617 research outputs found

    Teratogenic potential of valproate

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    On the Radio kk-chromatic Number of Paths

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    A radio kk-coloring of a graph GG is an assignment ff of positive integers (colors) to the vertices of GG such that for any two vertices uu and vv of GG, the difference between their colors is at least 1+kd(u,v)1+k-d(u,v). The span rck(f)rc_k(f) of ff is max{f(v):vV(G)}\max\{f(v):v\in V(G)\}. The radio kk-chromatic number rck(G)rc_k(G) of GG is min{rck(f):fisaradiok-coloringofG}min\lbrace rc_k(f) : f { is a radio k\text{-}coloring of } G\rbrace. In this paper, in an attempt to prove a conjecture on the radio kk-chromatic number of path, we determine the radio kk-chromatic number of paths PnP_n for k+5n7k12k+5\leq n\leq\frac{7k-1}{2} if kk is odd and k+4n5k+42k+4\leq n\leq\frac{5k+4}{2} if kk is even

    Psychopathy, Gang membership, And moral disengagement among juvenile offenders

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of psychopathy factors and gang membership on moral disengagement while controlling for age, ethnicity, having run away from home, family member and/or friend arrests, substance misuse, parental physical fights, violence exposure (victimization and witnessing), and maternal warmth and hostility. Design/methodology/approach – The research is based on data collected from serious juvenile offenders (n=769) as part of the Pathways to Desistance Study. Findings – Six independent variables made a unique statistically significant contribution to the model: gang membership, age, gender, violence exposure, and psychopathy Factors 1 and 2. Psychopathy Factor 1 was the strongest predictor of moral disengagement. Originality/value – Results indicate that youth with heightened psychopathic traits make greater use of strategies to rationalize and justify their harmful behaviour against others. Implications in relation to theory and previous studies are discussed

    Physico-Chemical Characterization Of Water Samples At Egbin Thermal Station In Ijede And Its Environs In Lagos State Of Nigeria.

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    With the view to determining the effect of industrial effluents on the water quality of the river at Ijede in Ikorodu, Lagos state of Nigeria as a result of the panicking situation within the community, the physicochemical parameters which include PH, Turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen, Salinity and Electrical conductivity were measured to ascertain the level of pollution in the river and the Environment. The result  shows  that the pollutions of this river, if any, were not really from the effluent coming out of the Plant, but attributed to other sources since the effluents from the Plant were well managed and the physico-chemical parameters are in good agreement with World Health Organization guidelines before it is discharged into the main river. It is therefore recommended that the control on the effluents management should be controlled and enforced by the Environmentalists to protect the activities of the residents at Egbin in Ijede and its environs. Key words:         Physico-chemical, Pollution, Discharged-water, WHO

    Comparing the personal oral hygiene practices among Government and Private school children of Mahabubnagar, Telangana state - A cross sectional study

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    Introduction: Oral health is fundamental to general health and well-being. A healthy mouth enables an individual to talk, eat, and socialize without experiencing active disease, discomfort, or embarrassment. Objectives: To assess the knowledge and oral hygiene practices of school children from both Government and Private schools in Mahabubnagar district. Materials and Methods: A total of 150 children aged 11–15 years were randomly selected from six Private and six Government schools. A questionnaire related to their personal and oral hygiene practices was distributed to the school children. Results: The results of this study showed thatmost respondents had a good knowledge of basic hygiene measures and positive attitude towards oral hygiene. The students of both schools exhibited poor oral hygiene practices but were significantly reported more in the Government school than in the Private schools (p<0.005). Majority of the respondents (91.3%) used a commercial toothbrush and toothpaste and half of them (50%) reported brushing twice a day. Two-third of the respondents (75%), had never visited a dental clinic. Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the knowledge and oral hygiene practices of Government school children were less satisfactory in someaspects when compared to private school children.&nbsp

    Risk in CNS drug discovery: focus on treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Despite rapid progress in our understanding of disease mechanisms and an exploding list of new targets for therapeutic intervention, drug discovery and development remains a highly risky business. Understanding the risk involved requires appreciation of the differing perspectives of risk held by the various stakeholders involved in drug research. Risk can be reduced by thoughtful management of drug candidate selection, careful planning and program execution by a team of engaged experts, and disciplined decision making. Drug development is particularly challenging for treatments of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, in which translation from animal models of efficacy to human success is poor or unknown, the timelines for clinical study are long, and the markers of efficacy are still evolving. Despite this there are several therapies in clinical development that hold the promise of influencing this disease through novel and possibly synergistic mechanisms

    Correlates of Spreading Depolarization, Spreading Depression, and Negative Ultraslow Potential in Epidural Versus Subdural Electrocorticography

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    Spreading depolarizations (SDs) are characterized by near-complete breakdown of the transmembrane ion gradients, neuronal oedema and activity loss (=depression). The SD extreme in ischemic tissue, termed 'terminal SD,' shows prolonged depolarization, in addition to a slow baseline variation called 'negative ultraslow potential' (NUP). The NUP is the largest bioelectrical signal ever recorded from the human brain and is thought to reflect the progressive recruitment of neurons into death in the wake of SD. However, it is unclear whether the NUP is a field potential or results from contaminating sensitivities of platinum electrodes. In contrast to Ag/AgCl-based electrodes in animals, platinum/iridium electrodes are the gold standard for intracranial direct current (DC) recordings in humans. Here, we investigated the full continuum including short-lasting SDs under normoxia, long-lasting SDs under systemic hypoxia, and terminal SD under severe global ischemia using platinum/iridium electrodes in rats to better understand their recording characteristics. Sensitivities for detecting SDs or NUPs were 100% for both electrode types. Nonetheless, the platinum/iridium-recorded NUP was 10 times smaller in rats than humans. The SD continuum was then further investigated by comparing subdural platinum/iridium and epidural titanium peg electrodes in patients. In seven patients with either aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage or malignant hemispheric stroke, two epidural peg electrodes were placed 10 mm from a subdural strip. We found that 31/67 SDs (46%) on the subdural strip were also detected epidurally. SDs that had longer negative DC shifts and spread more widely across the subdural strip were more likely to be observed in epidural recordings. One patient displayed an SD-initiated NUP while undergoing brain death despite continued circulatory function. The NUP's amplitude was -150 mV subdurally and -67 mV epidurally. This suggests that the human NUP is a bioelectrical field potential rather than an artifact of electrode sensitivity to other factors, since the dura separates the epidural from the subdural compartment and the epidural microenvironment was unlikely changed, given that ventilation, arterial pressure and peripheral oxygen saturation remained constant during the NUP. Our data provide further evidence for the clinical value of invasive electrocorticographic monitoring, highlighting important possibilities as well as limitations of less invasive recording techniques

    Kinstate intervention in ethnic conflicts : Albania and Turkey compared

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    Albania and Turkey did not act in overtly irredentist ways towards their ethnic brethren in neighboring states after the end of communism. Why, nonetheless, did Albania facilitate the increase of ethnic conflict in Kosovo and Macedonia, while Turkey did not, with respect to the Turks of Bulgaria? I argue that kin-states undergoing transition are more prone to intervene in external conflicts than states that are not, regardless of the salience of minority demands in the host-state. The transition weakens the institutions of the kin-state. Experiencing limited institutional constraints, self-seeking state officials create alliances with secessionist and autonomist movements across borders alongside their own ideological, clan-based and particularistic interests. Such alliances are often utilized to advance radical domestic agendas. Unlike in Albania's transition environment, in Turkey there were no emerging elites that could potentially form alliances and use external movements to legitimize their own domestic existence or claims