630 research outputs found

    A new extensive catalog of optically variable AGN in the GOODS Fields and a new statistical approach to variability selection

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    Variability is a property shared by practically all AGN. This makes variability selection a possible technique for identifying AGN. Given that variability selection makes no prior assumption about spectral properties, it is a powerful technique for detecting both low-luminosity AGN in which the host galaxy emission is dominating and AGN with unusual spectral properties. In this paper, we will discuss and test different statistical methods for the detection of variability in sparsely sampled data that allow full control over the false positive rates. We will apply these methods to the GOODS North and South fields and present a catalog of variable sources in the z band in both GOODS fields. Out of 11931 objects checked, we find 155 variable sources at a significance level of 99.9%, corresponding to about 1.3% of all objects. After rejection of stars and supernovae, 139 variability selected AGN remain. Their magnitudes reach down as faint as 25.5 mag in z. Spectroscopic redshifts are available for 22 of the variability selected AGN, ranging from 0.046 to 3.7. The absolute magnitudes in the rest-frame z-band range from ~ -18 to -24, reaching substantially fainter than the typical luminosities probed by traditional X-ray and spectroscopic AGN selection in these fields. Therefore, this is a powerful technique for future exploration of the evolution of the faint end of the AGN luminosity function up to high redshifts.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (version 2: minor changes to text after receiving comments

    A New Stellar Atmosphere Grid and Comparisons with HST/STIS Calspec Flux Distributions

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    The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) has measured the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for several stars of types O, B, A, F, and G. These absolute fluxes from the CALSPEC database are fit with a new spectral grid computed from the ATLAS-APOGEE ATLAS9 model atmosphere database using a chi-square minimization technique in four parameters. The quality of the fits are compared for complete LTE grids by Castelli & Kurucz (CK04) and our new comprehensive LTE grid (BOSZ). For the cooler stars, the fits with the MARCS LTE grid are also evaluated, while the hottest stars are also fit with the NLTE Lanz & Hubeny OB star grids. Unfortunately, these NLTE models do not transition smoothly in the infrared to agree with our new BOSZ LTE grid at the NLTE lower limit of Teff =15,000K. The new BOSZ grid is available via the Space Telescope Institute MAST archive and has a much finer sampled IR wavelength scale than CK04, which will facilitate the modeling of stars observed by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Our result for the angular diameter of Sirius agrees with the ground- based interferometric value.Comment: 11 figure

    Observational evidence of a slow downfall of star formation efficiency in massive galaxies during the last 10 Gyr

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    In this paper we study the causes of the reported mass-dependence of the slope of SFR-M* relation, the so-called "Main Sequence" of star-forming galaxies, and discuss its implication on the physical processes that shaped the star formation history of massive galaxies over cosmic time. We use the CANDELS near-IR imaging from the Hubble Space Telescope to perform the bulge-to-disk decomposition of distant galaxies and measure for the first time the slope of the SFR-Mdisk relation at z=1. We find that this relation follows very closely the shape of the SFR-M* correlation, still with a pronounced flattening at the high-mass end. This is clearly excluding, at least at z=1, the secular growth of quiescent bulges in star-forming galaxies as the main driver for the change of slope of the Main Sequence. Then, by stacking the Herschel data available in the CANDELS field, we estimate the total gas mass and the star formation efficiency at different positions on the SFR-M* relation. We find that the relatively low SFRs observed in massive galaxies (M* > 5e10 Msun) are caused by a decreased star formation efficiency, by up to a factor of 3 as compared to lower stellar mass galaxies, and not by a reduced gas content. The trend at the lowest masses is likely linked to the dominance of atomic over molecular gas. We argue that this stellar-mass-dependent SFE can explain the varying slope of the Main Sequence since z=1.5, hence over 70% of the Hubble time. The drop of SFE occurs at lower masses in the local Universe (M* > 2e10 Msun) and is not present at z=2. Altogether this provides evidence for a slow downfall of the star formation efficiency in massive Main Sequence galaxies. The resulting loss of star formation is found to be rising starting from z=2 to reach a level comparable to the mass growth of the quiescent population by z=1. We finally discuss the possible physical origin of this phenomenon.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    MC2^2: Subaru and Hubble Space Telescope Weak-Lensing Analysis of the Double Radio Relic Galaxy Cluster PLCK G287.0+32.9

