15 research outputs found

    Medialna wielozadaniowość – specyfika konstruktu i ujęcie międzykulturowe

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    Media multitasking: The specificity of the construct and a multicultural contextThe growing importance of the Internet in everyday life, the use of multiple data sources and the necessity of rapid information processing more and more often lead social scientists to attempt to describe and study the phenomenon of media multitasking [Castells, 2007; Rosa, 2013; Ophir, Nass, Wagner, 2009], which constantly generates questions about its cognitive and social consequences as well as the research tools that will allow us to define it. The objective of the article is to review the existing research findings in media multitasking area with a special focus on individual and cross-cultural differences. The presented analysis, including the analysis of the author’s own empirical research conducted using a media multitasking questionnaire, shows significant differences in the simultaneous use of several media between men and women. Age and country of residence also turn out to be important variables. The differences also depend on the type of media processed in a given time

    When frequent media multitaskers perform worse and when they do not : the role of self-regulation ability and strategy manipulation

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    Ophir, Nass and Wagner (2009) showed that as multitasking frequency increases, multitasking performance decreases. Other studies, however, have not replicated this effect (e.g., Minear, Brasher, McCurdy, Lewis & Younggren, 2013). In this paper, we argue that the association between frequent media multitasking and poor multitasking performance depends on self-regulation ability and external factors, such as manipulation of the task execution strategy (sequential vs. free switching). In Study 1, we determined participants’ media multitasking frequency and measured their self-regulation ability. Then, participants performed a multiple media task in which they could freely switch between browser tabs. The results showed that high media multitasking levels were associated with more switches between tabs but only for participants with low (but not high) self-regulation ability. No differences in performance were observed. In Study 2, instead of measuring self-regulation ability, we manipulated task execution strategy (as an external form of regulation). As predicted, media multitasking frequency and performance on multiple tasks (overall score) were negatively related only in the free switching condition and not in the sequential condition. The results elucidate the relationship between media multitasking frequency and multitasking performance by showing its boundary conditions, and they help explain contradictory findings in the media multitasking literature

    Ternary eutectic ezetimibe-simvastatin-fenofibrate system and the physical stability of Its amorphous form

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    In this study, the phase diagram of the ternary system of ezetimibe−simvastatin−fenofibrate was established. It has been proven that the ternary composition recommended for the treatment of mixed hyperlipidemia forms a eutectic system. Since eutectic mixtures are characterized by greater solubility and dissolution rate, the obtained result can explain the marvelous medical effectiveness of combined therapy. Considering that another well-known method for improving the aqueous solubility is amorphization, the ternary system with eutectic concentration was converted into an amorphous form. Thermal properties, molecular dynamics, and physical stability of the obtained amorphous system were thoroughly investigated through various experimental techniques compared to both: neat amorphous active pharmaceutical ingredients (considered separately) and other representative concentrations of ternary mixture. The obtained results open up a new way of selecting the therapeutic concentrations for combined therapies, a path that considers one additional variable: eutecticity

    Inhibition of celecoxib crystallization by mesoporous silica - molecular dynamics studies leading to the discovery of the stabilization origin

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    In this article, the effect of mesoporous silica (MS) on the physical stability and molecular dynamics of the amorphous form of Celecoxib (CEL) is investigated. It has been proven that the recrystallization process of CEL slows down with increasing the MS content. Besides the elongation of stabilization time with the increase silica content leads to an increase in the amorphous drug fraction remaining after the finished crystallization. The conducted analyses show that the observed inhibition of CEL’s recrystallization is associated with the formation of a monomolecular drug layer on the silica’s surface. The performed nonisothermal dielectric studies of CEL + MS systems having both fully and partially amorphous CEL shows that the biggest impact of the drug’s the temperature dependences of structural relaxation time τα(T) has a crystalline fraction of the API. Silica, even in high concentration, does not modify the temperature dependence of structural relaxation of CEL

    How to obtain the maximum properties flexibility of 3d printed ketoprofen tablets using only one drug-loaded filament?

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    The flexibility of dose and dosage forms makes 3D printing a very interesting tool for personalized medicine, with fused deposition modeling being the most promising and intensively developed method. In our research, we analyzed how various types of disintegrants and drug loading in poly(vinyl alcohol)-based filaments affect their mechanical properties and printability. We also assessed the effect of drug dosage and tablet spatial structure on the dissolution profiles. Given that the development of a method that allows the production of dosage forms with different properties from a single drug-loaded filament is desirable, we developed a method of printing ketoprofen tablets with different dose and dissolution profiles from a single feedstock filament. We optimized the filament preparation by hot-melt extrusion and characterized them. Then, we printed single, bi-, and tri-layer tablets varying with dose, infill density, internal structure, and composition. We analyzed the reproducibility of a spatial structure, phase, and degree of molecular order of ketoprofen in the tablets, and the dissolution profiles. We have printed tablets with immediateand sustained-release characteristics using one drug-loaded filament, which demonstrates that a single filament can serve as a versatile source for the manufacturing of tablets exhibiting various release characteristics

    Living in your own rhythm: a sociological study of slow life in an era of social acceleration

