11 research outputs found

    Positioning of the Precursor Gas Inlet in an Atmospheric Dielectric Barrier Reactor, and its Effect on the Quality of Deposited TiOx Thin Film Surface

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    Thin film technology has become pervasive in many applications in recent years, but it remains difficult to select the best deposition technique. A further consideration is that, due to ecological demands, we are forced to search for environmentally benign methods. One such method might be the application of cold plasmas, and there has already been a rapid growth in studies of cold plasma techniques. Plasma technologies operating at atmospheric pressure have been attracting increasing attention. The easiest way to obtain low temperature plasma at atmospheric pressure seems to be through atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge (ADBD). We used the plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) method applying atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge (ADBD) plasmafor TiOx thin films deposition, employing titanium isopropoxide (TTIP) and oxygen as reactants, and argon as a working gas. ADBD was operated in filamentary mode. The films were deposited on glass. We studied the quality of the deposited TiOx thin film surface for various precursor gas inlet positions in the ADBD reactor. The best thin films quality was achieved when the precursor gases were brought close to the substrate surface directly through the inlet placed in one of the electrodes.High hydrophilicity of the samples was proved by contact angle tests (CA). The film morphology was tested by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The thickness of the thin films varied in the range of (80 ÷ 210) nm in dependence on the composition of the reactor atmosphere. XPS analyses indicate that composition of the films is more like the composition of TiOxCy

    Influence of a Point-to-Plane DC Negative Corona Discharge on Gel Surfaces

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    Point-to-plane corona discharge is widely used for modifying polymer surfaces for biomedical applications and for sterilization and decontamination. This paper focuses on an experimental investigation of the influence of the single-point and multi-point corona discharge electric field on gel surface. Three types of gelatinous agar were used as the gel medium: blood agar, nutrient agar and Endo agar. The gel surface modification was studied for various time periods and discharge currents.

    Positioning of the Precursor Gas Inlet in an Atmospheric Dielectric Barrier Reactor, and its Effect on the Quality of Deposited TiOx Thin Film Surface

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    Thin film technology has become pervasive in many applications in recent years, but it remains difficult to select the best deposition technique. A further consideration is that, due to ecological demands, we are forced to search for environmentally benign methods. One such method might be the application of cold plasmas, and there has already been a rapid growth in studies of cold plasma techniques. Plasma technologies operating at atmospheric pressure have been attracting increasing attention. The easiest way to obtain low temperature plasma at atmospheric pressure seems to be through atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge (ADBD). We used the plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) method applying atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge (ADBD) plasmafor TiOx thin films deposition, employing titanium isopropoxide (TTIP) and oxygen as reactants, and argon as a working gas. ADBD was operated in filamentary mode. The films were deposited on glass. We studied the quality of the deposited TiOx thin film surface for various precursor gas inlet positions in the ADBD reactor. The best thin films quality was achieved when the precursor gases were brought close to the substrate surface directly through the inlet placed in one of the electrodes.High hydrophilicity of the samples was proved by contact angle tests (CA). The film morphology was tested by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The thickness of the thin films varied in the range of (80 ÷ 210) nm in dependence on the composition of the reactor atmosphere. XPS analyses indicate that composition of the films is more like the composition of TiOxCy

    TiOx thin films AP DBD deposition on polyamide rope

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    In our study we investigated the process of atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge (ADBD) application for deposition of titanium oxide thin film on polyamide ropes to improve their abrasion resistance and hydrophobicity. Exploration focused on optimisation of the deposition process. Surface morphology was studied by the SEM. The rope fiber abrasion tests were performed, too. The samples covered with TiOx thin film proved to be more abrasion resistant. their surface stayed relatively steady in comparison with unmodified samples after the abrasion test.Мы изучали применение атмосферного диэлектрического барьерного разряда (ADBD) для осаждения тонкой пленки оксида титана на полиамидный (PA) трос. Тонкие пленки TiOx на РА-подложках были получены после оптимизации условий процесса. Исследовалось, в основном, влияние плазменного процесса нанесения тонкой пленки на улучшение поверхностных свойств PA-троса. Морфология поверхности изучалась с помощью SEM. Также был проведен тест на сопротивление к износу образцов волокна с пленкой и без. Образцы, покрытые TiOx, после проведения теста на износ показали большую устойчивость, их поверхности оставались относительно неповрежденными по сравнению с образцами без пленки.Ми вивчали застосування атмосферного діелектричного бар'єрного розряду (ADBD) для осадження тонкої плівки оксиду титану на поліамідний (PA) трос. Тонкі плівки TiOx на РА-підкладках було отримано після оптимізації умов процесу. Досліджувався, в основному, вплив плазмового процесу нанесення тонкої плівки на покращення поверхневих властивостей PA-троса. Морфологія поверхні вивчалася за допомогою SEM. Також було проведено тест на опір до стирання зразків волокна з плівкою і без. Зразки, вкриті TiOx, після проведення тесту на стирання показали більшу стійкість, їх поверхні залишалися відносно непошкодженими в порівнянні зі зразками без плівки

    Plasma treatment in textile industry

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    Plasma technology applied to textiles is a dry, environmentally- and worker-friendly method to achieve surface alteration without modifying the bulk properties of different materials. In particular, atmospheric non-thermal plasmas are suited because most textile materials are heat sensitive polymers and applicable in a continuous processes. In the last years plasma technology has become a very active, high growth research field, assuming a great importance among all available material surface modifications in textile industry. The main objective of this review is to provide a critical update on the current state of art relating plasma technologies applied to textile industryFernando Oliveira (SFRH/BD/65254/2009) acknowledges Fundacao para a Cioncia e Tecnologia, Portugal, for its doctoral grant financial support. Andrea Zille (C2011-UMINHO-2C2T-01) acknowledges funding from Programa Compromisso para a Cioncia 2008, Portugal

    Influence of a Point-to-Plane DC Negative Corona Discharge on Gel Surfaces

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    Point-to-plane corona discharge is widely used for modifying polymer surfaces for biomedical applications and for sterilization and decontamination. This paper focuses on an experimental investigation of the influence of the single-point and multi-point corona discharge electric field on gel surface. Three types of gelatinous agar were used as the gel medium: blood agar, nutrient agar and Endo agar. The gel surface modification was studied for various time periods and discharge currents.

    ADBD plasma surface treatment of PES fabric sheets

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    Plasma treatment of textile fabrics is investigated as an alternative to the environmentally hazardous wet chemical fabric treatment and pretreatment processes. Plasma treatment usually results in modification of the uppermost atomic layers of a material surface and leaves the bulk characteristics unaffected. It may result in desirable surface modifications, e.g. surface etching, surface activation, cross-linking, chain scission and oxidation. Presented paper contains results of the applicability study of the atmospheric pressure dielectric discharge (ADBD), i.e. dielectric barrier discharge sustaining in air at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature for synchronous treatment of several sheets of fabric. For tests sheets of polyester fabric were used. Effectivity of the modification process was determined with hydrophilicity measurements evaluated by means of the drop test. Hydrophilicity of individual sheets of fabric has distinctly increased after plasma treatment. Plasma induced surface changes of textiles were also proven by identification of new functional groups at the modified polyester fabric surface. Existence of new functional groups was detected by ESCA scans. For verification of surface changes we also applied high-resolution microphotography. It has shown distinct variation of the textile surface after plasma treatment. Important aspect for practical application of the plasma treatment is the modification effect time-stability, i.e. time stability of acquired surface changes of the fabric. The recovery of hydrophobicity was fastest in first days after treatment, later gradually diminished until reached almost original untreated state