46 research outputs found

    Farma, kde se zelenině daří bez dotací

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    Ekofarmu Ředhošť najdete na pomezí Ústeckého a Středočeského kraje, v mírně zvlněné krajině mezi Libochovicemi a Slaným. I bez dotací je malá rodinná farma konkurenceschopná. Produkuje zeleninu, neprodává do obchodních řetězců, a přesto hospodaří bez dotací. Tady se projevuje fenomén „bio“. Stále více Čechů věří značce, která pro ně zaručuje stabilní úroveň kvality a také potraviny bez chemie. A jsou ochotni si za ni připlatit

    The World of Fast Moving Objects

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    The notion of a Fast Moving Object (FMO), i.e. an object that moves over a distance exceeding its size within the exposure time, is introduced. FMOs may, and typically do, rotate with high angular speed. FMOs are very common in sports videos, but are not rare elsewhere. In a single frame, such objects are often barely visible and appear as semi-transparent streaks. A method for the detection and tracking of FMOs is proposed. The method consists of three distinct algorithms, which form an efficient localization pipeline that operates successfully in a broad range of conditions. We show that it is possible to recover the appearance of the object and its axis of rotation, despite its blurred appearance. The proposed method is evaluated on a new annotated dataset. The results show that existing trackers are inadequate for the problem of FMO localization and a new approach is required. Two applications of localization, temporal super-resolution and highlighting, are presented

    Nestandardní úlohy v odstranění rozmazání obrazu

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    Název: Nestandardní úlohy v odstranění rozmazání obrazu Autor: Jan Kotera Pracoviště: Ústav teorie informace a automatizace Akademie věd České republiky Vedoucí: Doc. Ing. Filip Šroubek, Ph.D., DSc., Ústav teorie informace a automati- zace Akademie věd České republiky Abstract: Odstranění rozmazání obrazu je jednou ze standardních úloh zpracování obrazu. Není-li znám přesný způsob rozmazání a je třeba ho odhadnout z rozmazaného obrázku, nazývá se takové odstranění rozmazání slepé a jedná se o těžší úlohu. Tato práce se zabývá dvěma problémy, které se objevují ve slepém odstranění rozmazání. V první části práce uvažujeme obvyklý konvoluční model rozmazání obrazu a navrhu- jeme způsob, jak zvýšit odolnost metody proti jevům, které tento model porušují, jako jsou například přepaly obrazu. Takové jevy způsobují velikou nepřesnost odhadu roz- mazání a následně špatnou kvalitu výsledného obrazu. Navržený přístup je založen na použití velmi flexibilní ARD distribuce pro chybu konvolučního modelu a metody variačního Bayese pro odhad rozmazání, díky čemuž je natolik obecný, že dokáže au- tomaticky identifikovat oblasti obrazu, které konvoluční model porušují, aniž by bylo nutné předvídat konkrétní příčiny takového porušení. Většina slepých metod pro odstranění rozmazání vyžaduje...Title: Image Deblurring in Demanding Conditions Author: Jan Kotera Department: Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences Supervisor: Doc. Ing. Filip Šroubek, Ph.D., DSc., Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences Abstract: Image deblurring is a computer vision task consisting of removing blur from image, the objective is to recover the sharp image corresponding to the blurred input. If the nature and shape of the blur is unknown and must be estimated from the input image, image deblurring is called blind and naturally presents a more difficult problem. This thesis focuses on two primary topics related to blind image deblurring. In the first part we work with the standard image deblurring based on the common convolution blur model and present a method of increasing robustness of the deblur- ring to phenomena violating the linear acquisition model, such as for example inten- sity clipping caused by sensor saturation in overexposed pixels. If not properly taken care of, these effects significantly decrease accuracy of the blur estimation and visual quality of the restored image. Rather than tailoring the deblurring method explicitly for each particular type of acquisition model violation we present a general approach based on flexible automatic...Matematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    ECSIC: Epipolar Cross Attention for Stereo Image Compression

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    In this paper, we present ECSIC, a novel learned method for stereo image compression. Our proposed method compresses the left and right images in a joint manner by exploiting the mutual information between the images of the stereo image pair using a novel stereo cross attention (SCA) module and two stereo context modules. The SCA module performs cross-attention restricted to the corresponding epipolar lines of the two images and processes them in parallel. The stereo context modules improve the entropy estimation of the second encoded image by using the first image as a context. We conduct an extensive ablation study demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed modules and a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative comparison with existing methods. ECSIC achieves state-of-the-art performance among stereo image compression models on the two popular stereo image datasets Cityscapes and InStereo2k while allowing for fast encoding and decoding, making it highly practical for real-time applications

    Sub-frame Appearance and 6D Pose Estimation of Fast Moving Objects

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    We propose a novel method that tracks fast moving objects, mainly non-uniform spherical, in full 6 degrees of freedom, estimating simultaneously their 3D motion trajectory, 3D pose and object appearance changes with a time step that is a fraction of the video frame exposure time. The sub-frame object localization and appearance estimation allows realistic temporal super-resolution and precise shape estimation. The method, called TbD-3D (Tracking by Deblatting in 3D) relies on a novel reconstruction algorithm which solves a piece-wise deblurring and matting problem. The 3D rotation is estimated by minimizing the reprojection error. As a second contribution, we present a new challenging dataset with fast moving objects that change their appearance and distance to the camera. High speed camera recordings with zero lag between frame exposures were used to generate videos with different frame rates annotated with ground-truth trajectory and pose

    Dispersive analysis of K_{L mu3} and K_{L e3} scalar and vector form factors using KTeV data

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    Using the published KTeV samples of K_L --> pi^{\pm} e^{\mp} nu and K_L --> pi^{\pm} mu^{\mp} nu decays [1], we perform a reanalysis of the scalar and vector form factors based on the dispersive parameterization [2,3]. We obtain phase space integrals I^e_K = 0.15446 \pm 0.00025 and I^{mu}_K = 0.10219 \pm 0.00025. For the scalar form factor parameterization, the only free parameter is the normalized form factor value at the Callan-Treiman point (C); our best fit results in ln C = 0.1915 \pm 0.0122. We also study the sensitivity of C to different parametrizations of the vector form factor. The results for the phase space integrals and C are then used to make tests of the Standard Model. Finally, we compare our results with lattice QCD calculations of F_K/F_pi and f_+(0).Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to be published in PR

    BioHackathon series in 2011 and 2012: penetration of ontology and linked data in life science domains

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    The application of semantic technologies to the integration of biological data and the interoperability of bioinformatics analysis and visualization tools has been the common theme of a series of annual BioHackathons hosted in Japan for the past five years. Here we provide a review of the activities and outcomes from the BioHackathons held in 2011 in Kyoto and 2012 in Toyama. In order to efficiently implement semantic technologies in the life sciences, participants formed various sub-groups and worked on the following topics: Resource Description Framework (RDF) models for specific domains, text mining of the literature, ontology development, essential metadata for biological databases, platforms to enable efficient Semantic Web technology development and interoperability, and the development of applications for Semantic Web data. In this review, we briefly introduce the themes covered by these sub-groups. The observations made, conclusions drawn, and software development projects that emerged from these activities are discussed

    Variational methods for segmentation of digital images

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    The text covers the theory of the Mumford and Shah model for digital image segmentation. The strong and weak formulation is presented and the questions of existence, uniqueness, and solution regularity is answered. Then, a particular variant of the model called `active contours without edges' is numerically implemented. This implementation is tested on several images, the results are presented in detail and theoretically explained. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org