412 research outputs found

    Interaktionszentrierte Frühdiagnostik und bindungstheoretisch fundierte Frühintervention bei hoch belasteten Familien mit Säuglingen und Kleinkindern

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit Methoden und Instrumenten der Früherkennung und Frühintervention im Kontext der frühen Eltern-Säuglings-/Kleinkind-Beziehung. Es werden Erfahrungen aus zwei anwendungsorientierten Forschungsprojekten1 reflektiert. Im Rahmen des einen Forschungs- und Praxisprojektes2 wurde eine interaktions- und kommunikationszentrierte Früherkennungsstrategie zur Identifikation von frühen Entwicklungsrisiken bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern im Alter von 0-3 Jahren entwickelt. Die diagnostischen Herangehensweisen dieses sozial-emotionalen Entwicklungsscreenings (SEE 0-3) wurden im Kontext einer laufenden Evaluationsstudie3 an einer Hoch-Risiko-Population erprobt und als Baustein der Früherkennung und Frühdiagnostik in das bindungstheoretisch fundierte Frühinterventionskonzept „STEEP™ – Steps toward effective and enjoyable parenting“ integriert. Anhand eines konkreten Fallbeispiels wird diskutiert, wie Fragebogendaten, videounterstützte Eltern-Kind-Interaktionsbeobachtung und Erhebungen elterlicher Repräsentationen genutzt werden können, um Zugänge zu hoch belasteten (werdenden) Eltern mit Säuglingen und Kleinkindern zu entwickeln. (DIPF/Orig.)This article deals with methods and instruments used to identify high risk parents and early developing risks of infants and young children during the pre- and postnatal period in order to develop early intervention strategies based on early diagnosis in the context of parent-child-relationship. The specific experiences of our research approaches, funded by the German ministry of education and research (BMBF) from 2003 to 2007 at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam in cooperation with the parent counselling centre “Vom Säugling zum Kleinkind” are reflected. An interaction and communication focused strategy was developed to help to identify early development risks and resources in the parent-infant-relationship at the age of 0-3 years. After testing the diagnostical approach of this social-emotional development screening (SEE-0-3) in a current evaluation study on a high-risk-population, it was integrated as one module of early diagnosis into the early intervention program „STEEP™ – Steps toward effective and enjoyable parenting“ which is based on the attachment theory. Using a concrete case it will first be discussed which kind of approaches to becoming parents with high risk factors can be developed on the basis of attachment reflecting acting and second which possibilities an interaction and video based concept could offer in the field of early diagnosis and intervention with families of infants and young children. (DIPF/Orig.

    An inefficient dwarf: Chemical abundances and the evolution of the Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    We present detailed chemical element abundance ratios of 17 elements in three metal poor stars in the Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxy, which we combine with extant data from the literature to assess the predictions of a novel suite of galaxy chemical evolution models. The spectroscopic data were obtained with the Keck/HIRES instrument and revealed low metallicities of [Fe/H]=-2.12, -2.13 and -2.67 dex. While the most metal poor star in our sample shows an overabundance of [Mn/Fe] and other Fe-peak elements, our overall findings are in agreement with previous studies of this galaxy: elevated values of the [alpha/Fe] ratios that are similar to, or only slightly lower than, the halo values but with SN Ia enrichment at very low metallicity, as well as an enhancement of the ratio of first to second peak neutron capture elements [Y/Ba] with decreasing metallicity. The chemical evolution models which were tailored to reproduce the metallicity distribution function of the dSph, indicate that UMi had an extended star formation which lasted nearly 5 Gyr with low efficiency and are able to explain the [Y/Ba] enhancement at low metallicity for the first time. In particular, we show that the present day lack of gas is probably due to continuous loss of gas from the system, which we model as winds.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, table

    The Libidinal Economy of the Japanese Sex Industry: Sexual Politics and Female Labor.

