13 research outputs found

    Identifying and alleviating shared cache contention : Achieving reliability of real-time tasks on a multi-OS and multi-core system

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    Current architecture trends results in processors being equipped with more cores and larger shared caches. Concurrent applications on multicore processors may interfere with each other when accessing shared resources. This is especially troublesome if deadline-bound real-time tasks are running. A tool illustrating contention was developed. The tool was used to confirm the contention problem and to evaluate the developed solution. This thesis surveyed state-of-the-art approaches concerned with mitigating contention. The approaches can be categorized as requiring modifications to the operating system, requiring modifications to hardware, requiring both or requiring neither. The approaches were also characterized by whether they focused on the source of contention or the contended for resource. An approach involving throttling of individual cores by clock modulation and toggling of hardware prefetchers was developed and tested. The solution was demonstrably effective in reducing contention. Contention effects were not eliminated. Possible further work include improving autonomous detection of contention and accounting for, and illustrating contention effects involving, additional contended for resources

    KodrostningEn genomgang av det norska systemet

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    \Code voting", eller kodrostning, benamner system som mojliggor saker rostning via osakra uppkopplingar och datorer. Hur dessa specikationer uppnas varierar mellan olika implementationer men innefattar alltid nagon form av kryptering. Vanligt forekommande ar ocksa utnyttjandet av en separat saker kanal for distribution av rostningsalternativ och eventuella kvittokoder. Kodrostning kan anvandas i situationer dar man vill underlatta for personen som ska rosta (rostningen kan exempelvis ske genom en PC) samtidigt som man fortfarande vill garantera sekretess och dataintegritet. Systemen kan motivera sin korrekthet genom transparens dar systemarkitekturen ihop med matematiska egenskaper i krypteringen forsakrar att rostningen gar ratt till. Mojliga anvandningsomraden for kodrostning innefattar opinionsundersokningar dar personen skulle kunna meddela sin rost via sin dator istallet for att behova avsloja sitt val for en person via telefon. Kodrostning kan och har aven anvants i riktiga politiska val. Elektronisk rostning anvands vid politiska val i USA [10]. Denna uppsats fokuserar dock pa kodrostning som ska kunna utforas via en hemma-PC. Ett sadant system testades utav Norge i vissa distrikt vid kommunal- och landstingsvalet 2011. I samband med det norska kodrostningssystemets testomgang 2011 publicerades dokument som redovisar hur systemet bor ha implementerats,med protokoll for de viktiga enheterna i systemet. Om inte annat anges baseras information om det norska systemet pa kalla [4]. Hur fungerar det norska systemet, vad baserar det sin sakerhet pa och hur star sig de avvagningar de gjort gentemot alternativa implementationer

    Efficiency of solar panels in Latvian climate

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    Darba mērÄ·is ir noteikt optimālo saules paneļu izvietojuma veidu Latvijas klimatiskajos apstākļos. Pētot divu veidu saules paneļus, kas novietoti piecās dažādās telpiskajās orientācijās Latvijas Universitātes Botāniskā dārza teritorijā, tiek noteikta solāro paneļu efektivitātes atkarÄ«ba no Å”iem parametriem: Saules paneļu tips (JA vai LG); Telpiskā orientācija (R.13, A.13, D.13, D.40, D.90); Gada mēnesis (janvāris - aprÄ«lis); MeteoroloÄ£iskie apstākļi (saules apstarojums). IegÅ«tie monitoringa rezultāti tiek analizēti kontekstā ar saules izstarojuma intensitāti, paneļu potenciālās efektivitātes fizikālo novērtējumu un citu mērÄ«jumu rezultātiem. Rezultāti liecina, ka optimālie parametri ir LG panelis D virziena 40 grādu leņķī. PētÄ«juma datu analÄ«zes rÄ«ks ir pieejams https://github.com/chararchter/solR.The aim of this thesis is to determine optimal solar panel arrangement for the climatic conditions of Latvia. By studying two types of solar panels placed in five different spatial orientations in the University of Latvia Botanical Garden area, the dependency of solar panel efficiency on following variable parameters is established: Type of solar panels (JA or LG); Spatial orientation (W.13, E.13, S.13, S.40, S.90); Month of year (January - April); Meteorological conditions (solar irradiance). The results of the monitoring are analysed in the context of solar irradiance intensity, the physical assessment of the potential efficiency of the panels and the results of other measurements. The results show that the optimal parameters are LG panel at the 40 degree angle of south direction. The study data analysis tool is available in https://github.com/chararchter/solR

    Teamarbeit und der Nutzen der Gruppendynamik fĆ¼r heutige Organisationen

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    3D light sheet fluorescence microscopy of lungs to dissect local host immune - Aspergillus fumigatus interactions

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    This is the final version. Available from American Society for Microbiology via the DOI in this record.Aspergillus fumigatus is an opportunistic fungal pathogen that can cause life-threatening invasive lung infections in immunodeficient patients. The cellular and molecular processes of infection during onset, establishment and progression are highly complex and depend on both fungal attributes and the immune status of the host. Therefore, preclinical animal models are paramount to investigate and gain better insight into the infection process. Yet, despite their extensive use, commonly employed murine models of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis are not well understood due to analytical limitations. Here we present quantitative light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) to describe fungal growth and the local immune response in whole lungs at cellular resolution within its anatomical context. We analyzed three very common murine models of pulmonary aspergillosis based on immunosuppression with corticosteroids, chemotherapy-induced leukopenia or myeloablative irradiation. LSFM uncovered distinct architectures of fungal growth and degrees of tissue invasion in each model. Furthermore, LSFM revealed the spatial distribution, interaction and activation of two key immune cell populations in antifungal defense: alveolar macrophages and polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Interestingly, the patterns of fungal growth correlated with the detected effects of the immunosuppressive regimens on the local immune cell populations. Moreover, LSFM demonstrates that the commonly used intranasal route of spore administration did not result in a complete intra-alveolar deposition, as more than 60% of fungal growth occurred outside of the alveolar space. Hence, LSFM allows for more rigorous characterization than previously used methods of murine models of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and pinpointing their strengths and limitations.German Research Counci