509 research outputs found

    Multiscale Model Approach for Magnetization Dynamics Simulations

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    Simulations of magnetization dynamics in a multiscale environment enable rapid evaluation of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in a mesoscopic sample with nanoscopic accuracy in areas where such accuracy is required. We have developed a multiscale magnetization dynamics simulation approach that can be applied to large systems with spin structures that vary locally on small length scales. To implement this, the conventional micromagnetic simulation framework has been expanded to include a multiscale solving routine. The software selectively simulates different regions of a ferromagnetic sample according to the spin structures located within in order to employ a suitable discretization and use either a micromagnetic or an atomistic model. To demonstrate the validity of the multiscale approach, we simulate the spin wave transmission across the regions simulated with the two different models and different discretizations. We find that the interface between the regions is fully transparent for spin waves with frequency lower than a certain threshold set by the coarse scale micromagnetic model with no noticeable attenuation due to the interface between the models. As a comparison to exact analytical theory, we show that in a system with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction leading to spin spiral, the simulated multiscale result is in good quantitative agreement with the analytical calculation

    Multiscale simulations of topological transformations in magnetic Skyrmions

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    Magnetic Skyrmions belong to the most interesting spin structures for the development of future information technology as they have been predicted to be topologically protected. To quantify their stability, we use an innovative multiscale approach to simulating spin dynamics based on the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. The multiscale approach overcomes the micromagnetic limitations that have hindered realistic studies using conventional techniques. We first demonstrate how the stability of a Skyrmion is influenced by the refinement of the computational mesh and reveal that conventionally employed traditional micromagnetic simulations are inadequate for this task. Furthermore, we determine the stability quantitatively using our multiscale approach. As a key operation for devices, the process of annihilating a Skyrmion by exciting it with a spin polarized current pulse is analyzed, showing that Skyrmions can be reliably deleted by designing the pulse shape

    Many-body atomic speed sensor in lattices

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    We study the properties of transmissivity of a beam of atoms traversing an optical lattices loaded with ultracold atoms. The transmission properties as function of the energy of the incident particles are strongly dependent on the quantum phase of the atoms in the lattice. In fact, in contrast to the Mott-insulator regime, the absence of an energetic gap in the spectrum of the superfluid phase enables the atoms in the optical lattice to adapt to the presence of the beam. This induces a feedback process that has a strong impact on the transmittivity of the atoms. Based on the corresponding strong dependency we propose the implementation of a speed sensor with and estimated sensitivity of 10 8 −10 9 m/s/Hz − − − √ , which we characterize via the Fisher information. We apply our findings to a bosonic Li−Rb mixture, which is relevant for experiments with ultracold atoms. Applications of the presented scheme are discussed

    Long-Term Effects of Cold Atmospheric Plasma-Treated Water on the Antioxidative System of Hordeum vulgare

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    Facing climate change, the development of innovative agricultural technologies securing food production becomes increasingly important. Plasma-treated water (PTW) might be a promising tool to enhance drought stress tolerance in plants. Knowledge about the effects of PTW on the physiology of plants, especially on their antioxidative system on a long-term scale, is still scarce. In this work, PTW was applied to barley leaves (Hordeum vulgare cv. Kosmos) and various constituents of the plants’ antioxidative system were analyzed 30 days after treatment. An additional drought stress was performed after foliar PTW application followed by a recovery period to elucidate whether PTW treatment improved stress tolerance. Upon PTW treatment, the Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) in leaves and roots was lower in comparison to deionized water treated plants. In contrast, PTW treatment caused a higher content of chlorophyll, quantum yield and total ascorbate content in leaves compared to deionized water treated plants. After additional drought application and subsequent recovery period, an enhancement of values for TAC, contents of malondialdehyde, glutathione as well as activity of ascorbate peroxidase indicated a possible upregulation of antioxidative properties in roots. Hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide might mediate abiotic stress tolerance and are considered as key components of PTW

    Multi-Parameter Analysis of Biobanked Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Shows Little Influence for Donor Age and Mild Comorbidities on Phenotypic and Functional Properties

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    Heterogeneous populations of human bone marrow-derived stromal cells (BMSC) are among the most frequently tested cellular therapeutics for treating degenerative and immune disorders, which occur predominantly in the aging population. Currently, it is unclear whether advanced donor age and commonly associated comorbidities affect the properties of ex vivo-expanded BMSCs. Thus, we stratified cells from adult and elderly donors from our biobank (n = 10 and n = 13, mean age 38 and 72 years, respectively) and compared their phenotypic and functional performance, using multiple assays typically employed as minimal criteria for defining multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). We found that BMSCs from both cohorts meet the standard criteria for MSC, exhibiting similar morphology, growth kinetics, gene expression profiles, and pro-angiogenic and immunosuppressive potential and the capacity to differentiate toward adipogenic, chondrogenic, and osteogenic lineages. We found no substantial differences between cells from the adult and elderly cohorts. As positive controls, we studied the impact of in vitro aging and inflammatory cytokine stimulation. Both conditions clearly affected the cellular properties, independent of donor age. We conclude that in vitro aging rather than in vivo donor aging influences BMSC characteristics

    The CO2 SINK Boreholes for Geological Storage Testing

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    Europe’s first onshore scientific carbon dioxide storage testing project CO2SINK (CO2 Storage by Injection into a Natural saline aquifer at Ketzin) is performed in a saline aquifer in NE Germany. The major objectives of CO2SINK are the advancement of the science and practical processes for underground storage of carbon dioxide, and the provision of operational field results to aid in the development of standards for CO2 geological storage. Three boreholes (one injection well and two observation wells) have been drilled in2007, each to a depth of about 800 m. The wells are completed as “smart” wells containing a variety of permanent downhole sensing equipment, which has proven its functionality during its baseline surveys. The injection of CO2 is scheduled for spring 2008 and is intended to last up to two years to allow for monitoring of migration and fate of the injected gas through a combination of downhole monitoring with surface geophysical surveys. This report summarizeswell design, drilling, coring, and completion operations
