61 research outputs found

    FörderbedĂŒrftige Kindheit - zur Konstruktion eines Kindheitsbildes aus der Sicht von Eltern

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    "Bilder vom 'Kind' sowie Vorstellungen davon, wie 'Kindheit' ausgestaltet werden soll, sind historisch und gesellschaftlich variabel. Im frĂŒhpĂ€dagogisch-wissenschaftlichen Feld prominent vertreten ist gegenwĂ€rtig das Bild des neugierigen, aktiven und in diesem Sinne durch Erwachsene förderbedĂŒrftigen Kindes. Dieses findet aktuell im Rahmen von Bildungs- und ErziehungsplĂ€nen und entsprechenden Programmen sowie Handlungsaufforderungen an frĂŒhpĂ€dagogische FachkrĂ€fte Eingang in die (frĂŒh-)pĂ€dagogischen Institutionen. Bisher gibt es nur wenig Forschung dazu, wie diese Handlungsaufforderungen aufgenommen werden, insbesondere was die Eltern angeht, die trotz der gegenwĂ€rtigen Fokussierung auf institutionelle Settings als bedeutsame Akteure bei der Ausgestaltung von Kindheit betrachtet werden können. Auf der theoretischen Basis der sozialwissenschaftlichen Kindheitsforschung fragen wir deshalb, wie sich FörderbedĂŒrftigkeit von Kindern als diskursives PhĂ€nomen in der Elternperspektive darstellt. Dabei interessiert uns zum einen, wie das Konstrukt des 'förderbedĂŒrftigen Kindes' konkret hergestellt wird, und zum anderen, welche Anschlussmöglichkeiten dies fĂŒr die Ausgestaltung des Kinderlebens mit sich bringt. Das empirische Fundament bilden 16 leitfadengestĂŒtzte Interviews mit Eltern von Kindern im Alter von drei bis sechs Jahren, die im Rahmen zweier Forschungsprojekte in Deutschland und der deutschsprachigen Schweiz durchgefĂŒhrt und in einem Sample zusammengefĂŒhrt wurden, um ĂŒbergreifende diskursive Strukturen sichtbar zu machen. Die Befunde zeigen zum einen, dass 'FörderbedĂŒrftigkeit' durch entsprechende Bilder vom Kind, z.B. dem 'wissbegierigen Kind' begrĂŒndet wird. Zum anderen wird auch mit Ă€ußeren Notwendigkeiten wie antizipierten Anforderungen der Schule argumentiert. Die Eltern interpretieren kindliche FörderbedĂŒrftigkeit als Handlungsanweisung an sich selbst, was durch Förderung geprĂ€gte Gestaltungsweisen des kindlichen Alltags anschlussfĂ€hig macht. Die Orientierung von Eltern etwa am internationalen Wettbewerb um Ausbildungs- und ArbeitsplĂ€tze verweist darauf, dass öffentliche und politische Diskurse Eingang finden in die BegrĂŒndung von FörderbedĂŒrftigkeit, was mit einer tendenziellen EngfĂŒhrung auf den Erwerb von verwertbaren Kompetenzen verbunden ist." (Autorenreferat)"Images of 'the child' and 'childhood' are subjects to changes over time and vary between different societies. In the scientific field of early childhood education, the image of the curious, active child that has to be cultivated by adults currently plays a dominant role. It is implemented in early childhood institutions by several educational preschool curriculums and programs. There is only little research on how these curriculums and programs affect the actions of their addressees, especially when it comes to parents who, despite the current focus on institutional settings, canbe viewed as significant actors shaping the everyday life of children. Theoretically based on the sociology of childhood, we therefore first ask how parents in a discursive way construct a childhood in which the child has to be cultivated by involving it in specific activities. Secondly, we explore the consequences of this image of childhood. The analysis is based on 16 semi-structured interviews with parents of children at the age of three to six. The interviews were conducted in two research projects in Germany and German-speaking Switzerland and merged into one sample in order to detect superior discursive structures. Findings first show that parents construct the child that has to be cultivated by referring to corresponding images of the child, e.g., the child being greedy for knowledge. Secondly, parents argue based on external necessities such as anticipated requirements of school. They interpret the child that has to be cultivated as an instruction for themselves. Hence, this image of childhood implies possibilities to shape childhood in a specific manner, i.e., by involving the child in goal-oriented practices. As parents orientate themselves for example toward the international competition for education and employment, this indicates that public and political discourses find their way into the justification of the child's cultivation. In consequence, the main task of the child is restricted to acquire applicable competencies." (author's abstract

