687 research outputs found

    Mobile TV als WerbetrÀger

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    Die fortschreitende Konvergenz der TIME-Industrien zeigt sich in kaum einer Technologie so deutlich wie im neu entstandenen Mobile TV. Über den Übertragungsstandard DVB-H können Fernsehinhalte erstmals von einem Massenpublikum empfangen werden. Die Kopplung mit UMTS erlaubt die gleichzeitige Nutzung der aus der RĂŒckkopplung entstehenden Vorteile. Mobiles Fernsehen stellt jedoch nicht nur eine neue Art der Rezeption von TV-Programmen dar. Gleichzeitig stellt sich die Frage, inwiefern sich Mobile TV als WerbetrĂ€ger eignet. Diesem Sachverhalt kommt auch insofern große Relevanz zu, als dass die Werbefinanzierung aufgrund der geringen Zahlungsbereitschaft der Nutzer als einzig mögliches GeschĂ€ftsmodell fĂŒr mobiles Fernsehen gesehen wird. Die Vorteile von Mobile TV als WerbetrĂ€ger liegen vorrangig in den vielfĂ€ltigen Möglichkeiten der personalisierten, lokalisierten und interaktiven Kundenansprache, welche durch das EndgerĂ€t gegeben sind. Bisherige Studien haben gezeigt, dass die Einbindung dieser Gestaltungsmerkmale zu einer hohen Kundenakzeptanz der Werbeinhalte fĂŒhrt. Die Arbeit setzte sich in einem explorativen Forschungsdesign mit der Frage auseinander, welche Werbeformen sich prinzipiell fĂŒr Mobile TV eignen und welche Faktoren fĂŒr den zukĂŒnftigen Erfolg der Werbeinhalte ausschlaggebend sein werden. Der theoretische Rahmen der Arbeit wird demnach von vier Themenkomplexen gebildet: Konvergenz in der TIME-Industrie, Rahmenbedingungen von Mobile TV, theoretische Grundlagen des Mobile Advertising sowie Mobile TV als WerbetrĂ€ger. Der empirische Teil besteht in einer Inhaltsanalyse, qualitativen Experteninterviews sowie einem Kurzfragebogen, welcher im Anschluss an die GesprĂ€che von den Interviewpartnern ausgefĂŒllt wurde. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass aufgrund der geringen Nutzerzahlen vorerst nicht mit der Entwicklung neuer Werbeformen fĂŒr Mobile TV Advertising zu rechnen ist. GrundsĂ€tzlich empfehlen die Experten die Einbindung interaktiver Elemente in bereits bekannte und bewĂ€hrte Werbeformen aus dem Fernsehen. Formate aus dem Internet eignen sich fĂŒr Mobile TV Advertising weitaus weniger Von besonderer Bedeutung ist zudem die ‚made for mobile‘-Produktion oder –Adaption der Formate mit entsprechender BerĂŒcksichtigung spezifischer Gestaltungsanforderungen, welche sich in der mobilen Nutzungssituation sowie der kleinen Display-GrĂ¶ĂŸe begrĂŒnden. Personalisierte und lokalisierte Dienste werden zwar als prinzipiell geeignet erachtet, bei der Implementierung ist jedoch besondere Vorsicht hinsichtlich einer möglichen Reaktanz von Seiten des Kunden gefragt. Aus diesem Grund ist bei Mobile TV Advertising insbesondere auf eine besondere Betonung des direkten Kundennutzens aus der Werbung zu achten. Der Erfolg von Mobile TV Advertising ist in der aktuellen Situation vorrangig von einer schnellen Etablierung des Teletests als neutrale Reichweitenmessung fĂŒr Mobile TV, der VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Mobile TV-fĂ€higer EndgerĂ€te, dem Vorhandensein von ‚made for mobile‘- Content sowie einer Steigerung des Bekanntheitsgrades bei Kreativagenturen und Werbetreibenden abhĂ€ngig. Um einen langfristigen Erfolg garantieren zu können, mĂŒssen diese Rahmenbedingungen in einer intensiven Zusammenarbeit aller an der Wertschöpfungskette Beteiligten geklĂ€rt werden.Mobile TV serves as a perfect example for the ongoing convergence within the TIME industries. The broadcasting technique DVB-H allows for the reception of mobile TV content by a mass audience for the first time. Combined with UMTS, even the advantages from feedback can be attained. Mobile TV is not only a new way for the consumption of TV programs. A critical question is if it is also suitable as a new advertising vehicle. This issue is of upmost importance; due to customers’ reluctance to pay for mobile content, advertising is the only sustainable business model. The advantages of mobile TV as an advertising vehicle are mainly based on the possibilities of the end device: The customer can be addressed in a personal, localized and interactive way. Previous studies show that customers have no objection to being addressed in this manner. The thesis evaluates what kinds of advertisements are suitable for mobile TV and what factors will be crucial for its future success. The theoretical framework of the thesis consists of four topics: the convergence in TIME industries, the general conditions of mobile TV, the theoretical background of mobile advertising and mobile TV as an advertising vehicle. The empirical part comprises a content analysis, qualitative expert interviews and a short questionnaire that was handed out after the interview. Due to the low coverage, new advertising forms are not expected to develop for the time-being. In principle, the experts recommend the implementation of interactive elements in already known and approved advertising formats. The forms of advertising commonly found on the internet are less appropriate for mobile TV advertising. All advertising should be produced or adapted explicitly for mobile. Specific design criteria resulting from the mobile usage and the small screen size have to be considered. Although personalized and localized services do have potential for mobile TV advertising, special attention has to be paid to the implementation in order to avoid opposition. Therefore, the creation and emphasis of the customer benefit plays an essential role in mobile TV advertising. IV The success of mobile TV advertising, in the current situation, depends principally on the following factors: rapid establishment of the ‘Teletest’ as a neutral measurement for mobile TV, availability of devices with the technical capability to receive mobile TV, creation of made-for-mobile content and the enhancement of awareness regarding mobile TV within creative agencies and advertisers. These conditions have to be established through an intensive cooperation of all partners engaged in the value chain to ensure long-term success