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    The second most significant detection of the Planck Sunyaev Zel'dovich survey, PLCK~G287.0+32.9 (z=0.385z=0.385) boasts two similarly bright radio relics and a radio halo. One radio relic is located 400\sim 400 kpc northwest of the X-ray peak and the other 2.8\sim 2.8 Mpc to the southeast. This large difference suggests that a complex merging scenario is required. A key missing puzzle for the merging scenario reconstruction is the underlying dark matter distribution in high resolution. We present a joint Subaru Telescope and {\it Hubble Space Telescope} weak-lensing analysis of the cluster. Our analysis shows that the mass distribution features four significant substructures. Of the substructures, a primary cluster of mass $M_{200\text{c}}=1.59^{+0.25}_{-0.22}\times 10^{15} \ h^{-1}_{70} \ \text{M}_{\odot}dominatestheweaklensingsignal.Thisclusterislikelytobeundergoingamergerwithone(ormore)subclusterwhosemassisapproximatelyafactorof10lower.Onecandidateisthesubclusterofmass dominates the weak-lensing signal. This cluster is likely to be undergoing a merger with one (or more) subcluster whose mass is approximately a factor of 10 lower. One candidate is the subcluster of mass M_{200\text{c}}=1.16^{+0.15}_{-0.13}\times 10^{14} \ h^{-1}_{70} \ \text{M}_{\odot}located located \sim 400kpctothesoutheast.ThelocationofthissubclustersuggeststhatitsinteractionwiththeprimaryclustercouldbethesourceoftheNWradiorelic.Anothersubclusterisdetected kpc to the southeast. The location of this subcluster suggests that its interaction with the primary cluster could be the source of the NW radio relic. Another subcluster is detected \sim 2MpctotheSEoftheXraypeakwithmass Mpc to the SE of the X-ray peak with mass M_{200\text{c}}=1.68^{+0.22}_{-0.20}\times 10^{14} \ h^{-1}_{70} \ \text{M}_{\odot}.ThisSEsubclusterisinthevicinityoftheSEradiorelicandmayhavecreatedtheSEradiorelicduringapastmergerwiththeprimarycluster.Thefourthsubcluster,. This SE subcluster is in the vicinity of the SE radio relic and may have created the SE radio relic during a past merger with the primary cluster. The fourth subcluster, M_{200\text{c}}=1.87^{+0.24}_{-0.22}\times 10^{14} \ h^{-1}_{70} \ \text{M}_{\odot}$, is northwest of the X-ray peak and beyond the NW radio relic.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures; Accepted to Ap

    CIR v Niko : a question of economic reality

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    This article analyses the facts and judgment in CIR v Niko, involving the transfer of business assets from a sole trader to a company, the shares of which were substantially owned by the same sole trader. This case changed the inherently fl awed, but prevailing practice at that stage of regarding a lump-sum payment from a lock-stock-and-barrel sale of a business as a receipt of a capital nature, to a receipt that needed to be allocated to the various assets included in the sale, and therefore potentially the receipt would be partly of a capital and partly of a revenue nature. Although the conclusion relating to lock-stock-and-barrel sales in general was sound, the submission made in this article is that, in the particular circumstances of the case, the economic reality of the transaction was not considered – virtually no economic gain was realised by J. Niko, the seller and sole owner of the business to a company of which he was also the substantial shareholder. Two subsequent court decisions, which similarly ignored the economic reality of the transactions in the context of a group of companies, followed this judgment. In this article, the problematic nature of the decisions that ignored the economic reality of the transactions is demonstrated with reference to accepted canons of a good taxation system. The article also explains the partial legislative relief that has subsequently been granted for transfers of assets from a person to a company and for transfers within a group of companies, but concludes that there is a need for full recognition of a group of companies as an economic entity for tax purposes.http://www.unisa.ac.za/default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=22335am201

