216 research outputs found

    Uwagi o stylu Reja w "Źwierciadle"

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    Žwierciadlo von Mikolaj Rej wurde zum ersten Mal im Jahre 1567/68 in der Krakauer Druckerei von Wirzbieta veröffentlicht und grundsätzlich hat das Werk bis zum Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts auf seinen Herausgeber gewartet. Der fünfhundertste Geburtst- wie auch der Todestag des Dichters zogen Forschungsberichte nach sich, in denen beinahe einstimmig festgestellt wurde, daß sich Rej durch einen knappen, bildlichen und weitschweifigen Stil, aber auch durch geistigen Primitivismus auszeichnet. Trotz der manifestierten Abneigung gegen Wissenschaften, nutzte Rej die Errungenschaften der Rhetorik. Seine Aufgabe war, ein positives Vorbild zu schaffen, deswegen bediente er sich mehrerer Arten von Zureden. In den bisherigen Forschungen über die Zureden bei Rej wurden allgemeine Aspekte des Problems aufgezeichnet, bis jetzt fehlt es jedoch an ausñhrlichen Studien. In dieser Arbeit weist die Autorin auf bestimmte, vom Dichter angewandte Lösungen hin. Da Rej nicht einem Argument vertraute, bilden congeries — Ansammlungen von gleichartigen Gedanken und Beweisen, die die Satzkonstruktionen beinflußten, vor allem in Form von Anaphern und Polysyndeta— die Regel. In der Arbeit wurden drei Phänomene hervorgehoben, die eng mit den Regeln der Rhetorik verbunden sind: Aufzählung, spezifische Anwedung eines Lexems und Wiederholung bestimmter semantischer Ganzheiten. Die Anhäufung der Substantive bildet — nach der Meinung der Autorin — die Entsprechung des vom Autor gewagten Versuchs, die Welt präzise und ausführlich zu beschreiben, betont auch die Bedeutung, die der Autor dem Inventionstopik zuschrieb — besonders den Analogietopoi. Die Vielzahl der Substantivhe und auch der Verben gibt das emotionale Engagement des Ich-Erzählers wieder. Eine Eigenschaft des Stils von Rej ist es, die Emotionen zu veranschaulichen und sich aufsie zu berufen. Dafür nutzt der Autor die Scham, erstens beschämt er den Adressaten, zweites stellt er die Androhung der Scham dar

    Spotkania Małżeńskie jako droga rozwoju małżonków – na podstawie przeglądu wybranej literatury oraz badań własnych

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    Encounters of Married Couples, as a catholic association that offers retreat for marriages, has been supporting spouses for years and providing them with tools needed for effective marital communication based on the experience of cooperation with God’s grace that stems from the power of holy matrimony. The article presents the results of a study that focused on the meaning of the Encounters of Married Couples for the growth of spouses:both marital and individual. The purpose of the research was to study this development in the context of spouses’ involvement in the catholic community. Retreat facilitators participated in the research. An open-ended in-depth interview method was used as part of a qualitative research strategy. The results of the research made it possible to formulate conclusions about the functioning of relationships and the development of spouses involved in the Encounters of Married Couples. The research revealed the positive infl uence that practice of effective interpersonal communication has on the functioning and development of relationships. This practice must, in fact, involve openness, respect and acceptance of each other that grows out of understanding marriage according to the teaching of the Church. Another beneficial factor is the contact with other spouses and the possibility to share experiences of marital crises and ways of overcoming them. The results of the study allowed for new recommendations in the area of marital ministries.Spotkania Małżeńskie jako stowarzyszenie katolickie, oferujące  rekolekcje dla małżeństw, od wielu lat wspiera małżonków na ich wspólnej drodze, oferując im narzędzia z zakresu efektywnej komunikacji małżeńskiej, opierające się na doświadczeniu współpracy z łaską Bożą wypływającą z mocy sakramentu małżeństwa. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań, których przedmiotem było znaczenie Spotkań Małżeńskich dla rozwoju małżonków – zarówno w wymiarze małżeńskim, jak też indywidualnym. Celem badań było poznanie tego rozwoju w kontekście zaangażowania małżonków w katolickiej wspólnocie. Wzięli w nich udział animatorzy prowadzący rekolekcje. Wykorzystano metodę wywiadu otwartego pogłębionego w ramach jakościowej strategii badań. Wyniki pozwoliły na sformułowanie wniosków dotyczących funkcjonowania w związku i rozwoju małżonków zaangażowanych w Spotkaniach Małżeńskich. Badania pokazały, jak pomocna dla związku może być znajomość zasad i codzienne praktykowanie efektywnej komunikacji interpersonalnej, prowadzonej zgodnie z zasadami otwartości, poszanowania i akceptacji drugiej osoby, powiązanej z rozumieniem małżeństwa wypływającym z nauki Kościoła. Niezwykle istotny okazał się również kontakt z innymi małżeństwami oraz wymiana doświadczeń dotyczących przeżywanych trudności i kryzysów w relacji oraz sposobów radzenia sobie z nimi. Wyniki badań stały się punktem wyjścia do sformułowania rekomendacji w zakresie duszpasterstwa małżeństw

