36 research outputs found

    Targeted chromosomal deletions and inversions in zebrafish

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    Zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) and transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) provide powerful platforms for genome editing in plants and animals. Typically, a single nuclease is sufficient to disrupt the function of protein-coding genes through the introduction of microdeletions or insertions that cause frameshifts within an early coding exon. However, interrogating the function of cis-regulatory modules or noncoding RNAs in many instances requires the excision of this element from the genome. In human cell lines and invertebrates, two nucleases targeting the same chromosome can promote the deletion of intervening genomic segments with modest efficiencies. We have examined the feasibility of using this approach to delete chromosomal segments within the zebrafish genome, which would facilitate the functional study of large noncoding sequences in a vertebrate model of development. Herein, we demonstrate that segmental deletions within the zebrafish genome can be generated at multiple loci and are efficiently transmitted through the germline. Using two nucleases, we have successfully generated deletions of up to 69 kb at rates sufficient for germline transmission (1%-15%) and have excised an entire lincRNA gene and enhancer element. Larger deletions (5.5 Mb) can be generated in somatic cells, but at lower frequency (0.7%). Segmental inversions have also been generated, but the efficiency of these events is lower than the corresponding deletions. The ability to efficiently delete genomic segments in a vertebrate developmental system will facilitate the study of functional noncoding elements on an organismic level

    Defining the structure of the NF-ĸB pathway in human immune cells using quantitative proteomic data

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    The NF-ĸB transcription factor is a critical regulator of immune homeostasis and inflammatory responses and is a critical factor in the pathogenesis of inflammatory disease. The pathways to NF-ĸB activation are paradigms for signal-induced ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation, control of transcription factor function by subcellular localisation, and the control of gene transcription and physiological processes by signal transduction mechanisms. Despite the importance of NF-ĸB in disease, the NF-ĸB pathway remains unexploited for the treatment of inflammatory disease. Our understanding of NF-ĸB comes mostly from studies of transgenic mice and cell lines where components of the pathway have been deleted or over expressed. Recent advances in quantitative proteomics offer new opportunities to understand the NF-ĸB pathway using the absolute abundance of individual pathway components. We have analysed available quantitative proteomic datasets to establish the structure of the NF-ĸB pathway in human immune cells under both steady state and activated conditions. This reveals a conserved NF-κB pathway structure across different immune cell lineages and identifies important differences to the current model of the NF-ĸB pathway. These include the findings that the IKK complex in most cells is likely to consist predominantly of IKKβ homodimers, that the relative abundancies of IκB proteins show strong cell type variation, and that the components of the non-canonical NF-ĸB pathway are significantly increased in activated immune cells. These findings challenge aspects of our current view of the NF-κB pathway and identify outstanding questions important for defining the role of key components in regulating inflammation and immunity

    Defining the role of nuclear factor NF-κB p105 subunit in human macrophage by transcriptomic analysis of NFKB1 knockout THP-1 cells

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    Since its discovery over 30 years ago the NF-ĸB family of transcription factors has gained the status of master regulator of the immune response. Much of what we understand of the role of NF-ĸB in immune development, homeostasis and inflammation comes from studies of mice null for specific NF-ĸB subunit encoding genes. The role of inflammation in diseases that affect a majority of individuals with health problems globally further establishes NF-ĸB as an important pathogenic factor. More recently, genomic sequencing has revealed loss of function mutations in the NFKB1 gene as the most common monogenic cause of common variable immunodeficiencies in Europeans. NFKB1 encodes the p105 subunit of NF-ĸB which is processed to generate the NF-ĸB p50 subunit. NFKB1 is the most highly expressed transcription factor in macrophages, key cellular drivers of inflammation and immunity. Although a key role for NFKB1 in the control of the immune system is apparent from Nfkb1-/- mouse studies, we know relatively little of the role of NFKB1 in regulating human macrophage responses. In this study we use the THP1 monocyte cell line and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing to generate a model of NFKB1-/- human macrophages. Transcriptomic analysis reveals that activated NFKB1-/- macrophages are more pro-inflammatory than wild type controls and express elevated levels of TNF, IL6, and IL1B, but also have reduced expression of co-stimulatory factors important for the activation of T cells and adaptive immune responses such as CD70, CD83 and CD209. NFKB1-/- THP1 macrophages recapitulate key observations in individuals with NFKB1 haploinsufficiency including decreased IL10 expression. These data supporting their utility as an in vitro model for understanding the role of NFKB1 in human monocytes and macrophages and indicate that of loss of function NFKB1 mutations in these cells is an important component in the associated pathology

