140 research outputs found

    Notes on shape orientation where the standard method does not work

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    Copyright © 2006 Elsevier. NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Pattern Recognition . Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Pattern Recognition, Vol. 39 Issue 5 (2006), DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2005.11.010Notes: This paper introduces a new method for shape orientation. This method, which uses Nth-order centralised moments (N>2), can be applied to cases, such as many-fold symmetric shapes, for which the standard method does not work. The paper proves several desirable properties of shape orientation defined in this way, and also corrects the previous approach where the central moments were treated equally independently of N. It shows that the situation is essentially different depending on whether N is an even or odd number. This corrects the previous work of Tsai and Chou (Pattern Recognition, vol. 24, pp.95-104, 1991), which up to then represented the state of the art in the field.In this paper we consider some questions related to the orientation of shapes with particular attention to the situation where the standard method does not work. There are irregular and non-symmetric shapes whose orientation cannot be computed in a standard way, but in the literature the most studied situations are those where the shape under consideration has more than two axes of symmetry or where it is an n-fold rotationally symmetric shape with n>2.n>2. The basic reference for our work is [W.H. Tsai, S.L. Chou, Detection of generalized principal in rotationally symmetric shapes, Pattern Recognition 24 (1991) 95–104]. We give a very simple proof of the main result from [W.H. Tsai, S.L. Chou, Detection of generalized principal in rotationally symmetric shapes, Pattern Recognition 24 (1991) 95–104] and suggest a modification of the proposal on how the principal axes of rotationally symmetric shapes should be computed. We show some desirable property in defining the orientation of such shapes if the modified approach is applied. Also, we give some comments on the problems that arise when computing shape elongation

    Indicators for rural development of Serbian

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    Svedoci smo činjenice da je problem siromaštva i dalje jedna od glavnih aktivnosti svih država a jedna od glavnih aktivnosti Ujedinjenih nacija. Siromaštvo pogaña sve a ponajviše zemlje u razvoju. Podjednako zahvata i urbana područja kao i ruralna. U Srbiji su razna istraživanja pokazala da je stepen siromaštva mnogo izražajniji u ruralnim područjima u poreñenju sa urbanim, a meñu najugroženijima u Srbiji su mnogočlane porodice iz ruralnih područja, nezaposleni i osobe sa invaliditetom. Ruralni razvoj Srbije, zasnovan na agrarno ekonomskim osnovama održivog razvoja, postaje imperativ ukupnog privrednog razvoja.  Formulacija teze odgovara aktuelnim problemima u oblasti ruralnog razvoja Republike Srbije. U skladu sa definisanom temom, cilj ovog rada je bio da se pokaže dostignut nivo razvoja agrarnog sektora Srbije. U radu su prikazani postojeći problemi agrarnog sektora i date dalje smernice kao i mogućnosti za integralni dugoročni razvoj poljoprivrede i ruralnih područja, koje doprinose razvoju lokalne ekonomije i društva. Istraživanje je fokusirano na relevantne pokazatelje razvijenosti ruralnih područja (ekonomski, ekološki, sociodemografski, razvojni i dr. ), koji su značajni za budući razvoj. Ističe se važnost nadležnih institucija ka usklañivanju agrarne politike Srbije sa EU i organizacija na lokalnom nivou u rešavanju bitnih problema i kreiranju povoljnih uslova za agrarni sektor i razvoj ruralnih područja u periodu do 2030. godine. Ruralna područja predstavljaju veliki deo teritorije Srbije, pa stoga je razvoj ovih područja važan segment celokupne nacionalne strategije razvoja. Osim usklañivanja sa nacionalnom strategijom razvoja u ovoj oblasti, potrebna je i aktivnost svih ostalih lokalnih aktera u društvu, koji imaju interes za ruralni razvoj, i mogućnost davanja novih inicijativa kao i ulaganja u osavremenjavanje poljoprivrede i sela uopšte.We are witnesses of the situation where resolving the problem of poverty is the one of main issue on the agenda of many countries as well as The United Nations. Poverty hits almost all, but mostly the developing countries. It affects both urban and rural areas. Different reasrches conducted in Serbia recently reveal more present and higher level of poverty in rural areas compered to urban one. Many members families from rural areas, unemployed and disabled persons are among the most endangered population in Serbia. The rural development of Serbia, based on agrarian economic grounds of sustainable development, becomes imperative of overall economic development. The formulation of thesis coresponds to actual problems present on the field of rural development in Republic of Serbia. In accordance with the defined theme, the aim of this paper is to show the achived level of development in agrarian sector in Serbia.The existing problems of agrarian sector are represented and further guidelines are given as possibilities for intergrated long term development of the agriculture and rural areas which contributes to the development of the local economy and comunity in general. The research is focused on the relevant indicators of the development of rural areas (economic, ecological, developmental, sociodemographic etc.) which are significant for future development. The importance of relevant institutions during the proces of harmonization between EU’s and Serbian agricultural policy is strongly emphasised as well as the role of the local organizations in resolving main problems and creation of favorable conditions for the agrarian sector and development support for rural areas in the period until 2030. The rural areas cover great part of Serbian territory so, the development of these regions is important segment of the entire national development strategy. Beside the adjustments with national strategy of development in this field, the activity of all relevant, local actors which have interest for rural development is required and the possibility of giving new initiatives as well as investments in modernization of agruculture and villages in general

