140 research outputs found

    Errores de medicación en pediatría

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    Concerns regarding patient safety affect healthcare, and medication errors are the most frequent category of medical errors and linked with severe consequences. This study discusses epidemiologic characteristics of medication errors in pediatric patients and points out prevention strategies. Approximately 8% of the studies on the subject of medication errors identified in different national and international databases are distinctively related to the pediatric population. Children are vulnerable to medication errors due to intrinsic factors, such as proper anatomic and physiological characteristics; and due to extrinsic factors, with emphasis on the lack of public health politics and changes in the pharmaceutical industry to attend children's needs. The available evidences indicate, as imperative, the implementation of strategies to prevent medication errors, contributing to promote patient safety.La seguridad del paciente es un problema de salud pública y los errores con medicamentos son los más frecuentes y más graves. Este artículo describe características epidemiológicas de errores de medicación en áreas de atención pediátrica y algunas estrategias de prevención. Aproximadamente 8% de las investigaciones sobre errores de medicación identificadas en las bases de datos nacionales e internacionales se refieren específicamente a niños. Los niños tienen mayor vulnerabilidad a la ocurrencia de errores debidos a factores intrínsecos, con destaque para características anatómicas y fisiológicas, e extrínsecos, en particular con respecto a falta de políticas sanitarias y de la industria farmacéutica orientada a la atención de tales características. Evidencias muestran la necesidad de aplicar estrategias para prevenir errores de medicación, promoviendo la seguridad del paciente.A segurança do paciente constitui problema de saúde pública, e erros com medicamentos são os mais freqüentes e graves. O artigo apresenta características epidemiológicas dos erros de medicação em diferentes áreas de atendimento pediátrico, e aponta estratégias de prevenção. Aproximadamente 8% das pesquisas sobre erros de medicação identificadas em bases de dados nacionais e internacionais referem-se à população pediátrica. Crianças apresentam maior vulnerabilidade à ocorrência de erros devido a fatores intrínsecos, destacando-se características anatômicas e fisiológicas; e extrínsecos, relativos à falta de políticas de saúde e da indústria farmacêutica voltadas ao atendimento de tais especificidades. As evidências apontam para a necessidade de implementação de estratégias de prevenção de erros de medicação, contribuindo para promover a segurança do paciente.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP, Depto. de EnfermagemSciEL

    Low-dose aspirin does not improve ovarian stimulation, endometrial response, or pregnancy rates for in vitro fertilization

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to determine if low-dose aspirin improved ovarian stimulation, endometrial response, or IVF pregnancy rates in our program. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 316 consecutive IVF cycles from 1995 through 2001. Aspirin 80 mg daily was initiated at the start of luteal leuprolide in 72 cycles. The 244 controls received no aspirin during treatment. RESULTS: The live birth rate in aspirin users was 29%, slightly lower compared to 41% in the no aspirin control group (p = 0.07). Implantation rates were 21% with aspirin and 30% in the control population (p = 0.01). There was no difference in the maximal endometrial thickness between aspirin and non-aspirin groups. The two groups were similar regarding age, gonadotropin ampules, embryos, number of embryos transferred, prior parity, diagnosis, use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and stimulation protocol. CONCLUSION: Low-dose aspirin was not beneficial to IVF patients in our program. Aspirin does not enhance endometrial thickness, augment the ovarian response, or improve pregnancy rates

    Maternal marijuana use has independent effects on risk for spontaneous preterm birth but not other common late pregnancy complications

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    Widespread legalisation of marijuana raises safety concerns for its use in pregnancy. This study investigated the association of marijuana use prior to and during pregnancy with pregnancy outcomes in a prospective cohort of 5588 nulliparous women from the international SCOPE study. Women were assessed at 15 ± 1 and 20 ± 1 weeks’ gestation. Cases [278 Preeclampsia, 470 gestational hypertension, 633 small-for-gestational-age, 236 spontaneous preterm births (SPTB), 143 gestational diabetes] were compared separately with 4114 non-cases. Although the numbers are small, continued maternal marijuana use at 20 weeks’ gestation was associated with SPTB independent of cigarette smoking status [adj OR 2.28 (95% CI:1.45–3.59)] and socioeconomic index (SEI) [adj OR 2.17 (95% CI:1.41–3.34)]. When adjusted for maternal age, cigarette smoking, alcohol and SEI, continued maternal marijuana use at 20 weeks’ gestation had a greater effect size [adj OR 5.44 (95% CI 2.44–12.11)]. Our data indicate that increasing use of marijuana among young women of reproductive age is a major public health concern

    A new implicit review instrument for measuring quality of care delivered to pediatric patients in the emergency department

