37 research outputs found

    Parasit-Wirtsbeziehungen zwischen Varroa destructor Anderson und Trueman und Apis mellifera L.

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    Life of Varroa destructor, Anderson and Trueman, an ectoparasitic mite of honeybees, is divided into a reproductive phase in the bee brood and a phoretic phase during which the mite is attached to the adult bee. Phoretic mites leave the colony with workers involved in foraging tasks. Little information is available on the mortality of mites outside the colony. Mites may or not return to the colony as a result of death of the infested foragers, host change by drifting of foragers, or removal of mites outside the colony. That mites do not return to the colony was indicated by substantially higher infestation of outflying workers compared to the infestation of returning workers (Kutschker, 1999). The main objective of the study was to provide information whether V. destructor influences flight behaviour of foragers and consequently returning frequency of foragers to the colony. I first repeated the experiment of Kutschker (1999) examining the infestation of outflying and returning workers. Further, I registered flight duration of foragers using a video method. In this experiment I compared also the infestation and flight duration of bees of different genetic origin, Carnica from Oberursel and bees from Primorsky region. I investigated returning time of workers, returning frequency until evening, drifting to other colonies and orientation toward the nest entrance in the experiments in which workers were released in close vicinity of the colony. At last, I measured the loss of foragers in relation to colony infestation using a Bee Scan. Results from this study, listed below, showed considerable influence of V. destructor on flight behavior of foragers translating into loss of mites. Loss of mites with foragers add substantial component to mite mortality and was underestimated in previous studies. Such loss might be viewed as a mechanism of resistance against V. destructor. a) The mean infestation of outflying workers (0.019±0.018) was twice as the mean infestation of returning workers (0.009±0.018). The difference in the infestation between outflying and returning workers was more marked in highly infested colonies. b) Investigation of individually tagged workers by use of a two camera video recording device showed significantly higher infestation of outflying workers compared to returning workers. Mites were lost by the non returning of infested foragers (22%) and by loss of mites from foragers that returned to the colony without the mite (20%). A small portion of mites (1.8%) was gained. Loss of mites significantly exceeded mite gain. c) The flight duration of infested workers determined by using the same two camera video system was significantly higher in infested compared to uninfested workers of the same age that flew closest at time. The median flight duration of infested workers was 1.7 higher (214s) than the median duration of unifested workers (128s). d) Infested workers took 2.3 times longer to return to the colony than uninfested workers of the same age when released from the same locations, closest at time. The returning time increased with the distance of release. In a group of bees released simultaneously the infestation was higher in bees returning later and in those that did not return in the observation period of 15 min. e) Released workers did not return to the colony 1.5 more frequently than uninfested workers in evening. The difference in returning was significant for locations of 20 and 50m from the colony. No difference in returning between infested and uninfested workers were observed for the most distant location of 400m. f) No significant difference was found in returning time and/or in the returning frequency until evening between workers artificially infested overnight and naturally infested workers. Artificially infested workers returned later and less frequently than a control group indicating rapid influence of V. destructor on flight behavior of foragers. g) The orientation ability of infested workers toward the nest entrance was impaired. Infested workers compared to uninfested workers twice as often approached a dummy entrance before finding the nest entrance. h) No significant differences were found in drifting between infested and uninfested workers. Drifting in the neighboring nucleus colony occurred in about 1% occasions after release of marked workers. Similarly, more infested, but not significantly more infested workers (2.6%) entered a different colored hive than the same colored hive (1.9%). However, the number of drifting bees were to low to make results conclusive. i) The comparison between Carnica and Primorsky workers revealed higher infestation in Carnica compared to Primorsky. Further, Primorsky workers lost more mites during foraging due to mite loss from foragers and non returning of infested workers. No significant differences in flight duration were observed between the two bee stocks. j) Loss of foragers, as determined by the Bee Scan counts of outflying and returning foragers, and the infestation of outflying bees increased significantly over a period of 70 days. A colony with 7.7. higher infestation of outflying foragers lost 2.2. time more bees per flight per day compared to a low infested colony. k) The estimates of mite loss with foragers from mite population per day up to 3.1% exceeds approximately mite mortality of 1% within the colony as represented by counting dead mites on bottom board