13 research outputs found

    Valmistoidu nakatamiskatsed Listeria monocytogenes´ga : [poster]

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    Listeria monocytogenes´t peetakse jahutatud valmistoitude puhul üheks kõige ohtlikumaks toidupatogeeniks, kuna ta on võimeline kasvama ka külmkapi temperatuuridel ning võib põhjustada inimestel raskekujulist haigust - listerioosi. Tingituna L. monocytogenes´e olulisusest valmistoitude toiduohutust mõjutava tegurina ning toidukäitlejate toiduohutuse tagamise kohustusest on vajadus hinnata toidu sisemiste, väliste ja kaudsete tegurite mõju L. monocytogenes´e kasvule selles, eriti valmistoitudes, millel on pikk säilimisaeg ning mille koostis võib võimaldada patogeeni kasvu. Uurimustööd finantseeris Eesti Teadusagentuur (projekt PRG1441). Projekti TAIMLOOMTOIT (F200143PKPA) elluviimist toetavad Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond ja Eesti Teadusagentuur läbi „Ressursside väärindamise alase TA-tegevuse toetamise” programmi ResTA14.Konverentsi "Terve loom ja tervislik toit 2023" posterettekanne

    Microbial Growth Dynamics in Minced Meat Enriched with Plant Powders

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    Plant powders with antimicrobial properties can be used in food manufacturing and must comply with the demands of consumers regarding microbiological safety, nutritional value, and sensory properties of foods. The present study aimed to assess the microbial growth inhibitory ability of different plant powders, including by-products of horticultural primary processing (e.g., pomace) in raw and cooked minced pork. The total counts of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, pseudomonads, yeasts, and moulds were studied to assess the microbial growth dynamics in meat samples. Additionally, for the plant powders, which were able to suppress the microbial growth in a total counts dynamics study, the growth potential of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat (RTE) minced meat samples was estimated by challenge testing. The results showed that the most effective combinations of plant powders in raw minced pork, in relation to the total counts of microorganisms, were 3% apple+1% onion+2% blackcurrant berries (Apple+On+BCber); 3% apple+1% garlic+2% tomato (Apple+Ga+Tom); and 3% apple+2% tomato+1% rhubarb petioles (Apple+Tom+Rhub). However, challenge tests revealed that some plant powders were unable to inhibit the growth of L. monocytogenes. The lowest L. monocytogenes growth potential (δ = 2.74 log cfu/g) was determined for cooked minced pork samples enriched with 2% rhubarb petioles, followed by Apple+On+BCber (δ = 3.63 log cfu/g) and Apple+Tom+Rhub (δ = 3.74 log cfu/g). In minced pork samples without plant additives, the L. monocytogenes growth potential was 7.30 log cfu/g. In conclusion, blends of plant powders may have good potential for developing meat products with acceptable microbiological quality

    Overview of studies on the antimicrobial effect of plant additives in vitro and in raw minced pork products

