25 research outputs found

    Scots pine (pinus sylvestris L.) growth suppression and adverse effects on human health due to air pollution in the upper Silesian Industrial District (USID), southern Poland

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    Air pollution emissions were not continually monitored in the Upper Silesian Industrial District (USID), southern Poland, and data is only available for the last 20 years. Long-lasting and severe tree ring reductions in pines growing 5–20 km north of the USID area recorded particularly high levels of air pollution emissions in the period 1950–1990. Especially high amounts of reductions and many missing rings were found in the period 1964–1981. At the same time, pines growing 60 km west of the USID do not record deep ring reductions; this proves that the phenomenon is of a regional nature. Increases in infant mortality and lung, bronchial, and tracheal cancer morbidity rates among males were also recorded in the USID during periods of high air pollution. Infant mortality rates increased several years after the tree ring reductions. Therefore, it may be possible to use tree ring reductions as an early indicator of the occurrence of adverse effects on human health

    Spatio‐temporal patterns of tree growth as related to carbon isotope fractionation in European forests under changing climate

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    Aim To decipher Europe-wide spatiotemporal patterns of forest growth dynamics and their associations with carbon isotope fractionation processes inferred from tree rings as modulated by climate warming. Location Europe and North Africa (30‒70°N, 10°W‒35°E). Time period 1901‒2003. Major taxa studied Temperate and Euro-Siberian trees. Methods We characterize changes in the relationship between tree growth and carbon isotope fractionation over the 20th century using a European network consisting of 20 site chronologies. Using indexed tree-ring widths (TRWi), we assess shifts in the temporal coherence of radial growth across sites (synchrony) for five forest ecosystems (Atlantic, Boreal, cold continental, Mediterranean and temperate). We also examine whether TRWi shows variable coupling with leaf-level gas exchange, inferred from indexed carbon isotope discrimination of tree-ring cellulose (Δ13Ci). Results We find spatial autocorrelation for TRWi and Δ13Ci extending over up to 1,000 km among forest stands. However, growth synchrony is not uniform across Europe, but increases along a latitudinal gradient concurrent with decreasing temperature and evapotranspiration. Latitudinal relationships between TRWi and Δ13Ci (changing from negative to positive southwards) point to drought impairing carbon uptake via stomatal regulation for water saving occurring at forests below 60°N in continental Europe. A rise in forest growth synchrony over the 20th century together with increasingly positive relationships between TRWi and Δ13Ci indicate intensifying drought impacts on tree performance. These effects are noticeable in drought-prone biomes (Mediterranean, temperate and cold continental). Main conclusions At the turn of this century, convergence in growth synchrony across European forest ecosystems is coupled with coordinated warming-induced drought effects on leaf physiology and tree growth spreading northwards. Such a tendency towards exacerbated moisture-sensitive growth and physiology could override positive effects of enhanced leaf intercellular CO2 concentrations, possibly resulting in Europe-wide declines of forest carbon gain in the coming decades

    Dendrochronological standards of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and English oak (Quercus robur L.) from north-eastern Poland

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    The study presents results of dendrochronological analyses of Scots pine (162 trees) and English oak (97 trees) from 13 research plots located in NE Poland. The investigations resulted in construction of local chronologies (six for oak and seven for pine), which in turn enabled to define new regional chronologies; 2_NE_PL for pine, covering the period 1738−2003 AD, and Q_NE_PL for oak, 308−year long (1696−2003 AD). The elaborated chronologies allow for absolute dating of wood and yield new data on the extent of dendrochronological signal

    Dendrochronologia w badaniach przeszłości Krakowa

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    TRIAVER – a program for construction of dendrochronological standards and determination of pointer years

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    The study presents the program TRIAVER 1.1 (Tree−RIngs AVERaging) dedicated to calculating an average tree ring width/ index sequence (so−called chronology). It also allows for determination of pointer years for selected set of the annual growth sequences written in one of the following formats: Tucson Raw Data, TRRAD, TRMEAS, as well as some text formats

    TRISTAN - program for standardization of the annual increment sequences

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    The paper presents the program TRISTAN 2.1 (Tree−RIngs STANdardization) dedicated to standardization of the dendrochronological sequences written in one of the most often used formats: Tucson Raw Data, ITRDB Site Chronology, TRRAD, TRMEAS as well as text ones. The program enables the choice of the optimal form of the trend function out of ten different variants and also offers the opportunity of calculating the basic statistical parameters and spectral characteristics

    The Stone Forest (Kamienny Las) Geopark in Roztocze and its geoturistic values

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    Roztocze - the picturesque region abounding with unique landforms and pre-Quaternary rock outcrops, is characterized by high geodiversity. Silicified wood fragments are the specific peculiarities of this area and its unique geological heritage. The petrified wood became the geoturistic symbol of this region. Numerous historical buildings and monuments, such as churches, roadside crosses and thumbs (mainly from the 18-19th centuries), made of local rocks, are the remnants of history of three societies: Polish (Roman-Catholic), Ukrainian (Greek-Catholic) and Jewish, which coexisted in the Roztocze region until the Second World War. These traditions and remnants constitute the diverse cultural heritage of this area. Extraordinary geodiversity, natural and cultural values as well as social circumstances gave rise to the establishment of the Stone Forest Geopark in Roztocze, promoting the geological heritage, with special regard to the petrified wood. High scientific and educational values of more than 150 geosites recorded in this region create the advantageous perspectives ofgeotourism development as well as comprehensive ecological education. Eight geotouristic trails are planned in the Geopark. The expansion of the Geopark onto the Ukrainian part of Roztocze seems to be possible in the future. The transboundary Geopark, fulfilling its statutory objectives, will be able to join the European Geopark Network

    The influence of industry on Scots pine stands in the Tarnobrzeg area on the basis of dendrochronological analysis

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    Tree−ring analysis has been used to evaluate the influence of industrial pollution on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) growing in the Tarnobrzeg region. 237 samples were taken from stands located in two profiles to picture dependence of health conditions of trees on distance from the emitter. The Tarnobrzeg Sulphur Works was the main source of pollution in that region. Factories in Mielec and Nowa Dęba as well as the Połaniec Power Plant could be additional sources of emission. Response of trees to anthropogenic stress was clearly visible in the years 1970−1990, when growth reductions occurred at the majority of the investigated trees. At the beginning of 1990s the decreasing trend stopped and wider tree−rings could be observed