92 research outputs found

    Organising Ethics: The Case of the Norwegian Army

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    This article shows how institutionalism, a theory in organisational social science, provides a model for diagnosing organisational challenges that influence the ethical practices and integration in the Norwegian Army. Institutionalism provides tools for analysing the differences between expressed values and actual practices and for understanding the organisational dynamics that unfold at the crossroads of the organisation's formal structure, informal culture and stakeholder relations. In this article we present and discuss such differences and dynamics in the Norwegian Army based on findings from a survey and a number of workshops. We also provide some suggestions for effective implementation of strategies for strengthening ethics in such an organisation. We argue that the perspective taken in this project is also relevant for other highly professionalised complex organisations and that such interdisciplinary research will strengthen practical ethics' potential for real impact

    Kartlegging av gytefelter i Nordsjøen – Rapport fra KINO-prosjektet

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    Spawning areas and spawning periods of 34 North Sea fish species have been studied by combining data, models and literature. Major part of data is from eggs and larvae surveys. In addition, data from research vessels and commercial catches on mature (i.e. ripe and running fish) have been applied. A hydrodynamic model including particle-tracking algorithm was applied to trace the drift pattern from the spawning areas. Model results were compared with observations on larval distribution on some selected key species. Finally, a comprehensive literature has been synthesized to include all additional knowledge on spawning activity, and eggs and larval distributions. The literature study revealed that the changing climate over the recent 50 years has influenced distribution of fish stocks and their spawning areas.Gyteområder og gyteperioder for 34 fiskearter i Nordsjøen er undersøkt ved kombinert utnyttelse av data, modell og litteratur. Hoveddelen av datatilfanget er fra egg- og larvesurvey. I tillegg er det benyttet data for gytende fisk fra både forskningsfangster og kommersielle fangster. En hydrodynamisk modell med partikkelsporing ble benyttet til å modellere drift av egg og larver fra sentrale gytefelter for utvalgte nøkkelarter og å sammenligne modellresultatene med observasjoner for egg og larver. Til slutt er en omfattende mengde litteratur for gyteadferd, egg og larver syntetisert. Litteraturstudien viste at klimaendringene over de siste 50 år har påvirket fordeling av mange av fiskebestandene, herunder gytefeltene

    Simulatortrening for ny praksis : hvordan simulatortrening kan brukes til å utvikle Hærens operative evne