    Topoisomerase 3α and RMI1 Suppress Somatic Crossovers and Are Essential for Resolution of Meiotic Recombination Intermediates in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Topoisomerases are enzymes with crucial functions in DNA metabolism. They are ubiquitously present in prokaryotes and eukaryotes and modify the steady-state level of DNA supercoiling. Biochemical analyses indicate that Topoisomerase 3α (TOP3α) functions together with a RecQ DNA helicase and a third partner, RMI1/BLAP75, in the resolution step of homologous recombination in a process called Holliday Junction dissolution in eukaryotes. Apart from that, little is known about the role of TOP3α in higher eukaryotes, as knockout mutants show early lethality or strong developmental defects. Using a hypomorphic insertion mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana (top3α-2), which is viable but completely sterile, we were able to define three different functions of the protein in mitosis and meiosis. The top3α-2 line exhibits fragmented chromosomes during mitosis and sensitivity to camptothecin, suggesting an important role in chromosome segregation partly overlapping with that of type IB topoisomerases. Furthermore, AtTOP3α, together with AtRECQ4A and AtRMI1, is involved in the suppression of crossover recombination in somatic cells as well as DNA repair in both mammals and A. thaliana. Surprisingly, AtTOP3α is also essential for meiosis. The phenotype of chromosome fragmentation, bridges, and telophase I arrest can be suppressed by AtSPO11 and AtRAD51 mutations, indicating that the protein is required for the resolution of recombination intermediates. As Atrmi1 mutants have a similar meiotic phenotype to Attop3α mutants, both proteins seem to be involved in a mechanism safeguarding the entangling of homologous chromosomes during meiosis. The requirement of AtTOP3α and AtRMI1 in a late step of meiotic recombination strongly hints at the possibility that the dissolution of double Holliday Junctions via a hemicatenane intermediate is indeed an indispensable step of meiotic recombination

    Does the antidiabetic drug metformin affect embryo development and the health of brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario)?

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    Abstract Background Due to the rising number of type 2 diabetes patients, the antidiabetic drug, metformin is currently among those pharmaceuticals with the highest consumption rates worldwide. Via sewage-treatment plants, metformin enters surface waters where it is frequently detected in low concentrations (”g/L). Since possible adverse effects of this substance in aquatic organisms have been insufficiently explored to date, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of metformin on health and development in brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario) and its microbiome. Results Brown trout embryos were exposed to 0, 1, 10, 100 and 1000 ”g/L metformin over a period from 48 days post fertilisation (dpf) until 8 weeks post-yolk sac consumption at 7 °C (156 dpf) and 11 °C (143 dpf). Chemical analyses in tissues of exposed fish showed the concentration-dependent presence of metformin in the larvae. Mortality, embryonic development, body length, liver tissue integrity, stress protein levels and swimming behaviour were not influenced. However, compared to the controls, the amount of hepatic glycogen was higher in larvae exposed to metformin, especially in fish exposed to the lowest metformin concentration of 1 ”g/L, which is environmentally relevant. At higher metformin concentrations, the glycogen content in the liver showed a high variability, especially for larvae exposed to 1000 ”g/L metformin. Furthermore, the body weight of fish exposed to 10 and 100 ”g/L metformin at 7 °C and to 1 ”g/L metformin at 11 °C was decreased compared with the respective controls. The results of the microbiome analyses indicated a shift in the bacteria distribution in fish exposed to 1 and 10 ”g/L metformin at 7 °C and to 100 ”g/L metformin at 11 °C, leading to an increase of Proteobacteria and a reduction of Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. Conclusions Overall, weight reduction and the increased glycogen content belong to the described pharmaceutical effects of the drug in humans, but this study showed that they also occur in brown trout larvae. The impact of a shift in the intestinal microbiome caused by metformin on the immune system and vitality of the host organism should be the subject of further research before assessing the environmental relevance of the pharmaceutical

    Clinical Outcomes With Dabrafenib Plus Trametinib in a Clinical Trial Versus Real-World Standard of Care in Patients With BRAF-Mutated Advanced NSCLC