    Electronic business model in footwear industry

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    Predmet i cilj ovog rada je modernizacija te digitalizacija u industriji obuće uz korištenje nekih novih inovacija kao potpori poslovanju. Kroz ovaj diplomski rad će biti prikazana analiza te inovativni načini kako bi trebao biti posložen poslovni model u industriji obuće. Cilj je digitalizirati veći dio poslovanja, proširiti poslovanje na mobilne platforme uz implementiranje inovacije u poslovanje u pogledu skeniranja stopala kako bi krajnji kupac dobio savršeno dizajniranu obuću. Izvori podataka koji su korišteni u ovom radu su informacije i podaci iz stručne literature te znanstvenih radova. Uz informacije i podatke iz stručne literature i znanstvenih radova, rad uključuje i podatke s web stranica koje su povezane s industrijom obuće, novim tehnologijama, dobavljačima i konkurentima. Također, prikupljene su i informacije i podaci kroz anketni upitnik. Uz navedeno, rad sadrži i statističke podatke prikupljene putem web stranica. Ovaj diplomski rad sastoji se od pet poglavlja. U početnom dijelu rada nalazi se uvod u kojemu opisujemo poslovni model koji se prožima kroz cijeli dio rada. Poslije uvoda, slijedi drugi dio koji objašnjava i govori o teorijskom dijelu elektroničkog poslovanja na način da objašnjava što je to točno elektroničko poslovanje, kako tehnologija utječe na elektroničko poslovanje i koje su prednosti i nedostaci elektroničkog poslovanja. U trećem dijelu se nalaze statistiĉki podaci koji pokazuju razne pokazatelje elektroničkog poslovanja koji su vezani za Republiku Hrvatsku, Europsku Uniju i svijet. Ti podaci objašnjavaju uloge i implementaciju tehnologija, korištenje interneta i razne ostale podatke koji mogu dobro poslužiti za uočavanje trenda elektroničkog poslovanja, njegov napredak kroz godine te projiciranje budućih vrijednosti. Četvrto poglavlje sadrži anketno istraživanje gdje je prikazano kako je formiran anketni upitnik, kako se provelo istraživanje, te koji su rezultati samog istraživanja. Istraživanje je provedeno u obliku anketnog upitnika te je cilj iz tih rezultata utvrditi ponašanja kupaca koji kupuju obuću online. Na taj način bi se mogli utvrditi obrasci ponašanja te preferencije kupaca prilikom online kupovine obuće. Nadalje, istraživanje je provedeno među mladom populacijom u koju uglavnom ulaze studenti te osobe koje su nedavno diplomirale. U petom poglavlju je prikazan model elektroničkog poslovanja. Opisuje se strateška osnova, digitalni poslovni model, marketinški plan, digitalne tehnologije, oblici plaćanja i SWOT analiza. Šesto poglavlje sastoji se od zaključka koji sumira cijeli rad te donosi jedan osvrt na sve već spomenuto. Nakon zaključka slijedi popis korištene literature, linkova, slika, tablica kao i životopis autora i anketa. Poslovni model koji se navodi u ovom radu bazira se i objašnjava neka restrukturiranja koja bi poduzeća u industriji obuće trebala proći kako bi svoje poslovanje postavili efikasnije nego što je sada. Neka od predloženih mjera za povećanje efikasnosti i uporabe moderne tehnologije kroz poslovanje je korištenje proširene stvarnosti kao inovaciju u projektu te jednostavnost i pristupačnost prilikom obavljanja procesa kupovine proizvoda