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    Denne rapporten utvikler en modell for hvordan simulatortrening kan bidra til operativ effekt i militære avdelinger. Modellen er konstruert på bakgrunn av analyser av Panserbataljonens og Telemarkbataljonens trening i Hærens stabs- og ledertrener (SLT) på Rena. Rapporten dokumenterer og analyserer betingelser som fremmer og hemmer effekt av simulatortrening, og viser, gjennom en modell for erfaringsbasert læring, hvordan trening i SLT må legges opp for at den skal føre til endringer i avdelingene. Sammenhengen mellom simulatortrening og effekt på en virksomhets praksis er et felt det finnes lite kunnskap om. Modellen vi utvikler tar utgangspunkt i fire forhold som til sammen påvirker kvaliteten på treningen og som må samspille for et optimalt treningsutbytte: 1) Rammefaktorer som i tillegg til en realistisk teknologi innbefatter lokaler, SLT-stab, tid til rådighet, innleide fagpersoner/mentorer etc., utgjør viktige elementer for å oppnå effekt. Når slike ressurser legges ned i treningen, skapes det en realistisk treningsarena som oppleves analog med praksis. Følelse av realisme er avgjørende for at treningen skal virke forpliktende og føre til at alle deltakerne lærer noe nytt. SLT representerer en viktig arena for realistisk trening i kommunikasjon, prosedyrer og samvirke, men utgjør også en sentral faglig arena for å drøfte prinsipielle problemstillinger som avdelingene ellers ikke har anledning til å diskutere i hverdagen. 2) Innholdet i treningen, som styres av scenarioer som bygger på konkrete øvingsmål, er essensielt for å evaluere treningsutbyttet. Øvingsmål kan handle om alt fra å trene på bestemte situasjoner, utprøving av nye trenings- eller samvirkekonsepter eller utprøving av nye teknologiske kapasiteter. Utviklingen i SLT har medført at simulatortrening har gått fra å bli oppfattet som ”wargame”, til å bli en operasjon som krever seriøsitet og profesjonalitet. I tråd med denne endringen har forarbeidet til avdelingene i form av utarbeidede mål og planprosess i større grad blitt vektlagt. Det er imidlertid i for stor grad enkeltpersoner som står bak utarbeidelse av mål for treningen. Rapporten argumenterer for behovet for en større grad av involvering i utarbeidelsen av mål, og at det i avdelingene utvikles en større bevissthet om hvilke mål som egner seg for simulatortrening i SLT. Samme mål kan trenes under ulike øvingsformer. For Telemarkbataljonen hadde det eksempelvis vært mer hensiktsmessig å prøve ut et informasjonsverktøy i SLT før vinterøvelsen, og ikke omvendt, som var tilfellet. 3) Kjernen i utviklingen av vår pedagogiske modell er læringsepisoder, som viser til viktige hendelser og episoder som oppsto naturlig under spillet, og som gjennom refleksjon i plenum skapte utgangspunkt for å diskutere og lære av egne og andres erfaringer. Vi har identifisert hvordan slike læringsepisoder oppsto, hvordan de ble diskutert og belyst, og hvordan de i noen tilfeller har endret avdelingenes praktiske virke. Et sentralt poeng er at refleksjon over episoder bør foretas underveis slik at man også får fanget opp mindre læringspoeng mens erfaringene fortsatt er ferske. Små, men viktige episoder kan ellers lett bli glemt og medvirke til å svekke læringsutbyttet da slike hendelser ofte kan avdekke problemstillinger relatert til struktur, ledelse, samvirke, kultur etc. 4) Den siste forutsetningen som må ligge til grunn for å få effekt av simulatortreing, og som er den fjerde komponenten i læringsmodellen, omhandler kvalitative sider ved prosedyrene iv før, under og etter simulatortreningen. Avdelingene har mest å hente på å heve kunnskapsnivået og innføre prosedyrer rundt hvordan erfaringer fra SLT bør innarbeides i avdelingenes praksis. Rapporten undersøker dermed prosedyrer som bidrar til å sikre at erfaring fra trening bearbeides og blir del av daglig drift. Prosedyrer for å fange opp læringssituasjoner under spillet kan også utvikles i større grad enn i dag. Mange sentrale læringspoeng ser ut til å gå tapt ved at de belyses i forbindelse med debrief, men det konkluderes ikke med hvordan erfaringer skal tas videre og av hvem. Her har innleide fagpersoner og mentorer en viktig rolle i å peke på sentrale hendelser, i tillegg til at avdelingene selv må utvikle kompetanse i å tematisere egen praksis. Da det legges ned betydelige ressurser fra SLT-stab, fagpersoner og avdelingene selv, anser vi det som rimelig at avdelingene jobber systematisk med hvordan viktige erfaringer fra SLT kan bidra til å videreutvikle praksis i avdelingene. I for stor grad blir ”lessons identified” nettopp det. Nøkkelen til å få fullt utbytte av simulatortrening ligger i en økt bevissthet om hvordan man kan omdanne læringsepisoder til ny praksis hjemme. Dette krever organisering og at det delegeres et ansvar for å binde sammen erfaringer fra trening i simulator med avdelingenes praksis. Rapporten konkluderer med at økt læringsutbytte i SLT fordrer at man i større grad skiller mellom prosedyrer for beslutninger og