32 research outputs found

    Solar Wind Discontinuities and their Interaction with the Bow Shock

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    Department of Surface and Plasma ScienceKatedra fyziky povrchů a plazmatuFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Mapping Clinical Contents onto Longitudinal Depictions of Cross-Continuum Service Events in Island Health: Clinical Context Coding Scheme

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    Introduction All bits of clinical information acquire meaning against a backdrop of longitudinal engagement with a potentially large constellation of services. Full cross-continuum transactional data will be refractory to analysis unless the full continuum of service locations can be rendered in a form that is transparent with regard to target populations. Objectives and Approach The work entailed two streams of activity: (1) building a six-dimensional framework (Clinical Context Coding Scheme - CCCS) that is layered directly onto the full array of secondary and tertiary service locations to render transparent the clinical function of the services; and (2) developing tools that work from that framework to reduce very large numbers of granular service entities down to a smaller number of clinically-functionally homogeneous entities. This solution serves both to supply the data in an analyzable form, and to address problems of small cell sizes and associated challenges around risk for re-identification of high-dimensional longitudinal data sets. Results The CCCS consists of an extensible array of meta-data categories (currently six) that are layered onto each of the 1700 service locations extracted from the location build in Island Health’s deployment of the Cerner EHR. This scheme was linked to the large body of longitudinal encounter data in Island Health. Service encounters, classified and aggregated using this CCCS scheme, were used to perform the following functions: (a) supply a base longitudinal encounter layer onto which other data sets could be superimposed (linked); (b) generate within-person-over-time visualizations of individual patients that reflects full secondary and tertiary cross-continuum service utilization; (c) generate cohort definitions reflecting patterns of service utilization, and (d) generate aggregate level reports that summarize full cross-continuum service utilization for cohorts. Conclusion/Implications The CCCS produces views of patients that are more complete and/or quite different from those created with the “usual datasets” (e.g., Acute Care + ER). Applying the scheme to diverse populations (e.g. addictions; stroke patients) illustrates the scheme’s viability – and the consequences/costs of NOT bring the full continuum into focus


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    Recently, the laser technology of influencing biological objects in biology, medicine, and veterinary medicine has become widespread in order to activate certain biochemical and physiological processes in the organism. Any influence of electromagnetic radiation (in particular optical emission) requires the exact adherence to the recommended illumination dose to obtain a positive effect on the biological object. The article presents the results of a theoretical study concerning provision of uniform illumination of the egg’s surface, taking into account the location of the laser radiation source and rotating time of the egg.Ostatnio technologia laserowego oddziaływania na obiekty biologiczne w biologii, medycynie i weterynarii stała się powszechna w celu aktywacji pewnych procesów biochemicznych i fizjologicznych w organizmie. Każdy wpływ promieniowania elektromagnetycznego (w szczególności emisji optycznej) wymaga dokładnego przestrzegania zalecanej dawki oświetlenia w celu uzyskania pozytywnego wpływu na obiekt biologiczny. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań teoretycznych dotyczących zapewnienia równomiernego oświetlenia powierzchni jaja, biorąc pod uwagę lokalizację źródła promieniowania laserowego i czas obrotu jaja

    Wind Observations of Wave Heating and/or Particle Energization at Supercritical Interplanetary Shocks

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    We present the first observations at supercritical interplanetary shocks of large amplitude (> 100 mV/m pk-pk) solitary waves, approx.30 mV/m pk-pk waves exhibiting characteristics consistent with electron Bernstein waves, and > 20 nT pk-pk electromagnetic lower hybrid-like waves, with simultaneous evidence for wave heating and particle energization. The solitary waves and the Bernstein-like waves were likely due to instabilities driven by the free energy provided by reflected ions [Wilson III et al., 2010]. They were associated with strong particle heating in both the electrons and ions. We also show a case example of parallel electron energization and perpendicular ion heating due to a electromagnetic lower hybrid-like wave. Both studies provide the first experimental evidence of wave heating and/or particle energization at interplanetary shocks. Our experimental results, together with the results of recent Vlasov [Petkaki and Freeman, 2008] and PIC [Matsukyo and Scholer, 2006] simulations using realistic mass ratios provide new evidence to suggest that the importance of wave-particle dissipation at shocks may be greater than previously thought

    Визначення деформованого стану збірних металевих гофрованих конструкцій тунельного шляхопроводу при дії динамічного навантаження залізничного транспорту