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    Praca sfinansowana ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki w ramach grantu nr 2014/13/N/HS6/02686Głównym celem dysertacji jest analiza zjawiska slow life w kontekście posiadania podmiotowej sprawczości w obliczu zachodzących przemian temporalnych. W świetle zaprezentowanych w pracy wyników slow life nie jest wyrazem protestu wobec przyspieszenia w ogóle, lecz jest przejawem emancypacji wobec odgórnie narzuconego imperatywu akceleracyjnego, który odbiera jednostkom sprawczość nad czasem. Spowolnienie można zatem widzieć jako jedną ze strategii mających na celu odzyskanie kontroli nad własnym życiem oraz własną tożsamością, a także jako narzędzie „wzbogacania” czasu codziennego. W pierwszym z pięciu rozdziałów, który stanowi przegląd socjologicznych ujęć przyspieszenia, omówione są podstawowe mechanizmy, źródła, konsekwencje procesów akceleracyjnych, jak też strategie adaptacji jednostki do przemian w obszarze czasowości. Treścią rozdziału drugiego jest charakterystyka rozmaitych przejawów funkcjonowania paradygmatu spowolnienia, dokonana między innymi na podstawie analizy książek czy polskich stron internetowych poświęconych slow life. Rozdział trzeci, będący prezentacją najważniejszych aspektów metodologicznych projektu badawczego, stanowi wprowadzenie do kolejnej, empirycznej części pracy. W rozdziale czwartym zostaje poddana analizie narracja uczestników badań na temat przyspieszenia, wskazująca na cztery główne akceleratory takie jak gospodarka, praca, technologia czy konsumpcja oraz identyfikująca schemat funkcjonowania reguły akceleracyjnej. Piąty, ostatni rozdział przedstawia sześć aspektów temporalnego bogactwa przedstawicieli nurtu slow life.The main purpose of the dissertation is to analyse the slow life phenomenon in terms of having sense of agency in the face of the ongoing temporal changes. In light of the results presented in the thesis, slow life is not a general protest against acceleration, but it is a manifestation of emancipation against the imposed imperative of acceleration, which deprives individuals’ agency over time. Therefore the slowdown can be seen as one of the strategies to regain control over individuals’ lives and their own identity, as well as a tool to "enrich" everyday life. In the first of the five chapters, which provides an overview of sociological acceleration approaches, the basic mechanisms, causes, consequences of acceleration processes as well as strategies for adapting the individual to changes in the temporal areas are discussed. The second chapter describes miscellaneous manifestations of the slow life paradigm, identified through the analysis of books or Polish websites devoted to slowdown. The third chapter, presenting the most important methodological aspects of the research project, is an introduction to the next empirical part of the dissertation. Chapter four analyses the narration of research participants on acceleration, indicating four major accelerators such as economy, work, technology or consumption, and identifying the scheme of the acceleration rule. The last, fifth chapter presents six aspects of Polish slow lifers’ wealth in time

    Living in your own rhythm: a sociological study of slow life in an era of social acceleration

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    Praca sfinansowana ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki w ramach grantu nr 2014/13/N/HS6/02686Głównym celem dysertacji jest analiza zjawiska slow life w kontekście posiadania podmiotowej sprawczości w obliczu zachodzących przemian temporalnych. W świetle zaprezentowanych w pracy wyników slow life nie jest wyrazem protestu wobec przyspieszenia w ogóle, lecz jest przejawem emancypacji wobec odgórnie narzuconego imperatywu akceleracyjnego, który odbiera jednostkom sprawczość nad czasem. Spowolnienie można zatem widzieć jako jedną ze strategii mających na celu odzyskanie kontroli nad własnym życiem oraz własną tożsamością, a także jako narzędzie „wzbogacania” czasu codziennego. W pierwszym z pięciu rozdziałów, który stanowi przegląd socjologicznych ujęć przyspieszenia, omówione są podstawowe mechanizmy, źródła, konsekwencje procesów akceleracyjnych, jak też strategie adaptacji jednostki do przemian w obszarze czasowości. Treścią rozdziału drugiego jest charakterystyka rozmaitych przejawów funkcjonowania paradygmatu spowolnienia, dokonana między innymi na podstawie analizy książek czy polskich stron internetowych poświęconych slow life. Rozdział trzeci, będący prezentacją najważniejszych aspektów metodologicznych projektu badawczego, stanowi wprowadzenie do kolejnej, empirycznej części pracy. W rozdziale czwartym zostaje poddana analizie narracja uczestników badań na temat przyspieszenia, wskazująca na cztery główne akceleratory takie jak gospodarka, praca, technologia czy konsumpcja oraz identyfikująca schemat funkcjonowania reguły akceleracyjnej. Piąty, ostatni rozdział przedstawia sześć aspektów temporalnego bogactwa przedstawicieli nurtu slow life.The main purpose of the dissertation is to analyse the slow life phenomenon in terms of having sense of agency in the face of the ongoing temporal changes. In light of the results presented in the thesis, slow life is not a general protest against acceleration, but it is a manifestation of emancipation against the imposed imperative of acceleration, which deprives individuals’ agency over time. Therefore the slowdown can be seen as one of the strategies to regain control over individuals’ lives and their own identity, as well as a tool to "enrich" everyday life. In the first of the five chapters, which provides an overview of sociological acceleration approaches, the basic mechanisms, causes, consequences of acceleration processes as well as strategies for adapting the individual to changes in the temporal areas are discussed. The second chapter describes miscellaneous manifestations of the slow life paradigm, identified through the analysis of books or Polish websites devoted to slowdown. The third chapter, presenting the most important methodological aspects of the research project, is an introduction to the next empirical part of the dissertation. Chapter four analyses the narration of research participants on acceleration, indicating four major accelerators such as economy, work, technology or consumption, and identifying the scheme of the acceleration rule. The last, fifth chapter presents six aspects of Polish slow lifers’ wealth in time

    Employee = player? : gamification in the context of the modern employee motivators

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    The objective of this article is to present gamification as a tool increasing the involvement of employees, in the context of internal and external motivation mechanisms and the generation Y needs. This article includes examples of applications, using gamification elements