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    BackgroundThere are few outcomes experienced by children receiving care in the Emergency Department (ED) that are amenable to measuring for the purposes of assessing of quality of care. The purpose of this study was to develop, test, and validate a new implicit review instrument that measures quality of care delivered to children in EDs.MethodsWe developed a 7-point structured implicit review instrument that encompasses four aspects of care, including the physician's initial data gathering, integration of information and development of appropriate diagnoses; initial treatment plan and orders; and plan for disposition and follow-up. Two pediatric emergency medicine physicians applied the 5-item instrument to children presenting in the highest triage category to four rural EDs, and we assessed the reliability of the average summary scores (possible range of 5-35) across the two reviewers using standard measures. We also validated the instrument by comparing this mean summary score between those with and without medication errors (ascertained independently by two pharmacists) using a two-sample t-test.ResultsWe reviewed the medical records of 178 pediatric patients for the study. The mean and median summary score for this cohort of patients were 27.4 and 28.5, respectively. Internal consistency was high (Cronbach's alpha of 0.92 and 0.89). All items showed a significant (p < 0.005) positive correlation between reviewers using the Spearman rank correlation (range 0.24 to 0.39). Exact agreement on individual items between reviewers ranged from 70.2% to 85.4%. The Intra-class Correlation Coefficient for the mean of the total summary score across the two reviewers was 0.65. The validity of the instrument was supported by the finding of a higher score for children without medication errors compared to those with medication errors which trended toward significance (mean score = 28.5 vs. 26.0, p = 0.076).ConclusionThe instrument we developed to measure quality of care provided to children in the ED has high internal consistency, fair to good inter-rater reliability and inter-rater correlation, and high content validity. The validity of the instrument is supported by the fact that the instrument's average summary score was lower in the presence of medication errors, which trended towards statistical significance

    Medication errors in the Middle East countries: a systematic review of the literature

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    Background: Medication errors are a significant global concern and can cause serious medical consequences for patients. Little is known about medication errors in Middle Eastern countries. The objectives of this systematic review were to review studies of the incidence and types of medication errors in Middle Eastern countries and to identify the main contributory factors involved. Methods: A systematic review of the literature related to medication errors in Middle Eastern countries was conducted in October 2011 using the following databases: Embase, Medline, Pubmed, the British Nursing Index and the Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature. The search strategy included all ages and languages. Inclusion criteria were that the studies assessed or discussed the incidence of medication errors and contributory factors to medication errors during the medication treatment process in adults or in children. Results: Forty-five studies from 10 of the 15 Middle Eastern countries met the inclusion criteria. Nine (20%) studies focused on medication errors in paediatric patients. Twenty-one focused on prescribing errors, 11 measured administration errors, 12 were interventional studies and one assessed transcribing errors. Dispensing and documentation errors were inadequately evaluated. Error rates varied from 7.1% to 90.5% for prescribing and from 9.4% to 80% for administration. The most common types of prescribing errors reported were incorrect dose (with an incidence rate from 0.15% to 34.8% of prescriptions), wrong frequency and wrong strength. Computerised physician rder entry and clinical pharmacist input were the main interventions evaluated. Poor knowledge of medicines was identified as a contributory factor for errors by both doctors (prescribers) and nurses (when administering drugs). Most studies did not assess the clinical severity of the medication errors. Conclusion: Studies related to medication errors in the Middle Eastern countries were relatively few in number and of poor quality. Educational programmes on drug therapy for doctors and nurses are urgently needed

    Stochastic Analysis of the SOS Response in Escherichia coli

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    BACKGROUND: DNA damage in Escherichia coli evokes a response mechanism called the SOS response. The genetic circuit of this mechanism includes the genes recA and lexA, which regulate each other via a mixed feedback loop involving transcriptional regulation and protein-protein interaction. Under normal conditions, recA is transcriptionally repressed by LexA, which also functions as an auto-repressor. In presence of DNA damage, RecA proteins recognize stalled replication forks and participate in the DNA repair process. Under these conditions, RecA marks LexA for fast degradation. Generally, such mixed feedback loops are known to exhibit either bi-stability or a single steady state. However, when the dynamics of the SOS system following DNA damage was recently studied in single cells, ordered peaks were observed in the promoter activity of both genes (Friedman et al., 2005, PLoS Biol. 3(7):e238). This surprising phenomenon was masked in previous studies of cell populations. Previous attempts to explain these results harnessed additional genes to the system and deployed complex deterministic mathematical models that were only partially successful in explaining the results. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we apply stochastic methods, which are better suited for dynamic simulations of single cells. We show that a simple model, involving only the basic components of the circuit, is sufficient to explain the peaks in the promoter activities of recA and lexA. Notably, deterministic simulations of the same model do not produce peaks in the promoter activities. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: We conclude that the double negative mixed feedback loop with auto-repression accounts for the experimentally observed peaks in the promoter activities. In addition to explaining the experimental results, this result shows that including additional regulations in a mixed feedback loop may dramatically change the dynamic functionality of this regulatory module. Furthermore, our results suggests that stochastic fluctuations strongly affect the qualitative behavior of important regulatory modules even under biologically relevant conditions, thus emphasizing the importance of stochastic analysis of regulatory circuits

    Systematic review of methods used in meta-analyses where a primary outcome is an adverse or unintended event

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    addresses: Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, St Luke's Campus, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK. [email protected]: PMCID: PMC3528446types: Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't© 2012 Warren et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Adverse consequences of medical interventions are a source of concern, but clinical trials may lack power to detect elevated rates of such events, while observational studies have inherent limitations. Meta-analysis allows the combination of individual studies, which can increase power and provide stronger evidence relating to adverse events. However, meta-analysis of adverse events has associated methodological challenges. The aim of this study was to systematically identify and review the methodology used in meta-analyses where a primary outcome is an adverse or unintended event, following a therapeutic intervention