138 research outputs found

    Innovative tactics of industrial business in terms of economy digitalization: Case of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation

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    As a result of growing competition in the market of industrial goods and services, the main mechanism for the sustainable development of the industry is the continuous process of creating innovations. Moreover, the creation of innovations is one of the first elements of the industry competitiveness mechanism, along with approbation of innovations and introduction into the real field of activity. Successfully past stages of testing and introducing innovations, the so-called “useful” innovations, create the basic complex of competitive advantages of the industry, its new development vector. In this paper, the author proposed assessment tools for the effectiveness of industrial policy, analyzed the calculated indicators, including using the proposed graphical tool. The article presents the types of development strategies for the new direction of industrial policy – neo-industrialization – with a set of main components of the impact on the level of development of the industry

    Institutional forms of industrial safety of the state

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    In this article, the state of Russian industry for 2014-2017 is analyzed. The system of basic indicators for assessing the level of industrial security based on the structure of national institutions is proposed. The role of the institutional environment in ensuring the industrial security of the country is presented and the principles for building an effective institutional platform are defined. The structure of the institutional mechanism for the development of the industry is proposed on the basis of a system of form-building components: regulatory, financial, social, foreign economic. As the basic methods are used the method of comparative analysis, the method of factor analysis, econometric modeling, matrix modeling. For each component, a number of quantitative indicators have been identified for the evaluation and analysis of the level of industrial development. Quantitative assessment allows us to present the qualitative side of the process of institutionalization in the relevant branch – industry. The basic algorithm of calculation is a process of three stages: the calculation of specific (share) indicators, intensive (tempo) and integral. The integrated indicator serves as a general indicator of the level of effectiveness of the institutional system of industrial security of the country. Based on the analysis of the development of the industry, a mechanism is proposed for the institutional functioning of the country's industry

    Modernization concepts of industry

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    У даній статті проводиться аналіз сучасного стану галузі сільськогосподарського машинобудування на Півдні Росії. Показано, в сучасних економічних умовах необхідна технологічна модернізація галузі, що дозволить підвищити рівень конкурентоспроможності виробництва на внутрішньому і зовнішньому ринках. Для проведення аналізу процесів модернізації в сільськогосподарському машинобудуванні був розроблений інструментарій, що включає: типологізацію проектів модернізації, що дозволяє виділити проекти, щоб забезпечити вирішення завдань конкурентного імпортозаміщення; показники оцінки рівня активності підприємств щодо реалізації модернізаційних проектів; матрицю інвестиційно-технологічного стану. Проведений аналіз дозволив виявити групи регіонів з високою активністю модернізаційного розвитку, які потребують стимулювання, потенційні в умовах модернізації виробництва, а також їх ранжування за рівнем імпортозалежності з метою реалізації політики заміщення вітчизняними товарами.В данной статье проводится анализ современного состояния отрасли сельскохозяйственного машиностроения на Юге России. Показано, в современных экономических условиях необходима технологическая модернизация отрасли, что позволит повысить уровень конкурентоспособности производства на внутреннем и внешнем рынках. Для проведения анализа процессов модернизации в сельскохозяйственном машиностроении был разработан инструментарий, включающий: типологизацию проектов модернизации, позволяющую выделить проекты, обеспечивающие решение задач конкурентного импортозамещения; показатели оценки уровня активности предприятий в отношении реализации модернизационных проектов; матрицу инвестиционно-технологического состояния. Проведенный анализ позволил выявить группы регионов с высокой активностью модернизационного развития, нуждающиеся в стимулировании, потенциальные в условиях модернизации производства, а также их ранжирование по уровню импортозависимости с целью реализации политики замещения отечественными товарами.This article analyzes the current state of the agricultural machinery industry in the South of Russia. It is shown in the current economic conditions require technological modernization of the sector, which will increase the competitiveness of domestic production in the domestic and foreign markets. To analyze the processes of modernization in the agricultural engineering tool has been developed that includes: typology modernization projects, allowing to allocate projects to ensure that the tasks of the competitive import substitution; indicators of business activity evaluation regarding the implementation of modernization projects; matrix of investment and technological conditions. The analysis revealed a group of regions with high activity modernization development need of stimulation, the potential in the conditions of modernization of production, as well as their ranking by the level of import dependence for the purpose of implementation of domestic goods substitution policies

    Психологічно-соціальні фактори формування релігійної ідентичності в релігійній громаді

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    Розглянуто роль релігійної громади в процесі формування, становлення та репрезентації релігійної ідентичності особи. Релігійну ідентичність визначено як змінний конструкт, формування якого здійснюються під впливом різноманітних чинників, серед яких чільне місце відведено релігійній громаді. Установлено, що релігійна громада націлена на процес побудови конфесійної ідентичності, який відбувається різними засобами, серед яких виокремлено ритуально-обрядову практику, молитву, проповідь, загальну психологічну атмосферу, священні предмети та об’єкти, священну мову, одяг. The religious community as a factor of formation of the religious identity of the person was analyzed. The process of formation, incipience and transformation of religious identity as a variable construct, which is influenced by various factors, were defined. There were researched the role of religious community in the construction of individual and collective levels of religious identity. It was found out, that the most intensive influence on the formation of religious identity of person happens in religious communities with the fixed membership. Building the collective religious identity in small religious groups (church, sect) is an instant through such means: ritual and ceremonial practices, prayer, preach, common psychological atmosphere, sacred subjects and objects, sacred language, clothes. Instead the confessions affects only indirectly to the creation of confessional identity of the person

