3,427 research outputs found

    Ultrafast spatio-temporal dynamics of terahertz generation by ionizing two-color femtosecond pulses in gases

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    We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of spatio-temporal propagation effects in terahertz (THz) generation in gases using two-color ionizing laser pulses. The observed strong broadening of the THz spectra with increasing gas pressure reveals the prominent role of spatio-temporal reshaping and of a plasma-induced blue-shift of the pump pulses in the generation process. Results obtained from (3+1)-dimensional simulations are in good agreement with experimental findings and clarify the mechanisms responsible for THz emission

    Enraizamento de estacas de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hill.) provenientes de brotações rejuvenescidas.

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    A erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hill.) é espécie nativa da América do Sul, de grande importância econômica devido a seu consumo na forma de chás e também vem sendo amplamente estudada nas áreas de farmacologia e biotecnologia. No entanto, tem baixo capacidade de propagação, seja ela sexuada ou assexuada. Um dos principais efeitos da maturação é a perda da capacidade de enraizamento, desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos observar a influência do rejuvenescimento e aplicação de ácido indol butírico (IBA) no enraizamento de estacas caulinares de erva-mate. Foram confeccionadas estacas a partir de brotações do ano de árvores de 13 anos, assim como de brotos rejuvenescidos, obtidos da decepa de árvores com 17 anos. As estacas foram tratadas com IBA em solução nas seguintes concentrações: 0, 1500, 3000, 4500 e 6000 mg L-1, resultando em 5 tratamentos para cada tipo de estaca. O plantio foi realizado em caixas plásticas preenchidas com vermiculita e casca-de-arroz carbonizada na proporção de 1:1 e após 90 dias em casa-de-vegetação, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, número de raízes/estaca, comprimento das 3 maiores raízes/estaca, porcentagem de estacas vivas, com calos e mortas. A análise estatística mostrou que o material rejuvenescido apresentou os melhores resultados quanto à porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, assim como de número e comprimento de raízes. Já a aplicação da auxina sintética não influenciou no enraizamento das estacas de nenhum dos dois tipos, de modo que os tratamentos com IBA não diferiram entre si estatisticamente

    Indução de perfilhos em mudas de pupunheira.

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    A pupunheira é uma palmeira produtora de palmito com capacidade de perfilhamento, o que torna a cultura perene, sendo uma alternativa ao extrativismo ilegal de palmito nativo. Tendo em vista a importância e escassez de estudos sobre a propagação vegetativa dessa espécie e que o aumento do número de perfilhos é pré-requisito chave nessa metodologia, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar diferentes métodos para indução de perfilhos em mudas de pupunheira em quatro épocas diferentes. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de: 1) arqueamento do caule; 2) arqueamento do caule com aplicação de 150 mg kg -1 de benzilaminopurina; 3) arqueamento do caule com aplicação de 150 mg kg-1 de ácido giberélico e; 4) anelamento do caule. O delineamento estatístico foi inteiramente casualizado, com 4 repetições de 20 plantas por tratamento. Estudos anatômicos dos caules foram realizados e a formação de perfilhos e mortalidade das plantas submetidas aos diferentes tratamentos avaliados. As análises anatômicas possibilitaram caracterizar os tecidos do caule e localizar o meristema apical. O arqueamento do caule não foi eficiente, enquanto o anelamento apresenta potencial para a indução de perfilhos

    Integrating Plant Science and Crop Modeling: Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change on Soybean and Maize Production

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    Increasing global CO₂ emissions have profound consequences for plant biology, not least because of direct influences on carbon gain. However, much remains uncertain regarding how our major crops will respond to a future high CO₂ world. Crop model inter-comparison studies have identified large uncertainties and biases associated with climate change. The need to quantify uncertainty has drawn the fields of plant molecular physiology, crop breeding and biology, and climate change modeling closer together. Comparing data from different models that have been used to assess the potential climate change impacts on soybean and maize production, future yield losses have been predicted for both major crops. When CO2 fertilization effects are taken into account significant yield gains are predicted for soybean, together with a shift in global production from the Southern to the Northern hemisphere. Maize production is also forecast to shift northwards. However, unless plant breeders are able to produce new hybrids with improved traits, the forecasted yield losses for maize will only be mitigated by agro-management adaptations. In addition, the increasing demands of a growing world population will require larger areas of marginal land to be used for maize and soybean production. We summarize the outputs of crop models, together with mitigation options for decreasing the negative impacts of climate on the global maize and soybean production, providing an overview of projected land-use change as a major determining factor for future global crop production

    Design and Evaluation of a Percutaneous Fragment Manipulation Device for Minimally Invasive Fracture Surgery

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    Reduction of fractures in the minimally invasive (MI) manner can avoid risks associated with open fracture surgery. The MI approach requires specialized tools called percutaneous fragment manipulation devices (PFMD) to enable surgeons to safely grasp and manipulate fragments. PFMDs developed for long-bone manipulation are not suitable for intra-articular fractures where small bone fragments are involved. With this study, we offer a solution to potentially move the current fracture management practice closer to the use of a MI approach. We investigate the design and testing of a new PFMD design for manual as well as robot-assisted manipulation of small bone fragments. This new PFMD design is simulated using FEA in three loading scenarios (force/torque: 0 N/2.6 Nm, 75.7 N/3.5 N, 147 N/6.8 Nm) assessing structural properties, breaking points, and maximum bending deformations. The PFMD is tested in a laboratory setting on Sawbones models (0 N/2.6 Nm), and on ex-vivo swine samples (F = 80 N ± 8 N, F = 150 ± 15 N). A commercial optical tracking system was used for measuring PFMD deformations under external loading and the results were verified with an electromagnetic tracking system. The average error difference between the tracking systems was 0.5 mm, being within their accuracy limits. Final results from reduction maneuvers performed both manually and with the robot assistance are obtained from 7 human cadavers with reduction forces in the range of (F = 80 N ± 8 N, F = 150 ± 15 N, respectively). The results show that structurally, the system performs as predicted by the simulation results. The PFMD did not break during ex-vivo and cadaveric trials. Simulation, laboratory, and cadaveric tests produced similar results regarding the PFMD bending. Specifically, for forces applied perpendicularly to the axis of the PFMD of 80 N ± 8 N deformations of 2.8, 2.97, and 3.06 mm are measured on the PFMD, while forces of 150 ± 15 N produced deformations of 5.8, 4.44, and 5.19 mm. This study has demonstrated that the proposed PFMD undergoes predictable deformations under typical bone manipulation loads. Testing of the device on human cadavers proved that these deformations do not affect the anatomic reduction quality. The PFMD is, therefore, suitable to reliably achieve and maintain fracture reductions, and to, consequently, allow external fracture fixation