    Crispr/Cas9 editing reveals novel mechanisms of clustered microRNA regulation and function

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important regulators of diverse physiological and pathophysiological processes. MiRNA families and clusters are two key features in miRNA biology. Here we explore the use of CRISPR/Cas9 as a powerful tool to delineate the function and regulation of miRNA families and clusters. We focused on four miRNA clusters composed of miRNA members of the same family, homoclusters or different families, hetero-clusters. Our results highlight different regulatory mechanisms in miRNA cluster expression. In the case of the miR-497~195 cluster, editing of miR-195 led to a significant decrease in the expression of the other miRNA in the cluster, miR-497a. Although no gene editing was detected in the miR-497a genomic locus, computational simulation revealed alteration in the three dimensional structure of the pri miR-497~195 that may affect its processing. In cluster miR- 143~145 our results imply a feed-forward regulation, although structural changes cannot be ruled out. Furthermore, in the miR-17~92 and miR-106~25 clusters no interdependency in miRNA expression was observed. Our findings suggest that CRISPR/Cas9 is a powerful gene editing tool that can uncover novel mechanisms of clustered miRNA regulation and function

    Transcriptional dynamics of pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cell differentiation revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing

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    Aims Pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cell products possess therapeutic potential in ischaemic vascular disease. However, the factors that drive endothelial differentiation from pluripotency and cellular specification are largely unknown. The aims of this study were to use single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to map the transcriptional landscape and cellular dynamics of directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cell-derived endothelial cells (hESC-EC) and to compare these cells to mature endothelial cells from diverse vascular beds. Methods and results A highly efficient directed 8-day differentiation protocol was used to generate a hESC-derived endothelial cell product (hESC-ECP), in which 66% of cells co-expressed CD31 and CD144. We observed largely homogeneous hESC and mesodermal populations at Days 0 and 4, respectively, followed by a rapid emergence of distinct endothelial and mesenchymal populations. Pseudotime trajectory identified transcriptional signatures of endothelial commitment and maturation during the differentiation process. Concordance in transcriptional signatures was verified by scRNA-seq analysis using both a second hESC line RC11, and an alternative hESC-EC differentiation protocol. In total, 105 727 cells were subjected to scRNA-seq analysis. Global transcriptional comparison revealed a transcriptional architecture of hESC-EC that differs from freshly isolated and cultured human endothelial cells and from organ-specific endothelial cells. Conclusion A transcriptional bifurcation into endothelial and mesenchymal lineages was identified, as well as novel transcriptional signatures underpinning commitment and maturation. The transcriptional architecture of hESC-ECP was distinct from mature and foetal human EC.This work was supported by the Medical Research Council [MRC Precision Medicine Doctoral Training Programme to I.R.M. and both the MRC Discovery Award and Programme grant (MC_PC_15075) and MRC Programme: Computational and Disease Genomics (MC_UU_00007/15) to C.P.P.], the Wellcome Trust [Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship in Clinical Science (ref. 103749) to N.C.H.], the European Research Council [Advanced Grant VASCMIR (RE7644) to A.H.B.], and the British Heart Foundation [BHF CVR grant (RM/17/3/ 33381) and BHF Chair of Translational Cardiovascular Sciences to A.H.B.]

    Cardiac troponin T is necessary for normal development in the embryonic chick heart