inserts.Der Lebenszyklus von Varroa destructor Anderson und Trueman, einer ektoparasitischen Milbe der Honigbienen, unterteilt sich in eine reproduktive Phase innerhalb der Bienenbrutzellen und in eine phoretische Phase, während der die Milben an den adulten Bienen sitzen. Während der Sammelaktivitäten halten sich die phoretischen Milben mit den Sammlerinnen außerhalb der Bienenvölker auf. Über die Mortalität der Milben während dieser Zeiten ist sehr wenig bekannt. Die Milben könnten außerhalb der Bienenvölker die Arbeiterinnen verlassen oder von diesen entfernt werden. Sie könnten durch Verflug der Bienen einen Wirtswechsel vornehmen oder durch den Tod der Sammlerinnen umkommen. Die Untersuchungen von Kutschker (1999) hatten bereits gezeigt, dass der Befall heimkehrender Arbeiterinnen deutlich geringer ist als der ausfliegenden Bienen und damit belegt, dass in der Tat Milben außerhalb der Völker verloren gehen. Das hauptsächliche Ziel der Arbeit war zu untersuchen, ob V. destructor das Flugverhalten der Sammlerinnen und die Häufigkeit ihrer Rückkehr in die Völker beeinflusst. Zuerst wiederholte ich die Untersuchung des Befalls der ausfliegenden und heimkehrenden Arbeiterinnen. Danach erstellte ich eine Videoregistrierung und untersuchte die Dauer der Sammelflüge der Arbeiterinnen. Hierbei wurden genetisch unterschiedliche Herkünfte, Carnica aus Oberursel und Bienen aus der Primorski-Region, miteinander verglichen. In Rückkehrexperimenten untersuchte ich die Dauer von Rückflügen, die Rückkehrhäufigkeit, die Orientierung zum Nesteingang und den Verflug in andere Völker. Zuletzt bestimmte ich den täglichen Verlust an Sammlerinnen mit einem elektronischen Bienenzähler (Bee Scan) in Bezug auf den Befall der Arbeiterinnen. Die unten aufgelisteten Ergebnisse belegen einen deutlichen Einfluss des Parasiten auf das Flugverhalten der Sammlerinnen, der zu einem beträchtlichen Milbenaustrag führt. Dieser Einfluss stellt eine wesentliche und in früheren Untersuchungen unterschätzte Komponente der gesamten Milbenmortalität dar, und kann als ein Resistenzmechanismus der Bienen gegen V. destructor gedeutet werden. a) Der mittlere Befall der ausfliegenden Arbeiterinnen (0.019 ± 0.018) war doppelt so hoch wie der der zurückkehrenden Arbeiterinnen (0.009 ± 0.018), der Unterschied war in hochbefallenen Völkern deutlicher. b) Die Untersuchung individuell markierter Arbeiterinnen mit einer mit zwei Kameras ausgestatteten Videoeinrichtung zeigte ebenfalls einen signifikant höheren Befall der ausfliegenden Arbeiterinnen. 22% der Milben gingen verloren, indem befallene Arbeiterinnen nicht in die Völker zurückkehrten, weitere 20% befanden sich nicht mehr auf den rückkehrenden Arbeiterinnen. Geringe Milbenanzahlen wurden zugewonnen (1.8%), der Verlust überstieg bei Weitem den Zugewinn. c) Mit dem gleichen Videosystem wurde die Dauer der Flüge bestimmt. Diese war bei befallenen Arbeiterinnen signifikant länger als bei den unbefallenen, wobei möglichst zeitnah ausfliegende Arbeiterinnen gleichen Alters verglichen wurden. Der Median der Flugdauer war bei den befallenen Sammlerinnen 1.7 fach höher als der der unbefallenen (214s bzw 128s). d) Am gleichen Ort aufgelassene befallene Arbeiterinnen benötigten 2.3 mal länger um in die Völker zurückzukehren als unbefallene. Die Rückkehrzeit nahm mit der Entfernung zu. Bei einer gleichzeitig aufgelassenen Bienengruppe war der Befall der spät zurückkehrenden und der innerhalb von 15 min nicht zurückkehrenden Bienen höher. e) Befallene aufgelassene Arbeiterinnen kehrten bis zum Abend 1.5 mal häufiger nicht in ihre Völker zurück. Der Unterschied war bei den 20m und 50m entfernten Auflassstellen signifikant, nicht aber bei der weiter entfernten Auflassstelle (400m). f) Künstlich infizierte und über Nacht außerhalb der Völker gehaltene Arbeiterinnen unterschieden sich nicht von den natürlich infizierten Arbeiterinnen und zeigten ebenfalls signifikant längere Rückkehrzeiten im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe. Dies deutet auf eine rasche Wirksamkeit des Befalls. g) Die Orientierungsfähigkeit der befallenen Arbeiterinnen zum Nesteingang war negativ beeinflusst. Befallene Arbeiterinnen flogen doppelt so häufig eine simultan angebotene Eingangsattrappe an bevor sie den Nesteingang fanden. h) Es konnten keine Unterschiede im Verflugverhalten festgestellt werden. In etwa 1% der Fälle flogen aufgelassene Arbeiterinnen ein benachbartes Volk an. Stärker befallene Arbeiterinnen flogen mit 2.6% bzw. 1.9% einen Bienenkasten mit vom ursprünglichen Volk unterschiedlicher Farbe an. Die erreichbaren Verflugzahlen waren zu gering, um sichere Aussagen machen zu können. i) Ein Vergleich von Carnica und Primorski zeigte einen höheren Befall der Carnica-Bienen. Weiterhin gingen bei den Primorski-Bienen während des Sammelns mehr Milben verloren, teils durch Verlust der Milben, teils indem die Sammlerinnen nicht zurückkehrten. In der Flugdauer unterschieden sich die Carnica-Bienen nicht von den Primorski-Bienen. j) Der mit einem elektronischen Bienenzähler (Bee Scan) ermittelte tägliche Verlust von Sammlerinnen sowie der Befall der Flugbienen stieg parallel über die Versuchsdauer von 70 Tagen an. Die 7 mal höher befallenen Sammlerinnen eines hochbefallenen Volkes hatten eine 2.2 mal höhere tägliche Verlustrate als die Sammlerinnen eines niedrig befallenen Volkes. k) Eine Abschätzung der auf den Milbenverlust über Sammlerinnen zurückzuführenden Mortalität ergab, dass hierdurch pro Tag bis zu 3.1% der Population abgehen. Die bisher über Bodeneinlagen erfasste Milbenmortalität innerhalb der Bienenvölker beträgt etwa 1%

