1,290 research outputs found
Individual and Organizational Development as Interplay: An Activity Oriented Approach
We see the contribution of our paper as discussing an integral perspective of individual and collective development. Considering learning and development we suggest a conceptual orientation on activity theory (Chaiklin/Hedegaard/Jensen 1999; Engeström 1987, 2001, 2005). Therefore, we see the workplace as a context where people learn through collective acting and reflecting. According to Engeström we consider learning as expansive development which is brought about through contradictions in daily work and the need to change mindsets. We will refer to two case studies in medium sized firms in the technology and automotive supply industry in Germany. Using qualitative methods of social research (participatory observation, interviews, data analysis) we have analyzed the work and learning activity of production systems. We have described the current demands of the inherent contradictions in the operational work activity. Furthermore, we describe contradictions between the requirements of work and the actual learning methods. Based on these results we develop a platform model of collaborative learning and development.In unserem Beitrag diskutieren wir den integralen Zusammenhang zwischen individueller und kollektiver resp. organisationaler Entwicklung. Lernen und Entwicklung wird dabei aus der Perspektive der kulturhistorischen Tätigkeitstheorie (cultural-historical activity theory) betrachtet (vgl. Chaiklin/Hedegaard/Jensen 1999; Engeström 1987, 2001, 2005). Der Arbeitsprozess ist folglich der Kontext, in dem Menschen durch gemeinsames Handeln und Reflektieren lernen. Bezugnehmend auf Engeström definieren wir Lernen als expansive Entwicklung, die durch Widersprüche in der täglichen Arbeitspraxis hervorgerufen wird und den Wandel von Denk- und Handlungsmustern erfordert. Wir diskutieren dies am Beispiel zweier deutscher mittelständischer Industrieunternehmen aus der Technologie- und Automobilzulieferbranche. Mittels Methoden der qualitativen empirischen Sozialforschung wie teilnehmende Beobachtung, Interviews und Dokumentenanalyse wurden die Arbeits- und Lernprozesse in beiden Produktionsunternehmen untersucht. Darauf aufbauend werden Widersprüche in der operativen Arbeitspraxis aufgezeigt und aktuelle Lernanforderungen abgeleitet. Auf dieser Grundlage wird ein Plattformmodell zum individuellen und kollektiven Lernen entwickelt
Wirkung von Hydropriming bei Soja (Glycine max) auf Auflaufdauer und -rate im Feldversuch
Hydropriming is one possibility to shorten the vegetation period. Pot experiments show promising results for soybean in cold conditions. In 2016 this was tested in three different soybean varieties in field conditions. First results show a slight negative impact on time to emergence and a negative effect on emergence percentage. It is assumed that the climatic conditions in 2016 (hot and dry after sowing) were
unsuitable for hydropriming. More research and results will follow
Eignung von Bradyrhizobien-Impfpräparaten zur Inokulation von Sojabohnen
Wie jede andere Leguminose, kann auch die Sojabohne (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) mit Hilfe von Soja-spezifischen Knöllchenbakterien (Bradyrhizobium japonicum) Luft-Stickstoff binden. Da die Bradyrhizobien natürlicherweise nicht in den mitteleuropäischen Böden vorkommen, müssen die Samen der Sojabohne mit kommerziell verfügbaren Bradyrhizobien-Impfpräparaten inokuliert werden. Beim Anbau hat sich in den letzten Jahren jedoch gezeigt, dass die Inokulation vor allem in kühleren Klimaten bei einzelnen Präparaten zu unzuverlässiger Knöllchenbildung und damit ungenügender Stickstoffbindung führen kann. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Eignung kommerziell verfügbarer Bradyrhizobien-Impfpräparate zur Inokulation der Sojabohne zu prüfen
In Central Europe the inoculation of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) with different Bradyrhizobia inoculants has led to unsatisfying nodulation results under low temperature conditions. The aim of this study was to test the capacity of commercially available inoculants under cool growing conditions in Central Europe. In 2011 and 2012 four Bradyrhizobia inoculants were tested on three early soybean varieties in a field trial in Germany. The number of nodules, yield and protein content were assessed. Two years data showed a successful nodulation of Product 4, Product 3 and Product 2 while Product 1 cannot be recommended. Independently of soybean variety, all of the three successful inoculants can be advised regarding grain yield. Protein content and protein yield depend on the combination of inoculants and soybean variety. Over the years Product 4 was the most reliable inoculant
From the abstract to the concrete - Implementation of an innovative tool in home care