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    The heart is the first functioning organ to develop during embryogenesis. The formation of the heart is a tightly regulated and complex process, and alterations to its development can result in congenital heart defects. Mutations in sarcomeric proteins, such as alpha myosin heavy chain and cardiac alpha actin, have now been associated with congenital heart defects in humans, often with atrial septal defects. However, cardiac troponin T (cTNT encoded by gene TNNT2) has not. Using gene-specific antisense oligonucleotides, we have investigated the role of cTNT in chick cardiogenesis. TNNT2 is expressed throughout heart development and in the postnatal heart. TNNT2-morpholino treatment resulted in abnormal atrial septal growth and a reduction in the number of trabeculae in the developing primitive ventricular chamber. External analysis revealed the development of diverticula from the ventricular myocardial wall which showed no evidence of fibrosis and still retained a myocardial phenotype. Sarcomeric assembly appeared normal in these treated hearts. In humans, congenital ventricular diverticulum is a rare condition, which has not yet been genetically associated. However, abnormal haemodynamics is known to cause structural defects in the heart. Further, structural defects, including atrial septal defects and congenital diverticula, have previously been associated with conduction anomalies. Therefore, to provide mechanistic insights into the effect that cTNT knockdown has on the developing heart, quantitative PCR was performed to determine the expression of the shear stress responsive gene NOS3 and the conduction gene TBX3. Both genes were differentially expressed compared to controls. Therefore, a reduction in cTNT in the developing heart results in abnormal atrial septal formation and aberrant ventricular morphogenesis. We hypothesize that alterations to the haemodynamics, indicated by differential NOS3 expression, causes these abnormalities in growth in cTNT knockdown hearts. In addition, the muscular diverticula reported here suggest a novel role for mutations of structural sarcomeric proteins in the pathogenesis of congenital cardiac diverticula. From these studies, we suggest TNNT2 is a gene worthy of screening for those with a congenital heart defect, particularly atrial septal defects and ventricular diverticula

    Tropomyosin 1: multiple roles in the developing heart and in the formation of congenital heart defects

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    Tropomyosin 1 (TPM1) is an essential sarcomeric component, stabilising the thin filament and facilitating actin's interaction with myosin. A number of sarcomeric proteins, such as alpha myosin heavy chain, play crucial roles in cardiac development. Mutations in these genes have been linked to congenital heart defects (CHDs), occurring in approximately 1 in 145 live births. To date, TPM1 has not been associated with isolated CHDs. Analysis of 380 CHD cases revealed three novel mutations in the TPM1 gene; IVS1 + 2T > C, I130V, S229F and a polyadenylation signal site variant GATAAA/AATAAA. Analysis of IVS1 + 2T > C revealed aberrant pre-mRNA splicing. In addition, abnormal structural properties were found in hearts transfected with TPM1 carrying I130V and S229F mutations. Phenotypic analysis of TPM1 morpholino-treated embryos revealed roles for TPM1 in cardiac looping, atrial septation and ventricular trabeculae formation and increased apoptosis was seen within the heart. In addition, sarcomere assembly was affected and altered action potentials were exhibited. This study demonstrated that sarcomeric TPM1 plays vital roles in cardiogenesis and is a suitable candidate gene for screening individuals with isolated CHDs

    Seasonal adaptations of the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system of the dromedary camel

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    The "ship" of the Arabian and North African deserts, the one-humped dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) has a remarkable capacity to survive in conditions of extreme heat without needing to drink water. One of the ways that this is achieved is through the actions of the antidiuretic hormone arginine vasopressin (AVP), which is made in a specialised part of the brain called the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system (HNS), but exerts its effects at the level of the kidney to provoke water conservation. Interestingly, our electron microscopy studies have shown that the ultrastructure of the dromedary HNS changes according to season, suggesting that in the arid conditions of summer the HNS is in an activated state, in preparation for the likely prospect of water deprivation. Based on our dromedary genome sequence, we have carried out an RNAseq analysis of the dromedary HNS in summer and winter. Amongst the 171 transcripts found to be significantly differentially regulated (>2 fold change, p value <0.05) there is a significant over-representation of neuropeptide encoding genes, including that encoding AVP, the expression of which appeared to increase in summer. Identification of neuropeptides in the HNS and analysis of neuropeptide profiles in extracts from individual camels using mass spectrometry indicates that overall AVP peptide levels decreased in the HNS during summer compared to winter, perhaps due to increased release during periods of dehydration in the dry season

    A platform for reverse genetics in endothelial cells

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    The recent development of programmable nucleases has the potential to revolutionize biological sciences. In particular, the Cas9 nuclease, which functions as a component of the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) system in bacteria, has proven to be a highly efficient tool for genome editing in a wide range of model organisms, including mouse, zebrafish,Drosophila, and Caenorhabditis elegans. Application of Cas9 also allows straightforward genetic manipulations in cultured cells and is efficient enough to perform genome-wide screens in cell lines. However, applying genome editing tools in this manner in vascular biology is challenging because of the widespread use of primary cell cultures, which have a limited lifespan and are difficult to use for clonal analysis. Fortunately, studies by Abrahimi et al in this issue describe several solutions that facilitate the application of Cas9 in cultured endothelial cells. Together, these technical advances provide a valuable platform to enable straightforward and robust reverse genetic analysis in endothelial cells