146 research outputs found

    Identification of 27 abnormalities from multi-lead ECG signals: An ensembled Se-ResNet framework with Sign Loss function

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    Cardiovascular disease is a major threat to health and one of the primary causes of death globally. The 12-lead ECG is a cheap and commonly accessible tool to identify cardiac abnormalities. Early and accurate diagnosis will allow early treatment and intervention to prevent severe complications of cardiovascular disease. In the PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2020, our objective is to develop an algorithm that automatically identifies 27 ECG abnormalities from 12-lead ECG recordings

    Application of Static Modeling in the Prediction of In Vivo Drug-Drug Interactions between Rivaroxaban and Antiarrhythmic Agents Based on In Vitro Inhibition Studies

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    ABSTRACT Rivaroxaban, a direct Factor Xa inhibitor, is indicated for stroke prevention in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF). Studies have revealed that the clearance of rivaroxaban is largely attributed to CYP3A4, CYP2J2 metabolism, and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) efflux pathways. Amiodarone and dronedarone are antiarrhythmic agents employed in AF management. Amiodarone, dronedarone, and their major metabolites, N-desethylamiodarone (NDEA) and N-desbutyldronedarone (NDBD), demonstrate inhibitory effects on CYP3A4 and CYP2J2 with U.S. Food and Drug Administration-recommended probe substrates. In addition, both amiodarone and dronedarone are known P-gp inhibitors. Hence, the concomitant administration of these antiarrhythmic agents has the potential to augment the systemic exposure of rivaroxaban through simultaneous impairment of its clearance pathways. Currently, however, clinical data on the extent of these postulated drug-drug interactions are lacking. In this study, in vitro inhibition assays using rivaroxaban as the probe substrate demonstrated that both dronedarone and NDBD produced reversible inhibition as well as irreversible mechanism-based inactivation of CYP3A4-and CYP2J2-mediated metabolism of rivaroxaban. However, amiodarone and NDEA were observed to cause reversible inhibition as well as mechanism-based inactivation of CYP3A4 but not CYP2J2. In addition, amiodarone, NDEA, and dronedarone, but not NDBD, were determined to inhibit P-gpmediated rivaroxaban transport. The in vitro inhibition parameters were fitted into a mechanistic static model, which predicted a 37% and 31% increase in rivaroxaban exposure due to the inhibition of hepatic and gut metabolism by amiodarone and dronedarone, respectively. A separate model quantifying the inhibition of P-gpmediated efflux by amiodarone or dronedarone projected a 9% increase in rivaroxaban exposure

    Sex-specific efficacy and safety of cryoballoon versus radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation: An individual patient data meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a growing health burden, and pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) using cryoballoon (CB) or radiofrequency (RF) represents an attractive therapeutic option. Sex-specific differences in the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation of AF and PVI are recognized. OBJECTIVE: We aimed at comparing the efficacy, safety, and procedural characteristics of CB and RF in women and men undergoing a first PVI procedure. METHODS: We searched for randomized controlled trials and prospective observational studies comparing CB and RF ablation with at least 1 year of follow-up. After merging individual patient data from 18 data sets, we investigated the sex-specific (procedure failure defined as recurrence of atrial arrhythmia, reablation, and reinitiation of antiarrhythmic medication), safety (periprocedural complications), and procedural characteristics of CB vs RF using Kaplan-Meier and multilevel models. RESULTS: From the 18 studies, 4840 men and 1979 women were analyzed. An analysis stratified by sex correcting for several covariates showed a better efficacy of CB in men (hazard ratio for recurrence 0.88; 95% confidence interval 0.78-0.98, P = .02) but not in women (hazard ratio 0.98; 95% confidence interval 0.83-1.16; P = .82). For women and men, the energy source had no influence on the occurrence of at least 1 complication. For both sexes, the procedure time was significantly shorter with CB (-22.5 minutes for women and -27.1 minutes for men). CONCLUSION: CB is associated with less long-term failures in men. A better understanding of AF-causal sex-specific mechanisms and refinements in CB technologies could lead to higher success rates in women

    A Micro-Thermal Sensor for Focal Therapy Applications

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    There is an urgent need for sensors deployed during focal therapies to inform treatment planning and in vivo monitoring in thin tissues. Specifically, the measurement of thermal properties, cooling surface contact, tissue thickness, blood flow and phase change with mm to sub mm accuracy are needed. As a proof of principle, we demonstrate that a micro-thermal sensor based on the supported “3ω� technique can achieve this in vitro under idealized conditions in 0.5 to 2 mm thick tissues relevant to cryoablation of the pulmonary vein (PV). To begin with “3ω� sensors were microfabricated onto flat glass as an idealization of a focal probe surface. The sensor was then used to make new measurements of ‘k’ (W/m.K) of porcine PV, esophagus, and phrenic nerve, all needed for PV cryoabalation treatment planning. Further, by modifying the sensor use from traditional to dynamic mode new measurements related to tissue vs. fluid (i.e. water) contact, fluid flow conditions, tissue thickness, and phase change were made. In summary, the in vitro idealized system data presented is promising and warrants future work to integrate and test supported “3ω� sensors on in vivo deployed focal therapy probe surfaces (i.e. balloons or catheters)

    Morphological Substrates for Atria Arrhythmogenesis in a Heart With Atrioventricular Septal Defect