    Lipid Composition of Sheffersomyces stipitis M12 Strain Grown on Glycerol as a Carbon Source

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    Pozadina istraživanja. U ovom je istraživanju određen sadržaj i sastav lipida u soju kvasca Sheffersomyces stipitis M12 s narušenom biosintezom ergosterola, uzgojenom na glicerolu kao izvoru ugljika. Zaustavljanje biosintetskog puta ergosterola jedna je od metoda koja se u novije vrijeme primjenjuje za povećanje udjela S-adenozil-L-metionina (SAM) u biomasi kvasca. Eksperimentalni pristup. Šaržni je uzgoj kvasca M12 proveden aerobno u laboratorijskom bioreaktoru, s glicerolom kao izvorom ugljika i uz pulsni dodatak metionina. Koncentracija glicerola i maseni udjel SAM-a određeni su tekućinskom kromatografijom visoke djelotvornosti, dok je masnokiselinski sastav svih klasa lipida, odijeljenih ekstrakcijom na čvrstoj fazi, utvrđen plinskom kromatografijom. Rezultati i zaključci. Usprkos manjem udjelu ergosterola u kvascu M12, zbog reorganizacije metabolizma lipida ostvareni su veliki prirast biomase i prinos SAM-a. U tom soju kvasca prevladavali su neutralni lipidi (više od 75 % ukupnih lipida), no njihov sadržaj i sastav bio je značajno izmijenjen u odnosu na divlji tip kvasca. Nezasićene i C18 masne kiseline prevladavale su u obje vrste kvasca. U svim je frakcijama, osim u frakciji slobodnih masnih kiselina, indeks nezasićenosti bio niži u soju M12 u usporedbi s divljim tipom kvasca. Soj M12 je u promijenjenim uvjetima rasta nesmetano funkcionirao i zadovoljio sve svoje energetske potrebe mijenjanjem sastava lipida (osobito fosfolipida, sterola i sterolnih estera) i ugađanjem njihove nezasićenosti. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. U radu je prikazan proces reorganizacije sastava lipida kvasca S. stipitis s narušenim metaboličkim putem biosinteze ergosterola. Konstruiran je i shematski prikazan aktualni metabolizam lipida tijekom aktivne proizvodnje SAM-a u kvascu S. stipitis uzgojenom na glicerolu kao izvoru ugljika. Ove spoznaje o metabolizmu lipida mogu se iskoristiti kao vrijedan alat u daljnjem unapređivanju primjene kvasca S. stipitis kao modelnog organizma, te omogućiti njegovu uporabu u primijenjenim istraživanjima.Research background. In this study the content and composition of lipids in ergosterol-reduced Sheffersomyces stipitis M12 strain grown on glycerol as a carbon source is determined. Blocking the ergosterol synthesis route in yeast cells is a recently proposed method for increasing S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) production. Experimental approach. The batch cultivation of M12 yeast was carried out under aerobic conditions in a laboratory bioreactor with glycerol as carbon source, and with pulsed addition of methionine. Glycerol and SAM content were monitored by high-performance liquid chromatography, while fatty acid composition of different lipid classes, separated by solid phase extraction, was determined by gas chromatography. Results and conclusion. Despite the reduced amount of ergosterol in yeast cells, thanks to the reorganized lipid metabolism, M12 strain achieved high biomass yield and SAM production. Neutral lipids prevailed (making more than 75 % of total lipids), but their content and composition differed significantly in the two tested types of yeast. Unsaturated and C18 fatty acids prevailed in both the M12 strain and wild type. In all fractions except free fatty acids, the index of unsaturation in M12 strain was lower than in the wild strain. Our tested strain adjusts itself by changing the content of lipids (mainly phospholipids, sterols and sterol esters), and with desaturation adjustments, to maintain proper functioning and fulfil increased energy needs. Novelty and scientific contribution. Reorganization of S. stipitis lipid composition caused by blocking the metabolic pathway of ergosterol synthesis was presented. A simple scheme of actual lipid metabolism during active SAM production in S. stipitis, grown on glycerol was constructed and shown. This fundamental knowledge of lipid metabolic pathways will be a helpful tool in improving S. stipitis as an expression host and a model organism, opening new perspectives for its applied research

