10,867 research outputs found

    Probing quasiparticle excitations in a hybrid single electron transistor

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    We investigate the behavior of quasiparticles in a hybrid electron turnstile with the aim of improving its performance as a metrological current source. The device is used to directly probe the density of quasiparticles and monitor their relaxation into normal metal traps. We compare different trap geometries and reach quasiparticle densities below 3um^-3 for pumping frequencies of 20 MHz. Our data show that quasiparticles are excited both by the device operation itself and by the electromagnetic environment of the sample. Our observations can be modelled on a quantitative level with a sequential tunneling model and a simple diffusion equation

    Is antenatal screening for syphilis still necessary?

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    Congenital syphilis continues to present a significant public health problem worldwide. The cornerstone of prevention of congenital syphilis is antenatal screening and treatment of affected mothers with penicillin. If untreated, symptoms develop within weeks or months. Early congenital syphilis occurs in children between 0 and 2 years old, however newborns may be asymptomatic and are only identified on routine screening. If such infants are missed and untreated, they can develop late congenital syphilis after 2 years. Syphilis is known as the “Great Imitator” and congenital syphilis can present as neurosyphilis, juvenile paresis, optic atrophy, blindness, progressive sensorineural deafness, dental and skeletal abnormalities

    Benchmark full configuration-interaction calculations on HF and NH2

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    Full configuration-interaction (FCI) calculations are performed at selected geometries for the 1-sigma(+) state of HF and the 2-B(1) and 2-A(1) states of NH2 using both DZ and DZP gaussian basis sets. Higher excitations become more important when the bonds are stretched and the self-consistent field (SCF) reference becomes a poorer zeroth-order description of the wave function. The complete active space SCF - multireference configuration-interaction (CASSCF-MRCI) procedure gives excellent agreement with the FCI potentials, especially when corrected with a multi-reference analog of the Davidson correction

    Solution to the Equations of the Moment Expansions

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    We develop a formula for matching a Taylor series about the origin and an asymptotic exponential expansion for large values of the coordinate. We test it on the expansion of the generating functions for the moments and connected moments of the Hamiltonian operator. In the former case the formula produces the energies and overlaps for the Rayleigh-Ritz method in the Krylov space. We choose the harmonic oscillator and a strongly anharmonic oscillator as illustrative examples for numerical test. Our results reveal some features of the connected-moments expansion that were overlooked in earlier studies and applications of the approach

    An excess of goodness? Volunteering among Aid professionals in Cambodia

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    This paper explores the meaning of volunteering among professional aid workers. While they experience disenchantment in their daytime work, volunteering provides them with benefits lacking in their paid jobs. At the same time, a compensatory model does not capture the complex dimensions of this relationship. One motive behind their professional work – bringing about positive change for others - is also the driving force behind their voluntary practices. Such excess of doing good may be indicative of their overall commitment. If aid workers make sense of their actions within a framework of alienated labour, rendering their waged aid work as a commodity, volunteering emerges as a remedial response. At the same time, their paid and unpaid work is animated by the impulse of giving. Such co-existence implies that gifts and commodities are not mutually exclusive; or indeed that both can be understood, following Parry (1986), as emerging from a highly developed capitalist system

    Deep Optimisation:Solving Combinatorial Optimisation Problems using Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep Optimisation (DO) combines evolutionary search with Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) in a novel way - not for optimising a learning algorithm, but for finding a solution to an optimisation problem. Deep learning has been successfully applied to classification, regression, decision and generative tasks and in this paper we extend its application to solving optimisation problems. Model Building Optimisation Algorithms (MBOAs), a branch of evolutionary algorithms, have been successful in combining machine learning methods and evolutionary search but, until now, they have not utilised DNNs. DO is the first algorithm to use a DNN to learn and exploit the problem structure to adapt the variation operator (changing the neighbourhood structure of the search process). We demonstrate the performance of DO using two theoretical optimisation problems within the MAXSAT class. The Hierarchical Transformation Optimisation Problem (HTOP) has controllable deep structure that provides a clear evaluation of how DO works and why using a layerwise technique is essential for learning and exploiting problem structure. The Parity Modular Constraint Problem (MCparity) is a simplistic example of a problem containing higher-order dependencies (greater than pairwise) which DO can solve and state of the art MBOAs cannot. Further, we show that DO can exploit deep structure in TSP instances. Together these results show that there exists problems that DO can find and exploit deep problem structure that other algorithms cannot. Making this connection between DNNs and optimisation allows for the utilisation of advanced tools applicable to DNNs that current MBOAs are unable to use