prosedyrer for læring. Rapporten kommer med følgende anbefalinger for at simulatortrening skal få større effekt: Det er viktig at bataljonenes treningsuker i SLT støttes av fagpersoner fra signifikante miljøer slik at det skapes en faglig arena for å drøfte sentrale erfaringer av prinsipiell karakter. Det må utarbeides klare mål for simulatortreningen. Disse målene må være i samsvar med avdelingenes behov, og utarbeidelsen av målene må involvere større deler av avdelingene enn det som synes å være tilfellet i dag. Dette er nødvendig for å gi eierskap og engasjement blant deltakerne. Medvirkning og involvering øker muligheten for å etablere en felles situasjonsforståelse og flere faglige diskusjoner underveis. Avdelingene må styrkes mht. kunnskap og prosedyrer som bringer erfaringene fra SLT tilbake til hverdagen.Simulator based training – a summary In this report we present a learning model for how simulator based training can contribute to operational effectiveness in military units. The model is based on extensive analysis of the training practice of two Norwegian battalions using the simulator facilities of the Norwegian Army at Rena (SLT). Due to a highly competent staff and a well developed training concept, the SLT proves to be a valuable addition to field based training with a wide array of learning opportunities of high relevance. Learning opportunities cover the whole range from individual performance to systemic effectiveness and battalion strategy, hence potentially challenging professional practice at many levels. Not least does the SLT allow for training of complex, multi unit interaction not easily accessible in other training situations. SLT represents an important arena for realistic training in matters pertaining to communication, procedures and cooperation, and also works as a fruitful collective arena for discussing various professional issues that is typically not addressed broadly in every day work due to time constraints and lack of appropriate arenas. Our model is organized into four dimensions that have to be addressed in a coherent and integrated manner in order to achieve optimal effect of the training efforts. Improvements of SLT practice are suggested. The dimensions are: 1) The learning infrastructure, including software quality, user interface, staff and facilitator capacity and competence, physical design/lay out and time. A well developed learning infrastructure creates a sufficiently realistic training arena that brings forward critical learning events relevant to practical operations. Not least is the use of facilitators and mentors of critical importance. 2) The content of the training, shaped by the chosen scenarios and their specific modifications in order to reflect concrete training goals. Hence, how well the training goals have been specified by the military unit prior to arriving at the simulator facilities, and how well they are understood and shared by the participants, proves to be one of the critical factors determining the learning output and the usefulness of the simulator event. Increased emphasis and involvement in this preparatory phase is recommended in order to position the simulator training more consciously in the context of previous and future field operations. Professional attitude and ambitious training goals tapping the potential of the SLT, has changed the perception of SLT from “war gaming” to becoming an important and serious arena for highly realistic training. 3) The learning episodes. The core of our pedagogical model builds on learning episodes, referring to important incidents or situations that occur during the simulation. These episodes are scrutinized in plenary sessions in order to facilitate learning from the experiences made. We have identified how the learning episodes occurred, how they were discussed and reflected upon, and how they in some instances have led to change of practice. An important point is that reflection on learning episodes should be vi consciously undertaken during the simulation process in order to capture experiences while they are still well remembered by the participants. Otherwise, small, but nevertheless important episodes may easily be forgotten, and hence reduce the learning output. 4) The procedures. The forth dimension of our learning model concerns the procedures followed before, during and after the simulator training. The key to achieve full effect of the simulator training lies in the ability to develop a systematic practice, hence procedures, that secure the capturing and processing of experiences and new insights generated through the simulator process in ways that may lead to new, institutionalized practice. Currently, learning episodes highlighted at debrief sessions seem not to be sufficiently concluded upon, and follow up is not accounted for in too many instances. Therefore, learning opportunities are lost. This may be handled by introducing explicit routines or procedures, and emphasized by facilitators and mentors during the simulating process