    The Incidence of Stroke in Baranya County (East Croatia)

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    The aim of this retrospective study was to provide a survey of the incidence of stroke in Baranya, Croatia, on patients examined at Beli Manastir Health Center Department of Emergency from November 1, 1997 (the time of Baranya reintegration into the legal system of the Republic of Croatia after the war) till December 31, 2001. A total of 513 patients with symptoms of cerebrovascular diseases, or one patient every third day on an average, were examined. Total incidence of stroke was 16.09 per 10,000 population. The majority of patients were in the 61–80 age group with an incidence of 46.94/10,000 after the age of 60, 15-fold that was recorded in younger age groups. The most common risk factors recorded in examined group included hypertension, heart diseases, hyperlipidemia and diabetes mellitus. Total stroke mortality was 38.38%, whereas mortality in patients with hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke was 62.85% and 33.52%, respectively. The ratio of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in study subjects was 5:1, and in the causes of death 2.5:1. Out of 81 deceased stroke patients, 96.3% died within first 28 of admission. All of the patients with hemorrhagic stroke died within first 28 days, most within first 7 days (81.8%), whereas 94.9% of patients with ischemic stroke died within first 28 days

    Managed honey bee colony losses in Canada, China, Europe, Israel and Turkey, for the winters of 2008-9 and 1009-10

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    In 2008 the COLOSS network was formed by honey bee experts from Europe and the USA. The primary objectives set by this scientific network were to explain and to prevent large scale losses of honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies. In June 2008 COLOSS obtained four years support from the European Union from COST and was designated as COST Action FA0803 – COLOSS (Prevention of honey bee COlony LOSSes). To enable the comparison of loss data between participating countries, a standardized COLOSS questionnaire was developed. Using this questionnaire information on honey bee losses has been collected over two years. Survey data presented in this study were gathered in 2009 from 12 countries and in 2010 from 24 countries. Mean honey bee losses in Europe varied widely, between 7-22% over the 2008-9 winter and between 7-30% over the 2009-10 winter. An important finding is that for all countries which participated in 2008-9, winter losses in 2009-10 were found to be substantially higher. In 2009-10, winter losses in South East Europe were at such a low level that the factors causing the losses in other parts of Europe were absent, or at a level which did not affect colony survival. The five provinces of China, which were included in 2009-10, showed very low mean (4%) A. mellifera winter losses. In six Canadian provinces, mean winter losses in 2010 varied between 16-25%, losses in Nova Scotia (40%) being exceptionally high. In most countries and in both monitoring years, hobbyist beekeepers (1-50 colonies) experienced higher losses than practitioners with intermediate beekeeping operations (51-500 colonies). This relationship between scale of beekeeping and extent of losses effect was also observed in 2009-10, but was less pronounced. In Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland, 2008-9 mean winter losses for beekeepers who reported ‘disappeared’ colonies were significantly higher compared to mean winter losses of beekeepers who did not report ‘disappeared’ colonies. Mean 2008-9 winter losses for those beekeepers in the Netherlands who reported symptoms similar to “Colony Collapse Disorder” (CCD), namely: 1. no dead bees in or surrounding the hive while; 2. capped brood was present, were significantly higher than mean winter losses for those beekeepers who reported ‘disappeared’ colonies without the presence of capped brood in the empty hives. In the winter of 2009-10 in the majority of participating countries, beekeepers who reported ‘disappeared’ colonies experienced higher winter losses compared with beekeepers, who experienced winter losses but did not report ‘disappeared’ colonies