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    Due to advances in corrective surgery, congenital heart disease has an ever growing patient population. Atrial arrhythmias are frequently observed pre- and post-surgical correction. Pharmaceutical antiarrhythmic therapy is not always effective, therefore many symptomatic patients undergo catheter ablation therapy. In patients with atrioventricular septal defects (AVSD), ablation therapy itself has mixed success; arrhythmogenic recurrences are common, and because of the anatomical displacement of the atrioventricular node, 3-degree heart block post-ablation is a real concern. In order to develop optimal and safe ablation strategies, the field of congenital cardiac electrophysiology must combine knowledge from clinical electrophysiology with a thorough understanding of the anatomical substrates for arrhythmias. Using image-based analysis and multi-cellular mathematical modeling of electrical activation, we show how the anatomical alterations characteristic of an AVSD serve as arrhythmogenic substrates. Using ex-vivo contrast enhanced micro-computed tomography we imaged post-mortem the heart of a 5 month old male with AVSD at an isometric spatial resolution of 38 μm. Morphological analysis revealed the 3D disposition of the cardiac conduction system for the first time in an intact heart with this human congenital malformation. We observed displacement of the compact atrioventricular node inferiorly to the ostium of the coronary sinus. Myocyte orientation analysis revealed that the normal arrangement of the major atrial muscle bundles was preserved but was modified in the septal region. Models of electrical activation suggest the disposition of the myocytes within the atrial muscle bundles associated with the “fast pathway,” together with the displaced atrioventricular node, serve as potential substrates for re-entry and possibly atrial fibrillation. This study used archived human hearts, showing them to be a valuable resource for the mathematical modeling community, and opening new possibilities for the investigations of arrhythmogenesis and ablation strategies in the congenitally malformed heart

    Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology Consensus Statements on the Diagnosis and Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

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    Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is strongly associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, evidence supporting this association in the Asian population is scarce. Given the differences in the epidemiology of CVD and cardiovascular risk factors, as well as differences in the availability of healthcare resources between Asian and Western countries, an Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology (APSC) working group developed consensus recommendations on the management of OSA in patients with CVD in the Asia-Pacific region. The APSC expert panel reviewed and appraised the available evidence using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation system. Consensus recommendations were developed and put to an online vote. Consensus was reached when 80% of votes for a given recommendation were in support of ‘agree’ or ‘neutral.’ The resulting statements provide guidance on the assessment and treatment of OSA in patients with CVD in the Asia-Pacific region. The APSC hopes for these recommendations to pave the way for screening, early diagnosis and treatment of OSA in the Asia-Pacific region

    Atrial arrhythmogenicity in aged Scn5a+/∆KPQ mice modeling long QT type 3 syndrome and its relationship to Na+ channel expression and cardiac conduction

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    Recent studies have reported that human mutations in Nav1.5 predispose to early age onset atrial arrhythmia. The present experiments accordingly assess atrial arrhythmogenicity in aging Scn5a+/∆KPQ mice modeling long QT3 syndrome in relationship to cardiac Na+ channel, Nav1.5, expression. Atrial electrophysiological properties in isolated Langendorff-perfused hearts from 3- and 12-month-old wild type (WT), and Scn5a+/∆KPQ mice were assessed using programmed electrical stimulation and their Nav1.5 expression assessed by Western blot. Cardiac conduction properties were assessed electrocardiographically in intact anesthetized animals. Monophasic action potential recordings demonstrated increased atrial arrhythmogenicity specifically in aged Scn5a+/ΔKPQ hearts. These showed greater action potential duration/refractory period ratios but lower atrial Nav1.5 expression levels than aged WT mice. Atrial Nav1.5 levels were higher in young Scn5a+/ΔKPQ than young WT. These levels increased with age in WT but not Scn5a+/ΔKPQ. Both young and aged Scn5a+/ΔKPQ mice showed lower heart rates and longer PR intervals than their WT counterparts. Young Scn5a+/ΔKPQ mice showed longer QT and QTc intervals than young WT. Aged Scn5a+/ΔKPQ showed longer QRS durations than aged WT. PR intervals were prolonged and QT intervals were shortened in young relative to aged WT. In contrast, ECG parameters were similar between young and aged Scn5a+/ΔKPQ. Aged murine Scn5a+/ΔKPQ hearts thus exhibit an increased atrial arrhythmogenicity. The differing Nav1.5 expression and electrocardiographic indicators of slowed cardiac conduction between Scn5a+/ΔKPQ and WT, which show further variations associated with aging, may contribute toward atrial arrhythmia in aged Scn5a+/ΔKPQ hearts

    Post-operative atrial fibrillation: a maze of mechanisms

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    Post-operative atrial fibrillation (POAF) is one of the most frequent complications of cardiac surgery and an important predictor of patient morbidity as well as of prolonged hospitalization. It significantly increases costs for hospitalization. Insights into the pathophysiological factors causing POAF have been provided by both experimental and clinical investigations and show that POAF is ‘multi-factorial’. Facilitating factors in the mechanism of the arrhythmia can be classified as acute factors caused by the surgical intervention and chronic factors related to structural heart disease and ageing of the heart. Furthermore, some proarrhythmic mechanisms specifically occur in the setting of POAF. For example, inflammation and beta-adrenergic activation have been shown to play a prominent role in POAF, while these mechanisms are less important in non-surgical AF. More recently, it has been shown that atrial fibrosis and the presence of an electrophysiological substrate capable of maintaining AF also promote the arrhythmia, indicating that POAF has some proarrhythmic mechanisms in common with other forms of AF. The clinical setting of POAF offers numerous opportunities to study its mechanisms. During cardiac surgery, biopsies can be taken and detailed electrophysiological measurements can be performed. Furthermore, the specific time course of POAF, with the delayed onset and the transient character of the arrhythmia, also provides important insight into its mechanisms