25 research outputs found

    Urban land policy and urban land use efficiency: An analysis based on remote sensing and institutional credibility thesis

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    Ethiopia has an urban land lease policy in place to facilitate the transfer of land for residential, commercial and industrial purposes. Because of the lease policy, many cities have experienced significant expansion through massive conversion of agricultural land. Although the lease policy has been in place for nearly three decades, little is known about its effectiveness in promoting sustainable urban land use. This paper examines the effects of the lease policies on urban land use efficiency (ULUE). Building on the institutional credibility thesis, this paper investigated the performance of land institutions using the urban land use efficiency approach. Remote sensing data was used to investigate urban land use efficiency through spatiotemporal analysis of land use change. Analysis of satellite imagery was performed using ArcGIS. Moreover, quantitative and qualitative data from secondary sources were studied. The study findings show that in almost all study areas, urban land use efficiency is low, which is mainly reflected in the forms of land hoarding, land banking, illegal land grabbing, informal settlement, land use fragmentation and urban sprawl. A significant portion of the land transferred for various urban uses has remained vacant or underutilised for years, in direct violation of the provisions of the lease policy. This means that the lease policy has hardly been enforced to ensure efficient urban land utilization. This demonstrates the ineffectiveness (dysfunctionality) of the existing land institutions. It is concluded that some elements of the lease policy have evolved into an empty institution, i.e., a symbolic institutional arrangement that is largely ignored by socioeconomic and political actors

    Urbanization and urban land use efficiency: Evidence from regional and Addis Ababa satellite cities, Ethiopia

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    Ethiopia has experienced rapid urbanization over the past three decades. Several cities expanded rapidly and many satellite towns sprung up around the major cities. The high rate of urbanization and urban growth resulted in high demand for urban land, mainly for industrial, commercial, and residential purposes. In order to meet the demand, an enormous amount of land has been made available for urban use, mainly through land conversion. However, we know very little about how efficiently cities use urban land. This paper investigated the urban land use efficiency (ULUE) of sixteen cities in Ethiopia. Remote sensing data (Landsat 7/8) was analysed with ArcGIS to assess spatiotemporal land use changes between 2007 and 2019. Built-up environment footprints were computed from Google Earth imagery. The ratio of land consumption to population growth rate, and the rate of urban infill were assessed. The findings revealed a prevalence of urban land use inefficiencies in all cities. In most cities, the rate of land consumption far exceeds the population growth rate. Densification (urban infill) is low and slow. A considerable part of the converted agricultural land sits idle within the built-up area for many years. Low ULUE is what fuels urban sprawl, fragmentation and informal settlements. This study emphasised the need to implement urban policies and practices aimed at improving ULUE. Improving ULUE is imperative to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals; ensuring sustainable urban land use; addressing land prices and housing shortages; protecting farmland and ecosystems; tackling land hoarding, urban sprawl and informal settlement


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    The Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation is responsible for the restoration of Santa MariaCathedral of Vitoria-Gasteiz. The concept of archaeology of architecture has been applied systematically during the last 12 years while interpreting the monument. In order to geometrically document the monument’s elevations and excavations, a three-dimensional model has been created using close range photogrammetry, because it allows geometrically precise data to be registered and a visual reconstruction in three dimensions to be obtained. As regards the visual and alphanumeric characteristics of each minimum study unit (known as the Stratigraphic Unit), a relational database was designed to interrelate and efficiently manage all the information. The management of all this data has been carried out by a geographical information system applied to the monument which we have called Monument Information System (SIM).La Fundación Catedral Santa María es la encargada de la restauración de la Catedral deSanta María de Vitoria-Gasteiz. A lo largo de últimos 12 años se ha utilizado sistemáticamente la disciplina de la arqueología de la arquitectura para interpretar el monumento. Para la documentación geométrica del monumento y de los restos arqueológicos se ha realizado un modelo tridimensional mediante fotogrametría terrestre de objeto cercano, ya que posibilita un registro geométricamente preciso y nos permite una reconstrucción visual en 3 dimensiones. Respecto a las características gráficas y alfanuméricas de la unidad mínima de estudio, denominada Unidad Estratigráfica, se diseñó una base de datos relacional que gestiona toda la información asociada. La gestión de todos estos datos se ha realizado mediante un sistema de información geográfica aplicado al monumento que hemos denominado Sistema de Información del Monumento (SIM)

    Photogrammetric record and stereoplotting of the Andra Mari hermitage in Uribarri-Arana (Álava, Spain)

