97 research outputs found


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    The insurance companies use many different models especially when they look for the optimal solutions of problems in pricing and development of product, complete risk profile of the company, risk quantification, cession of risks, capital adequacy, the location of assets, administration and management of capital and in many other areas. The big world-wide insurance companies invest huge amounts to development of models focused on right pricing insured risks and also risks which are very difficult quantified and non-insurable nowadays, but probably they will influence the insurance and reinsurance market markedly in future. Mentioned risks are risk of global ecological disasters, risk of global climatic conditions, energetic risks, risk of information and communication technologies, etc. The climatic changes bring new and statistic uncharted risks. The insurance companies have to give up reliance only upon risks models strictly based on historical data. The models are simplified images of complicated real systems and modeling is often sole instrument for their understanding. The key to successful modeling is also accession to right information. The insurance companies have to develop database of information and also technologies for specialists responsible for decision making. The problem is not sufficient data of loss experience in some countries. The modeling, if it should be exact, has to work with sufficient data. Because of decrease of costs connected to records archive and database making, it will be not problems in future


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    The insurance companies use many different models especially when they look for the optimal solutions of problems in pricing and development of product, complete risk profile of the company, risk quantification, cession of risks, capital adequacy, the location of assets, administration and management of capital and in many other areas. The big world-wide insurance companies invest huge amounts to development of models focused on right pricing insured risks and also risks which are very difficult quantified and non-insurable nowadays, but probably they will influence the insurance and reinsurance market markedly in future. Mentioned risks are risk of global ecological disasters, risk of global climatic conditions, energetic risks, risk of information and communication technologies, etc. The climatic changes bring new and statistic uncharted risks. The insurance companies have to give up reliance only upon risks models strictly based on historical data. The models are simplified images of complicated real systems and modeling is often sole instrument for their understanding. The key to successful modeling is also accession to right information. The insurance companies have to develop database of information and also technologies for specialists responsible for decision making. The problem is not sufficient data of loss experience in some countries. The modeling, if it should be exact, has to work with sufficient data. Because of decrease of costs connected to records archive and database making, it will be not problems in future

    Business Travels and Cold War mobilities

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    The article focuses on business travels and introduces a special issue on Business trips and Cold War mobilities. It underlines the relevance of the topic for both the new field of mobility history and the history of mobility under communist regimes during the Cold War

    Intro to Jewish American Literature

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    O enigma da Endometriose

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    A endometriose é uma doença essencialmente benigna, acomete as mulheres em idade reprodutiva e está associada à atividade ovariana, mas precisamente à presença de endométrio em locais fora do útero. Endométrio é a camada interna do útero que é renovada mensalmente pela menstruação. A este tecido funcional fora de seu local natural de ocorrência dá-se o nome de tecido ectópico. Estima-se que 6 a 7 % das mulheres tenham endometriose. O principal sintoma da endometriose é a dor, às vezes muito forte, na época da menstruação. Dores para ter relações sexuais também são comuns. Mas muitas mulheres que tem endometriose não sentem nada. Apenas tem dificuldade em engravidar. Por outro lado ter endometriose não é sinônimo de infertilidade pois muitas mulheres com endometriose engravidam normalmente. Há diversas teorias que tentam explicar as causas da endometriose. Há evidências que sugerem ser uma doença genética enquanto outras sugerem ser uma doença do sistema de defesa. A verdade é que a endometriose é uma doença enigmática. O diagnóstico de suspeita da endometriose é feito através da história clínica, ultra-som endovaginal na época da menstruação, exame ginecológico, e alguns exames de laboratório. A certeza, porém, só pode ser dada através do exame anatomopatológico da lesão, ou biópsia. Esta pode ser feita através de cirurgia, laparotomia, ou, preferível, laparoscopia. Atualmente não há cura para a endometriose, no entanto, devido ao aumento do conhecimento sobre esta doença, a dor e os sintomas podem ser diminuídos, pois o fundamental é melhorar o máximo a vida da portadora de endometriose. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer dele uma fonte de divulgação sobre tal doença, levando aos médicos e as mulheres que sofrem dessa enfermidade mais informações, que possam ajudar no sentido de melhorar a vida das pacientes

    Initial growth of aroeira of sertão (Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão) in different substrates