    Astronomical identification of CN-, the smallest observed molecular anion

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    We present the first astronomical detection of a diatomic negative ion, the cyanide anion CN-, as well as quantum mechanical calculations of the excitation of this anion through collisions with para-H2. CN- is identified through the observation of the J = 2-1 and J = 3-2 rotational transitions in the C-star envelope IRC +10216 with the IRAM 30-m telescope. The U-shaped line profiles indicate that CN-, like the large anion C6H-, is formed in the outer regions of the envelope. Chemical and excitation model calculations suggest that this species forms from the reaction of large carbon anions with N atoms, rather than from the radiative attachment of an electron to CN, as is the case for large molecular anions. The unexpectedly large abundance derived for CN-, 0.25 % relative to CN, makes likely its detection in other astronomical sources. A parallel search for the small anion C2H- remains so far unconclusive, despite the previous tentative identification of the J = 1-0 rotational transition. The abundance of C2H- in IRC +10216 is found to be vanishingly small, < 0.0014 % relative to C2H.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Resonant Formation of dμtd\mu t Molecules in Deuterium: An Atomic Beam Measurement of Muon Catalyzed dt Fusion

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    Resonant formation of dμtd\mu t molecules in collisions of muonic tritium (μt\mu t) on D2_2 was investigated using a beam of μt\mu t atoms, demonstrating a new direct approach in muon catalyzed fusion studies. Strong epithermal resonances in dμtd\mu t formation were directly revealed for the first time. From the time-of-flight analysis of 2036±1162036\pm 116 dtdt fusion events, a formation rate consistent with 0.73±(0.16)meas±(0.09)model0.73\pm (0.16)_{meas} \pm (0.09)_{model} times the theoretical prediction was obtained. For the largest peak at a resonance energy of 0.423±0.0370.423 \pm 0.037 eV, this corresponds to a rate of (7.1±1.8)×109(7.1 \pm 1.8) \times 10^9 s1^{-1}, more than an order of magnitude larger than those at low energies.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Effect of silver content on the structure and antibacterial activity of silver-doped phosphate-based glasses

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    Staphylococcus aureus can cause a range of diseases, such as osteomyelitis, as well as colonize implanted medical devices. In most instances the organism forms biofilms that not only are resistant to the body's defense mechanisms but also display decreased susceptibilities to antibiotics. In the present study, we have examined the effect of increasing silver contents in phosphate-based glasses to prevent the formation of S. aureus biofilms. Silver was found to be an effective bactericidal agent against S. aureus biofilms, and the rate of silver ion release (0.42 to 1.22 µg·mm–2·h–1) from phosphate-based glass was found to account for the variation in its bactericidal effect. Analysis of biofilms by confocal microscopy indicated that they consisted of an upper layer of viable bacteria together with a layer (20 µm) of nonviable cells on the glass surface. Our results showed that regardless of the silver contents in these glasses (10, 15, or 20 mol%) the silver exists in its +1 oxidation state, which is known to be a highly effective bactericidal agent compared to that of silver in other oxidation states (+2 or +3). Analysis of the glasses by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and high-energy X-ray diffraction showed that it is the structural rearrangement of the phosphate network that is responsible for the variation in silver ion release and the associated bactericidal effectiveness. Thus, an understanding of the glass structure is important in interpreting the in vitro data and also has important clinical implications for the potential use of the phosphate-based glasses in orthopedic applications to deliver silver ions to combat S. aureus biofilm infections