147 research outputs found

    The state and prospects of development of energy sector in Ukraine

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    Розглянуто проблеми, основні чинники розвитку паливно-енергетичного комплексу, а також перспективи розвитку даного комплексу в Україні. Паливно-енергетичний комплекс є найважливішою структурною складовою економіки України, одним із основних чинників забезпечення життєдіяльності країни та її економічної безпеки. На думку автора, для становлення енергетичної незалежності України необхідно: удосконалити нормативно-правову базу, забезпечити простоту її застосування та обов’язковість виконання учасниками ринку; підвищити рівень енергоефективності й енергозбереження; інтегрувати Україну в енергетичний ринок ЄС; диверсифікувати маршрути й джерела поставок енергетичних ресурсів, постачальників технологій; змінити структуру паливно-енергетичного балансу завдяки збільшенню частки власних енергоресурсів; забезпечити функціонування енергетичного сектора й дієвого захисту критичної інфраструктури ПЕК в особливий період.In the paper the author regards the problems, the main factors of the fuel and energy complex, and prospects of development of the complex in Ukraine. Energy Sector is the major structural component of the economy of Ukraine, a major factor in ensuring the life of the country and its economic security. Fuel and energy complex (FEC) is a complex inter-sectoral system for the production of fuels and energy (electricity and heat), their transportation, distribution and use. It consists of fuel industry (oil, gas, coal, shale, peat) and the electric power industry, closely associated with all sectors of the economy. However, despite the existing theoretical development for the development of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine, there are unsolved actual problems of building system to ensure the priorities of the comprehensive development of enterprises of fuel and energy complex as a key factor in the stabilization of energy supply of the country and enhancing its energy security. According to the author, for the establishment of energy independence of Ukraine it is necessary: improve the regulatory framework to ensure ease of application and commitment of participants in the market; improving energy efficiency and energy conservation; to integrate Ukraine into the EU energy market; to diversify the routes and sources of supply of energy resources, technology providers; to change the structure of fuel and energy balance, due to the increase in the share of domestic energy resources; to ensure the functioning of the energy sector and effective protection of critical infrastructure in the energy sector during the special period

    Doświadczenie kształcenia na odległość studentów psychologii komunikacji interpersonalnej

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    The article concerns the results of theoretical and empirical research of designing and realization of modern Web-services in the educational process of high school as well as implementation and application of Google Classroom service in the educational process of a university. The scientific and methodological bases of the research are substantiated. The features of Web-services were revealed and the economic, technical, functional, functional-educational, personal, and educational advantages of using Google Classroom in institutions of higher education were determined. The methodical steps of using Google Classroom in the process of teaching and studying the discipline “Psychology of Interpersonal Communication” by students of the specialty 053 Psychology were characterized. The results of Google Classroom service implementation in the process of studying by students the discipline are proven, empirically and statistically validated. The effect is an increase in the level of students’ effective interpersonal communication qualities that demonstrate the benefits of using this service for psychology students, especially during pandemic times. The issues of designing and implementing the Google Classroom service in the process of studying other psychological disciplines by students of humanities at all educational levels, as well as examining the advantages and disadvantages of using this service, are treated by the authors as promising for further research.Artykuł dotyczy wyników badań teoretycznych i empirycznych projektowania i realizacji nowoczesnych serwisów internetowych w procesie edukacyjnym szkoły wyższej oraz implementacji i zastosowania usługi Google Classroom w procesie edukacyjnym uczelni. Uzasadnione są naukowe i metodologiczne podstawy badań. Ujawniano funkcje serwisów internetowych oraz określono zalety ekonomiczne, techniczne, funkcjonalne, funkcjonalno-edukacyjne, osobiste i edukacyjne korzystania z Google Classroom w szkołach wyższych. Scharakteryzowano metodyczne etapy wykorzystania Google Classroom w procesie nauczania i studiowania przedmiotu psychologia komunikacji interpersonalnej przez studentów specjalności 053 Psychologia. Wyniki wdrożenia usługi Google Classroom w procesie studiowania przez studentów tego przedmiotu są udowodnione, potwierdzone empirycznie i statystycznie. Efektem jest wzrost poziomu umiejętności skutecznej komunikacji interpersonalnej studentów, który pokazuje korzyści płynące z korzystania z tej usługi dla studentów specjalności psychologia, zwłaszcza w czasach pandemii. Zagadnienia projektowania i wdrażania usługi Google Classroom w procesie studiowania innych dyscyplin psychologicznych przez studentów kierunków humanistycznych na wszystkich poziomach kształcenia oraz badanie zalet i wad korzystania z tej usługi autorki traktują jako obiecujące do dalszych badań