    Monitoring the flow of Atlantic water through the Faroe-Shetland Channel

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    This report presents results from an experiment, carried out in 2011-2012 within the EU-THOR project to investigate whether future monitoring of the Atlantic water transport through the Faroe-Shetland Channel might be more efficiently achieved on another section than the traditional Munken-Fair Isle section. The new section is less affected by meso-scale activity and narrower, allowing better horizontal resolution of the mooring array, but the experiment revealed that moving to the new section involved other drawbacks. The experiment also confirmed an earlier conjecture that data from satellite altimetry might provide better estimates of transport variations than estimates based on in situ measurements, solely. Previous efforts to determine the average volume transport of Atlantic water through the channel and its variations have been hampered by lack of information on the thickness variations of the Atlantic layer. Re-evaluating the historical data set, we find that the transport estimates are not significantly affected by assuming that the lower boundary of the Atlantic layer is fixed, equal to the average 5°C-isotherm. Based on the conclusions of this report, we recommend that future in situ monitoring in the channel is re-focused

    Ikke en av gutta! : et mangfoldsperspektiv på inkludering av kvinner i Forsvaret

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    Denne rapporten argumenterer for at hovedårsaken til at kvinner forlater Forsvaret er dels å finne i en uforutsigbar personalpolitikk og dels i et opplevd gap mellom Forsvarets uttrykte verdier og praksis. Et hovedfunn er at kvinner på tvers av karriere- og livsfaser oppgir muligheter for læring og utvikling som hovedårsak til at de velger å bli i Forsvaret. Rapporten bygger på telefonintervjuer med 27 kvinner i ulike aldre som har sluttet i Forsvaret. På bakgrunn av materialet utvikler rapporten en modell som viser hvordan ulike utstøtningsfaktorer påvirker kvinnenes valg om å stå eller å gå i ulike livs- og karrierefaser. Rapporten argumenterer for behovet å utvikle større kompetanse og forståelse for mangfold blant forsvarets medarbeidere

    Seasonal dynamics of the marine CO2 system in Adventfjorden, a West Spitsbergen fjord

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    Time series of the marine CO2 system and related parameters at the IsA Station, by Adventfjorden, Svalbard, were investigated between March 2015 and November 2017. The physical and biogeochemical processes that govern changes in total alkalinity (TA), total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and the saturation state of the calcium carbonate mineral aragonite (ΩAr) were assessed on a monthly timescale. The major driver for TA and DIC was changes in salinity, caused by river runoff, mixing and advection. This accounted for 77 and 45%, respectively, of the overall variability. It contributed minimally to the variability in ΩAr (5%); instead, biological activity was responsible for 60% of the monthly variations. For DIC, the biological activity was also important, contributing 44%. The monthly effect of air–sea CO2 fluxes accounted for 11 and 15% of the total changes in DIC and ΩAr, respectively. Net community production (NCP) during the productive season ranged between 65 and 85 g C m−2, depending on the year and the presence of either Arctic water or transformed Atlantic water (TAW). The annual NCP as estimated from DIC consumption was 34 g C m−2 yr−1 in 2016, which was opposite in direction but similar in magnitude to the integrated annual air–sea CO2 flux (i.e., uptake of carbon from the atmosphere) of −29 g C m−2 yr−1 for the same year. The results showed that increased intrusions of TAW into Adventfjorden in the future could possibly lower the NCP, with the potential to reduce the CO2buffer capacity and ΩAr over the summer season.publishedVersio

    When a year is not enough: Further study of the seasonality of planktonic protist communities structure in an ice-free high arctic fjord (adventfjorden, west spitsbergen)

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    As a contribution to understanding the ecological framework of protistan seasonal succession patterns, we present the weekly-to-monthly (January–October) light microscopy-based study of nano- and microplanktonic protist communities of Adventfjorden waters in 2013. In general, protist dynamics corresponded to the classic paradigm for the Arctic ice-free waters with extremely low abundance and diversity in winter, with the main abundance and chlorophyll-a peak in April-May, followed by a diverse but low abundant community during summer/autumn. However, the reference of the obtained data to the previously conducted year-round research in 2012 allows us to observe substantial variability in seasonal patterns between the two consecutive years. The most striking difference concerned the spring bloom composition and abundance, with clear domination of Phaeocystis pouchetii in Atlantified fjord waters in 2012 and Bacillariophyceae-dominated (mainly Fragilariopsis, Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii, and, in a lesser extent, also Pseudo-nitzschia seriata) bloom in 2013 when local water prevailed. On the other hand, a surprisingly high share of spring bloom taxa persisted throughout the summer/autumn of 2013 when they co-occurred with typical summer taxa (dinoflagellates and other small flagellates). Their extended growth could, at least in part, result from scarce Ciliophora throughout the season, which, in turn, can be attributed to the high grazing pressure of very numerous meroplankton and mesozooplankton. In light of this, our results may be relevant in discussions proposed for the West Spitsbergen waters link between the Atlantic water inflow and the spring bloom composition, as well as its further progression in the productive season. They also highlight the strong need for further high-resolution monitoring of annual plankton cycles and great caution when looking for phenological patterns within a single year or when interpreting short-term data

