53 research outputs found

    How Discrimination Plummets LGBTQ+ Well-Being

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    Unfortunately, there are huge problems surrounding LGBTQ+ rights for students, such as religious fear, bullying, and children not feeling safe in their school’s bathrooms. Not only on an in-school scale but on a political scale also affects children’s lives behind the scenes. Laws like the don’t say gay bill makes it harder for students to learn acceptance and to be taught that everyone is valued. On top of the don’t say gay bill, there is already very little help offered for students in this community. This topic is crucial for many reasons. Those reasons, including the amount of LGBTQ+ individuals there are, the fact that they are more at risk, the lack of LGBTQ+ education, and bullying, are just a few reasons. When schools do not value and support LGBTQ+ students, that causes hostile environments. When schools allow or excuse hostile environments, that can affect them mentally and their student performance


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    The theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of thinking in psychological science is proposed. The classification of thinking forms and their subspecies is presented.  The theoretical analysis of well-known scientists concerning the characteristics of the thinking essence and functions of the cerebral hemispheres in the framework of information processing is presented. The scheme of anatomical and psychophysiological system of thinking is offered. Understanding is revealed as a result of human thinking, as a complex analytical and synthetic activity of the brain, aimed at revealing the inner essence of objects, processes and representations of objective, surrounding reality. Consideration of forms of thinking and their varieties, especially conclusions, characterized in the presentation of information and communication technologies in the educational process of preschool institutions, which was noted in the prospects for further research.       Key words: thinking, brain activity, anatomical and psychophysiological system, forms of thinking, preschool education.          Клак В. О. Теоретико-методологічний аналіз проблеми мислення в психологічній науці/ Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди, Україна,  Переяслав-ХмельницькийЗапропоновано теоретико-методологічний аналіз проблеми мислення в психологічній науці. Представлена класифікація форм мислення і їх підвидів.   Подано  теоретичний аналіз відомих учених стосовно характеристики сутності мислення і функцій великих півкуль мозку у рамках обробки інформації. Запропонована схема анатомо-психофізіологічної системи мислення. Розуміння розкрите як результат мислення людини, як складну аналітико-синтетичну діяльність мозку, спрямовану на розкриття внутрішньої сутності предметів, процесів і явищ об'єктивної, оточуючої дійсності. Розгляд форм мислення і їх різновидів, особливо умовиводів, охарактеризовано у рамках представлення інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у освітньому процесі дошкільних закладах, що було зазначено в перспективах подальшого дослідження.Ключові слова: мислення, діяльність мозку, анатомо-психофізіологічна система, форми мислення,  дошкільна освіта

    Descoberta de conhecimento através da análise e mineração em dados do Enem

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2019.O Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) pode ser usado como parâmetro de avali- ação de desempenho e servir como indicador de qualidade do ensino básico no Brasil. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma análise sobre os microdados do Enem 2017 e descobrir padrões de desempenho, médias de nota, questões com maior acerto e erro, estatísticas por regiões do país, entre outras. O Enem é um requisito de entrada para algumas Instituições de Ensino Superior e é feito por milhões de candidatos anualmente. Além dos indicativos de desempenho em diversas áreas de conhecimento, esse exame coleta informações importantes dos inscritos, como idade, gênero, raça, estado de residência, escola onde concluiu o ensino médio e também dados socioeconômicos. Por meio do processo de mineração de dados e análise estatística, esse trabalho tenta descobrir os fatores que têm impacto no desempenho do Enem. Os dados foram retirados do portal do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira. Foi possível retirar informações acerca do nível de conhecimento dos estudantes através da avaliação de desempenho de questão por questão em partes da prova do Enem, além de realizar comparativos sobre a distribuição de inscritos, sobre notas entre as regiões do Brasil, e sobre as notas separadas por gênero, raça/cor, renda e tipo de escola.The National High School Examination (Enem) can be used as a parameter of per- formance evaluation and serve as an indicator of the quality of basic education in Brazil. The purpose of this work is to analyze the Enem 2017 microdata and discover patterns of performance, grade average, questions with greater accuracy or error, among others. Enem is a requirement for entry into some Higher Education Institutions and is taken by millions of candidates. In addition to performance indicators in several areas of knowl- edge, this exam collects important information from enrollees, such as age, gender, race, state of residence, high school, and socioeconomic data. Through the process of data mining and statistical analysis, this paper attempts to discover the factors that have an impact on Enem’s performance. The data were taken from the portal of the Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira. It was possible to withdraw information about students’ level of knowledge through the evaluation of performance of question-by- question in parts of the Enem test, in addition to comparing the distribution of enrollees, grades between Brazilian regions, and grades separated by gender, race/color, income and type of school