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    INTRODUCTION: BRAF mutations are rare in patients with NSCLC, and treatment options are limited. Dabrafenib plus trametinib (dab-tram) was approved for BRAF(V600)-mutated advanced NSCLC (aNSCLC), based on results from a phase 2 study (NCT01336634). This retrospective analysis compared the effectiveness of dab-tram, based on previously reported clinical trial data, versus real-world standard of care in patients with BRAF-mutated aNSCLC. METHODS: Real-world cohorts were derived from a deidentified real-world database (2011–2020) and included patients with BRAF-mutated aNSCLC receiving first-line platinum-based chemotherapy (PBC), first-line immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) plus PBC, or second-line ICIs. Weighting by odds was used to estimate the average treatment effect of the treated. RESULTS: For first-line dab-tram versus PBC, the hazard ratio (HR; 95% confidence interval) for death in unweighted and weighted analyses was 0.65 (0.39–1.1) and 0.51 (0.29–0.92; p = 0.03), respectively; unweighted and weighted median overall survival was 17.3 (12.3–40.2) versus 14.5 (9.2–19.6) months and 17.3 (14.6-not reached) versus 9.7 (6.4–19.6) months, respectively. Hazard ratio of death in unweighted and weighted analyses was 0.56 (0.29–1.1) and 0.57 (0.28–1.17), respectively, with first-line dab-tram versus PBC plus ICI, and 0.65 (0.39–1.07) and not reported (Cox proportional-hazards assumption violated), respectively, with second-line dab-tram versus ICI. CONCLUSIONS: In this indirect comparison in patients with BRAF-mutated aNSCLC, the risk of death was lower and median overall survival was longer with first-line dab-tram versus PBC. In analyses of dab-tram versus first-line PBC plus ICI or second-line ICI, sample sizes were small and findings were inconclusive with overlapping confidence intervals. Despite some limitations, the study provides useful data for this rare patient population

    Midostaurin improves quality of life and mediator-related symptoms in advanced systemic mastocytosis

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    Background: Advanced systemic mastocytosis (advSM) is characterized by presence of the KIT D816V mutation and pathologic accumulation of neoplastic mast cells (MCs) in various tissues, leading to severe symptoms and organ damage (eg, cytopenias, liver dysfunction, portal hypertension, malabsorption, and weight loss). Treatment with midostaurin, an orally active multikinase/KIT inhibitor now approved for advSM in the United States and the European Union, resulted in a high rate of response accompanied by reduced MC infiltration of the bone marrow and lowered serum tryptase level. Objective: We aimed to determine whether midostaurin improves health-related quality of life (QOL) and MC mediator related symptoms in patients with advSM. Methods: In 116 patients with systemic mastocytosis (89 patients with advSM fulfilling the strict inclusion criteria of the D2201 study [ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT00782067]), QOL and symptom burden were assessed during treatment with midostaurin by using the 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12) and the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale patient reported questionnaires, respectively. MC mediator related symptoms were evaluated by using a specific physician-reported questionnaire Results: Over the first 6 cycles of treatment with midostaurin (ie, 6 months), patients experienced significant improvements in total SF-12 and Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale scores, as well as in subscores of each instrument. These improvements were durable during 36 months of follow-up. Similarly, we found substantial improvements (67%-100%) in all MC mediator related symptoms. Conclusion: QOL and MC mediator related symptoms significantly improve with midostaurin treatment in patients with advSM (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier, NCT00782067)

    A Comparative Plasmonic Study of Nanoporous and Evaporated Gold Films

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    Previously, we have reported that nanoporous gold (NPG) films prepared by a chemical dealloying method have distinctive plasmonic properties, i.e., they can simultaneously support localized and propagating surface plasmon resonance modes (l-SPR and p-SPR, respectively). In this study, the plasmonic properties of NPG are quantified through direct comparison with thermally evaporated gold (EG) films. Cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy experiments reveal that the NPG films have 4–8.5 times more accessible surface area than EG films. Assemblies of streptavidin–latex beads generate p-SPR responses on both NPG and EG films that correlate well with the bead density obtained from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. A layer-by-layer assembly experiment on NPG involving biotinylated anti-avidin IgG and avidin, studied by l-SPR and SEM, shows that the l-SPR signal is directly linked to the accessibility of the interior of the NPG porosity, an adjustable experimental parameter that can be set by the dealloying condition and time

    Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1) Primarily Lead to Severe Encephalitis: Further Evidence from the Seroepidemiological BoSOT Study in an Endemic Region in Southern Germany