    Kpc-scale Properties of Emission-line Galaxies

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    We perform a detailed study of the resolved properties of emission-line galaxies at kpc-scale to investigate how small-scale and global properties of galaxies are related. 119 galaxies with high-resolution Keck/DEIMOS spectra are selected to cover a wide range in morphologies over the redshift range 0.2<z<1.3. Using the HST/ACS and HST/WFC3 imaging data taken as a part of the CANDELS project, for each galaxy we perform SED fitting per resolution element, producing resolved rest-frame U-V color, stellar mass, star formation rate, age and extinction maps. We develop a technique to identify blue and red "regions" within individual galaxies, using their rest-frame color maps. As expected, for any given galaxy, the red regions are found to have higher stellar mass surface densities and older ages compared to the blue regions. Furthermore, we quantify the spatial distribution of red and blue regions with respect to both redshift and stellar mass, finding that the stronger concentration of red regions toward the centers of galaxies is not a significant function of either redshift or stellar mass. We find that the "main sequence" of star forming galaxies exists among both red and blue regions inside galaxies, with the median of blue regions forming a tighter relation with a slope of 1.1+/-0.1 and a scatter of ~0.2 dex compared to red regions with a slope of 1.3+/-0.1 and a scatter of ~0.6 dex. The blue regions show higher specific Star Formation Rates (sSFR) than their red counterparts with the sSFR decreasing since z~1, driver primarily by the stellar mass surface densities rather than the SFRs at a giver resolution element.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, Submitted to the Ap

    Pixel-z: Studying Substructure and Stellar Populations in Galaxies out to z~3 using Pixel Colors I. Systematics

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    We perform a pixel-by-pixel analysis of 467 galaxies in the GOODS-VIMOS survey to study systematic effects in extracting properties of stellar populations (age, dust, metallicity and SFR) from pixel colors using the pixel-z method. The systematics studied include the effect of the input stellar population synthesis model, passband limitations and differences between individual SED fits to pixels and global SED-fitting to a galaxy's colors. We find that with optical-only colors, the systematic errors due to differences among the models are well constrained. The largest impact on the age and SFR e-folding time estimates in the pixels arises from differences between the Maraston models and the Bruzual&Charlot models, when optical colors are used. This results in systematic differences larger than the 2{\sigma} uncertainties in over 10 percent of all pixels in the galaxy sample. The effect of restricting the available passbands is more severe. In 26 percent of pixels in the full sample, passband limitations result in systematic biases in the age estimates which are larger than the 2{\sigma} uncertainties. Systematic effects from model differences are reexamined using Near-IR colors for a subsample of 46 galaxies in the GOODS-NICMOS survey. For z > 1, the observed optical/NIR colors span the rest frame UV-optical SED, and the use of different models does not significantly bias the estimates of the stellar population parameters compared to using optical-only colors. We then illustrate how pixel-z can be applied robustly to make detailed studies of substructure in high redshift galaxies such as (a) radial gradients of age, SFR, sSFR and dust and (b) the distribution of these properties within subcomponents such as spiral arms and clumps. Finally, we show preliminary results from the CANDELS survey illustrating how the new HST/WFC3 data can be exploited to probe substructure in z~1-3 galaxies.Comment: 37 pages, 21 figures, submitted to Ap

    Modeling and Correcting the Time-Dependent ACS PSF

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    The ability to accurately measure the shapes of faint objects in images taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) depends upon detailed knowledge of the Point Spread Function (PSF). We show that thermal fluctuations cause the PSF of the ACS Wide Field Camera (WFC) to vary over time. We describe a modified version of the TinyTim PSF modeling software to create artificial grids of stars across the ACS field of view at a range of telescope focus values. These models closely resemble the stars in real ACS images. Using 10 bright stars in a real image, we have been able to measure HST s apparent focus at the time of the exposure. TinyTim can then be used to model the PSF at any position on the ACS field of view. This obviates the need for images of dense stellar fields at different focus values, or interpolation between the few observed stars. We show that residual differences between our TinyTim models and real data are likely due to the effects of Charge Transfer Efficiency (CTE) degradation. Furthermore, we discuss stochastic noise that is added to the shape of point sources when distortion is removed, and we present MultiDrizzle parameters that are optimal for weak lensing science. Specifically, we find that reducing the MultiDrizzle output pixel scale and choosing a Gaussian kernel significantly stabilizes the resulting PSF after image combination, while still eliminating cosmic rays/bad pixels, and correcting the large geometric distortion in the ACS. We discuss future plans, which include more detailed study of the effects of CTE degradation on object shapes and releasing our TinyTim models to the astronomical community