    Ginsenoside content in suspension cultures of Panax quinquefolium L. cultivated in shake flasksand stirred-tank bioreactor

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    Plant suspension cultures are described as a source for the acquisition of medicinal secondary metabolites which in the future may become an alternative to traditional raw materials. This study demonstrates that the cell cultures of one of the ginseng species – Panax quinquefolium L. synthesize ginsenosides, which are triterpene saponins having a multidirectional pharmacological effects. Tested suspension cultures were run on a small scale in the shake flasksand in scale up of the process in a 10-liter stirred tank. In the shake flasks,the highest biomass yield (2.28 gl-1 for dry and 33.99 gl-1 for fresh weight) was reached on day 30 of culture, and the highest content of saponins (2.66 mg g -1 dw) was determined on day 28 of culture. In the bioreactor, nearly 2.67 and 3-fold increase of respectively dry and fresh biomass was recorded in relation to the inoculum. Large-scale cultures synthesized protopanaxatriol derivatives such as Rg1 and Re ginsenosides, however, no saponins belonging to the protopanaxadiol derivatives were reported

    Skierowanie, jako narzędzie oceny wskazań do pilnego przyjęcia do opieki paliatywnej i hospicyjnej — prospektywne badanie obserwacyjne

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    Qualification to palliative care is more demanding when the number of referred patients exceeds the admission capabilities of an institution. In such cases the selection of urgent admission needs (when management aside from hospice care is problematic) may be essential. For this purpose the palliative care referral form (PCRF) containing additional information on disease stage, patient’s performance, symptoms of suffering, previously applied therapies and social concerns was developed and prospectively analyzed. The aim of the study was to assess the qualification to palliative care accuracy in a group of 41 patients based on the PCRF. At first the qualification was based solely on the PCRF data, then (on the second day after admission) a structured interview with an attending physician was conducted. Pairs of these data were compared and analyzed. All palliative referrals were legitimized on admission. Among 26 patients triaged as “urgent”, 19 were such on admission, within 15 staged as “stable” 13 were confirmed later. Also, the disease stage and patients’ performance were usually confirmed on admission. The high PCRF ability to predict the need of urgent implementation of palliative care was observed. (positive predictive value of 73,1%, sensitivity 90,5%) The PCFR which is legitimate, provides the essential information for preliminary qualification to palliative care and accurate assessment of its urgent indications. It may simplify and accelerate the process thus lowering costs. Wider practical application of the PCRF in the hospice care is proposed.Wstęp. Kwalifikowanie pacjentów do objęcia opieką paliatywną i hospicyjną nabiera szczególnego znaczenia, kiedy zapotrzebowanie na nią przewyższa możliwości ośrodków oph. Powstaje wtedy konieczność selekcji kierowanych chorych tak, by w pierwszej kolejności udzielać świadczeń zdrowotnych tym, których potrzeby (np. trudne do opanowania objawy) nie mogą być zabezpieczone w innych warunkach. W tym celu opra­cowano druk skierowania rozszerzony o dodatkowe informacje (w tym etap choroby, stopień sprawności, objawy cierpienia, terapia i problemy społeczne), którego przydatność poddano prospektywnej analizie. Materiał i metody. Celem pracy była ocena trafności kwalifikacji chorych do pilnego przyjęcia do sta­cjonarnej oph na podstawie informacji zawartych na badanym skierowaniu. Badaniem objęto 41 osób. W pierwszej kolejności dokonano oceny wskazań do pilnego przyjęcia wyłącznie na podstawie skierowań. Następnie, w drugiej dobie po przyjęciu chorego, przeprowadzono ustrukturyzowane wywiady z lekarzami przyjmującymi pacjentów, gromadząc dane podobnie, jak na skierowaniu. Zebrane pary danych zestawiono ze sobą i poddano analizie. Wyniki. U wszystkich badanych osób potwierdzono przy przyjęciu wskazania do objęcia oph. Na 26 chorych zakwalifikowanych do przyjęcia ze wskazań pilnych potwierdzono ten stan u 19. W grupie 15 zakwalifi­kowanych jako „stabilni”, po przyjęciu podobną kwalifikację uzyskało 13. Przy przyjęciu zwykle potwier­dzano także zarówno etap choroby, jak i stopień sprawności pacjenta. Stwierdzono wysoką zdolność do przewidywania potrzeby pilnego przyjęcia na podstawie badanego druku skierowania (dodatnia wartość predykcyjna 73,1% przy czułości 90,5%). Wnioski. Opracowany druk umożliwia zgodne z przepisami zebranie informacji niezbędnych do wstępnej kwalifikacji do oph, trafnego określenia wskazań pilnych oraz znacząco upraszcza i przyspiesza proces kwalifikowania pacjentów, obniżając jego koszty. Proponuje się szersze wykorzystanie druku w hospicyjnej praktyce klinicznej

