78 research outputs found

    “When They Moved the Cemetery…”: Hybridisation of Belief in the Afterlife after Flood Zone Resettlement in Ukraine

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    The article analyses changes in Ukrainian folk beliefs about the afterlife in the face of forced resettlement due to the construction of hydroelectric power stations and water reservoirs. During resettlement, folk beliefs were adapted to the conditions of the time, under the influence of Soviet atheism and propaganda. Later, especially since the independence of Ukraine, migrants have tried to restore the lost connection between the living and the dead by establishing and consecrating crosses on common graves in which the remains of former villagers are reburied. Today, narratives about the relocation of a cemetery express anxiety about the disturbance of the dead and the idea of the impossibility of complete resettlement from an ancient place of residence

    Protesting Retrospectively: Oral Memories and Social Practices of Migrants from the Areas of Artificial Water Reservoirs in Soviet Ukraine

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    Between the 1920s and the 1980s, Soviet Ukraine saw six large hydroelectric power plants constructed on the Dnipro River and one on the Dnister River. (1) The projects necessitated the creation of artificial water reservoirs, resulting in the destruction of a large number of old villages. The residents of these places were forcibly resettled. In the 1960s and 1970s, a time period that constitutes the main focus of this paper, the only form of protest to forcible resettlement was defiance: according to the state plan, while people were required to demolish their houses and build new ones in a specially designated place, many did not. Any other form of protest was dangerous in a totalitarian state. The weakening and further collapse of the Soviet regime altered the political climate, and Ukraine has since witnessed numerous expressions of discontent in the forms of strikes, rallies, collective statements, etc. These experiences led to a rethinking of the Soviet past and a search for protest where it previously had not existed. The present article focuses on narratives and social events that serve as creative responses to the forcible resettlement. It shows that these forms of protest have emerged as a result of changing perceptions of the feasibility of hydropower and an understanding of the losses caused by the flooding of forests, pastures, and farmlands. The present case study illustrates that protests, typically associated with immediate response to political events, can sometimes form retrospectively, and can be directly shaped by the processes of the formation and traditionalization of memory

    Book Review: New Studies of Folk Religiosity in Poland

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    Book review: Stachowiak, Andrzej. 2021. Miejsca święte na Pomorzu. Pruszcz Gdański; Słupsk:Wydawnictwo Jasne. 278 pages

    Two Wars for One Life: Verbalization of Experience during the War

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    This article examines the oral recollections of Leonida Stanislavivna Panchyk, born in 1939 in Makariv district, Kyiv region, where she has lived all her life. The oral recollections were recorded from February 26 to March 5, 2022, during the beginning of the active phase of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The uniqueness and special value of the presented records lies in the fact that they demonstrate the living life of the Ukrainian narrative tradition. The recorded narrative is a direct reaction to the war. The analysed material and the study of the living situation gave grounds to distinguish the following three groups of reasons that caused the emergence of a memory: characters, events, place. The associative logical sequence of plots in memories is described. All the stories are a child’s memories and primarily describe events that are important to the child. Panchyk’s memories are sustained in one ideological, thematic and genre direction, they are not diluted by other themes or genres

    Особливості прояву та вираженість психічного стресу родичів інкурабельних онкологічних пацієнтів

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    The study has looked into the manifestations and intensity of psychological stress experienced by family members of incurable cancer patients.  Of the surveyed family members 60.7% demonstrated adjustment disorders, which psychologically were manifest in threshold distress level and high psychological and social stress levels, as well as psychological pathologic symptoms, such as anxiety and depression, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, interpersonal sensitivity and somatic health problems. The psychological responses of the family members were directly linked to the patient’s condition, whereby changes in the somatic and psychological condition of the patient acted as “triggers” of psychological responses of the family members. У дослідженні було проведено вивчення особливостей прояву та вираженості психічного стресу у родичів інкурабельних онкохворих, яке виявило розлад адаптації у 60,7% опитуваних, що на психологічному рівні супроводжувалося пороговим рівнем стресового навантаження та високим рівнем психосоціального стресу, психопатологічною симптоматикою у вигляді тривожно-депресивних, обсесивно-компульсивних проявів, міжособистісної сензитивності та соматизації. Встановлено змістовний взаємозв’язок між психічним реагуванням родичів та станом пацієнтів, у якому зміни у соматичному та психологічному стані хворого для членів родини відігравали роль «пускових факторів» у психологічному реагуванні

