Non-thermal recombination - a neglected source of flare hard X-rays and fast electron diagnostic

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    Context. Flare Hard X-Rays (HXRs) from non-thermal electrons are commonly treated as solely bremsstrahlung (f-f), recombination (f-b) being neglected. This assumption is shown to be substantially in error, especially in hot sources, mainly due to recombination onto Fe ions. Aims. We analyse the effects on HXR spectra and electron diagnostics by including non-thermal recombination onto heavy elements in our model. Methods. Using Kramers hydrogenic cross sections with effective Z, we calculate f-f and f-b spectra for power-law electron spectra, in both thin and thick target limits, and for Maxwellians, with summation over all important ions. Results. We find that non-thermal electron recombination, especially onto Fe, must, in general, be included together with f-f, for reliable spectral interpretation, when the HXR source is hot. f-b contribution is greatest when the electron spectral index is large, and any low energy cut-off small. f-b spectra recombination edges mean a cut-off in F(E) appears as a HXR feature at Photon energy = Ec + Vz, offering an Ec diagnostic. Including f-b lowers, greatly in some cases, the F(E) needed for prescribed HXR fluxes and, even when small, seriously distorts F(E) as inferred by inversion or forward fitting based on f-f alone. Conclusions. f-b recombination from non-thermal electrons can be an important contributor to HXR spectra and should be included in spectral analyses, especially for hot sources. Accurate results will require use of better cross sections than ours and consideration of source ionisation structure.Comment: 13 pages, 2 tables, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Energy Distribution of Micro-events in the Quiet Solar Corona

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    Recent imaging observations of EUV line emissions have shown evidence for frequent flare-like events in a majority of the pixels in quiet regions of the solar corona. The changes in coronal emission measure indicate impulsive heating of new material to coronal temperatures. These heating or evaporation events are candidate signatures of "nanoflares" or "microflares" proposed to interpret the high temperature and the very existence of the corona. The energy distribution of these micro-events reported in the literature differ widely, and so do the estimates of their total energy input into the corona. Here we analyze the assumptions of the different methods, compare them by using the same data set and discuss their results. We also estimate the different forms of energy input and output, keeping in mind that the observed brightenings are most likely secondary phenomena. A rough estimate of the energy input observed by EIT on the SoHO satellite is of the order of 10% of the total radiative output in the same region. It is considerably smaller for the two reported TRACE observations. The discrepancy can be explained partially by different thresholds for flare detection. There is agreement on the slope and the absolute value of the distribution if the same method were used and a numerical error corrected. The extrapolation of the power law to unobserved energies that are many orders of magnitude smaller remains questionable. Nevertheless, these micro-events and unresolved smaller events are currently the best source of information on the heating process of the corona

    Submillimeter and X-ray observations of an X Class flare

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    The GOES X1.5 class flare that occurred on August 30,2002 at 1327:30 UT is one of the few events detected so far at submillimeter wavelengths. We present a detailed analysis of this flare combining radio observations from 1.5 to 212 GHz (an upper limit of the flux is also provided at 405 GHz) and X-ray. Although the observations of radio emission up to 212 GHz indicates that relativistic electrons with energies of a few MeV were accelerated, no significant hard X-ray emission was detected by RHESSI above ~ 250 keV. Images at 12--20 and 50--100 keV reveal a very compact, but resolved, source of about ~ 10" x 10". EUV TRACE images show a multi-kernel structure suggesting a complex (multipolar) magnetic topology. During the peak time the radio spectrum shows an extended flatness from ~ 7 to 35 GHz. Modeling the optically thin part of the radio spectrum as gyrosynchrotron emission we obtained the electron spectrum (spectral index delta, instantaneous number of emitting electrons). It is shown that in order to keep the expected X-ray emission from the same emitting electrons below the RHESSI background at 250 keV, a magnetic field above 500 G is necessary. On the other hand, the electron spectrum deduced from radio observations >= 50 GHz is harder than that deduced from ~ 70 - 250 keV X-ray data, meaning that there must exist a breaking energy around a few hundred keV. During the decay of the impulsive phase, a hardening of the X-ray spectrum is observed which is interpreted as a hardening of the electron distribution spectrum produced by the diffusion due to Coulomb collisions of the trapped electrons in a medium with an electron density of n_e ~ 3E10 - 5E10 cm-3.Comment: Accpeted in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 9 Pages, 6 Figures ADDED REFERENCE