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park “Kopački rit”, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and „Vodovod-Osijek“ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS

    Slovenian accounting standards

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    Područje računovodstva u Sloveniji uređeno je zakonima i pravilnicima. Računovodstvenu regulativu u Sloveniji čine Zakon o trgovačkim društvima, Zakon o računovodstvu (za državna poduzeća), Slovenski računovodstveni standardi (dalje: SRS) i Međunarodni standardi financijskog izvještavanja (dalje: MSFI). Slovenski računovodstveni standardi pravila su profesionalnog ponašanja na području računovodstva. Donosi ih Slovenski institut za reviziju. Namijenjeni su, prije svega, malim i srednje velikim društvima. Od 01.01. 2006. godine primjenjuju se slovenski računovodstveni standardi 2006 (dalje: SRS 2006). SRS-evi 2006 temelje na domaćoj računovodstvenoj teoriji i međunarodnim zahtjevima i to osobito na odrednicama MSFI-a i na IV. I VII. direktivi Europske unije. Kao rezultat domaćeg strukovnog istraživanja, navedeni slovenski standardi cjelovito uređuju sustav vođenja računovodstva, jer sadrže strukovna pravila kakva se zapravo u MSFI-u ne mogu naći, kao na primjer: knjigovodstvene isprave, poslovne knjige, izrada računovodstvenih proračuna i računovodstvene proračune, računovodstveno planiranje, nadziranje i drugo.The accounting field in Slovenia is determined by the laws and regulations. Accounting regulations in Slovenia consists of the Companies Act, the Accounting Act (for state enterprises), Slovenian Accounting Standards (hereinafter: SAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (hereinafter: IFRS). Slovenian Accounting Standards are rules of professional conduct in the field of accounting. It brings them Slovenian Institute of Auditors. Intended primarily for small and medium-sized companies. From 01.01. 2006 applies Slovenian Accounting Standards 2006 (hereinafter: SAS-2006) based on national accounting theory and the international requirements and in particular the provisions of MSFI and the IV. and VII. Directive of the European Union. As a result of the domestic professional research, SAS completely regulate the system of accounting, because they contain professional rules, which cannot be found in the IFRS, such as: bookkeeping documents, business books, making accounting budget and accounting calculations, accounting planning, monitoring and more

    Slovenian accounting standards

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    Područje računovodstva u Sloveniji uređeno je zakonima i pravilnicima. Računovodstvenu regulativu u Sloveniji čine Zakon o trgovačkim društvima, Zakon o računovodstvu (za državna poduzeća), Slovenski računovodstveni standardi (dalje: SRS) i Međunarodni standardi financijskog izvještavanja (dalje: MSFI). Slovenski računovodstveni standardi pravila su profesionalnog ponašanja na području računovodstva. Donosi ih Slovenski institut za reviziju. Namijenjeni su, prije svega, malim i srednje velikim društvima. Od 01.01. 2006. godine primjenjuju se slovenski računovodstveni standardi 2006 (dalje: SRS 2006). SRS-evi 2006 temelje na domaćoj računovodstvenoj teoriji i međunarodnim zahtjevima i to osobito na odrednicama MSFI-a i na IV. I VII. direktivi Europske unije. Kao rezultat domaćeg strukovnog istraživanja, navedeni slovenski standardi cjelovito uređuju sustav vođenja računovodstva, jer sadrže strukovna pravila kakva se zapravo u MSFI-u ne mogu naći, kao na primjer: knjigovodstvene isprave, poslovne knjige, izrada računovodstvenih proračuna i računovodstvene proračune, računovodstveno planiranje, nadziranje i drugo.The accounting field in Slovenia is determined by the laws and regulations. Accounting regulations in Slovenia consists of the Companies Act, the Accounting Act (for state enterprises), Slovenian Accounting Standards (hereinafter: SAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (hereinafter: IFRS). Slovenian Accounting Standards are rules of professional conduct in the field of accounting. It brings them Slovenian Institute of Auditors. Intended primarily for small and medium-sized companies. From 01.01. 2006 applies Slovenian Accounting Standards 2006 (hereinafter: SAS-2006) based on national accounting theory and the international requirements and in particular the provisions of MSFI and the IV. and VII. Directive of the European Union. As a result of the domestic professional research, SAS completely regulate the system of accounting, because they contain professional rules, which cannot be found in the IFRS, such as: bookkeeping documents, business books, making accounting budget and accounting calculations, accounting planning, monitoring and more