    Синдром емоційного вигорання у лікарів онкологічного профілю та шляхи його подолання

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    Background. The emotional burnout negatively affects health and professional activity of medical workers. There is a need to improve psychological knowledge and skills, necessary to cope with occupational stress, in medical personnel, especially those, working in oncology. Materials and methods. In the study participated 41 oncologists. We used MBI-HSS questionnaire for the measurement of the burnout manifestations. Results. The severity of emotional exhaustion among oncologists was – 14,8±9,9 points, depersonalization – 5,1±3,7 points and assessment of professional achievement – 36,4±6,7 points. The principal manifestations of emotional burnout in oncologists were feeling of emotional emptiness, anxiety, depressed mood, psycho-emotional and personal detachment, reduced productivity, dissatisfaction with themselves, distancing from patients and colleagues. There were noted some differences in emotional burnout levels in oncologists with different specialization. Although, this differences didn’t reach statistical significance. Conclusion. Development and implementation of the complex psychological program for physicians with psychoeducation and communicative training is a practical solution to emotional burnout problem in oncology.Актуальність. Зміни, спричинені вигоранням, мають несприятливі наслідки для здоров’я та професійної діяльності спеціалістів, що обумовлює потребу у підтримці та забезпеченні медиків необхідними знаннями та вміннями протидіяти професійному стресу. Матеріали та методи. За допомогою опитувальника MBI-HSS було проведено психологічне обстеження 41 лікаря-онколога з метою виявлення проявів емоційного вигорання. Результати. Вираженість емоційного виснаження серед онкологів становила – 14,8±9,9 балів, деперсоналізації – 5,1±3,7 балів, оцінки професійних досягнень – 36,4±6,7 балів. Провідними проявами емоційного вигорання у лікарів-онкологів є відчуття емоційної спустошеності, тривога, зниження настрою, розширення сфери економії емоцій, психоемоційна та особистісна відстороненість, зниження продуктивності праці, незадоволення собою, дистанціювання від пацієнтів та колег. Відмінності у проявах емоційного вигорання поміж лікарів-онкологів терапевтичного та хірургічного профілю обумовлюються специфікою професійної діяльності – функціональними обов’язками та особливостями стану хворих. Висновок. Розробка та впровадження комплексної програми медико-психологічної допомоги для лікарів, що включає психоосвіту та тренінги з лікувальної взаємодії є одним з практичних рішень проблеми емоційного вигорання в онкології

    “About God at war”. Forms and features of religious Internet folklore pertaining to the Russo-Ukrainian war

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    The article focuses on the issue of religious online folklore disseminated in connection with the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the popular social media platform Facebook (Ukrainian version), between April and June 2022. The aim of the analysis of the collected material presented in the text is to show the basic forms and functions of religious folklore in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian war, their relationship with other messages of religious content (prayers, appeals and supplications) and the specificity of Internet communication. The authors undertake to show the connections the studied messages exhibit with religious thinking and the Christian tradition on a verbal and visual level, as well as the identity of the Ukrainian people. They also point to the importance of Internet communication in times of helplessness and deep crisis.Artykuł dotyczy problematyki religijnego folkloru internetowego, jaki upowszechniany był w związku z inwazją Rosji na Ukrainę na popularnym portalu społecznościowym Facebook (wersja ukraińska), od kwietnia do czerwca 2022 roku. Celem prezentowanej w tekście analizy zebranego materiału jest ukazanie podstawowych form i funkcji folkloru religijnego w kontekście wojny rosyjsko-ukraińskiej, ich związku z innymi przekazami o treści religijnej (modlitwy, apele i prośby błagalne) oraz specyfiką komunikacji internetowej. Autorki starają się pokazać powiązania badanych przekazów z myśleniem człowieka religijnego i tradycją chrześcijańską na poziomie werbalnym i wizualnym oraz tożsamością narodu ukraińskiego. Wskazują również na istotne znaczenie komunikacji internetowej w sytuacji bezradności i doświadczenia głębokiego kryzysu

    How a gathering becomes a holiday. Modern social practices of migrants from flooded zones in Ukraine