    EGF activates TTP expression by activation of ELK-1 and EGR-1 transcription factors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tristetraprolin (TTP) is a key mediator of processes such as inflammation resolution, the inhibition of autoimmunity and in cancer. It carries out this role by the binding and degradation of mRNA transcripts, thereby decreasing their half-life. Transcripts modulated by TTP encode proteins such as cytokines, pro-inflammatory agents and immediate-early response proteins. TTP can also modulate neoplastic phenotypes in many cancers. TTP is induced and functionally regulated by a spectrum of both pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, mitogens and drugs in a MAPK-dependent manner. So far the contribution of p38 MAPK to the regulation of TTP expression and function has been best described.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results demonstrate the induction of the gene coding TTP (<it>ZFP36</it>) by EGF through the ERK1/2-dependent pathway and implicates the transcription factor ELK-1 in this process. We show that ELK-1 regulates <it>ZFP36 </it>expression by two mechanisms: by binding the <it>ZFP36 </it>promoter directly through ETS-binding site (+ 883 to +905 bp) and by inducing expression of EGR-1, which in turn increases <it>ZFP36 </it>expression through sequences located between -111 and -103 bp.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>EGF activates TTP expression via ELK-1 and EGR-1 transcription factors.</p

    Development of an autonomous mobile towing vehicle for logistic tasks

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    Frequently carrying high loads and performing repetitive tasks compromises the ergonomics of individuals, a recurrent scenario in hospital environments. In this paper, we design a logistic planner of a fleet of autonomous mobile robots for the automation of transporting trolleys around the hospital, which is independent of the space configuration, and robust to loss of network and deadlocks. Our robotic solution has an innovative gripping system capable of grasping and pulling nonmodified standard trolleys just by coupling a plate. Robots are able to navigate autonomously, to avoid obstacles assuring the safety of operators, to identify and dock a trolley, to access charging stations and elevators, and to communicate with the latter. An interface was built allowing users to command the robots through a web server. It is shown how the proposed methodology behaves in experiments conducted at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porta and Braga's Hospital.This work is financed by the ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation- COMPETE 2020 Programme, and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project SAICTPAC/0034/2015 - POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-016418. Authors would like to acknowledge to Trivalor, Itau and Gertal for the support of the project RDH.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of sulpiride treatment on the level of prolactin and immunoglobulins in the peripheral blood of mares during the postpartum period

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of increased levels of prolactin (PRL) on the concentration of immunoglobulins in the blood, colostrum and milk of mares. The study was conducted on 12 mares of the Polish Pony breed (6 in the control and 6 in the experimental group). To induce hyperprolactinaemia in mares of the experimental group, 750 mg sulpiride was administered orally once a day. The initial PRL concentration was 52.22 ± 11.21 ng/ml in the control group and 49.39 ± 10.12 ng/ml in the experimental group. In the subsequent days, the concentration of PRL dynamically changed. Statistical analysis showed highly significant differences (P < 0.01) between the groups. The concentration of immunoglobulins in the blood plasma was at the same level during the experimental period (32.97–29.08 mg/ml in the experimental group and 28.60–18.11 mg/ml in the control group). Statistical analysis showed highly significant differences between the groups in blood plasma immunoglobulin level (P < 0.01). The highest immunoglobulin concentration was obtained within 12 h after parturition in the control and the experimental group (23.49 ± 2.12 mg/ml and 26.94 ±1.72 mg/ml, respectively). The lowest values were obtained on day 12 after parturition in the experimental group (10.15 mg/ml ± 1.47 mg/ml) and on day 7 after parturition in the control group (14.30 mg/ml ± 2.48 mg/ml). In conclusion, this study did not provide evidence that the lactogenic hormone prolactin is involved in the transfer of immunoglobulins into the colostrum in horses