    Ergonomic problems originating in the use of high-frequency and ultrasonic medical devices

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugÀnglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.High-frequency and ultrasonic medical devices are widely used in laparoscopic surgical procedures. Using these devices can result in ergonomic problems. Two studies were performed: in a questionnaire surgeons were asked to evaluate laparoscopic surgical instruments. Based on the resulting 74 data sets it was possible to define various improvements to the design of instruments. In a subsequent field study 70 surgical procedures were observed to comprise user caused problems in the interaction with medical devices

    Leibniz Data Manager – An adaptive Research Data Management System

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    The increasing demand of researchers to make the underlying research data openly accessible, in addition to the classic publication forms, can improve the reproducibility of scientific findings, whether voluntarily or due to the institution’s or research funders’ requirements. As a result, researchers depend on expressive descriptions of research data for reusability. These descriptions are in the form of comprehensive metadata stored in heterogeneous formats in research data repositories. However, finding the appropriate data is arduous, as there is a growing amount of research data stored in various places and only a few repositories offer the function of displaying a preview of the data. Research work efficiency can benefit from data previews whenever researchers can explore portions of a dataset before deciding on the relevance of the data for accessing and downloading the whole dataset. The Leibniz Data Manager (LDM) is a research data management system that resorts to Semantic Web technologies to empower FAIR principles. LDM supports searching and exploring research data across various repositories. LDM provides an additional (meta-)data management layer for data collected from existing research data repositories based on the webbased data catalog software CKAN (Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network). The primary purpose of LDM is to preview research data, e.g., tables, audio-visual material like AutoCAD files or 2D and 3D data, or live programming code via Jupyter Notebook(s) so that their potential for reuse can be easily evaluated. Since LDM is available as a Docker container, anyone can install a local LDM distribution to assist research data management in different phases of the data lifecycle. LDM is accessible at https://service.tib.eu/ldmservice/. LDM empowers researchers by supporting them in preserving their research data as open and FAIR as possible. With LDM, researchers can check whether their data is displayed correctly and whether it is available in suitable and preferably open data formats before publication. In addition, humans and computational programs can access machine-readable metadata, which can be exported in various schemas (DCAT, DataCite, and DublinCore) and RDF serializations. This enables automated searching and processing by various data bases and tools. More importantly, DataCite DOIs and ORCIDs ensure the persistence and findability of LDM (meta-)data. At the poster session we will demonstrate how scientists can be supported in searching for datasets and preserving their research data. We are also interested in collecting ideas about future requirements to be implemented in upcoming versions of the LDM

