67 research outputs found

    Multifunctional croconaine nanoparticles for efficient optoacoustic imaging of deep tumors and photothermal therapy

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    The proper design of near-infrared light-Absorbing agents enables efficient optoacoustic imaging-guided phototherapy. In particular, several croconaine-based organic agents with excellent optical properties have been recently reported for this purpose. However, most of them absorb light below 800 nm, limiting deep-Tissue imaging applications. To this end, we utilized a recently described novel croconaine derivative (CR880) to develop CR880-based nanoparticles (CR880-NPs) for effective in vivo delivery, deep tissue optoacoustic imaging and photothermal therapy applications. Radicals and strong π-πstacking in CR880 result in an 880 nm absorption peak with no blue-shift upon condensing to the solid phase. DSPE-PEG2000-formulated CR880-NPs exhibited high optoacoustic generation efficiency and photostability, and could be visualized in the tumors of three different mouse tumor models (breast, brain, and colon tumor) with high image contrast. The high photothermal conversion efficiency of CR880-NPs (∌58%) subsequently enabled efficient in vivo tumor elimination using a low energy laser, while remaining biocompatible and well-Tolerated. This work introduces a promising novel agent for cancer theranostics of challenging deep-seated tumors

    A human genome-wide loss-of-function screen identifies effective chikungunya antiviral drugs

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    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a globally spreading alphavirus against which there is no commercially available vaccine or therapy. Here we use a genome-wide siRNA screen to identify 156 proviral and 41 antiviral host factors affecting CHIKV replication. We analyse the cellular pathways in which human proviral genes are involved and identify druggable targets. Twenty-one small-molecule inhibitors, some of which are FDA approved, targeting six proviral factors or pathways, have high antiviral activity in vitro, with low toxicity. Three identified inhibitors have prophylactic antiviral effects in mouse models of chikungunya infection. Two of them, the calmodulin inhibitor pimozide and the fatty acid synthesis inhibitor TOFA, have a therapeutic effect in vivo when combined. These results demonstrate the value of loss-of-function screening and pathway analysis for the rational identification of small molecules with therapeutic potential and pave the way for the development of new, host-directed, antiviral agents

    Adaptive divergence across Southern Ocean gradients in the pelagic diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis

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    The Southern Ocean is characterized by longitudinal water circulations crossed by strong latitudinal gradients. How this oceanographic background shapes planktonic populations is largely unknown, despite the significance of this region for global biogeochemical cycles. Here, we show, based on genomic, morphometric, ecophysiological and mating compatibility data, an example of ecotypic differentiation and speciation within an endemic pelagic inhabitant, the diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis. We discovered three genotypic variants, one present throughout the latitudinal transect sampled, the others restricted to the north and south, respectively. The latter two showed reciprocal monophyly across all three genomes and significant ecophysiological differences consistent with local adaptation, but produced viable offspring in laboratory crosses. The third group was also reproductively isolated from the latter two. We hypothesize that this pattern originated by an adaptive expansion accompanied by ecotypic divergence, followed by sympatric speciation

    Croconaine-based nanoparticles enable efficient optoacoustic imaging of murine brain tumors

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    Contrast enhancement in optoacoustic (photoacoustic) imaging can be achieved with agents that exhibit high absorption cross-sections, high photostability, low quantum yield, low toxicity, and preferential bio-distribution and clearance profiles. Based on advantageous photophysical properties of croconaine dyes, we explored croconaine-based nanoparticles (CR780RGD-NPs) as highly efficient contrast agents for targeted optoacoustic imaging of challenging preclinical tumor targets. Initial characterization of the CR780 dye was followed by modifications using polyethylene glycol and the cancer-targeting c(RGDyC) peptide, resulting in self-assembled ultrasmall particles with long circulation time and active tumor targeting. Preferential bio-distribution was demonstrated in orthotopic mouse brain tumor models by multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT) imaging and histological analysis. Our findings showcase particle accumulation in brain tumors with sustainable strong optoacoustic signals and minimal toxic side effects. This work points to CR780RGD-NPs as a promising optoacoustic contrast agent for potential use in the diagnosis and image-guided resection of brain tumors

    BDNF: mRNA expression in urine cells of patients with chronic kidney disease and its role in kidney function

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    Podocyte loss and changes to the complex morphology are major causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD). As the incidence is continuously increasing over the last decades without sufficient treatment, it is important to find predicting biomarkers. Therefore, we measured urinary mRNA levels of podocyte genes NPHS1, NPHS2, PODXL and BDNF, KIM-1, CTSL by qRT-PCR of 120 CKD patients. We showed a strong correlation between BDNF and the kidney injury marker KIM-1, which were also correlated with NPHS1, suggesting podocytes as a contributing source. In human biopsies, BDNF was localized in the cell body and major processes of podocytes. In glomeruli of diabetic nephropathy patients, we found a strong BDNF signal in the remaining podocytes. An inhibition of the BDNF receptor TrkB resulted in enhanced podocyte dedifferentiation. The knockdown of the orthologue resulted in pericardial oedema formation and lowered viability of zebrafish larvae. We found an enlarged Bowman's space, dilated glomerular capillaries, podocyte loss and an impaired glomerular filtration. We demonstrated that BDNF is essential for glomerular development, morphology and function and the expression of BDNF and KIM-1 is highly correlated in urine cells of CKD patients. Therefore, BDNF mRNA in urine cells could serve as a potential CKD biomarker