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    This dissertation is an ethnographic analysis of contestations over the meaning of labor in the mainstream Japanese commercial sex industry. Through introducing the analytic of sex as care, this study explores new ways in which sex may be imagined as a socially productive activity. In Japan, female sex workers offer iyashi (healing), a deeply gendered affective labor that is seen as integral to the maintenance of male economic productivity. The value of this care rests on sex workers’ successful enactment of the very assumptions of naturalized femininity that justify their exclusion from the full-time labor market. Consequently, women working in the sex industry present themselves as “amateurs,” thereby concealing the laboring aspects of their work and contributing to the lack of labor protections in this industry. My research situates women’s ambivalence toward selling their care as labor in the context of two competing rights movements that address abuses in the sex industry. The first is a sex workers’ rights movement that uses a labor rights framework to mobilize sex workers and organize for political recognition. The second movement, driven by an American-backed anti-human trafficking “rescue industry,” seeks to reframe the normalization of short-term female employment in the sex industry as exploitation. Through approaching sex as care, this study reveals why women in the sex industry do not recognize themselves in the advocacy of competing rights movements even as they are deeply preoccupied with navigating the risks of an industry with few labor protections. I argue that the political-economic, legal, and cultural structures that normalize sex industry work in Japan also preclude female sex workers from making political claims on their own behalf. This dissertation contributes to larger conversations and informed scholarship on what constitutes “sex” and how such definitions reframe our understandings of the political and economic implications of erotic life.PHDAnthropologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110490/1/gabikoch_1.pd

    The Alzheimer’s disease γ-secretase generates higher 42:40 ratios for β-amyloid than for p3 peptides

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    Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by intracerebral deposition of β-amyloid (Aβ). While Aβ40 is the most abundant form, neurotoxicity is mainly mediated by Aβ42. Sequential cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP) by β- and γ-secretases gives rise to full-length Aβ (Aβ1-x) and N-terminally truncated Aβ′ (Aβ11-x) whereas cleavage by α- and γ-secretases leads to the shorter p3 peptides (Aβ17-x). We uncovered significantly higher ratios of 42- versus 40-ending variants for Aβ and Aβ′ than for p3 secreted by mouse neurons and human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived neurons or produced in a cell-free γ-secretase assay with recombinant APP-CTFs. The 42:40 ratio was highest for Aβ′, followed by Aβ and then p3. Mass spectrometry analysis of APP intracellular domains revealed differential processing of APP-C83, APP-C89, and APP-C99 by γ-secretase already at the ε-cleavage stage. This mechanistic insight could aid in developing substrate-targeted modulators of APP-C99 processing to specifically lower the Aβ42:Aβ40 ratio without compromising γ-secretase function

    Ist das schon Praxisforschung? Hochschuldozentinnen forschen zum Praxissemester

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    In diesem Beitrag wird die Forschung, die die Autorinnen zur Frage des Vorhandenseins von Reflexion in Studienprojekten im Praxissemester durchgeführt haben, unter der Frage betrachtet, ob sie den Kriterien von Praxisforschung genügt. Als besonders wichtige Kriterien von Praxisforschung, die über die Kriterien für gute wissenschaftliche Forschung hinausgehen, werden u.a. der in einem Praxisproblem liegende Anlass für die Forschung sowie die Nutzung der Ergebnisse für die eigene Lehrpraxis angesehen. Es zeigt sich, dass die gewonnenen Ergebnisse aus der Forschung für die Weiterentwicklung der Lehre genutzt werden können, eine Anlage als Praxisforschung jedoch ein noch größeres Potenzial für die Weiterentwicklung der Hochschullehre gehabt hätte

