491 research outputs found

    The Winding Paths of Russian Imperial Politics: On Die Geburt des russländischen Imperiums: Herrschaftskonzepte und -praktiken im 18. Jahrhundert by Ricarda Vulpius

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    The article discusses the book Die Geburt des russländischen Imperiums by Ricarda Vulpius, a publication that tracks the emergence of the conceptual background for governing the growing Russian Empire in the eighteenth century, when territorial gains rendered the country increasingly multinational, multi-faith and multicultural. In this paper, the book was treated as an inspiration for examining the relationship between the practices employed by Russia on newly acquired territories in the east and south of Asia, described by Vulpius in the book, and the Russian Empire’s policy towards Poland

    Definicje cząstkowe w prawie

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    The aim of the article was to determine the forms in which partial definitions appear in the texts of legislative acts and to search for other possible forms of their application. Rudolf Carnap’s concept of the inadequacy of equality definitions when attempting to define disposable concepts was analysed. The article contains reflections on the contemporary views on the question of defining in the texts of legislative acts and on the rules contained in the principles of legislative technique applicable to the subject matter of this study. A possibility of using partial definitions as legal definitions has been shown and a postulate to stimulate a discussion on the possibility of introducing into legal texts definitions other than definitions of equality has been formulated.Celem publikacji było określenie form, w jakich definicje cząstkowe występują w tekstach aktów prawnych, oraz szukanie innych jeszcze możliwych form ich stosowania. Analizie poddano koncepcję Rudolfa Carnapa dotyczącą nieadekwatności definicji równościowych przy próbach definiowania pojęć dyspozycyjnych. Przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące współczesnych poglądów na kwestię definiowania w tekstach aktów prawnych oraz mające zastosowanie do przedmiotu opracowania reguły zawarte w zasadach techniki prawodawczej. W pracy wykazano możliwość stosowania definicji cząstkowych jako definicji legalnych oraz sformułowano postulat wzbudzenia dyskusji dotyczącej możliwości wprowadzania do tekstów aktów prawnych definicji innych niż równościowe

    Réformes du système de financement de la protection santé en Pologne

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    Mgr Róża Kosińska, employée de l’administration fiscale (Pologne)Przeprowadzane od 1999 r. głębokie reformy instytucjonalne systemu finansowania ochrony zdrowia nie rozwiązały problemu niedofinansowania - w Polsce na opiekę zdrowotną przeznaczanych jest nieco ponad 6% PKB. Skutkuje to narastającymi kolejkami, bezprawnym limitowaniem świadczeń medycznych dla pacjentów i rozwojem tzw. szarej strefy usług medycznych (świadczeń prywatnych, pełnopłatnych, jednak z wykorzystaniem aparatury medycznej zakupionej z pieniędzy publicznych). Procedowany w Sejmie pakiet projektów ustaw służyć ma zwiększeniu poziomu finansowania świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej, określeniu zakresu finansowanej z pieniędzy publicznych ochrony zdrowia (projekt tzw. koszyka świadczeń gwarantowanych jest konsultowany obecnie ze środowiskami medycznymi) i wprowadzeniu mechanizmów motywujących świadczeniodawców do racjonalizacji wydatków (w tym skutecznej kontroli i określenia zakresu świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej przysługujących w ramach ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego). Przekształcenie wszystkich szpitali poza klinicznymi i resortowymi w spółki prawa handlowego również ma na celu racjonalizację wydatków publicznych poprzez zapobieżenie ich zadłużaniu się w przyszłości. Aby wyeliminować nadużycia w zakresie wypisywania leków refundowanych resort zdrowia planuje docelowo pełną informatyzację systemu refundacji.Piotr Woltanowski - Ecole Supérieure de l’Administration Publique de Stanisław Staszic à Bialystok (Pologne

    Legal Responses in the Area of Migration Security after 2015 Migration Crisis in Italy, Germany and Poland. Whose Security Does National Law Protect: Migrants or Citizens?

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    The aim of the article is to analyze the changes introduced recently (2018-2019) in the national migration law of the selected Member States: Italy, Poland and Germany and to examine whether there exist guarantees of the right to migration security and guarantees for the realization of the principle of migration security priority at the level of national legislation. The second problem under investigation concerns the fact whether the changes introduced in the legislation recently ensure a higher level of migration security in comparison with the previous regulations. Finally, the analysis carried out in the current article is intended to demonstrate whether national law protects the rights of migrants and the receiving society in equal measure or whether certain fundamental rights which migrants are entitled to are at risk of being derogated due to the necessity of providing security to migration processes and the protection of the receiving society. The paper analyzes in detail the legislative initiatives and amendments introduced in migration and refugee law in Germany, Italy and Poland. What is more, the author gathers and analyzes the most representative national case law concerning the asylum and return migration.

