630 research outputs found

    Richard Teleky, Hungarian Rhapsodies: Essays on Ethnicity, Identity, and Culture

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    Misoginism. Femme fatale. Androgyne - despre creatiile feminine în proza lui Mateiu Caragiale

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    The article tells about the female characters in Mateiu Caragiale's literary work and tries to depict the characteristics of modern prose in 1930s that reflect the tendencies concentrated on the idea of „battle of the sexes". The emancipation and the changing role of women in the society led to the phenomenon of misogyny, while the image of femme fatale became a popular literary theme. On the other hand there existed the archetype of Androgyne that become a perfect incarnation of both sexes. All these aspects mentioned above found a reflection in Mateiu Caragiale's novel „Craii de Curtea Veche" proving the universal character of his work

    Chiara Lubich’s “Resurrection of Rome”. Reflections in Light of Special Psychopedagogy

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    The article undertakes a reflection on the significance of Chiara Lubich’s text “The Resurrection of Rome” for special needs psychopedagogy. First, it responds to the question of the subject of this short “philosophical-theological thesis”, i.e., what is the state of the contemporary human person, who observing “contemporary Rome” full of dirt, vanity and sin not only surrounding him or herself, but also within, simultaneously deciphers his or her destiny as being resurrection. Created in the likeness of God, the human person is free and called to free and joyful “gaining of Heaven” and to relationship with God. In the contemporary world, disability continues to be received as “bad” and a deprivation of the most important values; it draws negative social attitudes, and so it is important to offer a key to change this destructive attitude toward others. The second section of the article is devoted to an analysis of the suggestions which Ch. Lubich included in the text “The Resurrection of Rome”, and which may be used in the process of changing attitudes towards people with disability. These suggestions correspond to the assumptions of Christian personalism in special needs education.„Zmartwychwstanie Rzymu” Chiary Lubich. Refleksja w świetle psychopedagogiki specjalnejW artykule została podjęta refleksja nad znaczeniem tekstu Chiary Lubich „Zmartwychwstanie Rzymu” dla psychopedagogiki specjalnej. Najpierw starano się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, co jest przedmiotem tego krótkiego „traktatu filozoficzno-teologicznego”, jaka jest kondycja współczesnego człowieka, który widzi nie tylko wokół siebie, ale też w sobie „współczesny Rzym” pełen brudu, marności i grzechu, a jednocześnie odczytuje swoje przeznaczenie do zmartwychwstania. Stworzony na podobieństwo Boga, jest wolny i powołany do wolnego i radosnego „zdobywania Nieba”, do więzi z Bogiem. W współczesnym świecie niepełnosprawność jest nadal odbierana jako zło i pozbawienie najważniejszych wartości, budzi negatywne postawy społeczne, dlatego ważne jest podanie klucza do zmiany tego destrukcyjnego odnoszenia się do drugich. Druga część artykułu została poświęcona analizie podpowiedzi Chiary Lubich, które zawarła w tekście „Zmartwychwstanie Rzymu”, a które mogą być wykorzystane w procesie zmiany postaw wobec osób z niepełnosprawnością. Korespondują one z założeniami personalizmu chrześcijańskiego w pedagogice specjalnej

    The Design Changes Technological Disposition and Marking Hazardous Area of the Grinding Lines Ecorec 2.0

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    Import 05/08/2014Tato diplomová práce se zabývá popisem stávající technologické dispozice a prostor s nebezpečím výbuchu ve společnosti ecorec Česko s.r.o.. Došlo k návrhu úprav technologické dispozice, kde se zejména optimalizovala velikost prostor s nebezpečím výbuchu. Byla představena zavazující platná legislativa v oblasti ochrany před výbuchem. Následně se stanovila optimální varianta technologických úprav. V závěru práce byly provedeny návrhy optimálního značení prostor s nebezpečím výbuchu a popis zbytkových rizik na pracovišti.This diploma thesis deals with the descripton of the current technological disposition and areas with danger of explosion at company ecorec Česko s.r.o.. There has been a proposal for modification technology available where mainly optimize the size of area with danger of explosion. It was introduced binding legislation in the field of explosion protection. There was subsequently determined optimum variant technological treatments. In conclusion were made suggestions of optimal labeling areas with danger of explosion and a description of residual risks in the workplace.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievýborn

    The Modification of Pallet Trucks for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres

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    Import 03/08/2012Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem úprav paletového vozíku do prostředí s nebezpečím vzniku výbuchu. Jedná se o ruční, neelektrický paletový vozík s nosností 2500 kg. Hlavní úprava spočívá v oplechování vidlic vhodným materiálem, abychom zabránili vzniku možné mechanické jiskry. Dále musím paletový vozík vhodně staticky uzemnit. Uzemnění provedu za pomoci řetízku. Musí být provedeno hodnocení rizik dle platné legislativy pro použití ve výbušné zóně 2 a 22. Po provedení úprav, bude vozík proměřen příslušnými přístroji. Ověřím, zda bude paletový vozík vhodný pro využití ve výbušné zóně 2.This barchelor’s thesis deals with design of modification pallet truck into atmosphere with the danger of explosion. This is manual pallet truck with a capacity of 2 500 kg. The main modification is in forks plated by suitable material to prevent a possible mechanical sparks. In addition must be pallet truck properly static grounded. Grounding is performed by the chain. There must be carried out risk assessments according valid legislation for use in explosive zone no. 2 and no. 22. The pallet truck will be measured with relevant devices after modification. I verify if the pallet truck will be suitable for use in explosive zone no. 2.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievelmi dobř

    A computerized simulation of the occlusal surface in equine cheek teeth: A simplified model

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    Equine mastication, as well as dental wear patterns, is highly important for the development of treatments in equine dentistry. During the last decades, the stress and strain distributions of equine teeth have been successfully simulated using finite element analysis. Yet, to date, there is no simulation available for dental tooth wear in equines. In this study, we developed a simplified two-dimensional computer simulation of dental wear. It provides a first tentative explanation for the development of the marked physiological inclination of the occlusal surface and for pathological conditions such as sharp enamel points in equine cheek teeth. The mechanical properties of the dental structures as well as the movement of the mandible during the equine chewing cycle were simulated according to previously published data. The simulation setup was optimized in preliminary test runs. Further simulations were conducted varying the lateral excursion of the mandible and the presence or absence of incisor contact during the chewing cycle. The results of simulations showed clear analogies to tooth wear patterns in living equids, including the formation of wear abnormalities. Our analysis indicates that small variations in the pattern of movement during the masticatory cycle, as well as incisor contacts, are leading to marked changes in the occlusal tooth wear patterns. This opens new research avenues to better understand the development of dental wear abnormalities in equines and might have serious implications on captive animal health, welfare, and longevity