    Preliminary Version

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    Abstract Visual rewriting techniques are increasingly used to model transformations of systems specified through diagrammatic sentences. Graph transformations, in particular, are a widespread formalism with several applications, from parsing to model animation or transformation. Although a wealth of rewriting models have been proposed, differing in the expressivity of the types of rules and in the complexity of the rewriting mechanism, basic results concerning the formal properties of these models are still missing for many of them. In this paper, we propose a contribution towards solving the termination problem for rewriting systems with external control mechanisms for rule application. In particular, we obtain results of more general validity by extending the concept of transformation unit to high-level replacement systems, a generalization of graph transformation systems. For the resulting highlevel replacement units, we state and prove several abstract properties based on termination criteria. Then, we instantiate the high-level replacement systems by attributed graph transformation systems and present concrete termination criteria. These are used to show the termination of some replacement units needed to express model transformations as a consequence of software refactoring

    Hexamoll(R) DINCH and DPHP metabolites in urine of children and adolescents in Germany: Human biomonitoring results of the German Environmental Survey GerES V, 2014-2017

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    The production and use of the plasticisers Hexamoll(R) DINCH (di-(iso-nonyl)-cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylate) and DPHP (di-(2-propylheptyl) phthalate) have increased after both chemicals were introduced into the market in the early 2000s as substitutes for restricted high molecular weight phthalates. During the population representative German Environmental Survey (GerES) of Children and Adolescents (GerES V, 2014–2017), we collected urine samples and measured the concentrations of DINCH and DPHP metabolites in 2228 and in a subsample of 516 participants, respectively. We detected DINCH and DPHP metabolites in 100% and 62% of the 3-17 years old children and adolescents, respectively. Geometric means of DINCH metabolites were 2.27 μg/L for OH-MINCH, 0.93 μg/L for oxo-MINCH, 1.14 μg/L for cx-MINCH and 3.47 μg/L for DINCH (Σ of OH-MINCH + cx-MINCH). Geometric means of DPHP metabolites were 0.30 μg/L for OH-MPHP, 0.32 µg/L for oxo-MPHP and 0.64 μg/L for DPHP (Σ of OH-MPHP + oxo-MPHP). The 3-5 years old children had almost 3-fold higher DINCH biomarkers levels than adolescents (14-17 years). Higher concentrations of DPHP biomarkers among young children only became apparent after creatinine adjustment. Urinary levels of DINCH but not of DPHP biomarkers were associated with the levels of the respective plasticisers in house dust. When compared to HBM health-based guidance values, we observed no exceedance of the HBM-I value of 1 mg/L for DPHP (Σ of OH-MPHP + oxo-MPHP). However, 0.04% of the children exceeded the health based guidance value HBM-I of 3 mg/L for DINCH (Σ of OH-MINCH + cx-MINCH). This finding shows that even a less toxic replacement of restricted chemicals can reach exposures in some individuals, at which, according to current knowledge, health impacts cannot be excluded with sufficient certainty. In conclusion, we provide representative data on DINCH and DPHP exposure of children and adolescents in Germany. Further surveillance is warranted to assess the substitution process of plasticisers, and to advise exposure reduction measures, especially for highly exposed children and adolescents. Providing the results to the European HBM Initiative HBM4EU will support risk assessment and risk management not only in Germany but also in Europe

    New Oleoyl Hybrids of Natural Antioxidants: Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation as Inducers of Apoptosis in Colorectal Cancer Cells

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    Nowadays, the beneficial role of a healthy lifestyle, particularly emphasizing the quality of foods and cancer management, is accepted worldwide. Polyphenols and oleic acid play a key role in this context, but are still scarcely used as anti-cancer agents due to their bio-accessibility limits. Therefore, we aimed to synthesize a set of new oleoyl-hybrids of quercetin, morin, pinocembrin, and catechin to overcome the low bioavailability of polyphenols, throughout a bio-catalytic approach using pancreatic porcine lipase as a catalyst. The in vitro assays, using a wide panel of human cancer cell lines showed, mainly for two novel regioisomer oleoyl-hybrids of quercetin, a remarkable increase in apoptotic cell populations. We suggested that the DNA damage shown as ÉŁH2AX signals might be the major cause of apoptotic cell death. Finally, we demonstrated convincing data about two novel polyphenol-based hybrids displaying a highly selective anti-cancer cytotoxicity and being superior compared to their reference/parental compounds
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