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    The article presents the modern practices of remembering sunken Ukrainian villages at annual or periodic gatherings of migrants from flooded areas in various regions of Ukraine. It describes the subsequent stages of organising such events, from spontaneous visits to the flooded place to a solemn meeting of the villagers on the banks of the reservoir. It also discusses the ritualised mechanisms and means by which an ordinary meeting of group of people is transformed into a festival through the sacralisation of the gathering’s time and place (by building memorials, such as chapels, crosses or monuments, the publication of memoirs, organization of exhibitions, etc.), through the appropriate selection of participants and the use of suitable identifiers of a celebration time (e.g. a shared meal, musical accompaniment, the performance of special songs, the use of national costumes, the taking of memorial photographs).W artykule zostały przedstawione współczesne praktyki upamiętniania zatopionych wsi ukraińskich, podejmowane w trakcie corocznych lub okazjonalnych spotkań przesiedleńców z terenów zalanych w różnych regionach Ukrainy. Opisano kolejne etapy organizowania tego rodzajudziałań, od spontanicznych odwiedzin zalanego miejsca do uroczystych spotkań mieszkańców wsi nad brzegiem zbiornika wodnego. Ukazano zrytualizowane mechanizmy i środki, dzięki którym zwykłe spotkanie grupy ludzi nabiera charakteru święta poprzez sakralizację czasu i miejsca spotkania (budowanie obiektów pamięci, takich jak kaplice, krzyże, pomniki, publikację wspomnień, organizację wystaw itp.), dobór uczestników, wykorzystanie odpowiednich identyfikatorów świętowania (wspólna uczta, akompaniament muzyczny, wykonywanie pieśni okolicznościowych, użycie strojów ludowych, pamiątkowe fotografie)

    Digital Globalization in the International Development of Strategic Alliances

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    Abstract. Over the past century, the rate of globalization has substantially grown due to the increasing impact of transnational companies, development of digital communications systems, integration of new technologies and the increasing need for rapid response to changes by transforming life orientations of society. Establishment of strategic alliances and enlargement of international companies are becoming more relevant in the digital services and informational support sector because of the constant development of technologies and the enhancement of legislation in many countries regarding authors' rights, patenting and intellectual property, which encourages the search for new possibilities of reducing corporate expenses and expanding sales markets and influence. Aim and tasks. The article is aimed at examining key globalization processes in the development of strategic alliances of transnational companies in the period of economy digitalization and providing recommendations for improving ecological and economic situations caused by globalization in developing countries. Results. The article analyzes key risks caused by globalization processes, Ukraine’s current situation and future trends. It analyzes Ukraine’s major transnational companies and their operating strategies, develops an activity scheme of donor countries of transnational corporations and recipient countries that most frequently serve as a financial or resource potential for the company. One has advanced an assessment model of the globalization level in the country, developed the table of globalization effects. Using KOF Globalisation Index, one has made a forecast for the future of Ukraine and other countries, provided recommendations for improving its calculation by putting an index of ecological impact of international companies on the situation in the country and the ecosystem before and after company’s entrance to the national market.     Conclusions. Digital globalization processes increase the impact on international markets and establish a separate market of international digital services. Therefore, the establishment of strategic alliances based on digitalization and intelligent technologies enhances the efficiency of activities of transnational companies but requires further advancement of institutional support in the development of regulated rules of conduct on the information market. Following the analysis results, one has found out that the core problem of international companies operating in the territory of developing countries is the irrational use of natural resources. One has proven that, taking into account the level of globalization, it is viable to estimate the ecological impact of international companies on the ecosystem state in the given country, examine changes caused by globalization processes in natural systems as a result of social and political globalization changes in order to protect the economy and natural resources from the irrational use.     &nbsp


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    The necessity of special training of future teachers to work with gifted children is substantiated. In the article defined innovative approaches to improving the educational process in a pedagogical university have been determined in order to create conditions for students to acquire the qualities necessary for the identification of gifted children and to create favorable conditions for their creative self-realization. The importance of reflective abilities in the structure of future teacher’s readiness to work with gifted children is shown. The results of diagnostics of students reflexive abilities are presented, the insufficient level of their formation is revealed. The importance of training in the development of future teachers of the reflective component of readiness to work with children is shown. The experience of conducting trainings, which were developed and tested within the framework of the international project «Development of a culture of democracy in teacher education in Norway, Ukraine and Palestine», is presented. Examples of reflexive training exercises are given, the implementation of which will contribute to the development of future teachers ability to professional self-examination and self-esteem.