    Conceptualizing Location - One term, many meanings, a lot of problems

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    Mihajlo Kopanja Conceptualizing Location - One Term, Many Meanings, a Lot of Problems Master thesis Supervisor: Nuno Morgado, M. Pol. Sc., Ph.D. Abstract Location as a geopolitical concept is one of the most fundamental variables being used in research since the beginning of geopolitics itself. Yet, usages of the concept in geopolitical literature point to different conceptualizations of location which, in turn, provide different explanations of causal properties this concept has on the state's behavior. This logical inconsistency imbedded in the concept of location sets up a fundamental question: what location, as a concept, is and how does it produce causal effect onto a state? Following that another question arises: can this inconsistency be resolved through reconceptualization? By identifying the set of different attributes assigned to the concept of location in existing literature determination of inconsistency has been made and used as a basis for reconceptualization of location. Through the introduction of a model with four secondary concepts using the radial approach to concept formation an attempt has been made to resolve internal inconsistencies of location as a concept and as a variable while increasing its explanatory power in understanding and analyzing its effects on states as shown in the...Mihajlo Kopanja Conceptualizing Location - One Term, Many Meanings, a Lot of Problems Master thesis Supervisor: Nuno Morgado, M. Pol. Sc., Ph.D. Abstrakt Lokace jako geopolitický koncept je jednou z nejzákladnějších proměnných, které se používají ve výzkumu již od začátku samotné geopolitické politiky. Použití konceptu v geopolitické literatuře však poukazuje na odlišné konceptualizace lokace, které zase poskytují různé vysvětlení kauzálních vlastností, které tento koncept má na chování státu. Tato logická nekonzistence obsažená v koncepci lokace vytváří základní otázku: Co je lokace jako koncept a jak vytváří kauzální vliv na stát? Dále vyplývá následující otázka: Lze tuto nekonzistenci vyřešit prostřednictvím konceptualizace? Identifikací souboru různých atributů přiřazených konceptu lokalizace v existující literatuře bylo zjištěno, že nekonzistence byla provedena a použita jako základ pro rekoncepci lokality. Prostřednictvím zavedení modelu se čtyřmi sekundárními koncepty využívajícími radiální přístup k tvorbě konceptu byl učiněn pokus vyřešit vnitřní nesrovnalosti lokace jako koncepce a proměnné při zvyšování své vysvětlující síly v porozumění a analýze jejích účinků na státy, na příkladu případové studii o umístění Republiky Srbsko. Klíčová slova Geopolitické myšlení, koncepce, lokace, pozice,...Department of Political ScienceKatedra politologieFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Electronic business model in footwear industry