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    Saabunud / Received 15.09.2022 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 17.06.2023 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 15.08.2023 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author Kadrin Meremäe ; [email protected] additives can be used in food technologies as natural additives to replace synthetic food additives partially or completely. The present work aims to give an overview of studies that have been carried out over the years 2011–2019 in the Department of Food Hygiene and Safety at the Estonian University of Life Sciences on the antimicrobial activity of plant additives in vitro as well as in raw minced pork products in the perspective to find effective candidates to use them further in meat products. The findings of the in vitro studies showed that the strongest bacterial growth inhibition was observed in the 96% ethanol extracts of rhubarb root and petiole as well as berries of blackcurrant and chokeberry. In the present in vitro study, plant extracts had the strongest antimicrobial activity against Campylobacter jejuni. In raw minced pork studies, the total microbes as well as yeasts and molds were inhibited in raw minced pork samples only in the presence of powders of rhubarb petioles and tomato or their mixture. In conclusion, this work revealed that powders of rhubarb, tomato and berries of blackcurrant and chokeberry are perspective candidates for inhibiting microbial growth in raw minced pork products.Uuringuid on finantseerinud: • Eesti Teadusagentuur (PRG1441) “Looduslike bio- aktiivsete ainete toimete mehhanismide uurimine loomsetes toitudes”, • projekt P180279VLTR “Looduslike bioaktiivsete ainete toime ning seonduvate mehhanismide uuri- mine toidumaatriksites”, • projekt P170054VLTH “Toidutaimede metabo- loomika ning sekundaarsete metaboliitide antioksü- dantse ja antibakteriaalse toime intensiivsuse ja mehhanismide uurimine”, • projekt 8-2/T15024VLTH “Säästvad taimsed lisan- did tervislikumate lihatoodete saamiseks – ideede tõestamine”. We would like to express thank to the Estonian Research Council (Project No PRG1441), the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Projects No P180279VLTR and P170054VLTH) and Ministry of Agriculture (Project No 8-2/T15024VLTH).Uuringuid on finantseerinud: • Eesti Teadusagentuur (PRG1441) “Looduslike bio- aktiivsete ainete toimete mehhanismide uurimine loomsetes toitudes”, • projekt P180279VLTR “Looduslike bioaktiivsete ainete toime ning seonduvate mehhanismide uuri- mine toidumaatriksites”, • projekt P170054VLTH “Toidutaimede metabo- loomika ning sekundaarsete metaboliitide antioksü- dantse ja antibakteriaalse toime intensiivsuse ja mehhanismide uurimine”, • projekt 8-2/T15024VLTH “Säästvad taimsed lisan- did tervislikumate lihatoodete saamiseks – ideede tõestamine”. We would like to express thank to the Estonian Research Council (Project No PRG1441), the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Projects No P180279VLTR and P170054VLTH) and Ministry of Agriculture (Project No 8-2/T15024VLTH)

    Microbial Growth Dynamics in Minced Meat Enriched with Plant Powders

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    Plant powders with antimicrobial properties can be used in food manufacturing and must comply with the demands of consumers regarding microbiological safety, nutritional value, and sensory properties of foods. The present study aimed to assess the microbial growth inhibitory ability of different plant powders, including by-products of horticultural primary processing (e.g., pomace) in raw and cooked minced pork. The total counts of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, pseudomonads, yeasts, and moulds were studied to assess the microbial growth dynamics in meat samples. Additionally, for the plant powders, which were able to suppress the microbial growth in a total counts dynamics study, the growth potential of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat (RTE) minced meat samples was estimated by challenge testing. The results showed that the most effective combinations of plant powders in raw minced pork, in relation to the total counts of microorganisms, were 3% apple+1% onion+2% blackcurrant berries (Apple+On+BCber); 3% apple+1% garlic+2% tomato (Apple+Ga+Tom); and 3% apple+2% tomato+1% rhubarb petioles (Apple+Tom+Rhub). However, challenge tests revealed that some plant powders were unable to inhibit the growth of L. monocytogenes. The lowest L. monocytogenes growth potential (δ = 2.74 log cfu/g) was determined for cooked minced pork samples enriched with 2% rhubarb petioles, followed by Apple+On+BCber (δ = 3.63 log cfu/g) and Apple+Tom+Rhub (δ = 3.74 log cfu/g). In minced pork samples without plant additives, the L. monocytogenes growth potential was 7.30 log cfu/g. In conclusion, blends of plant powders may have good potential for developing meat products with acceptable microbiological quality

