24 research outputs found

    Wolbachia increases the susceptibility of a parasitoid wasp to hyperparasitism

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    The success of maternally transmitted endosymbiotic bacteria, such as Wolbachia, is directly linked to their host reproduction but in direct conflict with other parasites that kill the host before it reaches reproductive maturity. Therefore, symbionts that have evolved strategies to increase their host’s ability to evade lethal parasites may have high penetrance, while detrimental symbionts would be selected against, leading to lower penetrance or extinction from the host population. In a natural population of the parasitoid wasp Hyposoter horticola in the Åland Islands (Finland), the Wolbachia strain wHho persists at an intermediate prevalence (∼50%). Additionally, there is a negative correlation between the prevalence of Wolbachia and a hyperparasitoid wasp, Mesochorus cf. stigmaticus, in the landscape. Using a manipulative field experiment, we addressed the persistence of Wolbachia at this intermediate level, and tested whether the observed negative correlation could be due to Wolbachia inducing either susceptibility or resistance to parasitism. We show that infection with Wolbachia does not influence the ability of the wasp to parasitize its butterfly host, Melitaea cinxia, but that hyperparasitism of the wasp increases in the presence of wHho. Consequently, the symbiont is detrimental, and in order to persist in the host population, must also have a positive effect on fitness that outweighs the costly burden of susceptibility to widespread parasitism.Peer reviewe

    Standardized spider (Arachnida, Araneae) inventory of Hankoniemi, Finland

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    Background During a field course on spider taxonomy and ecology at the University of Helsinki, the authors had the opportunity to sample four plots with a dual objective of both teaching on field methods, spider identification and behaviour and uncovering the spider diversity patterns found in the southern coastal forests of Hankoniemi, Finland. As an ultimate goal, this field course intended to contribute to a global project that intends to uncover spider diversity patterns worldwide. With that purpose, a set of standardised methods and procedures was followed that allow the comparability of obtained data with numerous other projects being conducted across all continents. New information A total of 104 species and 1997 adults was collected. Of these, 41 species (39%) were Linyphiidae and 13 (12%) Theridiidae. All other families had 6 or less species represented. Linyphiidae were also dominant in terms of adult individuals captured, with 1015 (51%), followed by 428 (21%) Lycosidae, 158 (8%) Tetragnathidae and 145 (7%) Theridiidae. All other families had less than 100 individuals. The most abundant species were Neriene peltata, Alopecosa taeniata, Piratula hygrophila and Dismodicus elevatus, all with more than 100 individuals. All sites had between 56 and 62 species and between 445 and 569 individuals.Peer reviewe

    Building an Open Source Classifier for the Neonatal EEG Background: A Systematic Feature-Based Approach From Expert Scoring to Clinical Visualization

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    Neonatal brain monitoring in the neonatal intensive care units (NICU) requires a continuous review of the spontaneous cortical activity, i.e., the electroencephalograph (EEG) background activity. This needs development of bedside methods for an automated assessment of the EEG background activity. In this paper, we present development of the key components of a neonatal EEG background classifier, starting from the visual background scoring to classifier design, and finally to possible bedside visualization of the classifier results. A dataset with 13,200 5-minute EEG epochs (8–16 channels) from 27 infants with birth asphyxia was used for classifier training after scoring by two independent experts. We tested three classifier designs based on 98 computational features, and their performance was assessed with respect to scoring system, pre- and post-processing of labels and outputs, choice of channels, and visualization in monitor displays. The optimal solution achieved an overall classification accuracy of 97% with a range across subjects of 81–100%. We identified a set of 23 features that make the classifier highly robust to the choice of channels and missing data due to artefact rejection. Our results showed that an automated bedside classifier of EEG background is achievable, and we publish the full classifier algorithm to allow further clinical replication and validation studies.Peer reviewe

    The European Forestry Dynamics Model: Concept, design and results of first case studies

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    The European Forestry Dynamics Model (EFDM) is a joint effort between the European Commission Joint Research Centre and partners in the EU Member States for the development of a forestry dynamics model. The model is expected to project the state of Europe’s forests given different climatic, economic and management scenarios. EFDM was designed as a flexible system to facilitate the different types of data input that are available from the diverse National Forest Inventories. The model captures different typologies such as site productivity, ownership and the probability of natural disturbances. Specifically, EFDM is able to process detailed national-level input data such as National Forest Inventories (NFI) outputs, as well as related national-level expertise in social and economic domains. In this way, the system supports effective utilization of the collaborative expertise in the parameterization of scenarios. This document is intended as a general introduction to the EFDM. Experiences gained from the EFDM test applications by five NFI teams (Austria, Finland, France, Portugal and Sweden) are also summarized in this report.JRC.H.3-Forest Resources and Climat

    Saako satu sisään tulla? : lasten osallisuuden mahdollistaminen sadutusmenetelmän avulla