    Residual DNA analysis in influenza vaccine processing

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    In cell-based influenza vaccine production, the European Pharmacopoeia demands a host cell residual DNA concentration of less than 10 ng per dose. To reliably measure residual DNA in both process samples and final vaccine using quantitative PCR, DNA preparation prior to analysis is a necessity. Samples from the vaccine purification process contain different buffers, salts, and cell-based compounds, and vary 3–4 logs in DNA concentration from harvest to the final product, which all put strain on the DNA preparation. For accurate determination of DNA concentration, recovery is of high importance. There are many commercially available DNA preparation kits that use different techniques to bind DNA, from spin columns with a DNA-binding membrane or medium (resin) to magnetic beads. However, these kits are mainly developed to purify DNA fragments from gel electrophoresis or genomic DNA from tissues such as blood or cultured cells, and do not have recovery as a priority. Few kits are intended for residual DNA determination in samples with high concentration of a protein or virus product. In this study, prototype media for DNA preparation, in bind-elute and batch mode, were evaluated for recovery, hands-on time, and throughput. In batch mode, recoveries of \u3e 80% were achieved, but the technique exhibited matrix effects on real process samples. In bind-elute mode, recoveries of 40%–60% were achieved after elution. However, recovery could be improved by determination of DNA concentration, while keeping DNA bound to the medium

    Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3 and GPR84: Two metabolite-sensing G protein-coupled receptors with opposing functions in innate immune cells

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are key regulatory proteins of immune cell function inducing signaling in response to extracellular (pathogenic) stimuli. Although unrelated, hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3 (HCA3) and GPR84 share signaling via Gαi/o proteins and the agonist 3-hydroxydecanoic acid (3HDec). Both receptors are abundantly expressed in monocytes, macrophages and neutrophils but have opposing functions in these innate immune cells. Detailed insights into the molecular mechanisms and signaling components involved in immune cell regulation by GPR84 and HCA3 are still lacking. Here, we report that GPR84-mediated pro-inflammatory signaling depends on coupling to the hematopoietic cell-specific Gα15 protein in human macrophages, while HCA3 exclusively couples to Gαi protein. We show that activated GPR84 induces Gα15-dependent ERK activation, increases intracellular Ca2+ and IP3 levels as well as ROS production. In contrast, HCA3 activation shifts macrophage metabolism to a less glycolytic phenotype, which is associated with anti-inflammatory responses. This is supported by an increased release of anti-inflammatory IL-10 and a decreased secretion of pro-inflammatory IL-1ÎČ. In primary human neutrophils, stimulation with HCA3 agonists counteracts the GPR84-induced neutrophil activation. Our analyses reveal that 3HDec acts solely through GPR84 but not HCA3 activation in macrophages. In summary, this study shows that HCA3 mediates hyporesponsiveness in response to metabolites derived from dietary lactic acid bacteria and uncovers that GPR84, which is already targeted in clinical trials, promotes pro-inflammatory signaling via Gα15 protein in macrophages

