80 research outputs found

    Optimisation of b-values for the accurate estimation of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in whole-body diffusion-weighted MRI in patients with metastatic melanoma.

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    OBJECTIVE: To establish optimised diffusion weightings ('b-values') for acquisition of whole-body diffusion-weighted MRI (WB-DWI) for estimation of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in patients with metastatic melanoma (MM). Existing recommendations for WB-DWI have not been optimised for the tumour properties in MM; therefore, evaluation of acquisition parameters is essential before embarking on larger studies. METHODS: Retrospective clinical data and phantom experiments were used. Clinical data comprised 125 lesions from 14 examinations in 11 patients with multifocal MM, imaged before and/or after treatment with immunotherapy at a single institution. ADC estimates from these data were applied to a model to estimate the optimum b-value. A large non-diffusing phantom was used to assess eddy current-induced geometric distortion. RESULTS: Considering all tumour sites from pre- and post-treatment examinations together, metastases exhibited a large range of mean ADC values, [0.67-1.49] × 10-3 mm2/s, and the optimum high b-value (bhigh) for ADC estimation was 1100 (10th-90th percentile: 740-1790) s/mm2. At higher b-values, geometric distortion increased, and longer echo times were required, leading to reduced signal. CONCLUSIONS: Theoretical optimisation gave an optimum bhigh of 1100 (10th-90th percentile: 740-1790) s/mm2 for ADC estimation in MM, with the large range of optimum b-values reflecting the wide range of ADC values in these tumours. Geometric distortion and minimum echo time increase at higher b-values and are not included in the theoretical optimisation; bhigh in the range 750-1100 s/mm2 should be adopted to maintain acceptable image quality but performance should be evaluated for a specific scanner. KEY POINTS: • Theoretical optimisation gave an optimum high b-value of 1100 (10th-90th percentile: 740-1790) s/mm2 for ADC estimation in metastatic melanoma. • Considering geometric distortion and minimum echo time (TE), a b-value in the range 750-1100 s/mm2 is recommended. • Sites should evaluate the performance of specific scanners to assess the effect of geometric distortion and minimum TE

    Entanglement Percolation in Quantum Networks

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    Quantum networks are composed of nodes which can send and receive quantum states by exchanging photons. Their goal is to facilitate quantum communication between any nodes, something which can be used to send secret messages in a secure way, and to communicate more efficiently than in classical networks. These goals can be achieved, for instance, via teleportation. Here we show that the design of efficient quantum communication protocols in quantum networks involves intriguing quantum phenomena, depending both on the way the nodes are displayed, and the entanglement between them. These phenomena can be employed to design protocols which overcome the exponential decrease of signals with the number of nodes. We relate the problem of establishing maximally entangled states between nodes to classical percolation in statistical mechanics, and demonstrate that quantum phase transitions can be used to optimize the operation of quantum networks.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nature Physics. This is the original submitted versio

    Quantum optical coherence can survive photon losses: a continuous-variable quantum erasure correcting code

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    A fundamental requirement for enabling fault-tolerant quantum information processing is an efficient quantum error-correcting code (QECC) that robustly protects the involved fragile quantum states from their environment. Just as classical error-correcting codes are indispensible in today's information technologies, it is believed that QECC will play a similarly crucial role in tomorrow's quantum information systems. Here, we report on the first experimental demonstration of a quantum erasure-correcting code that overcomes the devastating effect of photon losses. Whereas {\it errors} translate, in an information theoretic language, the noise affecting a transmission line, {\it erasures} correspond to the in-line probabilistic loss of photons. Our quantum code protects a four-mode entangled mesoscopic state of light against erasures, and its associated encoding and decoding operations only require linear optics and Gaussian resources. Since in-line attenuation is generally the strongest limitation to quantum communication, much more than noise, such an erasure-correcting code provides a new tool for establishing quantum optical coherence over longer distances. We investigate two approaches for circumventing in-line losses using this code, and demonstrate that both approaches exhibit transmission fidelities beyond what is possible by classical means.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A semiconductor source of triggered entangled photon pairs?