    Institutialization Features of the Financial Sector of the Economy

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    The article reveals the matters of current interest as institutialization of the financial sector from the point of view of the institutional paradigm, where terminology continues to evolve, reflecting the process of economic thought development. The purpose of the article is to determine the difference between institutialization and institutionalization, to obtain own perception of the institutialization of the financial sector, its stages and criteria. The article is based on general scientific methods of cognition: scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, functional and system analysis, induction and deduction, as well as the method of logical generalization. The interpretation of institutialization varies depending on the theoretical basis applied for the analysis of its issues and depends mainly on the approaches related to the research matter solution. Researchers may understand the institution in different ways (like norms, rules, organizations, institutions, a sustainable behaviour type, etc.); thus, the understanding of institutialization will also differ. The vision of institutialization is presented as a system-forming factor in the financial sector of the economy formation, when the institution is represented as a basic category of institutionalism. It is proved that the results of institutional transformations in national economies and their financial sectors are due to the adoption (import) of institutions, transplantation and the cultivation of the necessary institutes and institutions. The potential of institutional theories allows building a methodological apparatus that will thoroughly reflect the current state of financial and insurance activities, explain the qualitative dynamics of the financial sector and determine the factors defining the financial institutions behaviou

    Traditionally Heuristic-Analytical Type of Teaching: Theory and Practice

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    The article substantiates the scientific and theoretical provisions of the traditionally heuristic-analytical type of education, which is understood as a type of education that combines cognitive, creative, and analytical activities enter higher education, that is, reproductive and productive education. The main purpose of the study is to experimentally test the effectiveness of using heuristic-analytical training in the learning process. In the course of the research, the method of experimental research was used. It was stated that most of the respondents in the experimental group should have a high degree of development of professionally important skills, while the majority of respondents in the control group have an average level of development

    Social and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in conditions of general secondary educational establishments

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of social and pedagogical support of children with visual impairments in the conditions of secondary education establishments. The article presents social and pedagogical support method of children with profound visual impairments in the educational and rehabilitation center. 113 children took part in the ascertaining stage of the study to assess the level of socialization of children with visual impairments as an indicator of the effectiveness of social and pedagogical support of children with visual impairments in the educational institution. The control group (CG) 57 respondents and experimental group (EG) 56 respondents were formed according to such parameters as: degree of visual impairment, age, place of residence, type of educational institution, etc. The main components of the methodology of sociopedagogical child support are determined: experimental, productive, normative, corrective, informational, and its functions within the educational process: diagnostic support, counseling, informational and methodological support, organization and management. The effectiveness of experimental technology introduction was confirmed: the success rate in children's educational activities, the level of integrative skills’ development, the average indicators of social activity and morality were increased. The number of children with a high level of socialization has increased

    Robustness of entanglement-based discrete- and continuous-variable quantum key distribution against channel noise

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    Discrete-variable (DV) and continuous-variable (CV) schemes constitute the two major families of quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols. Unfortunately, since the setup elements required by these schemes are quite different, making a fair comparison of their potential performance in particular applications is often troublesome, limiting the experimenters' capability to choose an optimal solution. In this work we perform a general comparison of the major entanglement-based DV and CV QKD protocols in terms of their resistance to the channel noise, with the otherwise perfect setup, showing the definite superiority of the DV family. We analytically derive fundamental bounds on the tolerable channel noise and attenuation for entanglement-based CV QKD protocols. We also investigate the influence of DV QKD setup imperfections on the obtained results in order to determine benchmarks for the parameters of realistic photon sources and detectors, allowing the realistic DV protocols to outperform even the ideal CV QKD analogs. Our results indicate the realistic advantage of DV EPR-based schemes over their CV counterparts and suggests the practical efforts for maximizing this advantage.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure

    Poczucie własnej wartości osób starszych

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    The article is devoted to research of the features of self-esteem in the elderly. Self-esteem is a personal phenomenon that directly affects the regulation of human behavior and activities. It is an autonomous personality trait, his or her core trait, which is formed with the active participation of a personality and reflects the originality of his or her inner world. Self-esteem is an element of an individual`s self-consciousness, which involves self-assessment, and personality`s assessment of his or her capabilities, qualities, and places among other people. It is an important behavior regulator. As a social phenomenon, it may undergo contradictory changes because it depends on a variety of personal and social factors. In ordinary and familiar situations elderly people`s self-esteem is positive; they focus on their positive qualities. Changes in elderly persons` life often cause difficulties and problems in adapting to a new situation. It negatively affects their attitude towards themselves and their self-assessment. Women, those who live with relatives, those who have higher education, those who work, those who are socially active and have a lot of opportunities to communicate, those who do not feel lonely, those who are satisfied with their health status and life more appreciate their positive qualities in old age.Стаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей самооцінки літніх людей. Самооцінка - особистісний феномен, який безпосередньо впливає на регуляцію поведінки та діяльності людини. Це автономна риса особистості, яка формується при активній участі особистості і відображає своєрідність її внутрішнього світу. Самооцінка - це елемент самосвідомості індивіда, який включає самооцінювання та оцінку особистістю своїх можливостей, якостей та місця серед інших людей. Це важливий регулятор поведінки. Як соціальне явище воно може зазнати суперечливих змін, оскільки залежить від різноманітних особистих та соціальних факторів. У звичайних і звичних ситуаціях самооцінка літніх людей позитивна; вони зосереджуються на своїх позитивних якостях. Зміни в житті літніх людей часто викликають труднощі та проблеми при адаптації до нової ситуації. Це негативно впливає на їхнє ставлення до себе та їх самооцінку. Жінки, ті, хто живе з родичами, ті, хто має вищу освіту, ті, хто працює, ті, хто є соціально активними та мають багато можливостей спілкуватися, ті, хто не відчуває себе самотнім, ті, хто задоволений своїм станом здоров’я та життям більше цінують їхні позитивні якості в старості.Artykuł poświęcony jest badaniu cech samooceny u osób starszych. Samoocena to zjawisko osobiste, które bezpośrednio wpływa na regulację ludzkich zachowań i działań. Jest to autonomiczna cecha osobowości, jej podstawowa cecha, która powstaje przy aktywnym udziale osobowości i odzwierciedla oryginalność jego wewnętrznego świata. Samoocena jest elementem samoświadomości jednostki, która obejmuje samoocenę oraz ocenę osobowości jego możliwości, cech i miejsc wśród innych ludzi. Jest ważnym regulatorem zachowania. Jako zjawisko społeczne może podlegać sprzecznym zmianom, ponieważ zależy od różnych czynników osobistych i społecznych. W zwykłych i znanych sytuacjach poczucie własnej wartości osób starszych jest pozytywne; skupiają się na swoich pozytywnych cechach. Zmiany w życiu osób starszych często powodują trudności i trudności w przystosowaniu się do nowej sytuacji. Wpływa to negatywnie na ich stosunek do siebie i ich samooceny. Kobiety, osoby mieszkające z krewnymi, osoby z wyższym wykształceniem, osoby pracujące, osoby aktywne społecznie i mające wiele możliwości komunikowania się, osoby nie czujące się samotne, osoby zadowolone ze swojego stanu zdrowia i życia więcej doceniają ich pozytywne cechy w starszym wieku

    Callus Cultures Of Beans Infected With Virus As A Model For Testing Antiviral Compaunds

