121 research outputs found

    Structural Analysis of Staphylococcus aureus Serine/Threonine Kinase PknB

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    Effective treatment of infections caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus remains a worldwide challenge, in part due to the constant emergence of new strains that are resistant to antibiotics. The serine/threonine kinase PknB is of particular relevance to the life cycle of S. aureus as it is involved in the regulation of purine biosynthesis, autolysis, and other central metabolic processes of the bacterium. We have determined the crystal structure of the kinase domain of PknB in complex with a non-hydrolyzable analog of the substrate ATP at 3.0 Å resolution. Although the purified PknB kinase is active in solution, it crystallized in an inactive, autoinhibited state. Comparison with other bacterial kinases provides insights into the determinants of catalysis, interactions of PknB with ligands, and the pathway of activation

    MRSA Infection in the Thigh Muscle Leads to Systemic Disease, Strong Inflammation, and Loss of Human Monocytes in Humanized Mice

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    MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is the second-leading cause of deaths by antibiotic-resistant bacteria globally, with more than 100,000 attributable deaths annually. Despite the high urgency to develop a vaccine to control this pathogen, all clinical trials with pre-clinically effective candidates failed so far. The recent development of “humanized” mice might help to edge the pre-clinical evaluation closer to the clinical situation and thus close this gap. We infected humanized NSG mice (huNSG: (NOD)-scid IL2Rγnull mice engrafted with human CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells) locally with S. aureus USA300 LAC* lux into the thigh muscle in order to investigate the human immune response to acute and chronic infection. These mice proved not only to be more susceptible to MRSA infection than wild-type or “murinized” mice, but displayed furthermore inferior survival and signs of systemic infection in an otherwise localized infection model. The rate of humanization correlated directly with the severity of disease and survival of the mice. Human and murine cytokine levels in blood and at the primary site of infection were strongly elevated in huNSG mice compared to all control groups. And importantly, differences in human and murine immune cell lineages surfaced during the infection, with human monocyte and B cell numbers in blood and bone marrow being significantly reduced at the later time point of infection. Murine monocytes in contrast behaved conversely by increasing cell numbers. This study demonstrates significant differences in the in vivo behavior of human and murine cells towards S. aureus infection, which might help to sharpen the translational potential of pre-clinical models for future therapeutic approaches

    Novel Small-molecule Antibacterials against Gram-positive Pathogens of Staphylococcus and Enterococcus Species

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    Defeat of the antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria is one great challenge today and for the future. In the last century many classes of effective antibacterials have been developed, so that upcoming resistances could be met with novel drugs of various compound classes. Meanwhile, there is a certain lack of research of the pharmaceutical companies, and thus there are missing developments of novel antibiotics. Gram-positive bacteria are the most important cause of clinical infections. The number of novel antibacterials in clinical trials is strongly restricted. There is an urgent need to find novel antibacterials. We used synthetic chemistry to build completely novel hybrid molecules of substituted indoles and benzothiophene. In a simple one-pot reaction, two novel types of thienocarbazoles were yielded. Both indole substituted compound classes have been evaluated as completely novel antibacterials against the Staphylococcus and Enterococcus species. The evaluated partly promising activities depend on the indole substituent type. First lead compounds have been evaluated within in vivo studies. They confirmed the in vitro results for the new classes of small-molecule antibacterials

    Next-generation humanized NSG-SGM3 mice are highly susceptible to Staphylococcus aureus infection

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    Humanized hemato-lymphoid system mice, or humanized mice, emerged in recent years as a promising model to study the course of infection of human-adapted or human-specific pathogens. Though Staphylococcus aureus infects and colonizes a variety of species, it has nonetheless become one of the most successful human pathogens of our time with a wide armory of human-adapted virulence factors. Humanized mice showed increased vulnerability to S. aureus compared to wild type mice in a variety of clinically relevant disease models. Most of these studies employed humanized NSG (NOD-scid IL2Rgnull) mice which are widely used in the scientific community, but show poor human myeloid cell reconstitution. Since this immune cell compartment plays a decisive role in the defense of the human immune system against S. aureus, we asked whether next-generation humanized mice, like NSG-SGM3 (NOD-scid IL2Rgnull-3/GM/SF) with improved myeloid reconstitution, would prove to be more resistant to infection. To our surprise, we found the contrary when we infected humanized NSG-SGM3 (huSGM3) mice with S. aureus: although they had stronger human immune cell engraftment than humanized NSG mice, particularly in the myeloid compartment, they displayed even more pronounced vulnerability to S. aureus infection. HuSGM3 mice had overall higher numbers of human T cells, B cells, neutrophils and monocytes in the blood and the spleen. This was accompanied by elevated levels of pro-inflammatory human cytokines in the blood of huSGM3 mice. We further identified that the impaired survival of huSGM3 mice was not linked to higher bacterial burden nor to differences in the murine immune cell repertoire. Conversely, we could demonstrate a correlation of the rate of humanization and the severity of infection. Collectively, this study suggests a detrimental effect of the human immune system in humanized mice upon encounter with S. aureus which might help to guide future therapy approaches and analysis of virulence mechanisms