    Level of oxytocin prior to rugby and handball matches: An exploratory study among groups of Polish players

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    The aim of the present exploratory study was to assess the changes in urinary oxytocin (OT) concentration during the period between five days before, and on the day of match, among rugby and handball players. Nine male rugby players with a mean age of 27.62 years (SD = 4.21) and 18 male handball players with a mean age of 17.03 years (SD = 0.57) participated. Urinary oxytocin level was measured by ELISA immunoassay as a ratio to the concentration of creatinine [mg/ml] measured through colorimetric detection. The relative level of OT to creatinine (OT/CRE) significantly differed between the type of player (rugby or handball) but not between times of measurements. Significant differences were only between OT/CRE level in a day of match in rugby players and in 5 days before match in handball players (p<0.05). There was no change in oxytocin levels during the time periods between five days before and on the day of a match, in either of the two kinds of players. The change in oxytocin might be traceable during the match but not before a match and this perhaps depends on a more subtle context of competition, but not on the assumption of competition. Further studies are needed based on more homogenous group with higher number of matches

    Molecular insights into RNA recognition and gene regulation by the TRIM-NHL protein Mei-P26

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    The TRIM-NHL protein Meiotic P26 (Mei-P26) acts as a regulator of cell fate in Drosophila. Its activity is critical for ovarian germline stem cell maintenance, differentiation of oocytes, and spermatogenesis. Mei-P26 functions as a post-transcriptional regulator of gene expression; however, the molecular details of how its NHL domain selectively recognizes and regulates its mRNA targets have remained elusive. Here, we present the crystal structure of the Mei-P26 NHL domain at 1.6 Å resolution and identify key amino acids that confer substrate specificity and distinguish Mei-P26 from closely related TRIM-NHL proteins. Furthermore, we identify mRNA targets of Mei-P26 in cultured Drosophila cells and show that Mei-P26 can act as either a repressor or activator of gene expression on different RNA targets. Our work reveals the molecular basis of RNA recognition by Mei-P26 and the fundamental functional differences between otherwise very similar TRIM-NHL proteins

    Elongator mutation in mice induces neurodegeneration and ataxia-like behavior

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    Cerebellar ataxias are severe neurodegenerative disorders with an early onset and progressive and inexorable course of the disease. Here, we report a single point mutation in the gene encoding Elongator complex subunit 6 causing Purkinje neuron degeneration and an ataxia-like phenotype in the mutant wobbly mouse. This mutation destabilizes the complex and compromises its function in translation regulation, leading to protein misfolding, proteotoxic stress, and eventual neuronal death. In addition, we show that substantial microgliosis is triggered by the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway in the cerebellum and that blocking NLRP3 function in vivo significantly delays neuronal degeneration and the onset of ataxia in mutant animals. Our data provide a mechanistic insight into the pathophysiology of a cerebellar ataxia caused by an Elongator mutation, substantiating the increasing body of evidence that alterations of this complex are broadly implicated in the onset of a number of diverse neurological disorders.The authors acknowledge the facilities, and the scientific and technical assistance of the Australian Phenomics Facility (APF), the Australian National University. The APF is supported by the Australian Phenomics Network (APN). The APN is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) program. We are very grateful to Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic and Kate Schroder for providing NLRP3 KO and Caspase-1 KO animals and for their valuable discussion. We also thank Avril Robertson and Matthew Cooper for the gift of MCC950 and Trent Woodruff for advice regarding the administration of MCC950. We acknowledge Ting-Yu Lin and Andrzej Chramiec-Głąbik for providing labeled tRNAs. This work was supported by the POLONEZ1 Grant UMO-2015/19/P/NZ1/02514 from the National Science Centre, Poland and received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 665778 (M.G. and A.S.-K.) and the First Team grant First TEAM/ 2016-1/2 from the Foundation for Polish Science (S.G.)