28 research outputs found

    Cumulative reproductive costs on current reproduction in a wild polytocous mammal

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    Funding Information Marie‐Curie Fellowship UCLA Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory Research Fellowship NSF. Grant Numbers: IDBR‐0754247, DEB‐1119660, DBI 0242960, DBI 0731346 Natural Environment Research Council. Grant Number: NE/L50175X/1 National Geographic SocietyPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Older mothers produce more successful daughters

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    Acknowledgements Marmots were studied under UCLA research protocol ARC 2001-191-01 (approved by the UCLA Animal Care Committee on 13 May 2002 and renewed annually). Permits were issued by the Colorado Division of Wildlife. We are thankful to all marmoteers who contributed to data collection. S.B.K. was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council, J.G.A.M. by a Marie-Curie Fellowship, and D.T.B by the National Geographic Society, UCLA (Faculty Senate and the Division of Life Sciences), a Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory research fellowship, and the NSF (IDBR-0754247, DEB1119660 and DEB-1557130 to D.T.B., and DBI 0242960, DBI-0731346 and REU1226713 to the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Strong social relationships are associated with decreased longevity in a facultatively social mammal

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    Data accessibility. Data are available from the Dryad Digital Repository at: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.h8n7p [40]. D.T.B. was supported by the National Geographic Society, UCLA (Faculty Senate and the Division of Life Sciences), a Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory research fellowship and by the NSF (IDBR-0754247, and DEB-1119660 and 1557130 to D.T.B., as well as DBI-0242960, 0731346 and 1226713 to the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Impacts of roads on bird species richness: A meta-analysis considering road types, habitats and feeding guilds

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    Roadsides can harbour remarkable biodiversity; thus, they are increasingly considered as habitats with potential for conservation value. To improve construction and management of roadside habitats with positive effects on biodiversity, we require a quantitative understanding of important influential factors that drive both positive and negative effects of roads. We conducted meta-analyses to assess road effects on bird communities. We specifically tested how the relationship between roads and bird richness varies when considering road type, habitat characteristics and feeding guild association. Overall, bird richness was similar in road habitats compared to non-road habitats, however, the two apparently differ in species composition. Bird richness was lowered by road presence in areas with denser tree cover but did not differ according to road type. Richness differences between habitats with and without roads further depended on primary diet of species, and richness of omnivores was positively affected by road presence. We conclude that impacts of roads on bird richness are highly context-dependent, and planners should carefully evaluate road habitats on a case by case basis. This emphasizes the need for further studies that explicitly test for differences in species composition and abundance, to disentangle contexts where a road will negatively affect bird communities, and where it will not

    Older mothers produce more successful daughters

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    Avdempende tiltak ved dyrking av jordbÊr utsatt for skadepress fra vÄnd

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    Midt-Troms GrÞnt A/S dyrker Þkologiske jordbÊr i tunell ved Rossfjordstraumen i Finnsnes kommune og opplever i enkelte Är store skader pÄ avling, planter og infrastruktur fra vÄnd. I prosjektet har en sett pÄ tiltak for Ä motvirke slike skader. Tiltakene som er vurdert er inngjerding, skjÞtsel av nÊromrÄder og bruk av lydsignal. Stor nedgang i vÄndbestanden i omrÄdet i forsÞksÄret innebar fÄ skader og lite press fra vÄnd mot jordbÊrfeltet, slik at det ikke var mulig Ä pÄvise noen effekt av tiltakene.publishedVersio

    Avdempende tiltak ved dyrking av jordbÊr utsatt for skadepress fra vÄnd

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    Midt-Troms GrÞnt A/S dyrker Þkologiske jordbÊr i tunell ved Rossfjordstraumen i Finnsnes kommune og opplever i enkelte Är store skader pÄ avling, planter og infrastruktur fra vÄnd. I prosjektet har en sett pÄ tiltak for Ä motvirke slike skader. Tiltakene som er vurdert er inngjerding, skjÞtsel av nÊromrÄder og bruk av lydsignal. Stor nedgang i vÄndbestanden i omrÄdet i forsÞksÄret innebar fÄ skader og lite press fra vÄnd mot jordbÊrfeltet, slik at det ikke var mulig Ä pÄvise noen effekt av tiltakene