    Modeling antibiotic and cytotoxic effects of the dimeric isoquinoline IQ-143 on metabolism and its regulation in Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and human cells

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    Background: Xenobiotics represent an environmental stress and as such are a source for antibiotics, including the isoquinoline (IQ) compound IQ-143. Here, we demonstrate the utility of complementary analysis of both host and pathogen datasets in assessing bacterial adaptation to IQ-143, a synthetic analog of the novel type N,C-coupled naphthyl-isoquinoline alkaloid ancisheynine. Results: Metabolite measurements, gene expression data and functional assays were combined with metabolic modeling to assess the effects of IQ-143 on Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and human cell lines, as a potential paradigm for novel antibiotics. Genome annotation and PCR validation identified novel enzymes in the primary metabolism of staphylococci. Gene expression response analysis and metabolic modeling demonstrated the adaptation of enzymes to IQ-143, including those not affected by significant gene expression changes. At lower concentrations, IQ-143 was bacteriostatic, and at higher concentrations bactericidal, while the analysis suggested that the mode of action was a direct interference in nucleotide and energy metabolism. Experiments in human cell lines supported the conclusions from pathway modeling and found that IQ-143 had low cytotoxicity. Conclusions: The data suggest that IQ-143 is a promising lead compound for antibiotic therapy against staphylococci. The combination of gene expression and metabolite analyses with in silico modeling of metabolite pathways allowed us to study metabolic adaptations in detail and can be used for the evaluation of metabolic effects of other xenobiotics

    Staphylococcal PknB as the First Prokaryotic Representative of the Proline-Directed Kinases

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    In eukaryotic cell types, virtually all cellular processes are under control of proline-directed kinases and especially MAP kinases. Serine/threonine kinases in general were originally considered as a eukaryote-specific enzyme family. However, recent studies have revealed that orthologues of eukaryotic serine/threonine kinases exist in bacteria. Moreover, various pathogenic species, such as Yersinia and Mycobacterium, require serine/threonine kinases for successful invasion of human host cells. The substrates targeted by bacterial serine/threonine kinases have remained largely unknown. Here we report that the serine/threonine kinase PknB from the important pathogen Staphylococcus aureus is released into the external milieu, which opens up the possibility that PknB does not only phosphorylate bacterial proteins but also proteins of the human host. To identify possible human targets of purified PknB, we studied in vitro phosphorylation of peptide microarrays and detected 68 possible human targets for phosphorylation. These results show that PknB is a proline-directed kinase with MAP kinase-like enzymatic activity. As the potential cellular targets for PknB are involved in apoptosis, immune responses, transport, and metabolism, PknB secretion may help the bacterium to evade intracellular killing and facilitate its growth. In apparent agreement with this notion, phosphorylation of the host-cell response coordinating transcription factor ATF-2 by PknB was confirmed by mass spectrometry. Taken together, our results identify PknB as the first prokaryotic representative of the proline-directed kinase/MAP kinase family of enzymes

    The induction of natural competence adapts staphylococcal metabolism to infection

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    A central question concerning natural competence is why orthologs of competence genes are conserved in non-competent bacterial species, suggesting they have a role other than in transformation. Here we show that competence induction in the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus occurs in response to ROS and host defenses that compromise bacterial respiration during infection. Bacteria cope with reduced respiration by obtaining energy through fermentation instead. Since fermentation is energetically less efficient than respiration, the energy supply must be assured by increasing the glycolytic flux. The induction of natural competence increases the rate of glycolysis in bacteria that are unable to respire via upregulation of DNA- and glucose-uptake systems. A competent-defective mutant showed no such increase in glycolysis, which negatively affects its survival in both mouse and Galleria infection models. Natural competence foster genetic variability and provides S. aureus with additional nutritional and metabolic possibilities, allowing it to proliferate during infection