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    Predmet i cilj ovog rada je modernizacija te digitalizacija u industriji obuće uz korištenje nekih novih inovacija kao potpori poslovanju. Kroz ovaj diplomski rad će biti prikazana analiza te inovativni načini kako bi trebao biti posložen poslovni model u industriji obuće. Cilj je digitalizirati veći dio poslovanja, proširiti poslovanje na mobilne platforme uz implementiranje inovacije u poslovanje u pogledu skeniranja stopala kako bi krajnji kupac dobio savršeno dizajniranu obuću. Izvori podataka koji su korišteni u ovom radu su informacije i podaci iz stručne literature te znanstvenih radova. Uz informacije i podatke iz stručne literature i znanstvenih radova, rad uključuje i podatke s web stranica koje su povezane s industrijom obuće, novim tehnologijama, dobavljačima i konkurentima. Također, prikupljene su i informacije i podaci kroz anketni upitnik. Uz navedeno, rad sadrži i statističke podatke prikupljene putem web stranica. Ovaj diplomski rad sastoji se od pet poglavlja. U početnom dijelu rada nalazi se uvod u kojemu opisujemo poslovni model koji se prožima kroz cijeli dio rada. Poslije uvoda, slijedi drugi dio koji objašnjava i govori o teorijskom dijelu elektroničkog poslovanja na način da objašnjava što je to točno elektroničko poslovanje, kako tehnologija utječe na elektroničko poslovanje i koje su prednosti i nedostaci elektroničkog poslovanja. U trećem dijelu se nalaze statistiĉki podaci koji pokazuju razne pokazatelje elektroničkog poslovanja koji su vezani za Republiku Hrvatsku, Europsku Uniju i svijet. Ti podaci objašnjavaju uloge i implementaciju tehnologija, korištenje interneta i razne ostale podatke koji mogu dobro poslužiti za uočavanje trenda elektroničkog poslovanja, njegov napredak kroz godine te projiciranje budućih vrijednosti. Četvrto poglavlje sadrži anketno istraživanje gdje je prikazano kako je formiran anketni upitnik, kako se provelo istraživanje, te koji su rezultati samog istraživanja. Istraživanje je provedeno u obliku anketnog upitnika te je cilj iz tih rezultata utvrditi ponašanja kupaca koji kupuju obuću online. Na taj način bi se mogli utvrditi obrasci ponašanja te preferencije kupaca prilikom online kupovine obuće. Nadalje, istraživanje je provedeno među mladom populacijom u koju uglavnom ulaze studenti te osobe koje su nedavno diplomirale. U petom poglavlju je prikazan model elektroničkog poslovanja. Opisuje se strateška osnova, digitalni poslovni model, marketinški plan, digitalne tehnologije, oblici plaćanja i SWOT analiza. Šesto poglavlje sastoji se od zaključka koji sumira cijeli rad te donosi jedan osvrt na sve već spomenuto. Nakon zaključka slijedi popis korištene literature, linkova, slika, tablica kao i životopis autora i anketa. Poslovni model koji se navodi u ovom radu bazira se i objašnjava neka restrukturiranja koja bi poduzeća u industriji obuće trebala proći kako bi svoje poslovanje postavili efikasnije nego što je sada. Neka od predloženih mjera za povećanje efikasnosti i uporabe moderne tehnologije kroz poslovanje je korištenje proširene stvarnosti kao inovaciju u projektu te jednostavnost i pristupačnost prilikom obavljanja procesa kupovine proizvoda

    Nanoparticle shapes: Quantification by elongation, convexity and circularity measures