    Matrix metalloproteinase-9 mediated shedding of syndecan-4 in glomerular endothelial cells

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    Background - Diabetic nephropathy is the most common cause of end‐stage renal failure in the western world and Asia. The mechanisms are not fully elucidated, but disruption of glomerular endothelial glycocalyx and shedding of its components including syndecans has been implicated. Aims - We hypothesize that reduced glomerular filtration in diabetes is caused by disruption of endothelial glycocalyx in glomeruli, including increased shedding of syndecan‐4. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of experimental diabetic conditions by means of hyperglycemia and IL‐1β exposure on syndecan‐4 shedding in GEnC, and to investigate regulation of shedding by sheddases. Results - We found that in GEnC the expression of syndecan‐4 is higher than that of the other syndecans. In polarized GEnC, apical shedding of syndecan‐4 and syndecan‐4 gene expression was increased by 60% after IL‐1β‐stimulation, but not affected by hyperglycemic conditions. This was accompanied by a 50% increase in MMP9 gene expression in IL‐1β‐stimulated cells but not hyperglycemia. MMP9 knockdown reduced syndecan‐4 shedding by 50%. Conclusion - IL‐1β but not hyperglycemia increases the shedding of syndecan‐4 from GEnC in an MMP9‐dependent manner. This provides a potential mechanism of GEnC damage in diabetes and other inflammatory conditions

    Matrix metalloproteinase-9 mediated shedding of syndecan-4 in glomerular endothelial cells

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    Background - Diabetic nephropathy is the most common cause of end‐stage renal failure in the western world and Asia. The mechanisms are not fully elucidated, but disruption of glomerular endothelial glycocalyx and shedding of its components including syndecans has been implicated. Aims - We hypothesize that reduced glomerular filtration in diabetes is caused by disruption of endothelial glycocalyx in glomeruli, including increased shedding of syndecan‐4. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of experimental diabetic conditions by means of hyperglycemia and IL‐1β exposure on syndecan‐4 shedding in GEnC, and to investigate regulation of shedding by sheddases. Results - We found that in GEnC the expression of syndecan‐4 is higher than that of the other syndecans. In polarized GEnC, apical shedding of syndecan‐4 and syndecan‐4 gene expression was increased by 60% after IL‐1β‐stimulation, but not affected by hyperglycemic conditions. This was accompanied by a 50% increase in MMP9 gene expression in IL‐1β‐stimulated cells but not hyperglycemia. MMP9 knockdown reduced syndecan‐4 shedding by 50%. Conclusion - IL‐1β but not hyperglycemia increases the shedding of syndecan‐4 from GEnC in an MMP9‐dependent manner. This provides a potential mechanism of GEnC damage in diabetes and other inflammatory conditions

    Modelling Silicate - Nitrate - Ammonium Co-Limitation of Algal Growth and the Importance of Bacterial Remineralisation Based on an Experimental Arctic Coastal Spring Bloom Culture Study

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    Arctic coastal ecosystems are rapidly changing due to climate warming, which makes modelling their productivity crucially important to better understand future changes. System primary production in these systems is highest during the pronounced spring bloom, typically dominated by diatoms. Eventually the spring blooms terminate due to silicon or nitrogen limitation. Bacteria can play an important role for extending bloom duration and total CO2 fixation through ammonium regeneration. Current ecosystem models often simplify the effects of nutrient co-limitations on algal physiology and cellular ratios and neglect bacterial driven regeneration, leading to an underestimation of primary production. Detailed biochemistry- and cell-based models can represent these dynamics but are difficult to tune in the environment. We performed a cultivation experiment that showed typical spring bloom dynamics, such as extended algal growth via bacteria ammonium remineralisation, and reduced algal growth and inhibited chlorophyll synthesis under silicate limitation, and gradually reduced nitrogen assimilation and chlorophyll synthesis under nitrogen limitation. We developed a simplified dynamic model to represent these processes. The model also highlights the importance of organic matter excretion, and post bloom ammonium accumulation. Overall, model complexity is comparable to other ecosystem models used in the Arctic while improving the representation of nutrient co-limitation related processes. Such model enhancements that now incorporate increased nutrient inputs and higher mineralization rates in a warmer climate will improve future predictions in this vulnerable system