3,925 research outputs found

    Self-organization in turbulence as a route to order in plasma and fluids

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    Transitions from turbulence to order are studied experimentally in thin fluid layers and magnetically confined toroidal plasma. It is shown that turbulence self-organizes through the mechanism of spectral condensation. The spectral redistribution of the turbulent energy leads to the reduction in the turbulence level, generation of coherent flow, reduction in the particle diffusion and increase in the system's energy. The higher order state is sustained via the nonlocal spectral coupling of the linearly unstable spectral range to the large-scale mean flow. The similarity of self-organization in two-dimensional fluids and low-to-high confinement transitions in plasma suggests the universality of the mechanism.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    "Locally homogeneous turbulence" Is it an inconsistent framework?

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    In his first 1941 paper Kolmogorov assumed that the velocity has increments which are homogeneous and independent of the velocity at a suitable reference point. This assumption of local homogeneity is consistent with the nonlinear dynamics only in an asymptotic sense when the reference point is far away. The inconsistency is illustrated numerically using the Burgers equation. Kolmogorov's derivation of the four-fifths law for the third-order structure function and its anisotropic generalization are actually valid only for homogeneous turbulence, but a local version due to Duchon and Robert still holds. A Kolomogorov--Landau approach is proposed to handle the effect of fluctuations in the large-scale velocity on small-scale statistical properties; it is is only a mild extension of the 1941 theory and does not incorporate intermittency effects.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum Collapse and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

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    A heat engine undergoes a cyclic operation while in equilibrium with the net result of conversion of heat into work. Quantum effects such as superposition of states can improve an engine's efficiency by breaking detailed balance, but this improvement comes at a cost due to excess entropy generated from collapse of superpositions on measurement. We quantify these competing facets for a quantum ratchet comprised of an ensemble of pairs of interacting two-level atoms. We suggest that the measurement postulate of quantum mechanics is intricately connected to the second law of thermodynamics. More precisely, if quantum collapse is not inherently random, then the second law of thermodynamics can be violated. Our results challenge the conventional approach of simply quantifying quantum correlations as a thermodynamic work deficit.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    The Kelvin-wave cascade in the vortex filament model

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    The energy transfer mechanism in zero temperature superfluid turbulence of helium-4 is still a widely debated topic. Currently, the main hypothesis is that weakly nonlinear interacting Kelvin waves transfer energy to sufficiently small scales such that energy is dissipated as heat via phonon excitations. Theoretically, there are at least two proposed theories for Kelvin-wave interactions. We perform the most comprehensive numerical simulation of weakly nonlinear interacting Kelvin-waves to date and show, using a specially designed numerical algorithm incorporating the full Biot-Savart equation, that our results are consistent with nonlocal six-wave Kelvin wave interactions as proposed by L'vov and Nazarenko.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Shear Effects in Non-Homogeneous Turbulence

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    Motivated by recent experimental and numerical results, a simple unifying picture of intermittency in turbulent shear flows is suggested. Integral Structure Functions (ISF), taking into account explicitly the shear intensity, are introduced on phenomenological grounds. ISF can exhibit a universal scaling behavior, independent of the shear intensity. This picture is in satisfactory agreement with both experimental and numerical data. Possible extension to convective turbulence and implication on closure conditions for Large-Eddy Simulation of non-homogeneous flows are briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Constraining the neutrino magnetic moment with anti-neutrinos from the Sun

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    We discuss the impact of different solar neutrino data on the spin-flavor-precession (SFP) mechanism of neutrino conversion. We find that, although detailed solar rates and spectra allow the SFP solution as a sub-leading effect, the recent KamLAND constraint on the solar antineutrino flux places stronger constraints to this mechanism. Moreover, we show that for the case of random magnetic fields inside the Sun, one obtains a more stringent constraint on the neutrino magnetic moment down to the level of \mu_\nu \lsim few \times 10^{-12}\mu_B, similar to bounds obtained from star cooling.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    A stochastic model of cascades in 2D turbulence