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    In the work, bean callus raised from a leaves of Bean common mosaic virus infected bean plant was obtained and adapted for the testing of antiviral activity of liposomal glycan-glycolipid complexes. Ganoderma adspersum glucans and Pseudomonas spec. rhamnolipids were constituents of liposomal compaunds. It has been shown that under the long-term cultivation (up to 3 months) in the presence of a liposomal preparation containing (10-100 mg/l), the virus is eliminated from the tissue. This is evidenced by the absence of 391 bp sequence amplification product established by RT-PCR in the callus tissue, cultured on a medium containing the liposomal complex. The proposed model system is analogous to plant tumors and has obvious advantages over similar systems in vivo, since the callus growth is controlled and independent of environmental factors

    Development of a Potentiometric Sensor Sensitive to Polysorbate 20

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    Polyoxyethylated sorbitans (polysorbates) are widely used in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries, but only quantitative determination is used mainly for chromatographic methods. In this paper, the results of the development and testing of a potentiometric sensor sensitive to nonionic surfactant polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate (polysorbate-20) are presented. An anion of the heterogeneous acid of the Keggin structure (12-molybdophosphate heteropolyacid) was used as a counterion to obtain the electrode-active substance for the potentiometric sensor membrane. Polysorbate-20 does not form cations when dissociating in water and cannot directly interact with heteropolyanion; therefore, a cationic complex of polysorbate-20 with barium ions was previously prepared (similar to the interaction of metals with crown ethers). The resulting ion associate meets the basic requirement for the electrode-active substance of plasticized film polyvinyl chloride membranes of potentiometric sensors (poor water solubility and good solubility in organic solvents). Phthalic acid derivatives (dibutyl phthalate and dioctyl phthalate) were used as solvent-plasticizers for a polyvinyl chloride membrane. To determine the optimum conditions for the functioning of a potentiometric sensor sensitive to polysorbate-20, the influence of various factors on the electrode characteristics was studied. Quantitative content of the ionic associate in the polyvinyl chloride membrane, the nature of the membrane solvent-plasticizer, pH of a series of standard polysorbate-20 solutions) on the electrode characteristics of the plasticized membrane of the potentiometric sensor (sensitivity or slope of the electrode function, lower limit of linearity and minimum detectable concentration of polysorbate-20, which can be determined with the help of the developed potentiometric sensor) was studied. The optimal conditions for using the developed potentiometric sensor were found. The developed sensor allows for a short period of time (5–10 min) determining the quantitative content of polysorbate-20 in industrial products at the level 10–5–10‑6 mol/l. The potentiometric sensor sensitive to polysorbate-20 can be used for the development of a potentiometric method for determining the clinical reception of polysorbate-20 in various types of industrial products


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    Diagnosis of tuberculous spondylitis is based on the comparison of clinical-laboratory, bacteriological data and radiological methods. Digital tomosynthesis is a new method of X-ray diagnostics for performing with high-resolution limited-angle tomography at short-pulsed exposures in one pass of the tube with reconstruction of several hundred longitudinal sections of the research object without superposition of tissues. Possibilities of tomosynthesis are studied for various clinical situations. Aim of research. To study and apply the possibilities of digital tomosynthesis in the diagnosis of tuberculous spondylitis, conduct a comparative analysis with other radiological methods. Materials and methods. Digital tomosynthesis was performed for 95 patients with various spine diseases (select group 8.4 % with tuberculous spondylitis) at the domestic digital roentgen-diagnostic complex with the mode of digital tomosynthesis after performing digital projectional radiography of spine. Results and discussion. The benefits of tomosynthesis were shown and a comparative analysis with other visualization methods in the diagnosis of spondylitis was performed. Cases of the first clinical application of the method in Ukraine were demonstrated. Conclusion. Digital tomosynthesis of the spine is a new promising diagnostic tool by which you can obtain qualitative spine images in the form of numerical thin sections with no exaggeration effect. Results are comparable to CT data for detecting bone destruction at lower radiation load levels. Digital tomosynthesis provides better visualization of the small joints of the spine and the ability to evaluate each anatomical element of the vertebra at different depths, helps to detect pulmonary manifestation of tuberculosis