186 research outputs found

    Practical aspects of the determination of the allowable technological defectiveness

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    Предлагается при оценке технологической дефектности и составлении карты допускаемых дефектов с целью снижения консервативности расчетных схем и подходов разработать базу математических моделей, максимально приближенных к реальным дефектам, присущим результату применения каждой конкретной технологии. Определение долговечности предлагается проводить с учетом прогнозируемой истории нагружения. Окончательное решение о выбраковке детали по обнаруженной технологической дефектности принимать только после проведения расчетного краш - теста детали с выявленными в реальной конструкции и введенными в модель дефектами

    The possible reasons of external X-ray radiation of LENR installations

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    Abstract only.In numerous experimental LENR-related works were presented the results of investigation of hard electromagnetic radiation emitted from working chamber when palladium or nickel samples were exposed to deuterium and hydrogen. Such effects were observed regularly during electrolysis, gas discharge, thermocycling etc. Intensity of this radiation was uncorrelated with heat generation and isotope changes into working chamber. Moreover, this radiation was frequently registered in absolutely abnormal systems - e.g. behind the "black" screen (wall) which thickness much surpasses absorption mean free path of radiation. These abnormal results are similar to the results of investigation of external X-Ray radiation generated on outer surface of closed chamber at cavitation of liquid. In these works the radiation processes have been associated with a liquid (machine oil or water) jet moving through the narrow channel. It has been found during detailed investigation that the outer surface of the working chamber are sources of intense X radiation, generation of which is related to cavitation processes in the liquid jet bulk and subsequent excitation of internal shock waves. Interaction of these shock waves with external surface atoms of water jet, metal tube or thick screen leads to external X-Ray generation. The frequency (energy) of X-radiation depends on the types of atoms on a radiating surface (for a jet, it is water; for a channel, the metal atoms on the surface (e.g. Fe, Cu, Pb, etc) and increases with the increase of atoms charge


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    The relevance of the study of eye contact as a form of nonverbal communication is steadily increasing due to the research interest in the search and development of new resources for influencing people in various spheres of life.The goal of this research is the theoretical analysis of the learned sources on the stated problematics to substantiate the concept, distinctive features, function and meaning of eye contact.The research methodology is based on a theoretical review of the works of Russian and foreign scientists on the problem of eye contact as a form of nonverbal communication. Methods of theoretical analysis, comparative analysis and generalization were used during in the course of the research.Results. The article presents a theoretical overview of the main scientific approaches to the problem of studying the phenomenon of eye contact in the process of non-verbal communication, which has recently gained popularity in the Russian psychological community.Conclusions. The palm of victory in the study of eye contact as a type of non-verbal communication belongs to the foreign researchers, whose works helped to comprehend the concepts, features, functions and meaning of eye contact.Актуальность исследования зрительного контакта как формы невербальной коммуникации неуклонно возрастает в связи с исследовательским интересом поиска и разработки новых ресурсов воздействия на человека в разных сферах жизнедеятельности.Цель – проведение теоретического анализа литературы по заявленной проблематике для обоснования понятия, особенностей, функции и значения зрительного контакта.Методика исследования базируется на теоретическом обзоре работ отечественных и зарубежных ученых по проблеме зрительного контакта как формы невербальной коммуникации. В процессе исследования применялись методы теоретического анализа, сравнительного анализа, обобщения.Результаты. В статье представлен теоретический обзор основных научных подходов к проблеме изучения феномена зрительного контакта в процессе невербальной коммуникации, набирающего в последнее время популярность в отечественном психологическом сообществе.Выводы. «Пальма первенства» в исследовании зрительного контакта, как вида невербальной коммуникации, принадлежит зарубежным исследователям, работы которых помогли осмыслить понятия, особенности, функции и значение зрительного контакта

    Emotional intelligence, patterns for coping with decisional conflict, and academic achievement in cross-cultural perspective (evidence from selective Russian and Azerbaijani student populations)

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    Background. Choice, under conditions of uncertainty, is mediated by integral dynamic regulatory systems that represent hierarchies of cognitive and personality processes. As such, individual decision-making patterns can be studied in the context of intellectual and personality potential. This article presents the results of a cross-cultural comparison of personality characteristics, such as coping with uncertainty, emotional intelligence, and academic achievement, between Azerbaijani and Russian university students. Objective. We aimed at establishing metric invariance and at highlighting relationships between emotional intelligence and the scales of the Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire (MDMQ). Design. Azerbaijani and Russian student samples were selected for this study due to the almost identical educational programs offered by Moscow State University to students in Moscow and its branch in Baku. Coping with uncertainty was measured by the MDMQ, emotional intelligence by the EmIn questionnaire, and academic achievement by GPA scores. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to verify factor structure invariance and congruence. Results. The congruence of factor structures for both questionnaires was verified. For the MDMQ four-factor structure for both samples was confirmed. For the EmIn questionnaire, invariance for two scales was established — “Understanding other people’s emotions” and “Managing own emotions”. Relationships among personality traits, gender, age, and academic achievements are explained for the Lomonosov Moscow State University students in Moscow (Russia) and its branch in Baku (Azerbaijan). No crosscultural differences were found for emotional intelligence and productive coping (Vigilance). A cultural difference was established in unproductive coping preference for Buck Passing. A similarity between the cultures was captured in the relationship of higher emotional intelligence (EQ) scores to higher Vigilance scores and to lower levels of unproductive coping patterns. Vigilance was a predictor of academic achievement, but only in the Russian sample. Conclusion. The similarity of the educational systems, as both samples studied similar programs, demonstrates very few cross-cultural differences