    Problems of Tourism Development on a Regional Scale

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    In the first part of the study the types of barriers to tourism development that may occur during the planning phase of this development, and in the phase of implementation of these plans, including the endogenous and exogenous barriers, were presented. The second part presents the results of research on the factors hindering the development of tourism identified in the selected region of Wielkopolska Province (Poland). The article presents detailed description of tourism barriers categories, which include: political and legal, economic, infrastructure, social, geographical and organizational problems. In the final part article presents a difference in the understanding of problems depending on the stakeholder groups, which leads to the conclusion that in order to be able to specifically identify problematic issues opinion of different stakeholders categories should be recognized. Only such action can lead to the construction of the development strategy, which will not have any areas of uncertainty (i.e. «gaps» in the identifying problem areas)

    Immutability of God in Christian Terms

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    This article deals with the issue of the immutability of God in Himself. What is meant by “immutability” and why God should (or must) be immutable? Doesn’t He – whom Christians preach – contradict His immutability by showing interest in man? These questions, taken by a number of philosophers and theologians have appeared more or less frequently throughout history. The article is devoted to the immutability of God as one and the Holy Trinity on the grounds of Christianity. The article quotes the thoughts of representatives from the Church in the West and in the East – Tertullian and Origen. This thought formed in an era when Trinitarian heresy flourished and had a significant impact on the further development of theological reflection. Then the theological and philosophical position of Thomas Aquinas is taken into account as one who in his investigations on the nature of God used the components of ancient Greek philosophy.This article deals with the issue of the immutability of God in Himself. What is meant by “immutability” and why God should (or must) be immutable? Doesn’t He – whom Christians preach – contradict His immutability by showing interest in man? These questions, taken by a number of philosophers and theologians have appeared more or less frequently throughout history. The article is devoted to the immutability of God as one and the Holy Trinity on the grounds of Christianity. The article quotes the thoughts of representatives from the Church in the West and in the East – Tertullian and Origen. This thought formed in an era when Trinitarian heresy flourished and had a significant impact on the further development of theological reflection. Then the theological and philosophical position of Thomas Aquinas is taken into account as one who in his investigations on the nature of God used the components of ancient Greek philosophy

    How to identify pregnant women at risk of pre-eclampsia? — a review of the current literature

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    Pre-eclampsia remains a major cause of poor perinatal outcome worldwide. As administering acetylsalicylic acid in a high risk population reduces the risk of PE, it is essential to identify women at risk of PE. Several algorithms for PE risk assessment have been developed. They include maternal factors combined with uterine artery pulsatility index, mean arterial pressure, serum pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A, placental growth factor, and serum soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1. Beside PE prophylaxis with acetylsalicylic acid, a proper management of women considered at a high risk of PE is essential. The sFlt-1:PlGF ratio between 20 and 34 + 6 weeks may be used to predict a short-term absence of PE or to predict the risk of PE diagnosis within 4 weeks and a significant shortening of the duration of pregnancy associated with it. The sFlt-1:PlGF ratio may be helpful in deciding about hospitalization or choosing the optimal time for corticosteroid administration in women at risk of PE. It may also help to reduce overall healthcare costs

    Virtual Grid - New Paradigm of System Resources Dynamic Organization

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    This paper describes the model and software tools for virtualization of the Grid execution environment. The basic assumption of this study is that Virtual Grid (VG) is constructed dynamically according to application requirements with virtualized computational and communication resources. A VG instance is dynamically created for each application and its initial configuration can be further modified during runtime to satisfy the requested level of resource usage and to maintain the quality of service indexes at agreed-upon values. A VG model that takes into account this approach has been proposed and analyzed in the context of Grid-related technology

    Dynamics of two coupled 4-DOF mechanical linear sliding systems with dry friction.

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    The paper introduces a model of two identical coupled 4-DOF mechanical linear sliding systems with dry friction coupled with each other by a linear torsional spring. The appropriate components (bodies) of the coupled systems are riding on two separated driving belts, which are driven at constant velocities, and stick-slip vibrations can be observed. In this case the physical interpretation of the considered model could be two rows of carriages laying on the guideways and coupled by an elastic shaft, which are moving at constant velocity with respect to the guideways as a foundation. From a mathematical point of view the analyzed problem is governed by eight nonlinear ordinary second order differential equations of motion yielded by the second kind Lagrange equations. Numerical analysis is performed in Mathematica software using the qualitative and quantitative theories of differential equations. Some interesting non-linear system dynamics are detected and reported using the phase portraits and the Poincaré maps. Next, power spectra obtained by the FFT technique are reported. The presented results show periodic, quasi-periodic, chaotic and hyperchaotic orbits. Moreover, synchronization effects between the coupled systems are also detected and studied