169 research outputs found

    Relative abundance and geographical variation of Culex pipiens and Culex torrentium (Diptera: Culicidae) in CO2-baited traps in Denmark

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    Abstract: European Culex pipiens and Culex torrentium are morphological fairly similar mosquito species with potentially different vector competences for pathogenic viruses. The relative abundance of the two species is therefore important for quantifying the potential for disease transmission in Denmark. Mosquitoes were sampled from 74 different sites in Denmark with CO2 and octenol-baited suction traps. A total of 285 Culex specimens were identified to species using a restriction enzyme assay. Culex pipiens was the dominating species with 220 (77%) specimens caught at 22 different sites, while 65 (23%) specimens were identified as C. torrentium and only caught at 4 sites. The ratio of the two species differed significantly between sites with C. torrentium dominating in just a single location. Both mosquito species were predominantly caught late in the Danish mosquito season, from mid-August and onwards

    Annual changes in Arctic fjord environment and modern benthic foraminiferal fauna:Evidence from Kongsfjorden, Svalbard

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    The relationships between modern Arctic benthic foraminifera and their ecological controls, along with their sensitivity to rapid environmental changes, is still poorly understood. This study examines how modern benthic foraminifera respond to annual environmental changes in the glaciated Arctic fjord Kongsfjorden, western Svalbard. Large environmental gradients due to the inflow of warm and saline Atlantic Water and the influence of tidewater glaciers characterise the fjord hydrography. A transect of six multi-corer stations, from the inner to the outer fjord, was sampled in the late summers of 2005 to 2008 to study the distribution of living (rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera. Physical properties of the water masses were measured concurrently. In general, nearly the entire Kongsfjorden region was dominated by ubiquitous N. labradorica foraminiferal assemblage that successfully exploited the local food resources and thrived particularly well in the presence of Atlantic-derived Transformed Atlantic Water (TAW). Further, the annual investigation revealed that Kongsfjorden underwent large interannual hydrological changes during the studied years related to variable inflow of warm and saline Atlantic Water. This led to a strong fauna variability particularly at the two marginal sites: the glacially influenced inner fjord and marine influenced shelf region. We also observed significant species shift from the ‘cold’ to ‘warm’ years and an expansion of widespread and sub-arctic to boreal species into the fjord

    The 8200 year B.P. event in the slope water system, western subpolar North Atlantic

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2005. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Paleoceanography 20 (2005): PA2003, doi:10.1029/2004PA001074.Stable isotope, trace metal, alkenone paleothermometry, and radiocarbon methods have been applied to sediment cores in the western subpolar North Atlantic between Hudson Strait and Cape Hatteras to reveal the history of climate in that region over the past ∼11 kyr. We focus on cores from the Laurentian Fan, which is known to have rapid and continuous accumulation of hemipelagic sediment. Although results among our various proxy data are not always in agreement, the weight of the evidence (alkenone sea surface temperature (SST), δ18O and abundance of Globigerinoides ruber) indicates a continual cooling of surface waters over Laurentian Fan, from about 18°C in the early Holocene to about 8°C today. Alternatively, Mg/Ca data on planktonic foraminifera indicate no systematic change in Holocene SST. The inferred long-term decrease in SST was probably driven by decreasing seasonality of Northern Hemisphere insolation. Two series of proxy data show the gradual cooling was interrupted by a two-step cold pulse that began 8500 years ago, and lasted about 700 years. Although this event is associated with the final deglaciation of Hudson Bay, there is no δ18O minimum anywhere in the Labrador Sea, yet there is some evidence for it as far south as Cape Hatteras. Finally, although the 8200 year B.P. event has been implicated in decreasing North Atlantic ventilation, and hence widespread temperature depression on land and at sea, we find inconsistent evidence for a change at that time in deep ocean nutrient content at ∼4 km water depth.Funding for JPS was from the NOAA Climate and Global Change Program (NA 16GP2679), NSF-Earth System History (0116940), the Jeptha H. and Emily V. Wade Award for Research, and a Henry L. and Grace Doherty Professorship. LDK and YR were funded by NSF grant OCE-0117149

    Warm Atlantic surface water inflow to the Nordic seas 34–10 calibrated ka B.P.

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Paleoceanography 23 (2008): PA1201, doi:10.1029/2007PA001453.A number of short-lasting warm periods (interstadials) interrupted the otherwise cold climate of the last glacial period. These events are supposedly linked to the inflow of the warm Atlantic surface water to the Nordic seas. However, previous investigations of planktonic foraminifera from the Nordic seas have not been able to resolve any significant difference between the interstadials and intervening cold stadials, as the faunas are continuously dominated by the polar species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma s. Here we examine the planktonic foraminifera assemblages from a high-resolution core, LINK17, taken at 1500 m water depth off northern Scotland below the warmest part of the inflowing Atlantic water. The core comprises the time period 34–10 calibrated ka B.P., the coldest period of the last glaciation and the deglaciation. The results reveal a hitherto unknown faunistic variability indicating significant fluctuations in both surface water inflow and in summer sea surface temperatures. During the interstadials, relatively warm Atlantic surface water (4–7°C) flowed north into the eastern Norwegian Sea. During the stadials and Heinrich events the surface inflow stopped and the temperatures in the study area dropped to <2°C. The Last Glacial Maximum was nearly as warm as the interstadials, but the inflow was much more unstable. The data reveal two previously unrecognized warming events each lasting more than 1600 years and preceding Heinrich events HE3 and HE2, respectively. By destabilizing the ice sheets on the shelves the warmings may have played a crucial role for the development of Heinrich events HE2 and HE3.The study of LINK17 was financed by UNIS as a part of the ESF-EuroClimate Program Resolution (grant 04-ECLIM-FP33)

    Defining a role for Hfq in Gram-positive bacteria: evidence for Hfq-dependent antisense regulation in Listeria monocytogenes

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    Small trans-encoded RNAs (sRNAs) modulate the translation and decay of mRNAs in bacteria. In Gram-negative species, antisense regulation by trans-encoded sRNAs relies on the Sm-like protein Hfq. In contrast to this, Hfq is dispensable for sRNA-mediated riboregulation in the Gram-positive species studied thus far. Here, we provide evidence for Hfq-dependent translational repression in the Gram-positive human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes, which is known to encode at least 50 sRNAs. We show that the Hfq-binding sRNA LhrA controls the translation and degradation of its target mRNA by an antisense mechanism, and that Hfq facilitates the binding of LhrA to its target. The work presented here provides the first experimental evidence for Hfq-dependent riboregulation in a Gram-positive bacterium. Our findings indicate that modulation of translation by trans-encoded sRNAs may occur by both Hfq-dependent and -independent mechanisms, thus adding another layer of complexity to sRNA-mediated riboregulation in Gram-positive species
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