    L. monocytogenes growth inhibition possibilities in ready-to-eat minced meat products by using plant additives

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    Listerioos on Euroopa Liidus (EL) viies kõige sagedamini registreeritud zoonoos inimestel ja üks tõsisemaid toidutekkelisi haigusi. 2021. aastal vajas EL-s 96,5% listerioosi haigestunutest haiglaravi ning 13,7% listerioosi haigusjuhtudest lõppes surmaga (EFSA, 2022). Listerioosi riskigruppi kuuluvad rasedad, vastsündinud, vanurid ja immuunpuudulikkusega inimesed. 2021. aastal teatati kõige sagedamini L. monocytogenes´e infektsioonidest vanuserühmades „üle 64-aastased“ ja „üle 84-aastased“ (EFSA, 2022). Valmistoitudele1 on EL-s kehtestatud toiduohutuskriteeriumid. Valmistoitudes, milles L. monocytogenes võib paljuneda, ei tohi patogeeni esineda 25 grammis tootes enne selle tootnud toidukäitleja vahetu kontrolli alt väljaviimist (enne toidu turustamist)2. Valmistoitudele, milles L. monocytogenes ei paljune, on kehtestatud arvuline kriteerium 100 pmü/g ehk kogu toidu säilimisaja vältel peab patogeeni arvukus grammi toidu kohta jääma alla 100 bakteri. Juhul, kui toidu valmistaja suudab pädevale asutusele piisavalt tõendada, et kogu säilimisaja jooksul kriteerium 100 pmü/g ei saa ületatud, kuid samas on tegemist toiduga, milles L. monocytogenes võib teatud määral paljuneda, kehtib nõue, et L. monocytogenes´e arvukus ühes grammis valmistoidus ei tohi ületada 100 pmü-d kogu toidu säilimisaja vältel2. Juhul, kui toidukäitleja soovib rakendada valmistoidule, milles L. monocytogenes võib paljuneda, kriteeriumi 100 pmü/g, tuleb teostada nõuetekohane3 nakatamiskatse. Viimane eeldab laboratoorseid analüüse, et hinnata toitu tahtlikult viidud (inokuleeritud) L. monocytogenes´e võimet toidus konkreetsetes säilitamistingimustes ellu jääda ja/või paljuneda (Roasto ja Laikoja, 2019). Tingituna L. monocytogenes´e olulisusest valmistoitude toiduohutust mõjutava tegurina ning toidukäitlejate toiduohutuse tagamise kohustusest4 on vajadus hinnata toidu sisemiste, väliste ja kaudsete tegurite mõju L. monocytogenes´e kasvule selles, eriti valmistoitudes, millel on pikk säilimisaeg. Valmistoite, mille säilimisaeg on kuni 5 päeva, peetakse toitudeks, milles L. monocytogenes ei paljune ohtliku määrani. Käesoleva artikli eesmärgiks on anda ülevaade L. monocytogenes’e kasvu pärssimise võimalustest taimsete lisanditega rikastatud hakklihatoodetes.Uurimustööd on finantseerinud Eesti Teadusagentuur (PRG1441). Projekti TAIMLOOMTOIT (F200143PKPA) elluviimist toetavad Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond ja Eesti Teadusagentuur läbi „Ressursside väärindamise alase TA-tegevuse toetamise” programmi ResTA14.This article provides an overview of the study, which aimed to assess the L. monocytogenes growth inhibition in ready-to-eat minced meat products enriched with fruit and vegetable additives. Challenge tests revealed that in all samples, the growth potential of L. monocytogenes was > 0.5 log10 cfu/g, which indicates that ready-to-eat minced meat products enriched with plant additives support the growth of L. monocytogenes. However, the growth of L. monocytogenes in different samples was different. The biggest growth (δ=8.00 log cfu/g) was determined in minced meat sample without any additive (the control). The lowest growth (δ=2.74 log cfu/g) was in a minced meat product enriched with 2% rhubarb powder. We can conclude that some plant powders have antimicrobial properties, but for total inhibition of the growth of L. monocytogenes there is a need to use the combination of plant additives with other intrinsic, extrinsic and/ or implicit microbial growth inhibiting factors in food.Uurimustööd on finantseerinud Eesti Teadusagentuur (PRG1441). Projekti TAIMLOOMTOIT (F200143PKPA) elluviimist toetavad Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond ja Eesti Teadusagentuur läbi „Ressursside väärindamise alase TA-tegevuse toetamise” programmi ResTA14

    Valmistoidu nakatamiskatsed L. monocytogenes´ga

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    Stendiettekande kokkuvõte. Stendiettekanne annab ülevaate Listeria monocytogenes´e olulisusest valmistoitude toiduohutuse tagamisel ning taimsete lisandite mõjust tema kasvule küpsetatud hakklihatoodetes