    Predictions for the X-ray circumgalactic medium of edge-on discs and spheroids

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    We investigate how the X-ray circumgalactic medium (CGM) of present-day galaxies depends on galaxy morphology and azimuthal angle using mock observations generated from the EAGLE cosmological hydrodynamic simulation. By creating mock stacks of {\it eROSITA}-observed galaxies oriented to be edge-on, we make several observationally-testable predictions for galaxies in the stellar mass range M⋆=1010.7−11.2  M_\star=10^{10.7-11.2}\;M⊙_{\odot}. The soft X-ray CGM of disc galaxies is between 60 and 100\% brighter along the semi-major axis compared to the semi-minor axis, between 10-30 kpc. This azimuthal dependence is a consequence of the hot (T>106T>10^6 K) CGM being non-spherical: specifically it is flattened along the minor axis such that denser and more luminous gas resides in the disc plane and co-rotates with the galaxy. Outflows enrich and heat the CGM preferentially perpendicular to the disc, but we do not find an observationally-detectable signature along the semi-minor axis. Spheroidal galaxies have hotter CGMs than disc galaxies related to spheroids residing at higher halos masses, which may be measurable through hardness ratios spanning the 0.2−1.50.2-1.5 keV band. While spheroids appear to have brighter CGMs than discs for the selected fixed M⋆M_\star bin, this owes to spheroids having higher stellar and halo masses within that M⋆M_\star bin, and obscures the fact that both simulated populations have similar total CGM luminosities at the exact same M⋆M_\star. Discs have brighter emission inside 20 kpc and more steeply declining profiles with radius than spheroids. We predict that the {\it eROSITA} 4-year all-sky survey should detect many of the signatures we predict here, although targeted follow-up observations of highly inclined nearby discs after the survey may be necessary to observe some of our azimuthally-dependent predictions.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 1 table. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcom

    Possibilities and limits of questionaire based soft skills evaluation as admission criteria for medical schools

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    Mit der Neuregelung der Studienplatzverteilung von 2005 haben die UniversitĂ€ten in Deutschland die Möglichkeit, bis zu 60% der StudienplĂ€tze nach universitĂ€tseigenen Kriterien zu vergeben. Implizit wird vom Gesetzgeber und der öffentlichen Meinung gefordert, nicht-leistungsbezogene Kriterien und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale verstĂ€rkt zur Bewerberauswahl einzusetzen (Motivation, Identifikation, Vermeidung von Fehlvorstellungen). Da in Anbetracht der Bewerberzahlen mĂŒndliche AuswahlgesprĂ€che als ungeeignet erscheinen, wurde vom Fachbereich Medizin der Johann Wolfgang Goethe UniversitĂ€t ein Fragebogen entworfen, um nichtschulische Leistungen zu erfassen. Dieser Fragebogen wurde am Beginn des Wintersemesters 2005/2006 von allen StudienanfĂ€ngern der JWG-UniversitĂ€t Frankfurt und der Medizinischen UniversitĂ€t Innsbruck ausgefĂŒllt. Entgegen der initialen Erwartungen der Verfasser gaben nur etwa 15% Prozent Medizin-spezifische berufliche Vorerfahrungen an (Rettungsdienst, Ausbildung als Krankenschwester/pfleger oder Ă€hnliches); dagegen wurden von etwa 60% angegeben, mindestens ein Musikinstrument zu spielen oder lĂ€nger sportlich aktiv gewesen zu sein. Die Zusammenstellung der Selbstangaben zeigt, dass Medizin-relevante Vorkenntnisse nur bei einem kleinen Anteil der Studienbewerber in grĂ¶ĂŸerem Umfang vorhanden sind. Aufgrund der großen Streuung in der Art und Dauer der angegebenen Vorleistungen sollte die Erhebung von Parametern zur Beurteilung von soft skills, z.B. durch Online-Fragebogen, als (Vor)Selektionsinstrument nur sehr vorsichtig eingesetzt werden.Due to a reorganization in the admission procedure for German medical students in 2005 Medical Faculties may admit up to 60% of their students according to specific university criteria. Both legislation and public opinion implicitly require nonacademic criteria and personality traits to be included into the selection criteria (motivation, identification, avoidance of misconceptions). Since interviews appear to be not suitable for the high number of applicants the Medical Faculty of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main has developed a questionnaire covering extracurricular achievements. This questionnaire has be answered by first year students of the JWG university Frankfurt and the Medical University Innsbruck at the begin of the winter term 2005/2006. Contrary to initial expectations, only 15% of the students stated specific job experience in a medically related field (emergency service, nurse or similar occupations), whereas more than 60% indicated to play at least one instrument and/or being engaged in sports activities. The summary of these self experiences indicate that only a minority of admitted students have medically related experience to a larger degree. The wide variation in time and duration given for the activities indicate that (online) questionnaires should be treated carefully as a preselection method for medical studies admission
