33 research outputs found
Matrix-metalloproteinase-2,-8 and-9 in serum and skin blister fluid in patients with severe sepsis
Peer reviewe
Author Correction: Multi-ancestry genome-wide association analyses improve resolution of genes and pathways influencing lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease risk
Correction to: Nature Geneticshttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-023-01314-0, published online 13 March 2023. In the version of the article initially published, the sample sizes in the main text and Supplementary Tables 1 and 2 were incorrect. In the abstract, the last paragraph of the Introduction, the first paragraph of the Results, the top box in Figure 1a and the Supplementary Information, the total sample size has been corrected from 580,869 to 588,452 participants and the size of the European cohort from 468,062 to 475,645. Some of the effect sizes in Supplementary Table 14 (columns W, Z, AC, AF) had the wrong sign. There was also an error in Supplementary Table 3 where the sample size instead of the variant count was shown for EXCEED. The errors do not affect the conclusions of the study. Additionally, two acknowledgments for use of INTERVAL pQTL and Lung eQTL consortium data were omitted from the Supplementary Information. These errors have been corrected in the Supplementary Information and HTML and PDF versions of the article
Multi-ancestry genome-wide association analyses improve resolution of genes and pathways influencing lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease risk
Lung-function impairment underlies chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and predicts mortality. In the largest multi-ancestry genome-wide association meta-analysis of lung function to date, comprising 580,869 participants, we identified 1,020 independent association signals implicating 559 genes supported by ≥2 criteria from a systematic variant-to-gene mapping framework. These genes were enriched in 29 pathways. Individual variants showed heterogeneity across ancestries, age and smoking groups, and collectively as a genetic risk score showed strong association with COPD across ancestry groups. We undertook phenome-wide association studies for selected associated variants as well as trait and pathway-specific genetic risk scores to infer possible consequences of intervening in pathways underlying lung function. We highlight new putative causal variants, genes, proteins and pathways, including those targeted by existing drugs. These findings bring us closer to understanding the mechanisms underlying lung function and COPD, and should inform functional genomics experiments and potentially future COPD therapies
Wound healing and skin in severe sepsis
It is a generally accepted dogma that sepsis disturbs skin function and wound healing, but surprisingly there is only remote pathophysiological evidence available behind that presumption. As the skin is the largest defensive barrier, the skin dysfunction in severe sepsis deserves more attention.
In this study, the suction blister model was used to create experimental wounds. The study population included 44 patients with severe sepsis and 15 controls. The blister fluid was collected to analyse cytokine profile of the skin. The transepidermal water loss and blood flow from the wound were measured. A 4mm biopsy was taken under local anaesthesia on the first and the eighth day of the study from the healthy looking skin. Then 15 healing suction blisters were excised. Serum samples were also collected on the first day of the study.
The barrier restoration was diminished, and the inflammation in the wound was more intense in severe sepsis than in the controls. The expression of the basement membrane components Laminin-332 and type IV collagen decreased during the septic disease, but increased over the next 3 months without achieving the level oft he controls. The expression of tight junction proteins remained nearly intact in the healing wound in severe sepsis compared to the controls. The expression of occludin on the leading edge of the migrating keratinocytes was more restricted and late in severe sepsis compared to the controls. The levels of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin-10 (IL-10) and IL-6 in skin blister fluid were higher in the sepsis compared to controls. The blister fluid and serum cytokine response in the sepsis differed since the levels of epidermal growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, TNF and basic fibroblastic growth factor (bFGF) in the blister fluid did not correlate with the levels of serum. The septic patients with multiple organ failure had higher levels of several cytokines than patients without organ failure. Survivors had lower levels of IL-10 and bFGF in blister fluid than the non-survivors.