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    The dual cascade of energy and enstrophy in 2D turbulence cannot easily be understood in terms of an analog to the Richardson-Kolmogorov scenario describing the energy cascade in 3D turbulence. The coherent up- and downscale fluxes points to non-locality of interactions in spectral space, and thus the specific spatial structure of the flow could be important. Shell models, which lack spacial structure and have only local interactions in spectral space, indeed fail in reproducing the correct scaling for the inverse cascade of energy. In order to exclude the possibility that non-locality of interactions in spectral space is crucial for the dual cascade, we introduce a stochastic spectral model of the cascades which is local in spectral space and which shows the correct scaling for both the direct enstrophy - and the inverse energy cascade.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Comparative experimental study of local mixing of active and passive scalars in turbulent thermal convection

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    We investigate experimentally the statistical properties of active and passive scalar fields in turbulent Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection in water, at Ra1010Ra\sim10^{10}. Both the local concentration of fluorescence dye and the local temperature are measured near the sidewall of a rectangular cell. It is found that, although they are advected by the same turbulent flow, the two scalars distribute differently. This difference is twofold, i.e. both the quantities themselves and their small-scale increments have different distributions. Our results show that there is a certain buoyant scale based on time domain, i.e. the Bolgiano time scale tBt_B, above which buoyancy effects are significant. Above tBt_B, temperature is active and is found to be more intermittent than concentration, which is passive. This suggests that the active scalar possesses a higher level of intermittency in turbulent thermal convection. It is further found that the mixing of both scalar fields are isotropic for scales larger than tBt_B even though buoyancy acts on the fluid in the vertical direction. Below tBt_B, temperature is passive and is found to be more anisotropic than concentration. But this higher degree of anisotropy is attributed to the higher diffusivity of temperature over that of concentration. From the simultaneous measurements of temperature and concentration, it is shown that two scalars have similar autocorrelation functions and there is a strong and positive correlation between them.Comment: 13 pages and 12 figure

    Orbital roulette: a new method of gravity estimation from observed motions

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    The traditional way of estimating the gravitational field from observed motions of test objects is based on the virial relation between their kinetic and potential energy. We find a more efficient method. It is based on the natural presumption that the objects are observed at a random moment of time and therefore have random orbital time phases. The proposed estimator, which we call "orbital roulette", checks the randomness of the phases. The method has the following advantages: (1) It estimates accurately Keplerian (point-mass) potentials as well as non-Keplerian potentials where the unknown gravitating mass is distributed in space. (2) It is a complete statistical estimator: it checks a trial potential and accepts it or rules it out with a certain significance level; the best-fit measurement is thus supplemented with error bars at any confidence level. (3) It needs no a priori assumptions about the distribution of orbital parameters of the test bodies. We test our estimator with Monte-Carlo-generated motions and demonstrate its efficiency. Useful applications include the Galactic Center, dark-matter halo of the Galaxy, and clusters of stars or galaxies.Comment: 30 pages, accepted to Ap

    Highly turbulent solutions of LANS-alpha and their LES potential

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    We compute solutions of the Lagrangian-Averaged Navier-Stokes alpha-model (LANS) for significantly higher Reynolds numbers (up to Re 8300) than have previously been accomplished. This allows sufficient separation of scales to observe a Navier-Stokes (NS) inertial range followed by a 2nd LANS inertial range. The analysis of the third-order structure function scaling supports the predicted l^3 scaling; it corresponds to a k^(-1) scaling of the energy spectrum. The energy spectrum itself shows a different scaling which goes as k^1. This latter spectrum is consistent with the absence of stretching in the sub-filter scales due to the Taylor frozen-in hypothesis employed as a closure in the derivation of LANS. These two scalings are conjectured to coexist in different spatial portions of the flow. The l^3 (E(k) k^(-1)) scaling is subdominant to k^1 in the energy spectrum, but the l^3 scaling is responsible for the direct energy cascade, as no cascade can result from motions with no internal degrees of freedom. We verify the prediction for the size of the LANS attractor resulting from this scaling. From this, we give a methodology either for arriving at grid-independent solutions for LANS, or for obtaining a formulation of a LES optimal in the context of the alpha models. The fully converged grid-independent LANS may not be the best approximation to a direct numerical simulation of the NS equations since the minimum error is a balance between truncation errors and the approximation error due to using LANS instead of the primitive equations. Furthermore, the small-scale behavior of LANS contributes to a reduction of flux at constant energy, leading to a shallower energy spectrum for large alpha. These small-scale features, do not preclude LANS to reproduce correctly the intermittency properties of high Re flow.Comment: 37 pages, 17 figure