1,819 research outputs found

    Seeing the sky through Hubble's eye: The COSMOS SkyWalker

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    Large, high-resolution space-based imaging surveys produce a volume of data that is difficult to present to the public in a comprehensible way. While megapixel-sized images can still be printed out or downloaded via the World Wide Web, this is no longer feasible for images with 10^9 pixels (e.g., the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys [ACS] images of the Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and SEDs [GEMS] project) or even 10^10 pixels (for the ACS Cosmic Evolution Survey [COSMOS]). We present a Web-based utility called the COSMOS SkyWalker that allows viewing of the huge ACS image data set, even through slow Internet connections. Using standard HTML and JavaScript, the application successively loads only those portions of the image at a time that are currently being viewed on the screen. The user can move within the image by using the mouse or interacting with an overview image. Using an astrometrically registered image for the COSMOS SkyWalker allows the display of calibrated world coordinates for use in science. The SkyWalker "technique" can be applied to other data sets. This requires some customization, notably the slicing up of a data set into small (e.g., 256^2 pixel) subimages. An advantage of the SkyWalker is the use of standard Web browser components; thus, it requires no installation of any software and can therefore be viewed by anyone across many operating systems.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Income and Subjective Financial Well-Being as Determining Factors of Life Satisfaction

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    The purpose of the investment is to improve the current level of life satisfaction by achieving investment goals. Investors tend to attain high levels of life satisfaction when their investment goals are achieved and lower levels of life satisfaction when goals are far from achievement. The idiosyncratic characteristics of an individual may often hamper the achievement of investment goals and ultimately influence the level of life satisfaction. These characteristics can either contribute towards low life satisfaction or high life satisfaction. Income and the subjective financial well-being play a determining role in whether an investor has a positive or negative life satisfaction. Hence, the aim of this study was to determine whether income and subjective financial well-being have an influence on the life satisfaction of investors. The results of this study reveal that a strong relationship exists between income, financial well-being, and life satisfaction. Investors who perceived themselves, to have high financial well-being were more likely to have high life satisfaction. On the contrary, investors with low perceived financial well-being were more likely to have low life satisfaction. Similar results were observed for income and life satisfaction since a positive relationship was also found

    Evolution in the Dust Lane Fraction of Edge-on L* Spiral Galaxies since z=0.8

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    The presence of a well-defined and narrow dust lane in an edge-on spiral galaxy is the observational signature of a thin and dense molecular disk, in which gravitational collapse has overcome turbulence. Using a sample of galaxies out to z~1 extracted from the COSMOS survey, we identify the fraction of massive disks that display a dust lane. Our goal is to explore the evolution in the stability of the molecular ISM disks in spiral galaxies over a cosmic timescale. We check the reliability of our morphological classifications against changes in restframe wavelength, resolution, and cosmic dimming with (artificially redshifted) images of local galaxies from SDSS. We find that the fraction of L* disks with dust lanes in COSMOS is consistent with the local fraction (~80%) out to z~0.7. At z=0.8, the dust lane fraction is only slightly lower. A somewhat lower dust lane fraction in starbursting galaxies tentatively supports the notion that a high specific star formation rate can efficiently destroy or inhibit a dense molecular disk. A small subsample of higher redshift COSMOS galaxies display low internal reddening (E[B-V]), as well as a low incidence of dust lanes. These may be disks in which the growth of the dusty ISM disk lags behind that of the stellar disk. We note that at z=0.8, the most massive galaxies display a lower dust lane fraction than lower mass galaxies. A small contribution of recent mergers or starbursts to this most massive population may be responsible. The fact that the fraction of galaxies with dust lanes in COSMOS is consistent with little or no evolution implies that models to explain the Spectral Energy Distribution or the host galaxy dust extinction of supernovae based on local galaxies are still applicable to higher redshift spirals. It also suggests that dust lanes are long lived phenomena or can be reformed over very short time-scales.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication by Ap

    The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey. Luminosity and stellar mass dependence of galaxy clustering at z~3

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    We present the study of the dependence of galaxy clustering on luminosity and stellar mass in the redshift range 2<<z<<3.5 using 3236 galaxies with robust spectroscopic redshifts from the VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey (VUDS). We measure the two-point real-space correlation function wp(rp)w_p(r_p) for four volume-limited stellar mass and four luminosity, MUV_{UV} absolute magnitude selected, sub-samples. We find that the scale dependent clustering amplitude r0r_0 significantly increases with increasing luminosity and stellar mass indicating a strong galaxy clustering dependence on these properties. This corresponds to a strong relative bias between these two sub-samples of Δ\Deltab/b^*=0.43. Fitting a 5-parameter HOD model we find that the most luminous and massive galaxies occupy the most massive dark matter haloes with \langleMh_h\rangle = 1012.30^{12.30} h1^{-1} M_{\odot}. Similar to the trends observed at lower redshift, the minimum halo mass Mmin_{min} depends on the luminosity and stellar mass of galaxies and grows from Mmin_{min} =109.73^{9.73} h1^{-1}M_{\odot} to Mmin_{min}=1011.58^{11.58} h1^{-1}M_{\odot} from the faintest to the brightest among our galaxy sample, respectively. We find the difference between these halo masses to be much more pronounced than is observed for local galaxies of similar properties. Moreover, at z~3, we observe that the masses at which a halo hosts, on average, one satellite and one central galaxy is M1_1\approx4Mmin_{min} over all luminosity ranges, significantly lower than observed at z~0 indicating that the halo satellite occupation increases with redshift. The luminosity and stellar mass dependence is also reflected in the measurements of the large scale galaxy bias, which we model as bg,HOD_{g,HOD}(>>L)=1.92+25.36(L/L^*)7.01^{7.01}. We conclude our study with measurements of the stellar-to-halo mass ratio (SHMR).Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, A&A in press, v2. revised discussion in sec. 5.5, changed Fig. 4 and Fig. 11, added reference