    ФОРМУВАННЯ РЕЛІГІЙНОЇ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ У ПІДЛІТКОВОМУ ВІЦІ (Formation of the religious identity in adolescence)

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    Розглядається проблема формування релігійної ідентичності у підлітковому віці. Релігійна ідентичність визначається як змінний конструкт, що формується та розвивається разом з конкретним індивідом. Розкриваються чинники, що впливають на специфіку формування релігійної ідентичності у підлітковому віці (The problem of formation of religious identity in adolescence is considered. Religious identity is defined as a variable construct that is formed and develops together with a concrete individual. Factors that affect the specificity of the formation of religious identity in adolescence are revealed

    Problems of achieving professional success of teachers and journalists during reforms in Ukraine (Problemy w osiqgniqciu sukcesu zawodowego przez nauczycieli i dziennikarzy w okresie reform na Ukrainie)

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    The paper presents problems of achieving professional success of primary school teachers, future teachers and journalists during implementing reforms. The attention is focused on studying barriers in realization of such crucial professional competence as innovational willingness. Scenario settings, which are the key component of professional scenario, at empirical level are psychological barriers of personal willingness towards changes of teachers, future primary school teachers and journalists. The most distinctive scenario setting which is “Don’t be little, don’t be spontaneous” was discovered in teachers and future primary school teachers. Correlative dependence of indexes of personal willingness towards changes and scenario settings of teachers, future primary school teachers and journalists is emphasized. It is noted, that personal willingness towards changes also depends on psychological position that is determined by resource of professional success. Need in development of psychological assistance for pedagogues and journalists was found in order to overcome psychological barriers and restore resources, and therefore, foster innovational willingness of teachers, future primary school teachers and journalists. (W pracy przedstawiono problemy w osiagni^ciu sukcesu zawodowego przez nauczycieli szkol podstawowych, przyszlych nauczycieli i dziennikarzy w warunkach wprowadzania reform. Uwag? skupiono na dokonaniu analizy barier w realizacji takich znaczqcych kompetencji zawodowych jak gotowosc do wprowadzania innowacji. Scenariusze, rozumiane w kategoriach analizy transakcyjnej, ktore s^ kluczowym komponentem sciezki kariery zawodowej, na poziomie empiiycznym sg barierami psychologicznymi dla osobistej gotowosci do zmian dla nauczycieli, przyszlych nauczycieli klas podstawowych i dziennikarzy. Odkryto najbardziej znaczace ustawienia scenariuszowe. Podkreslono korelacyjn^ zaleznosc wskaznikow osobistej gotowosci do zmian nauczycieli, przyszlych nauczycieli szkoly podstawowej i dziennikarzy ze wskaznikami ustawien scenariuszowych. Ustalono, ze osobista gotowosc do zmian zalezy tez od pozycji psychologicznej, co jest zasobem sukcesu zawodowego. Zdiagnozowano zapotrzebowanie na psychologiczne wsparcie dla pedagogow i dziennikarzy, skierowane na pokonanie barier psychologicznych i odzyskiwanie zasobow, a wiec rozwoj gotowosci innowacyjnej nauczycieli, przyszlych nauczycieli szkoly podstawowej i dziennikarzy.

    Level increase of competitive readiness of elite judokas in the weight category ofup to 60 kg (as an example is the national team of Kyrgyzstan)

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    The aim of the research is to find the new methods of the judoists’ preparation for the competitive activity. Actually the participants of the researches are the men (n=20) and they are the members of Kyrgyzstan national judo team. Moreover, the median age was 22,8 years. The research period was 1 year. It was revealed that the blocks of coordination and speed-power exercises jointly with the improvement of the technical base of the wrestlers were added in the program of the athletes’ preparation of the experimental group (n=10). Besides, the tests were used to determine the level of different motor skills of the athletes to assess the obtained data. Attention should also be paid to the calculation of the values of the competitive coefficients (CC) of the athletes which was made. Besides, the statistical analysis of the data was carried out using Mann–Whitney U–test. Indeed, the test results revealed a significant (P<0,05) advantage of the athletes from the experimental group in the speed running, strength training and running 1 mile. Fortunately, CC data of the athletes showed a significant (P<0,05) discrepancy in the volume of the effective equipment (Nage-waza) and a significant (P<0,01) difference in the intervals between the attacks (Nage-waza) in favor of the athletes from the experimental group. Accordingly, the use of coordination blocks and speed-power exercises in the structure of a year cycle of the athletes’ preparation allows to increase the development indicators of the motor skills and technical activity of the judoists during the competitive matches significantly

    Epicutaneous Application of CpG Oligodeoxynucleotides with Peptide or Protein Antigen Promotes the Generation of CTL

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    Immunostimulatory oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) are effective adjuvants in the induction of humoral and cellular immune responses when administered parenterally with antigen. The skin has recently become a target organ for the design of non-invasive vaccine technologies. Using ovalbumin (OVA) as a model antigen, we demonstrate that the application of ODN sequences to tape-stripped skin promotes the induction of potent cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses to co-administered peptide. Induction of peptide-specific CTL required the presence of CpG motifs within the ODN. CTL afforded tumor protection against a tumor expressing an immunodominant OVA CTL epitope. CTL could also be induced to whole protein administered onto the skin. Differential CpG sequence activity was noted with respect to the induction of CTL to epicutaneous protein with an ODN sequence containing a poly-G motif having an optimal effect. Peptide-specific CTL could be detected in the peripheral blood as early as 6 d after a single immunization. These results highlight the potential of the bare skin as a route for vaccine development and indicate an important role for immunostimulatory ODN as adjuvants to generate functional CTL with the help of the skin immune system