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    [ES] La ermita de Andra Mari es un pequeño edificio de 14’5 x 6 metros compuesto de un cuerpo rectangular y una cabecera curva. Se considera uno de los ejemplos más significativos del arte románico en esta parte de la provincia. La documentación se realizó mediante un total de 6 pares fotogramétricos con cámara de 6x6 cm (analógica). Los pares se restituyeron posteriormente con un restituidor Adams-MPS2 generando un modelo tridimensional de líneas (alámbrico).[EN] Andra Mari’s hermitage is a small building (around 14.5x6 metres in plan), composed of a rectangular body and a semicircular sanctuary. It is considered as an important example of the Romanesque Art is this part of the province. The recording of the building was done by means of six stereoscopic pairs taken with a 6x6 camera (analog). Then, these pairs were stereoplotted in order to obtain a three-dimensional wireframe model.[ES] Informe del trabajo original (1997) con un breve complemento del escaneado de los negativos realizado en 2017. Además se incluyen 12 fotografías escaneadas correspondientes a 6 pares estereoscópicos.[EN] Original report (1997) completed with a biref description of the scanning procedure accomplished in 2017. Besides, a set of 12 photographs from 6 stereo pairs is provided

    Photogrammetric record and stereoplotting of the Andra Mari hermitage in Uribarri-Arana (Álava, Spain)

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    [ES] La ermita de Andra Mari es un pequeño edificio de 14’5 x 6 metros compuesto de un cuerpo rectangular y una cabecera curva. Se considera uno de los ejemplos más significativos del arte románico en esta parte de la provincia. La documentación se realizó mediante un total de 6 pares fotogramétricos con cámara de 6x6 cm (analógica). Los pares se restituyeron posteriormente con un restituidor Adams-MPS2 generando un modelo tridimensional de líneas (alámbrico).[EN] Andra Mari’s hermitage is a small building (around 14.5x6 metres in plan), composed of a rectangular body and a semicircular sanctuary. It is considered as an important example of the Romanesque Art is this part of the province. The recording of the building was done by means of six stereoscopic pairs taken with a 6x6 camera (analog). Then, these pairs were stereoplotted in order to obtain a three-dimensional wireframe model.[ES] Informe del trabajo original (1997) con un breve complemento del escaneado de los negativos realizado en 2017. Además se incluyen 12 fotografías escaneadas correspondientes a 6 pares estereoscópicos.[EN] Original report (1997) completed with a biref description of the scanning procedure accomplished in 2017. Besides, a set of 12 photographs from 6 stereo pairs is provided

    Geometric documentation of the archaeological excavations at Santa Maria Cathedral (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, Spain). May 2000 / June 2003

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    [ES] Información sobre este proyecto ha servido de base a los siguientes artículos:● LDGP_art_007: "Elementos auxiliares en fotogrametría de objeto cercano", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/9463● LDGP_car_002: "Documentación geométrica de excavaciones arqueológicas", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/6281[ES] Information from this project was included in the following papers:● LDGP_art_007: "Elementos auxiliares en fotogrametría de objeto cercano", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/9463● LDGP_car_002: "Documentación geométrica de excavaciones arqueológicas", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/6281[ES]Excavación arqueológica en parte del interior del templo (gran parte de la nave, capillas y cripta) y la plaza exterior.Toma de pares fotogramétricos con cámara semimétrica en película fotográfica (principalmente diapositiva de 6x6 cm), la mayoría de ellos –correspondientes a la superficie excavada- se han tomado utilizando una estructura portátil para la elevación de la cámara unos 4 metros sobre el terreno. La colección consta de 1.560 pares, todos ellos, clasificados, con su correspondiente apoyo (en el sistema local de coordenadas del proyecto). En campo las fotografías se toman por duplicado, razón por la que existen dos copias de la colección de negativos (diapositivas): la que se encuentra en el Fundación Catedral de Santa María y la copia almacenada en el Laboratorio de Documentación Geométrica del Patrimonio (UPV/EHU).[EN] Archaeological excavation of the most part of the nave (including chapels and crypt) and the square outside.Photogrammetric pairs (stereoscopic) taken with a semi-metric camera (6x6 cm film). Most of the photographs are had been taken by means of a portable structure to held the camera 4 meters above the ground. The collection is composed by 1560 stereoscopic pairs with control points (the project uses a local system for the coordinates). Due to the fact that, during the fieldwork, the photographs are taken twice, there are two copies of the collection: the one at the Fundación Catedral de Santa María de Vitoria and a copy kept at the Laboratorio de Documentación Geométrica del Patrimonio (UPV/EHU).Fundación Catedral de Santa María de Vitoria[ES] 1 documento PDF con la memoria (192 pp)+ 4 documentos con las 1560 fichas correspondientes a los pares fotogramétricos (también en PDF).[EN] General report (192 pp. in PDF) + 4 PDF documents containing 1560 sketches of stereoscopic pairs

    Herramientas de programación de VB.NET aplicadas al sistema de información monumental de la catedral de Santa María de Vitoria-Gasteiz