This study offers novel findings for skin and wound healing in sepsis. Together, all the findings suggest that skin dysfunction in severe sepsis exists even when the most profound structures remain intact. Understanding these mechanisms of impaired wound healing can improve future treatments, such as the timing of surgery.Tiivistelmä
Sepsiksen ajatellaan heikentävän haavanparanemista, mutta tieteellistä näyttöä on niukasti. Iholla on keskeinen osa elimistön puolustuksessa ja tasapainon ylläpidossa, joten sen toiminnan häiriintyminen systeemisessä tulehduksessa ansaitsee suuremman huomion.
Imurakkulahaavat tehtiin 44 septiselle potilaalle ja 15 kontrollille. Haavoista mitattiin veden haihtumista ja veren virtausta sekä otettiin imurakkulaneste näytteeksi sytokiinimäärityksiä varten. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisenä ja kahdeksantena päivänä otettiin 4mm biopsiat terveeltä iholta ja 15 potilaalta poistettiin näytteeksi paraneva imurakkulahaava. Seeruminäytteet otettiin tutkimuksen ensimmäisenä päivänä.
Veden haihtuminen haavalta oli voimakkaampaa eli ihon barrierin palautuminen oli hidastunut septisillä potilailla verrattuna kontrolleihin. Haavassa havaittu tulehdus oli sepsiksessä voimakkaampi. Tyvikalvon komponenttien Laminiini-332:n ja tyypin IV kollageenin ilmentyminen oli vähäisempää sepsiksen aikana ja lisääntyi 3kk kohdalla, mutta ei kuitenkaan saavuttanut kontrollien tasoa. Tiivisliitosproteiinien ilmentyminen oli lähes muuttumatonta sepsiksessä kontrolleihin verrattuna. Okludiinin ilmentyminen sen sijaan paranevassa haavassa vaeltavien keratinosyyttien etureunassa oli rajoittuneempaa ja myöhäisempää sepsiksessä kuin kontrolleilla. Sytokiineistä tuumorinekroositekijä (TNF), interleukiini-10 (IL-10) ja IL-6 olivat koholla imurakkulanesteessä verrattuna kontrolleihin. Epidermaalinen kasvutekijä, verisuonten endoteelikasvutekijä, TNF ja perusfibroplastinen kasvutekijä (bFGF) pitoisuudet rakkulanesteessä erosivat seerumin pitoisuuksista eli ihon sytokiiniprofiili erosi systeemisestä sytokiiniprofiilista. Potilailla, joilla oli monielinvaurio, todettiin korkeampia sytokiinipitoisuuksia. Potilailla, jotka menehtyivät 30 vrk kuluessa, oli korkeammat pitoisuudet IL-10 ja bFGF rakkulanesteessä.
Tämä tutkimus tarjoaa uutta tietoa ihosta ja haavanparanemisesta sepiksessä. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että ihon toimintahäiriö on sepsiksessä todellinen, vaikka kaikkein perustavimmat rakenteet säilyvät muuttumattomina. Toimintahäiriön mekanismien ymmärtäminen voisi auttaa septisen potilaan hoidossa, kuten kirurgisten toimenpiteiden ajoittamisessa paranemisen kannalta mahdollisimman otolliseen aikaan
Treatment of process water from molybdenum flotation
Godkänd; 2009; 20091218 (andbra
Using unmanned aircraft systems for mobile network verifications
This study presents the usage of unmanned aircraft for site survey and antenna pattern measurements in-situ in mobile networks. The site survey is one part of the verification and optimization process of the network operator. Mobile network operators’ responsibility is to ensure the broadly available, reliable network series that are essential for customer experience. Technically that means mobile network coverage of the desired area without holes and with good capacity. The operator performs network planning in order to optimize coverage and capacity. It is essential to know the antenna pattern to plan and design an effective and efficient mobile network. Antenna manufacturers provide antenna radiation patterns measured in the standard anechoic chamber. Understanding how real site implementation differs from the laboratory measurements is also crucial. This study focuses on developing in-situ antenna measurements for the antenna patterns recorded in the laboratory. The evaluation of antenna radiation patterns in a real environment will provide additional information about what kind of effect the antenna site mast, installation, and antenna performance parameters will have on the theoretical radiation pattern
The use of unmanned aircraft system for the radio frequency interference measurements
The unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) are commonly used for aerial photography, express delivery for packets or video monitoring. The UAS technology can help responding to the growing demands of the frequency monitoring by national radiocommunication authorities (NRAs). This article presents a practical usage trial of an unmanned aircraft for monitoring the spectrum usage and finding the interference location. The monitoring of spectrum usage is one part of the NRAs’ process for guarantee user compliance with radio license conditions. Finding illegal or malfunctioning transmitters is a challenging task especially in urban environment, due to multi-path propagation conditions. This study focuses on practical assessment of the method for determining accurate location of radio frequency interference sources from the buildings using the UAS technology. The practicability of the UAS technology usage in spectrum monitoring activities was under the evaluation. This study showed promising results that UAS with the measurement equipment setup suits NRAs’ as a tool for mobile monitoring on the air
Depressive symptoms as predictors of visual memory deficits in middle-age
Background: Depression has been known to affect memory and other cognitive domains. The objective of this longitudinal cohort study was to investigate longitudinal associations between depressive symptoms at age 31 years and visual memory and new learning at the age of 46 years. We investigated whether depressive symptoms at age 31 predicted visual memory deficits at age 46 years, and whether changes in depressive symptoms between 31 and 46 years predicted visual memory at age 46.
Methods: Participants were members of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966. Depressive symptoms were assessed with the Symptom Checklist-25 (SCL-25) on both occasions. Visual memory and new learning were assessed using Paired Associative Learning (PAL) test at the age 46 follow-up. PAL total errors adjusted and first trial memory score were used as outcomes and basic educational level, relationship status, physical activity and diet at baseline were considered as confounding factors in linear regression analysis.
Results: A total of 5029 (57% female) participants were included in the main analysis. No associations were found between depressive symptoms or change in depressive symptoms and visual memory and new learning scores. The result did not change following cut-offs 1.55 and 1.75 for depression.
Limitations: SCL-25 only measures symptoms during the past week. Only one cognitive domain was assessed.
Conclusions: Contrary to our hypothesis, neither baseline depressive symptoms nor change in depressive symptoms predicted visual memory scores 15 years later. It appears that sub-clinical depressive symptoms do not effect this cognitive domain in the middle-aged population
Development of the measurement method for challenging NLOS conditions in mobile networks
The aim of this paper is to introduce the measurement method for challenging Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) conditions in mobile networks. The need to develop the measurement method appeared LTE (Long Term Evolution) uplink (UL) performance with different antenna technologies when receiving NLOS signal in field tests. Many challenges appeared during the study. This paper introduces the challenges and presents solution
Outcomes in patients requiring intensive care unit (ICU) admission after emergency laparotomy:a retrospective study
Purpose: Outcomes after emergency laparotomy (EL) are poor. These patients are often admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). This study explored outcomes in patients who were admitted to an ICU within 48 h after EL.
Materials and Methods: This retrospective single-center registry study included all patients over 16 years of age that underwent an EL and were admitted to an ICU within 48 h after surgery in Oulu University Hospital, Finland between January 2005 and May 2015. Survival was followed until the end of 2019.
Results: We included 525 patients. Hospital mortality was 13.3%, 30-day mortality was 17.3%, 90-day mortality was 24.2%, 1-year mortality was 33.0%, and 5-year mortality was 59.4%. Survivors were younger (57 [45–70] years) than the non-survivors (73 [62–80] years; p < .001). According to the Cox regression model, death during the follow-up was associated with age, APACHE II-score, lower postoperative CRP levels and platelet count of the first postoperative day, and the admission from the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) to the ICU instead of direct ICU admission.
Conclusion: Age, high APACHE II-score, low CRP and platelet count, and admission from the PACU to the ICU associated with mortality after EL in patients admitted to an ICU within 48 h after EL