803 research outputs found
Oxygen and light sensitive field-effect transistors based on ZnO nanoparticles attached to individual double-wall carbon nanotubes
The attachment of semiconducting nanoparticles to carbon nanotubes is one of
the most challenging subjects in nanotechnology. Successful high coverage
attachment and control over the charge transfer mechanism and photo-current
generation opens a wide field of new applications such as highly effective
solar cells and fibre-enhanced polymers. In this work we study the charge
transfer in individual double-wall carbon nanotubes highly covered with uniform
ZnO nanoparticles. The synthetic colloidal procedure was chosen to avoid
long-chained ligands at the nanoparticle-nanotube interface. The resulting
composite material was used as conductive channel in a field effect transistor
device and the electrical photo-response was analysed under various conditions.
By means of the transfer characteristics we could elucidate the mechanism of
charge transfer from non-covalently attached semiconducting nanoparticles to
carbon nanotubes. The role of positive charges remaining on the nanoparticles
is discussed in terms of a gating effect.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Góð ráð við hjúkrun sjúklinga með Parkinsonveiki
Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkin
Quantum dot attachment and morphology control by carbon nanotubes
Novel applications in nanotechnology rely on the design of tailored
nano-architectures. For this purpose, carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles are
intensively investigated. In this work we study the influence of
non-functionalized carbon nanotubes on the synthesis of CdSe nanoparticles by
means of organometallic colloidal routes. This new synthesis methodology does
not only provide an effective path to attach nanoparticles non-covalently to
carbon nanotubes but represents also a new way to control the shape of
nanoparticles.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
Sustainable bioethanol production combining biorefinery principles using combined raw materials from wheat undersown with clover-grass
To obtain the best possible net energy balance of the bioethanol production the biomass raw materials used need to be produced with limited use of non-renewable fossil fuels. Intercropping strategies are known to maximize growth and productivity by including more than one species in the crop stand, very often with legumes as one of the components. In the present study clover-grass is undersown in a traditional wheat crop. Thereby, it is possible to increase input of symbiotic fixation of atmospheric nitrogen into the cropping systems and reduce the need for fertilizer applications. Furthermore, when using such wheat and clover-grass mixtures as raw material, addition of urea and other fermentation nutrients produced from fossil fuels can be reduced in the whole ethanol manufacturing chain. Using second generation ethanol technology mixtures of relative proportions of wheat straw and clover-grass (15:85, 50:50, and 85:15) were pretreated by wet oxidation. The results showed that supplementing wheat straw with clover-grass had a positive effect on the ethanol yield in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation experiments, and the effect was more pronounced in inhibitory substrates. The highest ethanol yield (80% of theoretical) was obtained in the experiment with high fraction (85%) of clover-grass. In order to improve the sugar recovery of clover-grass, it should be separated into a green juice (containing free sugars, fructan, amino acids, vitamins and soluble minerals) for direct fermentation and a fibre pulp for pretreatment together with wheat straw. Based on the obtained results a decentralized biorefinery concept for production of biofuel is suggested emphasizing sustainability, localness, and recycling principle
Structural and mutational analyses of the Leptospira interrogans virulence-related heme oxygenase provide insights into its catalytic mechanism
© 2017 Soldano et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Heme oxygenase from Leptospira interrogans is an important virulence factor. During catalysis, redox equivalents are provided to this enzyme by the plastidic-type ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase also found in L. interrogans. This process may have evolved to aid this bacterial pathogen to obtain heme-iron from their host and enable successful colonization. Herein we report the crystal structure of the heme oxygenase-heme complex at 1.73 Å resolution. The structure reveals several distinctive features related to its function. A hydrogen bonded network of structural water molecules that extends from the catalytic site to the protein surface was cleared observed. A depression on the surface appears to be the H+ network entrance from the aqueous environment to the catalytic site for O2 activation, a key step in the heme oxygenase reaction. We have performed a mutational analysis of the F157, located at the above-mentioned depression. The mutant enzymes were unable to carry out the complete degradation of heme to biliverdin since the reaction was arrested at the verdoheme stage. We also observed that the stability of the oxyferrous complex, the efficiency of heme hydroxylation and the subsequent conversion to verdoheme was adversely affected. These findings underscore a long-range communication between the outer fringes of the hydrogen-bonded network of structural waters and the heme active site during catalysis. Finally, by analyzing the crystal structures of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase and heme oxygenase, we propose a model for the productive association of these proteins
Af hverju er mikilvægt að fylgjast með kvíða, þunglyndi og hvataröskun hjá parkinsonsjúklingum í kjölfar djúpkjarna-rafskautsörvunar?