Background: The implementation of innovations in practice is a critical factor for change and development processes in health and home care. We therefore analyze how an innovative tool - a mobility agreement to maintain physical mobility of home care clients - was implemented in Finnish home care. Methods: Our study involves ethnographic research of 13 home care visits, two years after the mobility agreement was implemented. We analyze the emergence of contradictions, the motives of the actors and the use of artifacts supporting or inhibiting the implementation. Two in-depth cases illustrate the implementation of the mobility agreement in home care visits. Findings: Our findings show that, first, to achieve practice change and development, the innovation implementation requires the overcoming of contradictions in the implementation process. Second, it calls for the emergence of a shared motive between the actors to transform the abstract concept of an innovation into a concrete practice. Third, artifacts, customary to the clients are important in supporting the implementation process. Fourth, the implementation brings about a modification of the innovation and the adopting social system. Conclusions: Innovation implementation should be seen as a transformation process of an abstract concept into a concrete practice, enabled by the actors involved. Concept design and implementation should be closely linked. In health/home care innovation management, the implementation of innovations needs to be understood as a complex collective learning process. Results can be far reaching - in our case leading to change of home care workers' professional understanding and elderly clients' mobility habits.Peer reviewe
Is large-scale rapid CoV-2 testing a substitute for lockdowns?
Various forms of contact restrictions have been adopted in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Around February 2021, rapid testing appeared as a new policy instrument. Some claim it may serve as a substitute for contact restrictions. We study the strength of this argument by evaluating the effects of a unique policy experiment: In March and April 2021, the city of Tübingen set up a testing scheme while relaxing contact restrictions.
We compare case rates in Tübingen county to an appropriately identified control unit. We
employ the synthetic control method. We base interpretations of our findings on an extended SEIR model.
The experiment led to an increase in the reported case rate. This increase is robust across alternative statistical specifications. This is also due to more testing leading initially to more reported cases. An epidemiological model that corrects for ‘more cases due to more testing’ and ‘reduced testing and reporting during the Easter holiday’ confirms that the overall effect of the experiment led to more infections.
The number of rapid tests were not sufficiently high in this experiment to compensate for
more contacts and thereby infections caused by relaxing contact restrictions
Floodplain management in temperate regions : is multifunctionality enhancing biodiversity?
Background: Floodplains are among the most diverse, dynamic, productive and populated but also the most threatened ecosystems on Earth. Threats are mainly related to human activities that alter the landscape and disrupt fluvial processes to obtain benefits related to multiple ecosystem services (ESS). Floodplain management therefore requires close coordination among interest groups with competing claims and poses multi-dimensional challenges to policy-makers and project managers. The European Commission proposed in its recent Biodiversity Strategy to maintain and enhance European ecosystems and their services by establishing green infrastructure (GI). GI is assumed to provide multiple ecosystem functions and services including the conservation of biodiversity in the same spatial area. However, evidence for biodiversity benefits of multifunctional floodplain management is scattered and has not been synthesised.
Methods/design: This protocol specifies the methods for conducting a systematic review to answer the following policy-relevant questions: a) what is the impact of floodplain management measures on biodiversity; b) how does the impact vary according to the level of multifunctionality of the measures; c) is there a difference in the biodiversity impact of floodplain management across taxa; d) what is the effect of the time since implementation on the impact of the most important measures; and e) are there any other factors that significantly modify the biodiversity impact of floodplain management measures? Within this systematic review we will assess multifunctionality in terms of ESS that are affected by an implemented intervention. Biodiversity indicators included in this systematic review will be related to the diversity, richness and abundance of species, other taxa or functional groups. We will consider if organisms are typical for and native to natural floodplain ecosystems. Specific inclusion criteria have been developed and the wide range of quality of primary literature will be evaluated with a tailor-made system for assessing susceptibility to bias and the reliability of the studies. The review is intended to bridge the science-policy interface and will provide a useful synthesis of knowledge for decision-makers at all governance levels
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