    Visualization of Abscess Formation in a Murine Thigh Infection Model of Staphylococcus aureus by 19F-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

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    Background: During the last years, 19 F-MRI and perfluorocarbon nanoemulsion (PFC) emerged as a powerful contrast agent based MRI methodology to track cells and to visualize inflammation. We applied this new modality to visualize deep tissue abscesses during acute and chronic phase of inflammation caused by Staphylococcus aureus infection. Methodology and Principal Findings: In this study, a murine thigh infection model was used to induce abscess formation and PFC or CLIO (cross linked ironoxides) was administered during acute or chronic phase of inflammation. 24 h after inoculation, the contrast agent accumulation was imaged at the site of infection by MRI. Measurements revealed a strong accumulation of PFC at the abscess rim at acute and chronic phase of infection. The pattern was similar to CLIO accumulation at chronic phase and formed a hollow sphere around the edema area. Histology revealed strong influx of neutrophils at the site of infection and to a smaller extend macrophages during acute phase and strong influx of macrophages at chronic phase of inflammation. Conclusion and Significance: We introduce 19 F-MRI in combination with PFC nanoemulsions as a new platform to visualize abscess formation in a murine thigh infection model of S. aureus. The possibility to track immune cells in vivo by this modality offers new opportunities to investigate host immune response, the efficacy of antibacterial therapies and th

    Real-time in vivo imaging of invasive- and biomaterial-associated bacterial infections using fluorescently labelled vancomycin

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    Invasive and biomaterial-associated infections in humans are often difficult to diagnose and treat. Here, guided by recent advances in clinically relevant optical imaging technologies, we explore the use of fluorescently labelled vancomycin (vanco-800CW) to specifically target and detect infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria. The application potential of vanco-800CW for real-time in vivo imaging of bacterial infections is assessed in a mouse myositis model and a human post-mortem implant model. We show that vanco-800CW can specifically detect Gram-positive bacterial infections in our mouse myositis model, discriminate bacterial infections from sterile inflammation in vivo and detect biomaterial-associated infections in the lower leg of a human cadaver. We conclude that vanco-800CW has a high potential for enhanced non-invasive diagnosis of infections with Gram-positive bacteria and is a promising candidate for early-phase clinical trials

    Inactivation of farR Causes High Rhodomyrtone Resistance and Increased Pathogenicity in Staphylococcus aureus

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    Rhodomyrtone (Rom) is an acylphloroglucinol antibiotic originally isolated from leaves of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. Rom targets the bacterial membrane and is active against a wide range of Gram-positive bacteria but the exact mode of action remains obscure. Here we isolated and characterized a spontaneous Rom-resistant mutant from the model strain Staphylococcus aureus HG001 (RomR) to learn more about the resistance mechanism. We showed that Rom-resistance is based on a single point mutation in the coding region of farR [regulator of fatty acid (FA) resistance] that causes an amino acid change from Cys to Arg at position 116 in FarR, that affects FarR activity. Comparative transcriptome analysis revealed that mutated farR affects transcription of many genes in distinct pathways. FarR represses for example the expression of its own gene (farR), its flanking gene farE (effector of FA resistance), and other global regulators such as agr and sarA. All these genes were consequently upregulated in the RomR clone. Particularly the upregulation of agr and sarA leads to increased expression of virulence genes rendering the RomR clone more cytotoxic and more pathogenic in a mouse infection model. The Rom-resistance is largely due to the de-repression of farE. FarE is described as an efflux pump for linoleic and arachidonic acids. We observed an increased release of lipids in the RomR clone compared to its parental strain HG001. If farE is deleted in the RomR clone, or, if native farR is expressed in the RomR strain, the corresponding strains become hypersensitive to Rom. Overall, we show here that the high Rom-resistance is mediated by overexpression of farE in the RomR clone, that FarR is an important regulator, and that the point mutation in farR (RomR clone) makes the clone hyper-virulent