6 research outputs found

    Search for molecular absorptions with the Fourier Transform Spectrometer

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    The objective of this research was a search for water molecules in the gas phase in molecular clouds. Water should be among the most abundant gases in the clouds and is of fundamental importance in gas chemistry, cloud cooling, shock wave chemistry, and gas-grain interactions of interstellar dust. Detection of water in Comet Halley in the 2.7 micron v(3) band in 1986 had shown that airborne H2O observations are feasible (ground-based observations of H2O are impossible because of the massive water content of the atmosphere). We planned to observe the v(3) band in interstellar clouds where a number of lines of this band should be in absorption. The search for H2O commenced in 1988 with a two flight program on the KAO. this resulted in a detection of interstellar H2O with S/N of 2-4 in the v(3) 1(01)-2(02) line at 3801.42/cm. A subsequent flight series of two flights in 1989 resulted in confirmation to the 3801.42/cm line detection and the detection of altogether four strong lines in the 000-001 v(3) vibration-rotation band of H2O

    Infrared spectroscopy of Jupiter and Saturn

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    Infrared spectroscopy provides unique insights into the chemistry and dynamics of the atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, and Titan. In 1991 we obtained data at J, H, K, and M and made repeated observations of Titan's albedo as the satellite orbited Saturn. The J albedo is 12% +/- 3% greater than the albedo measured in 1979; the H and K albedos are the same. There was no evidence for variations at any wavelength over the eastern half of Titan's orbit. We also obtained low resolution (R=50) spectra of Titan between 3.1 and 5.1 microns. The spectra contain evidence for CO and CH3D absorptions. Spectra of Callisto and Ganymede in the 4.5 micron spectral region are featureless and give albedos of 0.08 and 0.04 respectively. If Titan's atmosphere is transparent near 5 microns, its surface albedo there is similar to Callisto's. In 1992 and 1993 we obtained further spectroscopic data of Titan with the UKIRT CGS4 spectrometer. We discovered two unexpected and unexplained spectral features in the 3-4 micron spectrum of Titan. An apparent emission feature near the 3 micron (nu sub 3) band of methane indicated temperatures higher than known to be present in Titan's upper stratosphere and may be caused by unexpected non-LTE emission. An absorption feature near 3.47 microns may be caused by absorption in solid grains or aerosols in Titan's clouds. The feature is similar but not identical to organics in the interstellar matter and in comets

    The 3.4 micron emission in comets

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    Emission features near 3.4 microns were detected in comet Bradfield (1987s) on 17 Nov. 1987 UT, and, marginally, on two earlier dates, with the Cooled Grating Array Spectrometer at the NASA Infrared Radio Telescope Facility (IRTF) (Brooke et al., 1988b). The central wavelength (3.36 microns) and width (approx. 0.15 microns) of the strongest feature coincide with those observed in comet Halley. A weaker emission feature at 3.52 microns and a strong feature extending shortward of 2.9 microns were also detected. This brings the number of comets in which these three features have been seen to three, two new (Bradfield, Wilson) and one old (Halley). It seems almost certain that the 3.4 micron features are emissions by C-H groups in complex molecules. Based on the similarity of the 3.4 micron features in comets Halley and Wilson, the authors suggest that a particular set of organic compounds may be common to all comets (Brooke et al. 1988a). The absence of the feature in some comets could then be due to photodestruction or evaporation of the organics when the comet approaches the sun, in combination with a predominance of thermal emission from non C-H emitting grains. Detection of the 3.4 micron emission feature in comet Bradfield at 4 = 0.9 AU provides support for this argument. Complex organics in comets could have been formed by particle irradiation of parent ices in the nucleus or been incorporated as grains at the time the comets formed. Since the most heavily irradiated layers of Halley would have been lost in its hundreds of perihelion passages, the authors believe the more likely explanation is that the 3.4 micron emitting material was incorporated in comet nuclei at the time of formation. The 3.4 micron comet feature resembles, but is not identical to, the interstellar 3.29 micron (and longer wavelength) emission features and the broad 3.4 micron feature seen in absorption toward the Galactic center. Detailed comparisons of cometary and interstellar organics will require comet spectra with signal-to-noise and spectral resolution comparable to that available in spectra of the interstellar medium. Such observations are currently being planned

    More whiffs of the aromatic universe

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