    Morphology and evolution of emission line galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

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    We investigate the properties and evolution of a sample of galaxies selected to have prominent emission lines in low-resolution grism spectra of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF). These objects, eGRAPES, are late type blue galaxies, characterized by small proper sizes (R_50 < 2 kpc) in the 4350A rest-frame, low masses (5x10^9 M_sun), and a wide range of luminosities and surface brightnesses. The masses, sizes and volume densities of these objects appear to change very little up to a redshift of z=1.5. On the other hand, their surface brightness decreases significantly from z=1.5 to z=0 while their mass-to-light ratio increases two-folds. This could be a sign that most of low redshift eGRAPES have an older stellar population than high redshift eGRAPES and hence that most eGRAPES formed at higher redshifts. The average volume density of eGRAPES is (1.8 \pm 0.3)x10^{-3} Mpc^{-3} between 0.3 < z < 1.5. Many eGRAPES would formally have been classified as Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies (LCBGs) if these had been selected based on small physical size, blue intrinsic color, and high surface brightness, while the remainder of the sample discussed in this paper forms an extension of LCBGs towards fainter luminosities.Comment: Accepted, to appear in Ap

    S-CANDELS: The Spitzer-Cosmic Assembly Near-Infrared Deep Extragalactic Survey. Survey Design, Photometry, and Deep IRAC Source Counts

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    The Spitzer-Cosmic Assembly Deep Near-Infrared Extragalactic Legacy Survey (S-CANDELS; PI G. Fazio) is a Cycle 8 Exploration Program designed to detect galaxies at very high redshifts (z > 5). To mitigate the effects of cosmic variance and also to take advantage of deep coextensive coverage in multiple bands by the Hubble Space Telescope Multi-Cycle Treasury Program CANDELS, S-CANDELS was carried out within five widely separated extragalactic fields: the UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey, the Extended Chandra Deep Field South, COSMOS, the HST Deep Field North, and the Extended Groth Strip. S-CANDELS builds upon the existing coverage of these fields from the Spitzer Extended Deep Survey (SEDS) by increasing the integration time from 12 hours to a total of 50 hours but within a smaller area, 0.16 square degrees. The additional depth significantly increases the survey completeness at faint magnitudes. This paper describes the S-CANDELS survey design, processing, and publicly-available data products. We present IRAC dual-band 3.6+4.5 micron catalogs reaching to a depth of 26.5 AB mag. Deep IRAC counts for the roughly 135,000 galaxies detected by S-CANDELS are consistent with models based on known galaxy populations. The increase in depth beyond earlier Spitzer/IRAC surveys does not reveal a significant additional contribution from discrete sources to the diffuse Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB). Thus it remains true that only roughly half of the estimated CIB flux from COBE/DIRBE is resolved.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figures, accepted by ApJ

    What it means to succeed: Personal perceptions of career success held by senior managers

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    This research describes the findings of a qualitative study which analyses how senior managers conceptualise and experience career success for themselves. A non-probability voluntary sample of 24 senior managers, using objective career success criteria, was selected from two international financial institutions located in Johannesburg. This research study entailed semi-structured in-depth interviews that were digitally voice recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analysed using content analysis. In exploring career success from the perspective of the individual (i.e. the senior manager) and not the organisation, the research attempts to fill the gap in the career literature. Findings demonstrate that although senior managers have general conceptualisations of what career success entail, they have unique personal meanings which they associate with their own career success (e.g. being associated with successful business brands, receiving feedback and recognition and adding value to the organisation). Senior managers also have specific goals set for their future in terms of careers (e.g. owning your own business venture, embracing new opportunities and investing in the community). Talent retention is particularly important among senior managers. Thus, in order to retain them as valuable employees, it is crucial to address and fulfil their career needs accordingly

    Identifying dynamically young galaxy groups via wide-angle tail galaxies: A case study in the COSMOS field at z=0.53

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    We present an analysis of a wide-angle tail (WAT) radio galaxy located in a galaxy group in the COSMOS field at a redshift of z=0.53 (hereafter CWAT-02). We find that the host galaxy of CWAT-02 is the brightest galaxy in the group, although it does not coincide with the center of mass of the system. Estimating a) the velocity of CWAT-02, relative to the intra-cluster medium (ICM), and b) the line-of-sight peculiar velocity of CWAT-02's host galaxy, relative to the average velocity of the group, we find that both values are higher than those expected for a dominant galaxy in a relaxed system. This suggests that CWAT-02's host group is dynamically young and likely in the process of an ongoing group merger. Our results are consistent with previous findings showing that the presence of a wide-angle tail galaxy in a galaxy group or cluster can be used as an indicator of dynamically young non-relaxed systems. Taking the unrelaxed state of CWAT-02's host group into account, we discuss the impact of radio-AGN heating from CWAT-02 onto its environment, in the context of the missing baryon problem in galaxy groups. Our analysis strengthens recent results suggesting that radio-AGN heating may be powerful enough to expel baryons from galaxy groups.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Ap