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    More than 40 human cases of severe encephalitis caused by Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1) have been reported to German health authorities. In an endemic region in southern Germany, we conducted the seroepidemiological BoSOT study (“BoDV-1 after solid-organ transplantation”) to assess whether there are undetected oligo- or asymptomatic courses of infection. A total of 216 healthy blood donors and 280 outpatients after solid organ transplantation were screened by a recombinant BoDV-1 ELISA followed by an indirect immunofluorescence assay (iIFA) as confirmatory test. For comparison, 288 serum and 258 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples with a request for tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) diagnostics were analyzed for BoDV-1 infections. ELISA screening reactivity rates ranged from 3.5% to 18.6% depending on the cohort and the used ELISA antigen, but only one sample of a patient from the cohort with requested TBE diagnostics was confirmed to be positive for anti-BoDV-1-IgG by iIFA. In addition, the corresponding CSF sample of this patient with a three-week history of severe neurological disease tested positive for BoDV-1 RNA. Due to the iIFA results, all other results were interpreted as false-reactive in the ELISA screening. By linear serological epitope mapping, cross-reactions with human and bacterial proteins were identified as possible underlying mechanism for the false-reactive ELISA screening results. In conclusion, no oligo- or asymptomatic infections were detected in the studied cohorts. Serological tests based on a single recombinant BoDV-1 antigen should be interpreted with caution, and an iIFA should always be performed in addition

    Comparison of the oncolytic activity of a replication‐competent and a replication‐deficient herpes simplex virus 1

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    In 2015, the oncolytic herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) T-VEC (talimogene laherparepvec) was approved for intratumoral injection in non-resectable malignant melanoma. To determine whether viral replication is required for oncolytic activity, we compared replication-deficient HSV-1 d106S with replication-competent T-VEC. High infectious doses of HSV-1 d106S killed melanoma (n = 10), head-and-neck squamous cell carcinoma (n = 11), and chondrosarcoma cell lines (n = 2) significantly faster than T-VEC as measured by MTT metabolic activity, while low doses of T-VEC were more effective over time. HSV-1 d106S and, to a lesser extent T-VEC, triggered caspase-dependent early apoptosis as shown by pan-caspase inhibition and specific induction of caspases 3/7, 8, and 9. HSV-1 d106S induced a higher ratio of apoptosis-inducing infected cell protein (ICP) 0 to apoptosis-blocking ICP6 than T-VEC. T-VEC was oncolytic for an extended period of time as viral replication continued, which could be partially blocked by the antiviral drug aciclovir. High doses of T-VEC, but not HSV-1 d106S, increased interferon-ÎČ mRNA as part of the intrinsic immune response. When markers of immunogenic cell death were assessed, ATP was released more efficiently in the context of T-VEC than HSV-1 d106S infection, whereas HMGB1 was induced comparatively well. Overall, the early oncolytic effect on three different tumour entities was stronger with the non-replicative strain, while the replication-competent virus elicited a stronger innate immune response and more pronounced immunogenic cell death

    Changes in Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 1 following Introduction of PCV10 and PCV13: Findings from the PSERENADE Project

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 1 (ST1) was an important cause of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) globally before the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) containing ST1 antigen. The Pneumococcal Serotype Replacement and Distribution Estimation (PSERENADE) project gathered ST1 IPD surveillance data from sites globally and aimed to estimate PCV10/13 impact on ST1 IPD incidence. We estimated ST1 IPD incidence rate ratios (IRRs) comparing the pre-PCV10/13 period to each post-PCV10/13 year by site using a Bayesian multi-level, mixed-effects Poisson regression and all-site IRRs using a linear mixed-effects regression (N = 45 sites). Following PCV10/13 introduction, the incidence rate (IR) of ST1 IPD declined among all ages. After six years of PCV10/13 use, the all-site IRR was 0.05 (95% credibility interval 0.04-0.06) for all ages, 0.05 (0.04-0.05) for <5 years of age, 0.08 (0.06-0.09) for 5-17 years, 0.06 (0.05-0.08) for 18-49 years, 0.06 (0.05-0.07) for 50-64 years, and 0.05 (0.04-0.06) for ≄65 years. PCV10/13 use in infant immunization programs was followed by a 95% reduction in ST1 IPD in all ages after approximately 6 years. Limited data availability from the highest ST1 disease burden countries using a 3+0 schedule constrains generalizability and data from these settings are needed
