255 research outputs found

    Journée Georges Aubert

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    Changemaker is a 20-minute narrative short film about a film student (played by me) who sets out to make a documentary about the process of making a documentary feature film

    The Impact of White Pine (Pinus strobus) on a Mollisol After Seven Decades of Soil Development

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    Selected chemical, physical, and macro and micromorphological properties in two pedons of a Clarion soil (Fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic Hapludolls) formed in till parent material, one planted to white pines (Pinus strobus) for the past 75 years and the other to grass, were compared. The most obvious difference between the two was the increased biological activity under pines; the variety and quantity of excrements suggested the activity of soil microfauna and variability of species resulted in finer and better aggregation of biological origin (crumbs and granules), numerous excrements in voids, and higher total porosity under pines. The matrix was lighter colored in the upper horizons under pines. The soil under pines seemed to be drier and to have more expressed water oscillations in the middle part of profile. There was some evidence of higher groundmass activity in the soil under pines and the groundmass b-fabric was slightly better expressed. The soil under the pines exhibited evidence of stronger weathering (weathered biotite at a shallower depth, more iron-rich fine fraction, common amorphous iron impregnation and frequent amorphous iron coatings related to grains or pores together with abundant iron nodules) than the soil under grass. Analytical and micromorphology methods showed only slight changes in the Clarion soil under pines. That means 75 years, at least under the prevailing climate, is too short a period for the formation of pronounced morphological and physico-chemical differences

    Інноваційна методика викладання юридичних дисциплін

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    The article deals with current methods of teaching legal studies. Particular attention is paid to innovative methodology and learning disciplines at law faculties. It is substantiated that the following methods are inherent in the creative technique: analysis of critical situations; «brainstorming»; Socratic method; business (role) game; «taking a position»; commenting, evaluation (or self-evaluation) of participants’ actions; master classes; project method; modelling; «training ground»; work in small groups; method of a business trip, etc. Innovative methods arise from the needs of society in the development of jurisprudence and correspond to its nature and level of activity in a given period; these are new perspective tendencies, processes and approaches in the development of modern higher education. The distinction between innovative and classical methods is made, the possibilities of conducting different types of classes with the use of other methods are discussed. It is established that the transition to the methods inherent in innovative methods involves a combination of practical, educational and research functions in the educational process, which helps to resolve the contradiction between the knowledge provided by the university and the requirements of real life.У цій статті розглядаються актуальні методи викладання юридичних дисциплін. Особлива увага приділяється інноваційній методиці та її методам викладання дисциплін на юридичних факультетах. Обґрунтовано, що інноваційній методиці притаманні наступні методи: аналіз критичних ситуацій; «мозковий штурм»; сократичний метод; ділова (рольова) гра; «займи позицію»; коментування, оцінка (або самооцінка) дій учасників; майстер-класи; метод проектів; моделювання; навчальний «полігон»; робота в малих групах; метод ділової поїздки та ін. Інноваційні методи виникають відповідно до потреб суспільства в розвитку юриспруденції та відповідають її характеру і рівню розвитку в той чи інший період; це нові перспективні тенденції, процеси й підходи в розвитку сучасної вищої освіти. Проведено розмежування інноваційної методики від класичної, обговорено можливості проведення різних типів занять із застосуванням різних методик. Встановлено, що перехід до методів, притаманних інноваційній методиці, передбачає поєднання в навчальному процесі практичної, навчальної та дослідницької функцій, що сприяє вирішенню протиріччя між тими знаннями, які дає закладам освіти та вимогами реального життя

    Central image of Vertisols: evolution of concepts of their morphology and genesis

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    This paper discuss the changes in understanding of the central image of Vertisols and leading processes of their formation. The early concept described Vertisols as black or dark clayey soils with homogenous undifferentiated profile resulted basically of pedoturbation. The further studies discovered vertical differentiation of Vertisol attributes. The application of trench method discovered spatial heterogeneity of Vertisols with alternation of bowl and diapiric structures. Such spatial complex subsurface pattern seems to be rather common and can be found even in the absence of gilgai microrelief. A new central image of a mature Vertisol is a combination of two structural types, one being homogenous and monotonous, generally corresponding to the initial central image, and the other - heterogeneous profile with fragmented horizons. A leading process forming the new central image of Vertisols was defined as lateral shearing or plastic deformations, i.e., plastic movements and gradual upward pushing of moist material (analogy of defluction process). Pedoturbation or more exactly the vertical falling of surface material into the cracks results in the vertical mixing rather than in deformations. Micromorphological features typical of Vertisols and associated with shrink-swell phenomena, cracking, mixing and lateral shearing that are reflected in the central image of Vertisols are summarized in the paper and illustrated by microphotographs

    Current trends in soil micromorphology: bibliometric approach

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    The analysis of publications has shown that the period of intensive development of several spheres in micromorphology in the second half of the XX century was followed by a period when micromorphology became more required in applied research. Addressing micromorphology for solving pedogenetic and taxonomic questions became reduced both in Russia and in the world. Further progress of traditional micromorphology in Russia is expected owing to application of sophisticated equipment, participation in hierarchical morphogenetic studies, as well as to the possibility for students and professionals to work with a “database” - collection of thin sections representing a broad array of soils. This work is initiated at V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, where many thin sections are already accumulated, and most specialists worked and are now working there

    Sediment Micromorphology and Site Formation Processes During the Middle to Later Stone Ages at the Haua Fteah Cave, Cyrenaica, Libya

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    Understanding the timing, conditions, and characteristics of the Middle to Later Stone Age (MSA/LSA) transition in North Africa is critical for debates regarding the evolution and past population dynamics of Homo sapiens, especially their dispersals within, out of, and back into, Africa. As with many cultural transitions during the Palaeolithic, our understanding is based predominantly on archaeological and paleoenvironmental records preserved within a small number of deep cave sediment sequences. To use such sequences as chronological cornerstones we must develop a robust understanding of the formation processes that created them. This paper utilizes geoarchaeological analyses (field observations, sediment micromorphology, bulk sedimentology) to examine site formation processes and stratigraphic integrity during the MSA/LSA at the Haua Fteah cave, Libya, one of North Africa's longest cultural sequences. The depositional processes identified vary in mode and energy, from eolian deposition/reworking to mass colluvial mudflows. These changing processes impact greatly on the interpretation of the paleoenvironmental and archaeological records, not least in identifying potential colluvial sediment deposition and reworking in layers identified as containing the MSA/LSA transition. This study highlights the importance of developing geoarchaeological analyses of cultural sequences to fully unravel the limitations and potential of their contained archaeological and paleoenvironmental records.ERC, NER