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    The goal of the nanoparticle synthesis is, first of all, the production of nanoparticles that will be more similar in size and shape. This is very important for the possibility of studying and applying nanomaterials because of their characteristics that are very sensitive to size and shape such as, for example, magnetic properties. In this paper, we propose the shape analysis of the nanoparticles using three shape descriptors – elongation, convexity and circularity. Experimental results were obtained by using TEM images of hematite nanoparticles that were, first of all, subjected to segmentation in order to obtain isolated nanoparticles, and then the values of elongation, convexity and circularity were measured. Convexity C x ( S ) is regarded as the ratio between shape’s area and area of the its convex hull. The convexity measure defines the degree to which a shape differs from a convex shape while the circularity measure defines the degree to which a shape differs from an ideal circle. The range of convexity and circularity values is (0, 1], while the range of elongation values is [1, ∞). The circle has lowest elongation (ε = 1), while it has biggest convexity and circularity values ( C x = 1; C = 1). The measures ε( S ), C x ( S ), C ( S ) proposed and used in the experiment have the few desirable properties and give intuitively expected results. None of the measures is good enough to describe all the shapes, and therefore it is suggested to use a variety of measures so that the shapes can be described better and then classify and control during the synthesis process

    Геополитички приступ утврђивању делотворности концепта велике стратегије обуздавања: студија случаја Сједињене Америчке Државе 1979-1989

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    Током последњих неколико година, изучавање велике стратегије доживљава ренесансу, у смислу пораста објављених истраживања, концептуалне и емпиријске надградње, као и свеукупног напретка у фонду знања о великој стратегији. Међутим, и поред пораста истраживања, питање делотворности велике стратегије представља готово terra incognita у постојећој литератури. Уочавајући празнину у постојећој литератури, овом дисертацијом се настоји продубити наше сазнање о проблематици делотворности велике стратегије и утврђивању шта чини велику стратегију делотворном. Прихватајући чињеницу да је теоријски напредак неодвојив од емпиријског рада, примаран истраживачки циљ овог истраживања јесте пружање генерализованог специфичног објашњења делотворности велике стратегије на основу случаја велике стратегије обуздавања САД-а од 1979. до 1989. године. У сврху остваривања централног истраживачког циља у дисертацији су пружени одговори на два примарна истраживачка питања – шта чини велику стратегију делотворном?; и да ли је велика стратегија обуздавања САД, у периоду од 1979. до 1989. године, била делотворна; који су рашчлањени на више секундарних и терцијарних истраживачких питања. У циљу одговора на постављена питања, и пратећи методологију праћења процеса, дисертација се може посматрати као сачињена из две целине. У првој целини је прво пружено прецизно одређење велике стратегије. Затим је пружена концепција делотворности велике стратегије кроз њена три лица ефективности, као и три теоријска оквира којима се може утврдити делотворност велике стратегије – теорија равнотеже интереса, приступ стратешкој култури Бредлија Клајна, као и геополитички приступ великој стратегији. У другој целини најпре је пружен дубински опис процеса формулације и имплементације велике стратегије обуздавања, са акцентом на трећу фазу Хладног рата. Након тога су емпиријски налази посматрани из перспективе три сучељена теоријска оквира. Ослањајући се на метод тестирања теорија, утврђено је да само геополитички присуп пружа довољно објашњење којим се потврђује хипотеза овог приступа да је велика стратегија обуздавања током треће фазе Хладног рата била делотворна, јер је била у складу са стратешком визијом, стратешком доктрином и стратешким потенцијалом Сједињених Држава. Коначно, у последњем поглављу су емпиријски налази генерализовани са закључком да оно што чини велику стратегију делотворном јесте њена усклађеност са стратешком визијом, стратешком доктрином и стратешким потенцијалом дате државе.Over the last few years, the study of grand strategy has been experiencing a renaissance, in terms of an increase in published research, conceptual and empirical development, and overall progress in the body of knowledge about grand strategy. However, despite the rising number of published research, the question of grand strategic effectiveness remains almost a terra incognita within existing literature. Recognizing the existing literature gap, this dissertation strives to deepen our understanding of the question of grand strategic effectiveness and to determine what makes grand strategy effective. Accepting the fact that theoretical progress is inseparable from empirical work, the primary research goal of this dissertation is to provide a generalized specific explanation of grand strategic effectiveness based on the case of the US grand strategy of containment from 1979 to 1989. In order to achieve the central research goal, the dissertation provides the answers to two primary research questions - what makes grand strategy effective?; and whether US grand strategy of containment, between 1979 and 1989, was effective; which are broken down into a number of secondary and tertiary research questions. In order to answer set questions, and following process-tracing methodology, the dissertation can be seen as consisting of two segments. In the first part, a precise conceptualization of the grand strategy was first provided. Following that the conceptual distincition of grand strategic effectiveness was given, through the three faces of grand strategic effectiveness, as well as three theoretical frameworks that can be used to determine the effectiveness of grand strategy – balance-of-interest theory, Bradley Klein's approach to strategic culture, as well as the geopolitical approach to grand strategy. In the second part, an in-depth description of the process of formulation and implementation of the grand containment strategy was first provided, with an emphasis on the third phase of the Cold War. After that, the empirical findings were observed from the perspective of three opposing theoretical frameworks. Relying on the method of theory testing, it was determined that only the geopolitical approach provides a sufficient explanation, confirming the hypothesis of this approach that the grand strategy of containment, during the third phase of the Cold War, was effective because it was in line with the strategic vision, strategic doctrine and strategic potential of the United States. Finally, in the last chapter, the empirical findings were generalized with the conclusion that what makes a grand strategy effective is its alignment with the strategic vision, strategic doctrine and strategic potential of a given state