    Complex durability tests to determine the shelf life of food

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    Käesoleva artikli eesmärgiks on anda ülevaade toidukäitlemisega alustavale ettevõtjale toidu säilimisaja määramiseks vajalike kestvuskatsete planeerimisest, sealhulgas laboratoorsete analüüside valiku põhimõtetest ja võimalustest Eestis. Mitmetele toidugruppidele ei ole õigusaktidega kehtestatud toiduohutuse ja protsessi hügieenikriteeriume ega toidu säilitamisnõudeid. Sellisel juhul tuleb need kehtestada toidukäitlejal (Toiduseadus, §22). Kestvuskatse puhul on tegemist toidu valmistaja ja/või pakendaja poolt planeeritud ning laboratooriumis läbiviidud analüüsitegevustega, mille tulemuste põhjal määratakse toidu säilitamisnõuded (sh toidu säilimisaeg ja säilitamistingimused), hinnates toidu ohutust ning toidu vastavust teistele nõuetele (Roasto & Laikoja, 2019). Toidu säilimisaeg on ajaperiood, mille jooksul määratletud säilitamistingi- musi rakendades püsib toit ohutu, säilitab soovitavad kvaliteediomadused ja on inimtoiduks kasutuskõlblik (Roasto & Laikoja, 2019). Kestvuskatsete eesmärk on kinnitada, et toit vastab kogu säilimisaja jooksul nii mikrobioloogilistele, keemilistele kui ka muudele toidule kehtestatud nõuetele. Seega tuleb toidu säilimisaja määramisel arvesse võtta nii toi- duohutuse kui kvaliteedi indikaatoreid ning sageli ka toidu organoleptilisi omadusi.Uurimistööd on finantseerinud Eesti Teadusagentuur (PRG1441). Projekti TAIMLOOM- TOIT (F200143PKPA) elluviimist toetavad Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond ja Eesti Tea- dusagentuur läbi „Ressursside väärindamise alase TA-tegevuse toetamise” programmi ResTA14.This article provides an overview of the principles for the design of food durability tests as well as the selection of laboratory tests for the determination of the shelf life of food. The information in this article is especially important for food business operators who do not have previous experience in planning and performing food durability tests for food shelf life determination. It is recommended to follow the reliable information that is available. Durability tests that are carried out correctly make it possible to assess the impact of food storage conditions and time on food safety and quality, including the organoleptic properties of food. As a result of the evaluation of laboratory analyses, it is possible to establish a shelf life for food. A complex approach ensures an optimum shelf life of food.Uurimistööd on finantseerinud Eesti Teadusagentuur (PRG1441). Projekti TAIMLOOM- TOIT (F200143PKPA) elluviimist toetavad Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond ja Eesti Tea- dusagentuur läbi „Ressursside väärindamise alase TA-tegevuse toetamise” programmi ResTA14

    Growth potential of Listeria monocytogenesin ready-to-eat minced meat samples enriched with plant powders : [poster]

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    Listeriosis which is one of the most severe foodborne illnesses, ranks as the fifth most commonly reported zoonosis among humans in the European Union To ensure the safety of ready to eat ( foods, Regulation ( No 2073 2005 has established microbiological criteria for Listeria monocytogenes If a food business operator intends to use the numeric criterion of 100 cfu/g for RTE food, a challenge test must be conducted in compliance with the technical guidance document issued by the EU Reference Laboratory for L monocytogenes (EURL Lm Numerous plants have been shown to be effective in inhibiting microbial growth in food The use of plant powders with antimicrobial properties in food manufacturing requires compliance with consumer demands for microbiological safety, nutritional value, and sensory properties The aim of this study was to assess the growth potential of L monocytogenes in minced meat products enriched with plant powders.Poster of the Nordic Natural Products Conference 2023.This work was supported by the Estonian Research Council grant PRG1441 and project F200143PKPA, ResTA14.This work was supported by the Estonian Research Council grant PRG1441 and project F200143PKPA, ResTA14

    Growth potential of L. monocytogenes in ready-to-eat minced meat samples enriched with plant powders

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    Listeriosis is the fifth most frequently recorded human zoonosis in the European Union and one of the most serious foodborne diseases. Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 lays down the microbiological criteria for Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat (RTE) foods. In case a food business operator wants to apply the numeric criterion of 100 cfu/g to RTE food, a challenge test needs to be performed in accordance with the European Union Reference Laboratory for Listeria monocytogenes (EURL Lm) technical guidance document on challenge tests and durability studies regarding L. monocytogenes. The aim of this research is to provide an overview of the possibilities of inhibiting the growth of L. monocytogenes in minced meat products enriched with plant powders