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    Este trabalho buscou avaliar o crescimento de Myracrodruon urundeuvaAllemão produzida em substratos preparados com lodo de esgoto, composto orgânico e esterco bovino. O trabalho foi conduzido em casa de vegetação por 120 dias no Viveiro do Centro de Referência em Conservação da Natureza e Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas – CRAD, Brasília-DF. Foram testados quatro tipos de adubos: (1) Osmocote®; (2) esterco bovino; (3) composto orgânico; e (4) lodo de esgoto seco. Cada adubo foi submetido a três composições diferentes: (1) 25%, (2) 50% e (3) 75%, com exceção da testemunha e do Osmocote®, totalizando 11 tratamentos com 10 repetições cada. As variáveis analisadas foram: Diâmetro do Coleto (DC), Altura da Muda (H), Número de Folhas (NF), Matéria Fresca de Parte Aérea (MFPA), Matéria Seca de Parte Aérea (MSPA), Matéria Fresca de Raiz (MFR), Matéria Seca de Raiz (MSR) e Índice de Qualidade de Dickson (IQD). As médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Os resultados indicaram interação significativa entre os tratamentos. As maiores médias foram obtidas nos tratamentos com esterco bovino, seguidas do tratamento com composto. As plantas produzidas apenas com Osmocote® e com lodo de esgoto morreram. O resultado apontou a importância de incorporar matéria orgânica ao substrato para produção de mudas de M. urundeuva e o composto orgânico na proporção de 25% equivale ao esterco bovino na proporção de 25, 50 e 75%.This study aimed to evaluate the growth of M. urundeuva Allemão produced on substrates prepared with sewage sludge, organic compost and cattle manure. The experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions during 120 days in the Nursery Reference Center for Nature Conservation and Recovery of Degraded Areas - CRAD, Brasília-DF. Four types of fertilizers were tested: (1) Osmocote®, (2) cattle manure, (3) organic compost and (4) dried sewage sludge. Each fertilizer was subjected to three different compositions: (1) 25%, (2) 50% and (3) 75 %, except for control and Osmocote®, totaling eleven treatments with ten replicates each. The variables analyzed were: Root collar diameter (RCD); Seedling height (H), Number of leaves (NL); Fresh Matter of shoot (FMAP); Dried Matter of shoot (DMAP); Fresh Matter of Root (FMR), Dried Matter of Root (DMR); Dickson Quality Index (DQI). The averages were compared by Tukey test at 5 % probability. The results indicated a significant interaction between treatments. The highest averages were obtained from treatments with cattle manure, followed by treatment with organic compost. The plants produced only with Osmocote® and sewage sludge died. The study pointed out the importance of incorporating organic matter in the substrate for growing seedlings of M. urundeuva and the organic compost in a proportion of 25% is equivalent to the cattle manure in the proportion of 25, 50 and 75%

    Jews in Film and Fiction

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    Study of the risk-adjusted pricing methodology model with methods of Geometrical Analysis

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    Families of exact solutions are found to a nonlinear modification of the Black-Scholes equation. This risk-adjusted pricing methodology model (RAPM) incorporates both transaction costs and the risk from a volatile portfolio. Using the Lie group analysis we obtain the Lie algebra admitted by the RAPM equation. It gives us the possibility to describe an optimal system of subalgebras and correspondingly the set of invariant solutions to the model. In this way we can describe the complete set of possible reductions of the nonlinear RAPM model. Reductions are given in the form of different second order ordinary differential equations. In all cases we provide solutions to these equations in an exact or parametric form. We discuss the properties of these reductions and the corresponding invariant solutions.Comment: larger version with exact solutions, corrected typos, 13 pages, Symposium on Optimal Stopping in Abo/Turku 200

    Does Immunotherapy of Viral Warts Provide Beneficial Effects When It Is Combined with Conventional Therapy?

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    Background: Cryotherapy has been accepted as the mainstay in treating periunugal and palmoplantar warts. The major drawback of cryotherapy is the requirement of several unbearably painful treatment sessions. Objective: This study aims to assess the efficacy of immunotherapy in viral wart treatment, as an adjunctive method to cryotherapy. Methods: Retrospective chart review was performed on 124 patients visiting the hospital from January to December 2009 for the treatment of periungual and plantar warts. We analyzed the number of cryotherapy sessions necessary for treating warts and assessed the clinical benefits from the addition of other treatment modalities, by adjusting the various confounding factors. Results: Of the 124 investigated patients, immunotherapy with diphenylcyclopropenone (DPCP) was performed in 14 patients (11%), together with cryotherapy. After adjusting the factors related to the therapeutic difficulties of wart, the average number of cryotherapy sessions for the immunotherapy-combined group was significantly lower (3.58±1.25) than that for the cryotherapy only group (5.10±0.44) (p=0.026). However, there were no differences in the number of treatment sessions of cryotherapy when topical 5-FU/salicylic acid agents were added to the treatment. Conclusion: Immunotherapy may be a successful adjuvant to cryotherapy i

    Nonlinear Parabolic Equations arising in Mathematical Finance

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    This survey paper is focused on qualitative and numerical analyses of fully nonlinear partial differential equations of parabolic type arising in financial mathematics. The main purpose is to review various non-linear extensions of the classical Black-Scholes theory for pricing financial instruments, as well as models of stochastic dynamic portfolio optimization leading to the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. After suitable transformations, both problems can be represented by solutions to nonlinear parabolic equations. Qualitative analysis will be focused on issues concerning the existence and uniqueness of solutions. In the numerical part we discuss a stable finite-volume and finite difference schemes for solving fully nonlinear parabolic equations.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1603.0387