To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadDjúpkjarna-rafskautsörvun er meðferð sem notuð er fyrir einstaklinga með parkinsonveiki
(PV)sem eru með svæsin hreyfieinkenni. Þó meðferðin beinist aðallega að því að bæta hreyfigetu getur hún leitt til breytinga á ekki-hreyfieinkennum svo sem kvíða, þunglyndi og hvataröskun. Þessi einkenni falla oft í skuggann af hreyfieinkennum en geta haft afdrifarík áhrif á
sálfélagslega líðan. Hjúkrunarfræðingar gegna mikilvægu hlutverki í skimun og eftirliti með
kvíða, þunglyndi og hvataröskun þannig að hægtsé að grípa til viðeigandi meðferðarúrræða
ef vandamál koma í ljós
Radial elasticity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes
We report an experimental and a theoretical study of the radial elasticity of
multi-walled carbon nanotubes as a function of external radius. We use atomic
force microscopy and apply small indentation amplitudes in order to stay in the
linear elasticity regime. The number of layers for a given tube radius is
inferred from transmission electron microscopy, revealing constant ratios of
external to internal radii. This enables a comparison with molecular dynamics
results, which also shed some light onto the applicability of Hertz theory in
this context. Using this theory, we find a radial Young modulus strongly
decreasing with increasing radius and reaching an asymptotic value of 30 +/- 10
GPa.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Growth and reductive transformation of a gold shell around pyramidal cadmium selenide nanocrystals
We report the growth of an unstable shell-like gold structure around
dihexagonal pyramidal CdSe nanocrystals in organic solution and the structural
transformation to spherical domains by two means: i) electron beam irradiation
(in situ) and (ii) addition of a strong reducing agent during synthesis. By
varying the conditions of gold deposition, such as ligands present or the
geometry of the CdSe nanocrystals, we were able to tune the gold domain size
between 1.4 nm to 3.9 nm and gain important information on the role of surface
chemistry in hetero nanoparticle synthesis and seed reactivity, both of which
are crucial points regarding the chemical design of new materials for
photocatalysis and optoelectronic applications.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Þunglyndi og Parkinsonsveiki
To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadNúverandi hjúkrunarmeðferð fyrir einstaklinga með parkinsonsveiki (PV) miðar að því auka lífsgæði
þeirra. Það felur í sér að greina og meðhöndla einkenni sem skipta máli fyrir hvern og einn einstakling.
Líta má á hjúkrunarfræðinginn sem nokkurs konar leiðsögumann sem styrkir einstaklinginn í því að
bregðast við sjúkdóms tengdum erfiðleikum á viðeigandi hátt. Þunglyndi er algengt vandamál sem
skerðir lífsgæði hjá fólki með PV. Markmiðið með þessari fræðslugrein er að bæta þekkingu hjúkrunar -
fræðinga og annarra heilbrigðisstarfsmanna á þunglyndi parkinsonssjúklinga ásamt því að kynna
nýjan fræðslubækling um efnið
An empirical Bayesian approach for model-based inference of cellular signaling networks
A common challenge in systems biology is to infer mechanistic descriptions of biological process given limited observations of a biological system. Mathematical models are frequently used to represent a belief about the causal relationships among proteins within a signaling network. Bayesian methods provide an attractive framework for inferring the validity of those beliefs in the context of the available data. However, efficient sampling of high-dimensional parameter space and appropriate convergence criteria provide barriers for implementing an empirical Bayesian approach. The objective of this study was to apply an Adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo technique to a typical study of cellular signaling pathways. Results
As an illustrative example, a kinetic model for the early signaling events associated with the epidermal growth factor (EGF) signaling network was calibrated against dynamic measurements observed in primary rat hepatocytes. A convergence criterion, based upon the Gelman-Rubin potential scale reduction factor, was applied to the model predictions. The posterior distributions of the parameters exhibited complicated structure, including significant covariance between specific parameters and a broad range of variance among the parameters. The model predictions, in contrast, were narrowly distributed and were used to identify areas of agreement among a collection of experimental studies. Conclusion
In summary, an empirical Bayesian approach was developed for inferring the confidence that one can place in a particular model that describes signal transduction mechanisms and for inferring inconsistencies in experimental measurements
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