    Tolerance and Intolerance for Uncertainty as Predictors of Decision Making and Risk Acceptance in Gaming Strategies of Te Iowa Gambling Task

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    Background. Tis article reports on the results of an empirical study of interrelationships between indicators of decision-making strategies (indexed by the Iowa Gambling Task, IGT) and traits of tolerance and intolerance for uncertainty that capture the unity of cognitive and personality components of situational representations. Objective. Our study tested the hypothesis that overcoming uncertainty in decision making goes beyond cognitive representations of the task but instead is rooted in the construction of the amodal image of an uncertain situation that captures the meaning regulation of perception and action. We hypothesized that when a person is faced with multi-stage decisions, their strategies refect the contribution of individual diferences in attitudes towards uncertainty. Design. Using data obtained from n=60 typically developing adults (68% men; Mage=30.58), we examined the contribution of tolerance/intolerance for uncertainty to a variety of IGT dependent variables at fve diferent stages of the game. Results. Te data was analyzed using the mixed linear model method as implemented in the lme4 package for R. Te results indicated that tolerance for uncertainty signifcantly contributes to the initial level of behavioral risk, ensuring readiness for decision making under uncertainty. Conclusion. Tolerance for uncertainty plays an important role in early stages of orientation in an uncertain modeled game situation, and contributes to the productive development of probabilistic expectations. Intolerance for uncertainty, on the other hand, was shown to contribute to risk in decision making afer trial failure, potentially limiting learning in uncertain conditions through risk aversion

    Different Approaches to the Development of Online Learning in Higher Education

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    The relevance of the study is substantiated by the intensive transition of the educational process to the digital environment. In this context, methods and principles of teaching, which are necessary to meet the society needs in modern education, are changing and developing. The authors reveal the issue of the global economy transformation, focusing on digital environments (digitalization). It is highlighted that digitalization contributes to the increasing demand for personnel and the necessity to improve the education system. The analysis of the theoretical features of online education is conducted, methods of its organization are identified, and modern requirements for teaching in higher education are determined. The key concepts that are the basis for the study are clarified. Approaches to the classification of online course formats and their other essential features are generalized. The authors introduce the classification of online learning in terms of time (synchronous, asynchronous) and the classification according to the degree of the educational process integration with online technologies. Additionally, the character of participants’ interaction (web support, blended learning, and fully online learning) is generalized. A review of online courses models by the format of participants’ interaction is carried out (model of online repository courses, xMOOC, cMOOC, hMOOC, ahMOOC, SPOC). The processes of online learning implementation, including e-learning and distance learning technologies in higher education have been revealed. The experience of the development of the first online courses at M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University is described. As a part of the study, the main approaches to the development of online learning in higher education are identified. The authors of the study focus on the work of the advanced training courses for the academic staff as the opportunity for professional competencies development in the context of online education

    Different Approaches to the Development of Online Learning in Higher Education

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    The relevance of the study is substantiated by the intensive transition of the educational process to the digital environment. In this context, methods and principles of teaching, which are necessary to meet the society needs in modern education, are changing and developing. The authors reveal the issue of the global economy transformation, focusing on digital environments (digitalization). It is highlighted that digitalization contributes to the increasing demand for personnel and the necessity to improve the education system. The analysis of the theoretical features of online education is conducted, methods of its organization are identified, and modern requirements for teaching in higher education are determined. The key concepts that are the basis for the study are clarified. Approaches to the classification of online course formats and their other essential features are generalized. The authors introduce the classification of online learning in terms of time (synchronous, asynchronous) and the classification according to the degree of the educational process integration with online technologies. Additionally, the character of participants’ interaction (web support, blended learning, and fully online learning) is generalized. A review of online courses models by the format of participants’ interaction is carried out (model of online repository courses, xMOOC, cMOOC, hMOOC, ahMOOC, SPOC). The processes of online learning implementation, including e-learning and distance learning technologies in higher education have been revealed. The experience of the development of the first online courses at M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University is described. As a part of the study, the main approaches to the development of online learning in higher education are identified. The authors of the study focus on the work of the advanced training courses for the academic staff as the opportunity for professional competencies development in the context of online education