193 research outputs found

    Lernen an der Praxis. Einblick in das Kooperationsprojekt «Selbstlernarchitekturen für die Primarstufe» der PH FHNW in Kooperation mit Praxislehrpersonen

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    In einem seit 2013 laufenden Kooperationsprojekt an der Pädagogischen Hochschule der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz entwickeln Primarlehrpersonen, Dozierende des Instituts Primarstufe und Studierende massgeschneiderte Lernumgebungen für einzelne Projektklassen. Die einzelnen Lernumgebungen werden jeweils im Rahmen einer jährlich wiederkehrenden Lehrveranstaltung vorbereitet, umgesetzt und reflexiv begleitet. Die theoretische Basis der Entwicklungsarbeit bilden das Konzept der Selbstlernarchitekturen mit Lernberatung als konstitutivem Element, Fachwissen und fachdidaktische Prinzipien des Primarschulfaches «Natur, Mensch, Gesellschaft» (Sachunterricht) sowie entsprechende Kompetenzen aus dem Lehrplan 21.In a project that was launched in 2013 at the School of Education of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, primary teachers cooperate with lecturers and students from the School’s institute for primary education in order to develop tailor-made learning environments for participating school classes. These learning environments are designed, realized and reflected on in an annually recurring one-semester module. The theoretical basis of the development activities is the concept of self-learning architectures with learning guidance as a constitutive element, together with content knowledge, the specific pedagogy pertaining to the primary-level subject «Nature-Humankind-Society» (covering general knowledge), and the relevant competences of «Curriculum 21»

    Ruhestand in der Schweiz: Eine Herausforderung für Integration und Sprache : Forschungsbericht

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    Die vorliegende Studie beschäftigt sich mit der Rolle von Kommunikation und Sprache in der Lebensgestaltung von ehemaligen "Gastarbeitenden" aus Italien, die ihren Ruhestand in der Deutschschweiz verbringen. Ausgehend von den Ergebnissen werden Empfehlungen für anschlussfähige und zielgruppenspezifische Angebote zur Sprachförderung formuliert. Die Studie basiert auf Interviews und teilnehmender Beobachtung und nimmt ihren Ausgangspunkt in der subjektiven Perspektive der Zielpersonen. In den drei für ihre Lebensgestaltung zentralen Felder der Kommunikation, nämlich der Familie, den ausserfamiliären sozialen Beziehungen und den formellen Kontakten mit der Aufnahmegesellschaft, werden Sets von Strategien aufgezeigt, mit Hilfe derer die älteren MigrantInnen unterschiedlichste Kommunikationssituationen bewältigen. Zugleich wird aber auch sichtbar, wie Sprache für die MigrantInnen beim Eingehen von Beziehungen, bei der Wahl von Aktivitäten und dem Zugang zu gesellschaftlichen Ressourcen einschränkend und selektionierend wirken kann. Die Ergebnisse zeichnen ein doppeltes Bild: Die älteren ItalienerInnen schätzen ihre kommunikativen Kompetenzen durchaus positiv ein, sehen sich aber im Kontakt mit der Aufnahmegesellschaft, welche Zugehörigkeit tendenziell und zunehmend über korrekte Sprachkenntnisse definiert, mit dem Vorwurf mangelnder Sprachkenntnisse konfrontiert. Sie fühlen sich dadurch als unzureichend und nicht gleichwertig zugehörig beurteilt. Das Vorbeugen dieser negativen sozialen Evaluation führt zu einer defensiven Kommunikationspraxis, die sich unter anderem im Vermeiden der deutschen Sprache äussert. Diese Entwicklungen kontrastiert mit den Wünschen der älteren MigrantInnen nach vermehrten und vertieften Sozialkontakten mit der schweizerischen Nachbarschaft, mit ihrem Bedürfnis nach einer selbstverständlicheren Teilnahme im lokalen Umfeld und nach sozialer Akzeptanz und Anerkennung durch die Schweizer Gesellschaft. Trotz dieser Wünsche zeichnet sich im Ruhestand eine zunehmende Isolation von der Aufnahmegesellschaft ab. Eine Förderung der Sprachkenntnisse ist von einem Grossteil der befragten älteren MigrantInnen gerade in Anbetracht der neuen Spielräume im Ruhestand durchaus erwünscht. Die Sprache soll in der unmittelbaren Anwendung, das heisst in der Teilnahme an Aktivitäten oder dem Erlernen neuer Fertigkeiten, und im sozialen Kontext geübt werden. Die Pflege und Flexibilisierung der Mundart sowie die Stärkung des Vertrauens in die eigenen kommunikativen Fähigkeiten stehen dabei im Vordergrund

    Industrialization of Polymer Solar Cells – phase 1

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    Public Health Impact of Reemergence of Rabies, New York

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    This report summarizes the spread of a raccoon rabies epizootic into New York in the 1990s, the species of animals affected, and human postexposure treatments (PET). A total of 57,008 specimens were submitted to the state laboratory from 1993 to 1998; 8,858 (16%) animals were confirmed rabid, with raccoons the most common species (75%). After exposure to 11,769 animals, 18,238 (45%) persons received PET, mostly because of contact with saliva or nervous tissue. We analyzed expenditure reports to estimate the cost of rabies prevention activities. An estimated $13.9 million was spent in New York State to prevent rabies from 1993 to 1998. Traditional prevention methods such as vaccinating pets, avoiding wildlife, and verifying an animal’s rabies status must be continued to reduce costly PET. To reduce rabid animals, exposures, and costs, oral vaccination of wildlife should also be considered