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    Tämän monimuotoisen opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on tukea lapsen osallisuutta varhaiskasvatuksessa sadutusmenetelmän avulla. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on lapsen osallisuus. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin yhteistyönä espoolaisessa päiväkodissa. Integroidussa ryhmässä on 12 lasta ja iältään he ovat kolmesta kuuteen vuotiaita. Sadutus on lasten osallisuutta tukeva menetelmä ja siinä saadaan lapsen ääni kuuluviin. Sadutin integroidun ryhmän lapsia lokakuusta 2015 tammikuuhun 2016 saakka. Satuja tehtiin yhteensä 70 kpl. Tutkimuksellisena menetelmänä käytin osallistuvaa havainnointia. Saduttamisen aikana käytin puolistrukturoitua havainnointilomaketta. Havainnoin sitä, jännittääkö lapsi, kuinka paljon hän tarvitsee rohkaisua sadutuksessa ja osaako hän itsenäisesti viedä tarinaa eteenpäin. Lisäksi kirjasin ylös lasten äännähdyksiä, eleitä, ilmeitä ja liikkumista tilanteessa. Jokaisen sadutuksen jälkeen kysyin lapsilta palautetta ja mielipiteitä saduttamisesta. Kerrotuista saduista tehtiin jokaiselle lapselle oma satukirja ja lapset kuvittivat myös satukirjansa. Satukirjat tekivät näkyväksi lasten ajatuksia muille lapsille, vanhemmille ja kasvattajille. Satukirjaprojektia arvioidessani totean sadutuksen lisänneen lasten osallisuuden tunnetta. Ujot ja hiljaisemmat lapset rohkaistuivat kertomaan omia satujaan. Lapset, joilla on vaikeitakin kielellisiä ja kehityksellisiä haasteita, pääsivät myös osallistumaan sadutukseen siinä missä muutkin lapset. Heidän kanssaan sadutuksessa käytettiin tukena kuvakommunikaatiokansiota, PCS-kuvia, tukiviittomia ja Dublo eläimiä. Tärkeää oli se, että kaikki pääsivät mukaan tasa-arvoisesti ja saivat kokea itsensä yhtä arvokkaiksi. Lapset osallistuivat innokkaasti toimintaan ja olivat kiinnostuneita saduttamisesta. Lasten osallisuuden tukeminen ja sadutusmenetelmän käyttäminen varhaiskasvatuksessa tuovat positiivisia muutoksia lapsen elämään. Sadutuksen avulla lapsi rohkaistuu paremmin keskustelemaan asioistaan muiden kanssa. Tärkeää on lisätä erityistä tukea tarvitsevien lapsien osallisuuden kokemuksia ja vahvistaa niitä. Samalla vahvistetaan heidän onnistumisen kokemuksiaan ja myönteisen itsetunnon kehittymistä.The goal of my mixed method thesis is to support children’s participation in early childhood education by using the story crafting method. The theoretical framework of my thesis is derived from theories of child participation and language development support. The study was carried out in cooperation with a kindergarten in Espoo. In the integrated group, there are twelve children who are between the age three to six. I held story crafting sessions for the children of the integrated group from October 2015 to January 2016. There were seventy stories created all together. As a research method, I used participant observation. During story crafting, I used an observation sheet in which I wrote down if the child was nervous, how much they needed encouragement, if they were able to carry the story on their own, etc. In addition to that, I noted if the child made sounds, gestures or moved around in the situation. After each session, I asked the children for feedback and their opinions on story crafting. For each child, a storybook was created of the stories they had crafted, and the children also illustrated these books. The storybooks made the children’s thoughts visible to other children, parents and educators. Evaluating the storybook project, I could conclude that story crafting increased the participatory experience of the children. Shy and quiet children became gradually bolder in story crafting, and children who had serious language and developmental challenges were able to participate in story crafting in the same way as everyone else. With them, I used picture communication folders, pictures, supporting sign language, and Duplo animals. It was important that each child was able to participate equally and that everyone felt equally appreciated. The children were interested in story crafting and participated in it eagerly. Supporting a child’s participation and applying story crafting method in early childhood education can introduce positive changes into a child’s life. With the help of story crafting, a child becomes more open and able to communicate about their matters with others. It is also important to increase the participatory experiences of children who need special support so as to strengthen their experiences of success and develop their positive self-esteem

    Data from: Wolbachia increases the susceptibility of a parasitoid wasp to hyperparasitism

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    The success of maternally transmitted endosymbiotic bacteria, such as Wolbachia, is directly linked to their host reproduction but in direct conflict with other parasites that kill the host before it reaches reproductive maturity. Therefore, symbionts that have evolved strategies to increase their host’s ability to evade lethal parasites may have high penetrance, while detrimental symbionts would be selected against, leading to lower penetrance or extinction from the host population. In a natural population of the parasitoid wasp Hyposoter horticola in the Åland Islands (Finland), the Wolbachia strain wHho persists at an intermediate prevalence (∼50%). Additionally, there is a negative correlation between the prevalence of Wolbachia and a hyperparasitoid wasp, Mesochorus cf. stigmaticus, in the landscape. Using a manipulative field experiment, we addressed the persistence of Wolbachia at this intermediate level, and tested whether the observed negative correlation could be due to Wolbachia inducing either susceptibility or resistance to parasitism. We show that infection with Wolbachia does not influence the ability of the wasp to parasitize its butterfly host, Melitaea cinxia, but that hyperparasitism of the wasp increases in the presence of wHho. Consequently, the symbiont is detrimental, and in order to persist in the host population, must also have a positive effect on fitness that outweighs the costly burden of susceptibility to widespread parasitism