    CHEMampere: Technologies for sustainable chemical production with renewable electricity and CO2, N2, O2, and H2O

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    The chemical industry must become carbon neutral by 2050, meaning that process-, energy-, and product-related CO2 emissions from fossil sources are completely suppressed. This goal can only be reached by using renewable energy, secondary raw materials, or CO2 as a carbon source. The latter can be done indirectly through the bioeconomy or directly by utilizing CO2 from air or biogenic sources (integrated biorefinery). Until 2030, CO2 waste from fossil-based processes can be utilized to curb fossil CO2 emissions and reach the turning point of global fossil CO2 emissions. A technology mix consisting of recycling technologies, white biotechnology, and carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies is needed to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality. In this context, CHEMampere contributes to the goal of carbon neutrality with electricity-based CCU technologies producing green chemicals from CO2, N2, O2, and H2O in a decentralized manner. This is an alternative to the e-Refinery concept, which needs huge capacities of water electrolysis for a centralized CO2 conversion with green hydrogen, whose demand is expected to rise dramatically due to the decarbonization of the energy sector, which would cause a conflict of use between chemistry and energy. Here, CHEMampere's core reactor technologies, that is, electrolyzers, plasma reactors, and ohmic resistance heating of catalysts, are described, and their technical maturity is evaluated for the CHEMampere platform chemicals NH3, NOx, O3, H2O2, H2, CO, and CxHyOz products such as formic acid or methanol. Downstream processing of these chemicals is also addressed by CHEMampere, but it is not discussed here

    Carcinoma cells misuse the host tissue damage response to invade the brain

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    The metastatic colonization of the brain by carcinoma cells is still barely understood, in particular when considering interactions with the host tissue. The colonization comes with a substantial destruction of the surrounding host tissue. This leads to activation of damage responses by resident innate immune cells to protect, repair, and organize the wound healing, but may distract from tumoricidal actions. We recently demonstrated that microglia, innate immune cells of the CNS, assist carcinoma cell invasion. Here we report that this is a fatal side effect of a physiological damage response of the brain tissue. In a brain slice coculture model, contact with both benign and malignant epithelial cells induced a response by microglia and astrocytes comparable to that seen at the interface of human cerebral metastases. While the glial damage response intended to protect the brain from intrusion of benign epithelial cells by inducing apoptosis, it proved ineffective against various malignant cell types. They did not undergo apoptosis and actually exploited the local tissue reaction to invade instead. Gene expression and functional analyses revealed that the C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4) and WNT signaling were involved in this process. Furthermore, CXCR4-regulated microglia were recruited to sites of brain injury in a zebrafish model and CXCR4 was expressed in human stroke patients, suggesting a conserved role in damage responses to various types of brain injuries. Together, our findings point to a detrimental misuse of the glial damage response program by carcinoma cells resistant to glia-induced apoptosis

