77 research outputs found

    Investigation of α -induced reactions on Sb isotopes relevant to the astrophysical γ process

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Z. Korkulu, et al, ‘Investigation of α-induced reactions on Sb isotopes relevant to the astrophysical γ process’, Physical Review C, Vol. 97(4): 045803, April 2018, available online at DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.97.045803 © 2018 American Physical Society.Background: The reaction rates used in γ-process nucleosynthesis network calculations are mostly derived from theoretical, statistical model cross sections. Experimental data is scarce for charged particle reactions at astrophysical, low energies. Where experimental (α,γ) data exists, it is often strongly overestimated by Hauser-Feshbach statistical model calculations. Further experimental α-capture cross sections in the intermediate and heavy mass region are necessary to test theoretical models and to gain understanding of heavy element nucleosynthesis in the astrophysical γ process. Purpose: The aim of the present work is to measure the Sb121(α,γ)I125, Sb121(α,n)I124, and Sb123(α,n)I126 reaction cross sections. These measurements are important tests of astrophysical reaction rate predictions and extend the experimental database required for an improved understanding of p-isotope production. Method: The α-induced reactions on natural and enriched antimony targets were investigated using the activation technique. The (α,γ) cross sections of Sb121 were measured and are reported for the first time. To determine the cross section of the Sb121(α,γ)I125, Sb121(α,n)I124, and Sb123(α,n)I126 reactions, the yields of γ rays following the β decay of the reaction products were measured. For the measurement of the lowest cross sections, the characteristic x rays were counted with a low-energy photon spectrometer detector. Results: The cross section of the Sb121(α,γ)I125, Sb121(α,n)I124, and Sb123(α,n)I126 reactions were measured with high precision in an energy range between 9.74 and 15.48 MeV, close to the astrophysically relevant energy window. The results are compared with the predictions of statistical model calculations. The (α,n) data show that the α widths are predicted well for these reactions. The (α,γ) results are overestimated by the calculations but this is because of the applied neutron and γ widths. Conclusions: Relevant for the astrophysical reaction rate is the α width used in the calculations. While for other reactions the α widths seem to have been overestimated and their energy dependence was not described well in the measured energy range, this is not the case for the reactions studied here. The result is consistent with the proposal that additional reaction channels, such as Coulomb excitation, may have led to the discrepancies found in other reactions.Peer reviewe

    Quasifree Neutron Knockout Reaction Reveals a Small s-Orbital Component in the Borromean Nucleus B-17

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    A kinematically complete quasifree (p, pn) experiment in inverse kinematics was performed to study the structure of the Borromean nucleus B-17, which had long been considered to have a neutron halo. By analyzing the momentum distributions and exclusive cross sections, we obtained the spectroscopic factors for 1s(1/2) and 0d(5/2) orbitals, and a surprisingly small 1s(1/2) percentage of 9(2)% was determined for 1s(1/2). Our finding of such a small component and the halo features reported in prior experiments can be explained by the deformed relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory in continuum, revealing a definite but not dominant neutron halo in B-17. The present work gives the smallest s- or p-orbital component among known nuclei exhibiting halo features and implies that the dominant occupation of s or p orbitals is not a prerequisite for the occurrence of a neutron halo

    Test of statistical model cross section calculations for α -induced reactions on Ag 107 at energies of astrophysical interest

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    Background: Astrophysical reaction rates, which are mostly derived from theoretical cross sections, are necessary input to nuclear reaction network simulations for studying the origin of p nuclei. Past experiments have found a considerable difference between theoretical and experimental cross sections in some cases, especially for (α,γ) reactions at low energy. Therefore, it is important to experimentally test theoretical cross section predictions at low, astrophysically relevant energies. Purpose: The aim is to measure reaction cross sections of Ag107(α,γ)In111 and Ag107(α,n)In110 at low energies in order to extend the experimental database for astrophysical reactions involving α particles towards lower mass numbers. Reaction rate predictions are very sensitive to the optical model parameters and this introduces a large uncertainty into theoretical rates involving α particles at low energy. We have also used Hauser-Feshbach statistical model calculations to study the origin of possible discrepancies between prediction and data. Method: An activation technique has been used to measure the reaction cross sections at effective center of mass energies between 7.79 MeV and 12.50 MeV. Isomeric and ground state cross sections of the (α,n) reaction were determined separately. Results: The measured cross sections were found to be lower than theoretical predictions for the (α,γ) reaction. Varying the calculated averaged widths in the Hauser-Feshbach model, it became evident that the data for the (α,γ) and (α,n) reactions can only be simultaneously reproduced when rescaling the ratio of γ to neutron width and using an energy-dependent imaginary part in the optical α+Ag107 potential. Conclusions: The new data extend the range of measured charged-particle cross sections for astrophysical applications to lower mass numbers and lower energies. The modifications in the model predictions required to reproduce the present data are fully consistent with what was found in previous investigations. Thus, our results confirm the previously suggested energy-dependent modification of the optical α+nucleus potential.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Isomeric and β-decay spectroscopy of 173,174Ho