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    The realisation of a triggered entangled photon source will be of great importance in quantum information, including for quantum key distribution and quantum computation. We show here that: 1) the source reported in ``A semiconductor source of triggered entangled photon pairs''[1. Stevenson et al., Nature 439, 179 (2006)]} is not entangled; 2) the entanglement indicators used in Ref. 1 are inappropriate, relying on assumptions invalidated by their own data; and 3) even after simulating subtraction of the significant quantity of background noise, their source has insignificant entanglement.Comment: 5 pages in pre-print format, 1 tabl

    Operational Significance of Discord Consumption: Theory and Experiment

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    Coherent interactions that generate negligible entanglement can still exhibit unique quantum behaviour. This observation has motivated a search beyond entanglement for a complete description of all quantum correlations. Quantum discord is a promising candidate. Here, we demonstrate that under certain measurement constraints, discord between bipartite systems can be consumed to encode information that can only be accessed by coherent quantum interactions. The inability to access this information by any other means allows us to use discord to directly quantify this `quantum advantage'. We experimentally encode information within the discordant correlations of two separable Gaussian states. The amount of extra information recovered by coherent interaction is quantified and directly linked with the discord consumed during encoding. No entanglement exists at any point of this experiment. Thus we introduce and demonstrate an operational method to use discord as a physical resource.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, updated with Nature Physics Reference, simplified proof in Appendi

    Towards quantum computing with single atoms and optical cavities on atom chips

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    We report on recent developments in the integration of optical microresonators into atom chips and describe some fabrication and implementation challenges. We also review theoretical proposals for quantum computing with single atoms based on the observation of photons leaking through the cavity mirrors. The use of measurements to generate entanglement can result in simpler, more robust and scalable quantum computing architectures. Indeed, we show that quantum computing with atom-cavity systems is feasible even in the presence of relatively large spontaneous decay rates and finite photon detector efficiencies.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Optical source of individual pairs of colour-conjugated photons

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    We theoretically demonstrate that Kerr nonlinearity in optical circuits can lead to both resonant four-wave mixing and photon blockade, which can be used for high-yield generation of high-fidelity individual photon pairs with conjugated frequencies. We propose an optical circuit, which, in the optimal pulsed-drive regime, would produce photon pairs at the rate up to 5 × 105  s−1 (0.5 pairs per pulse) with g(2)(0)<10–2g(2)(0)<10−2 for one of the conjugated frequencies. We show that such a scheme can be utilised to generate colour-entangled photons

    Probabilistic Computation in Human Perception under Variability in Encoding Precision

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    A key function of the brain is to interpret noisy sensory information. To do so optimally, observers must, in many tasks, take into account knowledge of the precision with which stimuli are encoded. In an orientation change detection task, we find that encoding precision does not only depend on an experimentally controlled reliability parameter (shape), but also exhibits additional variability. In spite of variability in precision, human subjects seem to take into account precision near-optimally on a trial-to-trial and item-to-item basis. Our results offer a new conceptualization of the encoding of sensory information and highlight the brain’s remarkable ability to incorporate knowledge of uncertainty during complex perceptual decision-making

    Color afterimages in autistic adults

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    It has been suggested that attenuated adaptation to visual stimuli in autism is the result of atypical perceptual priors (e.g., Pellicano and Burr in Trends Cogn Sci 16(10):504–510, 2012. doi:10.​1016/​j.​tics.​2012.​08.​009). This study investigated adaptation to color in autistic adults, measuring both strength of afterimage and the influence of top-down knowledge. We found no difference in color afterimage strength between autistic and typical adults. Effects of top-down knowledge on afterimage intensity shown by Lupyan (Acta Psychol 161:117–130, 2015. doi:10.​1016/​j.​actpsy.​2015.​08.​006) were not replicated for either group. This study finds intact color adaptation in autistic adults. This is in contrast to findings of attenuated adaptation to faces and numerosity in autistic children. Future research should investigate the possibility of developmental differences in adaptation and further examine top-down effects on adaptation