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    This paper reports the analysis of prospects for the use of prefabricated metal corrugated structures in the body of the embankment of a railroad track in the form of a tunnel overpass in order to pass road vehicles and railroad rolling stock. A technique of inertial dynamic tests of the deformed state of a tunnel overpass from prefabricated metal corrugated structures during the passage of railroad rolling stock is given, by measuring accelerations at the top and on the sides of overpass structures. An algorithm is proposed for processing the acceleration signal for assessing the strained state of metal corrugated structures of a tunnel overpass under the action of dynamic load from railroad transport. Experimental dynamic measurements of accelerations arising at the top and on the sides of a tunnel overpass during the passage of passenger and freight railroad rolling stock were carried out. The maximum value of accelerations arising at the top of a tunnel overpass during the passage of a freight train was 7.99 m/s2, and when passing a passenger train – 6.21 m/s2; the maximum accelerations that occur on the sides were 2.63 m/s2 and 1.77 m/s2. It is established that the maximum deformations of metal corrugated structures of the top of a tunnel overpass, when passing freight and passenger trains are, respectively, 1.63 mm and 1.11 mm. The maximum strains of metal corrugated structures on the sides of an overpass are 1.07 mm and 0.48 mm. The value of relative deformations in the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the structures of a tunnel overpass under the action of dynamic loads from the railroad rolling stock has been found. The relative vertical strains of an overpass amounted to 0.020 %; horizontal – 0.012 %. The practical significance of this work is that with the help of the devised procedure for measuring accelerations, it is possible to assess the strained state of metal corrugated structures under the influence of dynamic loads from the railroad rolling stockПроведено аналіз перспектив застосування збірних металевих гофрованих конструкцій у тілі насипу залізничної колії у вигляді тунельного шляхопроводу з метою пропуску автомобільних транспортних засобів та рухомого складу залізниць. Наведено спосіб інерційних динамічних випробувань деформованого стану тунельного шляхопроводу із збірних металевих гофрованих конструкцій при проїзді рухомого складу залізничного транспорту, шляхом вимірювання прискорень у вершині та на бокових сторонах конструкцій шляхопроводу. Запропоновано алгоритм обробки сигналу прискорень для оцінки деформованого стану металевих гофрованих конструкцій тунельного шляхопроводу при дії динамічного навантаження від залізничного транспорту. Проведено експериментальні динамічні вимірювання прискорень, що виникають у вершині та на бокових сторонах тунельного шляхопроводу при проїзді пасажирського та вантажного рухомого складу залізничного транспорту. Максимальна величина прискорень, що виникають у вершині тунельного шляхопроводу при проїзді вантажного поїзду склала 7,99 м/с2, а при проїзді пасажирського поїзду – 6,21 м/с2, а максимальні прискорення, які виникають на бокових сторонах становили 2,63 м/с2 та 1,77 м/с2. Встановлено, що максимальні деформації металевих гофрованих конструкцій вершини тунельного шляхопроводу, при проїзді вантажного та пасажирського поїздів становлять, відповідно, 1,63 мм та 1,11 мм. Максимальні деформації металевих гофрованих конструкцій на бокових сторонах шляхопроводу становлять 1,07 мм та 0,48 мм. Отримано величину відносних деформацій вертикального та горизонтального розмірів конструкцій тунельного шляхопроводу при дії динамічних навантажень від рухомого складу залізниці. Відносні вертикальні деформації шляхопроводу склали 0,020 %, а горизонтальні – 0,012 %. Практичне значення роботи полягає у тому, що за допомогою розробленої методики вимірювання прискорень можна проводити оцінку деформованого стану металевих гофрованих конструкцій при дії динамічних навантажень від рухомого складу залізниц

    Transitions across cognitive states and death among older adults in relation to education:A multistate survival model using data from six longitudinal studies

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    INTRODUCTION: This study examines the role of educational attainment, an indicator of cognitive reserve, on transitions in later life between cognitive states (normal Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), mild MMSE impairment, and severe MMSE impairment) and death. METHODS: Analysis of six international longitudinal studies was performed using a coordinated approach. Multistate survival models were used to estimate the transition patterns via different cognitive states. Life expectancies were estimated. RESULTS: Across most studies, a higher level of education was associated with a lower risk of transitioning from normal MMSE to mild MMSE impairment but was not associated with other transitions. Those with higher levels of education and socioeconomic status had longer nonimpaired life expectancies. DISCUSSION: This study highlights the importance of education in later life and that early life experiences can delay later compromised cognitive health. This study also demonstrates the feasibility and benefit in conducting coordinated analysis across multiple studies to validate findings

    колективна монографія

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    Кримінальний процесуальний кодекс 2012 року: ідеологія та практика правозастосування: колективна монографія / за заг. ред. Ю. П. Аленіна ; відпов. за вип. І. В. Гловюк. - Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2018. - 1148 с

    Cardiovascular Risk Reduction with Icosapent Ethyl for Hypertriglyceridemia

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    BACKGROUND Patients with elevated triglyceride levels are at increased risk for ischemic events. Icosapent ethyl, a highly purified eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester, lowers triglyceride levels, but data are needed to determine its effects on ischemic events. METHODS We performed a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving patients with established cardiovascular disease or with diabetes and other risk factors, who had been receiving statin therapy and who had a fasting triglyceride level of 135 to 499 mg per deciliter (1.52 to 5.63 mmol per liter) and a low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level of 41 to 100 mg per deciliter (1.06 to 2.59 mmol per liter). The patients were randomly assigned to receive 2 g of icosapent ethyl twice daily (total daily dose, 4 g) or placebo. The primary end point was a composite of cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, coronary revascularization, or unstable angina. The key secondary end point was a composite of cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke. RESULTS A total of 8179 patients were enrolled (70.7% for secondary prevention of cardiovascular events) and were followed for a median of 4.9 years. A primary end-point event occurred in 17.2% of the patients in the icosapent ethyl group, as compared with 22.0% of the patients in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.75; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.68 to 0.83; P<0.001); the corresponding rates of the key secondary end point were 11.2% and 14.8% (hazard ratio, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.65 to 0.83; P<0.001). The rates of additional ischemic end points, as assessed according to a prespecified hierarchical schema, were significantly lower in the icosapent ethyl group than in the placebo group, including the rate of cardiovascular death (4.3% vs. 5.2%; hazard ratio, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.66 to 0.98; P=0.03). A larger percentage of patients in the icosapent ethyl group than in the placebo group were hospitalized for atrial fibrillation or flutter (3.1% vs. 2.1%, P=0.004). Serious bleeding events occurred in 2.7% of the patients in the icosapent ethyl group and in 2.1% in the placebo group (P=0.06). CONCLUSIONS Among patients with elevated triglyceride levels despite the use of statins, the risk of ischemic events, including cardiovascular death, was significantly lower among those who received 2 g of icosapent ethyl twice daily than among those who received placebo. (Funded by Amarin Pharma; REDUCE-IT ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01492361