    Effects of the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist liraglutide in juvenile transgenic pigs modeling a pre-diabetic condition

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    Background: The glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP1R) agonist liraglutide improves glycemic control and reduces body weight of adult type 2 diabetic patients. However, efficacy and safety of liraglutide in adolescents has not been systematically investigated. Furthermore, possible pro-proliferative effects of GLP1R agonists on the endocrine and exocrine pancreas need to be further evaluated. We studied effects of liraglutide in adolescent pigs expressing a dominant-negative glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide receptor (GIPRdn) in the beta-cells, leading to a pre-diabetic condition including disturbed glucose tolerance, reduced insulin secretion and progressive reduction of functional beta-cell mass. Methods: Two-month-old GIPRdn transgenic pigs were treated daily with liraglutide (0.6-1.2 mg per day) or placebo for 90 days. Glucose homeostasis was evaluated prior to and at the end of the treatment period by performing mixed meal and intravenous glucose tolerance tests (MMGTT and IVGTT). Finally animals were subjected to necropsy and quantitative-stereological analyses were performed for evaluation of alpha-and beta-cell mass, beta-cell proliferation as well as acinus-cell proliferation. Results: MMGTT at the end of the study revealed 23% smaller area under the curve (AUC) for glucose, a 36% smaller AUC insulin, and improved insulin sensitivity, while IVGTT showed a 15% smaller AUC glucose but unchanged AUC insulin in liraglutide-vs. placebo-treated animals. Liraglutide led to marked reductions in body weight gain (-31%) and food intake (-30%) compared to placebo treatment, associated with reduced phosphorylation of insulin receptor beta (INSRB)/insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor beta (IGF1RB) and protein kinase B (AKT) in skeletal muscle. Absolute alpha-and beta-cell mass was reduced in liraglutide-treated animals, but alpha-and beta-cell mass-to-body weight ratios were unchanged. Liraglutide neither stimulated beta-cell proliferation in the endocrine pancreas nor acinus-cell proliferation in the exocrine pancreas, excluding both beneficial and detrimental effects on the pig pancreas. Conclusions: Although plasma liraglutide levels of adolescent transgenic pigs treated in our study were higher compared to human trials, pro-proliferative effects on the endocrine or exocrine pancreas or other liraglutide-related side-effects were not observed

    A non-controlled, single arm, open label, phase II study of intravenous and intratumoral administration of ParvOryx in patients with metastatic, inoperable pancreatic cancer: ParvOryx02 protocol

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    Background: Metastatic pancreatic cancer has a dismal prognosis, with a mean six-month progression-free survival of approximately 50% and a median survival of about 11 months. Despite intensive research, only slight improvements of clinical outcome could be achieved over the last decades. Hence, new and innovative therapeutic strategies are urgently required. ParvOryx is a drug product containing native parvovirus H-1 (H-1PV). Since H-1PV was shown to exert pronounced anti-neoplastic effects in pre-clinical models of pancreatic cancer, the drug appears to be a promising candidate for treatment of this malignancy. Methods: ParvOryx02 is a non-controlled, single arm, open label, dose-escalating, single center trial. In total seven patients with pancreatic cancer showing at least one hepatic metastasis are to be treated with escalating doses of ParvOryx according to the following schedule: i) 40% of the total dose infused intravenously in equal fractions on four consecutive days, ii) 60% of the total dose injected on a single occasion directly into the hepatic metastasis at varying intervals after intravenous infusions. The main eligibility criteria are: age ≥ 18 years, disease progression despite first-line chemotherapy, and at least one hepatic metastasis. Since it is the second trial within the drug development program, the study primarily explores safety and tolerability after further dose escalation of ParvOryx. The secondary objectives are related to the evaluation of certain aspects of anti-tumor activity and clinical efficacy of the drug. Discussion: This trial strongly contributes to the clinical development program of ParvOryx. The individual hazards for patients included in the current study and the environmental risks are addressed and counteracted adequately. Besides information on safety and tolerability of the treatment after further dose escalation, thorough evaluations of pharmacokinetics and intratumoral spread as well as proof-of-concept (PoC) in pancreatic cancer will be gained in the course of the trial. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov-ID: NCT02653313, Registration date: Dec. 4th, 2015

    The power of names: radical identities in the Reformation Era

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    Book synopsis: This volume of essays explores the themes of radicalism and dissent within Protestantism. The comparisons highlight the contingent nature of particular settlements and narratives, and reveal the extent to which the definition of religious radicalism was dependent upon immediate context and show that radicalism and dissent were truly transnational phenomena. The historiography of the so-called radical reformation has been unduly shaped by the hostile categories imposed by mainstream or magisterial reformers during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This volume argues that scholars should adopt an open-ended understanding of evangelical reform, and recognize that the boundaries between radicalism and its opposite were not always firmly drawn. The distinction between the two is an inheritance of the Lutheran Reformation of the 1520s, which shaped not only the later course of the Reformation in the Holy Roman Empire but also attitudes towards and writings on religious dissent in the Netherlands and England. Radical critique is immanent within mainstream Protestantism, in a faith that emphasizes the power of the gospel with its unrelenting demands