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    β-decay spectroscopy of 173,174Ho (Z =67, N =106,107) was conducted at Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory at RIKEN by using in-flight fission of a 345-MeV/u 238U primary beam. A previously unreported isomeric state at 405 keV with half-life of 3.7(12) μs and a spin and parity of (3/2+) is identified in 173 Ho. Moreover, a new state with a spin and parity of 9− was discovered in 174 Er. The experimental log ft values of 5.84(20) and 5.25(18) suggest an allowed-hindered β decay from the ground state of 174Ho to the Kπ=8−isomeric state in 174Er. Configuration-constrained potential energy surface (PES) calculations were performed and the predictions are in reasonable agreement with the experimental results.Part of the WAS3ABi was supported by the Rare Isotopes Science Project which is funded by MSIP and NRF of Korea. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grants No. 24740188, No. 25247045, and No. 25287065, STFC (UK authors), the UK National Measurement Office (P.H.R.), the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 (F.G.K.), NRF Korea Grants No. 2016R1D1A1A09917463, No. 2017M2A2A6A02071071 (C.S.L.), No. 2019R1F1A1058370, and No. 2016R1A5A1013277 (K.Y.C.), and Science Foundation Ireland under Grant No. 12/IP/1288 (O.J.R.)

    β-γ and isomeric decay spectroscopy of 168Dy

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    This contribution will report on the experimental work on the level structure of 168Dy. The experimental data have been taken as part of the EURICA decay spectroscopy campaign at RIBF, RIKEN in November 2014. In the experiment, a 238U primary beam is accelerated up to 345 MeV/u with an average intensity of 12 pnA. The nuclei of interest are produced by in-flight fission of 238U impinging on Be target with a thickness of 5 mm. The excited states of 168Dy have been populated through the decay from a newly identified isomeric state and via the β decay from 168Tb. In this contribution, scientific motivations, experimental procedure and some preliminary results for this study are presented

    Isomer Spectroscopy of Neutron-rich 165,167Tb

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    Open Access JournalWe present information on the excited states in the prolate-deformed, neutron-rich nuclei 165;167Tb100;102. The nuclei of interest were synthesized following in-flight fission of a 345 MeV per nucleon 238U primary beam on a 2 mm 9Be target at the Radioactive Ion-Beam Factory (RIBF), RIKEN, Japan. The exotic nuclei were separated and identified event-by-event using the BigRIPS separator, with discrete energy gamma-ray decays from isomeric states with half-lives in the _s regime measured using the EURICA gamma-ray spectrometer. Metastable-state decays are identified in 165Tb and 167Tb and interpreted as arising from hindered E1 decay from the 7/2-[523] single quasi-proton Nilsson configuration to rotational states built on the 3/2-[411] single quasi-proton ground state. These data correspond to the first spectroscopic information in the heaviest, odd-A terbium isotopes reported to date and provide information on proton Nilsson configurations which reside close to the Fermi surface as the 170Dy doubly-midshell nucleus is approached.postprin

    78Ni revealed as a doubly magic stronghold against nuclear deformation

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    Nuclear magic numbers correspond to fully occupied energy shells of protons or neutrons inside atomic nuclei. Doubly magic nuclei, with magic numbers for both protons and neutrons, are spherical and extremely rare across the nuclear landscape. Although the sequence of magic numbers is well established for stable nuclei, experimental evidence has revealed modifications for nuclei with a large asymmetry between proton and neutron numbers. Here we provide a spectroscopic study of the doubly magic nucleus 78 Ni, which contains fourteen neutrons more than the heaviest stable nickel isotope. We provide direct evidence of its doubly magic nature, which is also predicted by ab initio calculations based on chiral effective-field theory interactions and the quasi-particle random-phase approximation. Our results also indicate the breakdown of the neutron magic number 50 and proton magic number 28 beyond this stronghold, caused by a competing deformed structure. State-of-the-art phenomenological shell-model calculations reproduce this shape coexistence, predicting a rapid transition from spherical to deformed ground states, with 78 Ni as the turning point

    Study of spin-isospin responses of radioactive nuclei with the background-reduced neutron spectrometer, PANDORA

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    The status of a project to measure spin-isospin responses of neutron drip-line nuclei using a new low-energy neutron detector, PANDORA (Particle Analyzer Neutron Detector Of Real-time Acquisition), is reported. The performance of PANDORA was characterized by the 6He(p,n)6Li reaction in inverse kinematics at the HIMAC facility in Chiba. Observation of the strong transition to the ground state in 6Li is discussed. Preliminary results of 11Li(p,n)11Be and 14Be(p,n)14B experiments in inverse kinematics at RI Beam Factory (RIBF) of RIKEN Nishina Center are also presented including the exotic decay channel of 11Be→9Li + d. Details of the experimental setup based on PANDORA and the SAMURAI large-acceptance magnetic spectrometer, as well as the combined data-acquisition system are described. The neutron-gamma discrimination capability of PANDORA was evaluated, Figure-of-Merit (FoM) values higher than those found in the literature for similar materials were derived from experimental data