    Entreprenörskapets konstruktion - en kvalitativ studie ur aktörernas egen synvinkel

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    Studien omfattade kvalitativa intervjuer av en heterogen grupp entreprenörer. Utifrån teorier kring ämnet entreprenörskap och konstruktionism har vi analyserat vårt empiriska material med fokus på vårt syfte; att skapa förståelse för entreprenörskapet utifrån aktörens egen synvinkel och, genom denna förståelse, behandla dess subjektivitet, sammanhang och omgivningens betydelse. Det framgår att respondenterna beskriver sitt entreprenörskap på ett likartat sätt. Vi hävdar att detta beror på att omgivningens bild av entreprenören har influerat våra aktörer. Betydelsen de lägger i begreppet är främst inriktad på egenskaper såsom drivkraftig, modig, initiativrik och innovativ. Dessa är återkommande och ges ofta som en förklaring till deras agerande och en försäkran om att sättet de agerade på bygger på deras personlighet. Vi har skapat förståelse för hur våra respondenterna betraktar sitt entreprenörskap och sett ett mönster där omgivningens konstruktion av begreppet speglar aktörernas tolkningar.The study included qualitative interviews of a heterogeneous group of entrepreneurs and was based on theories connected with the subject of entrepreneurship and constructionism. We have analyzed our empirical material focusing on our intent; to create an understanding of entrepreneurship based on operators' own viewpoint and, through this understanding, process its subjectivity, context and ambient importance. It is clear that the respondents describe their entrepreneurial abilities in a similar manner. We argue that this is because the ambient image of the entrepreneur has influenced our players. The importance they attach to the concept mainly focuses on characteristics such as a strong drive, braveness, enterprising and innovative. These are recurring and are often given as an explanation for their actions and an assurance that the way they acted is based on their personality. We have created an understanding of how our respondents regard their entrepreneurship and seen a pattern where the environmental construction of the term reflects the actors' interpretations

    Attitudes of pharmacists about anthocyanin-based products from blueberry fruit in the pharmacies