    The Enigma of Tripeptidyl-Peptidase II: Dual Roles in Housekeeping and Stress

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    The tripeptidyl-peptidase II complex consists of repeated 138 kDa subunits, assembled into two twisted strands that form a high molecular weight complex (>5 MDa). TPPII, like many other cytosolic peptidases, plays a role in the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway downstream of the proteasome as well as in the production and destruction of MHC class I antigens and degradation of neuropeptides. Tripeptidyl-peptidase II activity is increased in cells with an increased demand for protein degradation, but whether degradation of cytosolic peptides is the only cell biological role for TPPII has remained unclear. Recent data indicated that TPPII translocates into the nucleus to control DNA damage responses in malignant cells, supporting that cytosolic “housekeeping peptidases” may have additional roles in cell biology, besides their contribution to protein turnover. Overall, TPPII has an emerging importance in several cancer-related fields, such as metabolism, cell death control, and control of genome integrity; roles that are not understood in detail. The present paper reviews the cell biology of TPPII and discusses distinct roles for TPPII in the nucleus and cytosol

    Spontaneous CP Violation in SUSY SO(10)

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    A scenario is suggested for spontaneous CP violation in non-SUSY and SUSY- SO(10). The idea is to have a scalar potential which generates spontaneously a phase, at the high scale, in the VEV that gives a mass to the RH neutrinos. As a possible realization the case of the minimal renormalizable SUSY SO(10) is discussed in detail and one finds that a phase is induced in the CKM matrix. It is also pointed out that, in these models, the scales of Baryogenesis, Seesaw, Spontaneous CP violation and Spontaneous U(1)PQ breaking are all at the same order of magnitude.Comment: 12 pages. Version published in Phys. Lett.

    [Equipos españoles varios] [Material gráfico]: [fotografías de grupo]

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    Contiene fotografías pertenecientes al archivo fotográfico del diario "Región", publicadas entre 1967 y 1983Algunas fotos no indican autoría; el resto firmadas por Foto E. Gar (Oviedo), Foto Sierra (Oviedo), Matilla (Gijón), Foto Paco (Mieres), Foto Klark (Gijón), Foto Arranz (Villabazal, Turón), Foto Álvaro (La Rocica, Avilés

    Indigenistas, indios e ideologías raciales en el Ecuador

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    Ideologías raciales para explorar las formas en que los indigenistas conceptualizaron a los indios ecuatorianos como grupo racial

    Od zdravorazumske psihologije ka naivnoj psihologiji

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    U ovom radu se dovodi u pitanje shvatanje zdravorazumske psihologije kao primitivne, spekulativne teorije o mentalnim stanjima. Ima razloga da se veruje u to da je zdravorazumska psihologija sličnija zdravorazumskoj fizici nego spekulativnom teoretisanju karakterističnom za istoriju fizike. Detaljno se obrazlaže razlika između zdravorazumske fizike i spekulativnog teoretisanja. U radu se izvodi sledeći zaključak: iako zdravorazumsko pripisivanje psihološkog sadržaja nije krajnje ishodište kognitivne nauke, to ne znači se takvo pripisivanje ne može smatrati daleko pouzdanijim izvorom podataka nego što su savremeni teoretičari spremni da priznaju.Izvornik: Clark, Andy (1987), “From Folk Psychology to Naive Psychology”, Cognitive Science 11 (2): 139-154. – Prim. prev.Izvornik: Clark, Andy (1987), “From Folk Psychology to Naive Psychology”, Cognitive Science 11 (2): 139-154. – Prim. prev