    Harmful algal blooms and their effects in coastal seas of Northern Europe

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    Highlights ‱ Fish mortalities due to harmful algae cause substantial economic and social costs for the fish farming industry in the northeastern Atlantic, North Sea and adjacent European waters ‱ Toxin syndromes associated with Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxins and Paralytic Shellfish Toxins and their regulation have the most profound effect on the bivalve aquaculture industry in the northeastern Atlantic region ‱ Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins are mainly problems in brackish water areas, particularly in the Baltic Sea ‱ Emerging threats to the shellfish and finfish industries include the known presence of the phycotoxins azaspiracids and goniodomins ‱ The IOC-ICES-PICESHAEDAT contains time-series baseline information on harmful algal events in EuropeHarmful algal blooms (HAB) are recurrent phenomena in northern Europe along the coasts of the Baltic Sea, Kattegat-Skagerrak, eastern North Sea, Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea. These HABs have caused occasional massive losses for the aquaculture industry and have chronically affected socioeconomic interests in several ways. This status review gives an overview of historical HAB events and summarises reports to the Harmful Algae Event Database from 1986 to the end of year 2019 and observations made in long term monitoring programmes of potentially harmful phytoplankton and of phycotoxins in bivalve shellfish. Major HAB taxa causing fish mortalities in the region include blooms of the prymnesiophyte Chrysochromulina leadbeateri in northern Norway in 1991 and 2019, resulting in huge economic losses for fish farmers. A bloom of the prymesiophyte Prymnesium polylepis (syn. Chrysochromulina polylepis) in the Kattegat-Skagerrak in 1988 was ecosystem disruptive. Blooms of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis spp. have caused accumulations of foam on beaches in the southwestern North Sea and Wadden Sea coasts and shellfish mortality has been linked to their occurrence. Mortality of shellfish linked to HAB events has been observed in estuarine waters associated with influx of water from the southern North Sea. The first bloom of the dictyochophyte genus Pseudochattonella was observed in 1998, and since then such blooms have been observed in high cell densities in spring causing fish mortalities some years. Dinoflagellates, primarily Dinophysis spp., intermittently yield concentrations of Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxins (DST) in blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, above regulatory limits along the coasts of Norway, Denmark and the Swedish west coast. On average, DST levels in shellfish have decreased along the Swedish and Norwegian Skagerrak coasts since approximately 2006, coinciding with a decrease in the cell abundance of D. acuta. Among dinoflagellates, Alexandrium species are the major source of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PST) in the region. PST concentrations above regulatory levels were rare in the Skagerrak-Kattegat during the three decadal review period, but frequent and often abundant findings of Alexandrium resting cysts in surface sediments indicate a high potential risk for blooms. PST levels often above regulatory limits along the west coast of Norway are associated with A. catenella (ribotype Group 1) as the main toxin producer. Other Alexandrium species, such as A. ostenfeldii and A. minutum, are capable of producing PST among some populations but are usually not associated with PSP events in the region. The cell abundance of A. pseudogonyaulax, a producer of the ichthyotoxin goniodomin (GD), has increased in the Skagerrak-Kattegat since 2010, and may constitute an emerging threat. The dinoflagellate Azadinium spp. have been unequivocally linked to the presence of azaspiracid toxins (AZT) responsible for Azaspiracid Shellfish Poisoning (AZP) in northern Europe. These toxins were detected in bivalve shellfish at concentrations above regulatory limits for the first time in Norway in blue mussels in 2005 and in Sweden in blue mussels and oysters (Ostrea edulis and Crassostrea gigas) in 2018. Certain members of the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia produce the neurotoxin domoic acid and analogs known as Amnesic Shellfish Toxins (AST). Blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia were common in the North Sea and the Skagerrak-Kattegat, but levels of AST in bivalve shellfish were rarely above regulatory limits during the review period. Summer cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic Sea are a concern mainly for tourism by causing massive fouling of bathing water and beaches. Some of the cyanobacteria produce toxins, e.g. Nodularia spumigena, producer of nodularin, which may be a human health problem and cause occasional dog mortalities. Coastal and shelf sea regions in northern Europe provide a key supply of seafood, socioeconomic well-being and ecosystem services. Increasing anthropogenic influence and climate change create environmental stressors causing shifts in the biogeography and intensity of HABs. Continued monitoring of HAB and phycotoxins and the operation of historical databases such as HAEDAT provide not only an ongoing status report but also provide a way to interpret causes and mechanisms of HABs

    A MAFG-lncRNA axis links systemic nutrient abundance to hepatic glucose metabolism

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    Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus are global emergencies and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are regulatory transcripts with elusive functions in metabolism. Here we show that a high fraction of lncRNAs, but not protein-coding mRNAs, are repressed during diet-induced obesity (DIO) and refeeding, whilst nutrient deprivation induced lncRNAs in mouse liver. Similarly, lncRNAs are lost in diabetic humans. LncRNA promoter analyses, global cistrome and gain-of-function analyses confirm that increased MAFG signaling during DIO curbs lncRNA expression. Silencing Mafg in mouse hepatocytes and obese mice elicits a fasting-like gene expression profile, improves glucose metabolism, de-represses lncRNAs and impairs mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) activation. We find that obesity-repressed LincIRS2 is controlled by MAFG and observe that genetic and RNAi-mediated LincIRS2 loss causes elevated blood glucose, insulin resistance and aberrant glucose output in lean mice. Taken together, we identify a MAFG-lncRNA axis controlling hepatic glucose metabolism in health and metabolic disease

    A MAFG-lncRNA axis links systemic nutrient abundance to hepatic glucose metabolism

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    Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus are global emergencies and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are regulatory transcripts with elusive functions in metabolism. Here we show that a high fraction of lncRNAs, but not protein-coding mRNAs, are repressed during diet-induced obesity (DIO) and refeeding, whilst nutrient deprivation induced lncRNAs in mouse liver. Similarly, lncRNAs are lost in diabetic humans. LncRNA promoter analyses, global cistrome and gain-of-function analyses confirm that increased MAFG signaling during DIO curbs lncRNA expression. Silencing Mafg in mouse hepatocytes and obese mice elicits a fasting-like gene expression profile, improves glucose metabolism, de-represses lncRNAs and impairs mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) activation. We find that obesity-repressed LincIRS2 is controlled by MAFG and observe that genetic and RNAi-mediated LincIRS2 loss causes elevated blood glucose, insulin resistance and aberrant glucose output in lean mice. Taken together, we identify a MAFG-lncRNA axis controlling hepatic glucose metabolism in health and metabolic disease