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    The attitudes of pharmacists about anthocyanin-based products from blueberry in the pharmacies were tested with electronic based questionnaire. In the study, 107 pharmacists from the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska participated, mostly females (84.1%), over 30 years of age who work in pharmacy chains (3 or more pharmacies) (79.4%). When asked if they have any of the anthocyanin-based products from blueberry fruit in the pharmacy, the majority answered in affirmative (72.0%) and that these are dietary supplements for maintaining eye health (76.9%). Half of the surveyed pharmacists (50.5%) answered that they only sometimes recommend these products. More than 50% were familiar with the pharmacological action of anthocyanins, and as many as 64% that anthocyanins achieve their positive effect on vision in low light by regenerating visible purple, rhodopsin. Also, the pharmacist knew other pharmacological activities of anthocyannins, as vasoprotective (52.3%), antioxidant (83.2%) and anti-inflammatory (44.9%). A large number of respondents knew that carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin), in addition to anthocyanins, also show a beneficial effect on vision. Finally, it can be concluded that pharmacists in pharmacies lack knowledge about the pharmacological effect of anthocyanins and that we need to work on educating pharmacists about the effects of these herbal pigments and herbal ingredients in general.80th FIP World Congress, Seville, Spain, 2022Poster presentatio

    The quantity of anthocyanins in blueberry fruit based dietary products and juices

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    In the pharmacies of Republic of Serbia, three dietary products and food supplements with blueberry fruit preparations intended to improve eyesight were found and the content of anthocyanins in them was analyzed. According to Ph. Eur. 10, colorimetric method was used for determination of anthocyanins, which was given in the monograph of Myrthilli fructus recens. For compairing, the content of anthocyanins in two juices with blueberry fruit and other fruits with anthocyanins (aronia, grape) was analysed using an AOAC colorimetric method given by Lee et al. (2005). Retin activ (ESI srl, Italy) a dietary product with a special medical purpose, contains vitamins A, C, E, 15 mg of dry blueberry extract standardized at 25% anthocyanosides, lutein and zeaxanthin. The advice of the manufacturer for use is one capsule a day. Our analysis have shown that Retin activ in one capsule contain 8.35 ±0,17 mg of anthocyanins, calculated as cyanidin 3-O-glucoside chloride. Pro-Visio tablets (United Pharma, Bratislava, Slovakia), a food supplement with lutein, zeaxanthin, 20 mg of blueberry extract, vitamin E and selenium, contained 5.14±0.18 mg of anthocyanins, calculated as cyanidin 3-O-glucoside chloride in one tablet. The advice of the manufacturer for use is one capsule a day. Visionace Original tablets (Vitabiotics, London, UK) contain 23 components including blueberry extract (60 mg) and 0.02±0.0089 mg of anthocyanins per tablets. The juices, Bravo - blueberry (RAUCH SERBIA DOO) and Nectar - apple, aronia, blueberry and grape (Nectar DOO, Serbia), contained 42.57±2.66 mg/L and 31.80±0.01 mg/L of anthocyanins, respectively. According to the literature, blueberry anthocyanins has been reported to enhance night visual acuity and contrast sensitivity and are used in the supplements to improve vision health. Older studies (Vannini et al., 1986) have shown significant improvement of the pupillary muscle contraction in reduced light conditions in healthy young subjects after administration of 240 mg of blueberry extract containing 36% anthocyanins. The claimed effect refers to an improvement of visual adaptation to the dark. Newer studies were contradictory. JECFA has established an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of 2.5 mg/kg bw/day for anthocyanins from grape skin. The dose of 50 mg of anthocyanins of black current concentrate have shown positive effect after 30 min of dark adaptation compared before and 2 h after intake of test drink in 12 healthy subjects (Nomi et al., 2019). In conclusion, our results suggest that the best option for better eye health is to use products with concentrated blueberry fruit extracts instead of juices, but the intake of at least 50 mg of anthocyanins per day should be ensured. References 1. Lee J., Durst RW, Wrolstad E., Journal of AOAC International, 88:5, 1269-1278, 2005 2. Vannini L., Samuelly R., Coffano M., Tibaldi L. Bollett Ocul, 65 (6):569-577, 1986 3. Nomi Y, Iwasaki-Kurashige K., Matsumoto H., Molecules, 24(18): 3311, 201980th FIP World Congress 2022, Seville, SpainPoster presentatio