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    Trabajo de Fin de Máster del Máster en Geotecnologías cartográficas en ingeniería y arquitectura, curso 2010-2011.El objetivo principal es proponer una metodología para el desarrollo de herramientas informáticas en lenguaje VB.NET aplicables a entornos Autocad, a partir de la programación de aplicaciones para el Sistema de Información Monumental (SIM) de la Catedral de Santa María de Vitoria-Gasteiz. En este proyecto se describe el software necesario, las configuraciones previas, el proceso de ejecución y se aporta todo el código utilizado para la programación de múltiples aplicaciones. El SIM comprende un modelo tridimensional (interior, exterior, excavaciones) que supera las 600.000 entidades gráficas (polilíneas 3D) y una serie de bases de datos relacionales con información gráfica y alfanumérica que gestionan miles de registros y decenas de miles de imágenes. Entre las aplicaciones concretas desarrolladas es interesante mencionar: - “Kategrafia” que es una aplicación Windows instalable para manejar la colección de planos 2d de la catedral - Comandos para la creación y edición de nuevas entidades gráficas (imexport) y para acceder a las librerías propias del dibujo (desactivacapa) - Aplicaciones “AsignarCoordenadas” y “CreaSondeos” que utilizan la tecnología ADO.NET para añadir registros a tablas de datos con información del dibujo y recíprocamente, utilizan valores extraídos de tablas, como coordenadas, orientación horizontal y vertical, grosor,… , para dibujar entidades con esas características - Personalización del SIM sobre Autodesk Map. Simplifican al usuario las tareas más comunes como son asociar dibujos al proyecto, acceder a los datos enlazados a las entidades gráficas y a sus fichas correspondientes, generación de mapas temáticos en función de criterios preestablecidos, edición de datos extendidos y asignación de etiquetas con los valores enlazados. El proyecto aporta información sobre la utilización del lenguaje de programación VB.NET en entornos Autocad, en especial para Autodesk Map, construye una serie de soluciones aplicables directamente a la realidad y explora otras posibilidades que podrían desarrollarse posteriormente

    Datasets underlying the paper: Urban land use efficiency in Ethiopia: An assessment of urban land use sustainability in Addis Ababa

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    The data was used to assess urban boundary expansion, urban land use density, and land-use efficiency in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The data was analyzed using ArcGIS. The findings of the results revealed that urban land is being inefficiently used in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The datasets have two components: spatial and quantitative data. Spatial data are primarily from Landsat 7 and 8. Data from Google Earth imagery history are also included. Quantitative data are mainly demographic data about the population size of the study area. Photos of the study area taken during the field trip are also included. The data are meant mainly for Addis Ababa and its surrounding. Geographic coordinate: 8.9806° N, 38.7578° E WGS 84 / UTM zone 37N The spatial data include a row and processed Landsat imagery

    Urbanization and urban land use efficiency in Ethiopia: Remote sensing and institutional-based analysis

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    Developing countries are experiencing rapid urbanization, leading to massive growth and expansion of cities. Rapid urbanization has implications for the built environment and peri-urban areas. In built-up areas, it affects the supply of urban land and housing and urban infrastructure. It also affects agricultural land and biodiversity in peri-urban areas. Uncontrolled rapid urbanization undermines efforts to ensure sustainable urbanization. One way of achieving sustainable urbanization is by promoting compact urbanization. An important part of achieving compact urbanization is ensuring the efficient use of urban land. In order to know whether a city/country is on the path of sustainable urbanization, it is imperative to understand how urban land is used and the factors that influence it. The aim of this study was to investigate the status of urban land use in Ethiopia. In doing so, we examined the role that urban land policy has played in ensuring or undermining sustainable urban land use in the country. We also examined the role of the overall institutional environment in a country in determining the outcomes of urban land policy. This study is based on quantitative and qualitative data, mainly remote sensing and secondary data. The efficiency of the urban land use of 17 cities was examined mainly through the analysis of remote sensing data (Landsat 7/8 and Google Earth Pro). Spatiotemporal changes in land use of the cities were calculated using ArcGIS. Furthermore, the suitability and effectiveness of the institutional environment in the country were assessed based on the conceptual framework (Institutional Analysis and Development-IAD) developed by Ostrom and Ho’s institutional credibility thesis. In Ethiopia, the findings revealed that urban land use efficiency (ULUE) is low. Land hoarding, urban sprawl and land underutilization are widespread. Land policy gaps, primarily in its forms and functions, played an important role in undermining urban land use efficiency in the country. Moreover, there is a positive correlation between the effectiveness of land institutions and the quality of complementary institutions, specifically legal and political institutions. City-level institutional quality effects on ULUE and understanding the correlation between the degree of ULUE and urban state-land ownership should be further explored