100 research outputs found

    Components of the psychological culture of the teacher as a quality criterion of health-education

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    Described the components of the psychological culture of the teacher as a quality criterion of health-education. Among the criteria identified: stress, social tolerance, communication skillsОписаны компоненты психологической культуры педагога как критерия качества здоровьесберегающего образования. В числе критериев выделены: стрессоустойчивость, социальная толерантность, коммуникативные навык

    Approaches for the design health educational environment

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    Described the approaches for the design health educational environment. As these environments presents health-environment ecologically safe environment, tolerant environment, psychologically safe environment, a non-violent environment creative environmentОписаны подходы к проектированию образовательной среды, в качестве целевого ориентира которой выбрано сохранение психического и физического здоровья обучающихся. В качестве таких сред представлены здоровьесберегающая среда, экологически безопасная среда, толерантная среда, психологически безопасная среда, ненасильственная среда, креативная сред


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    Introduction. The culture of parents, family constellation and the atmosphere in the family, including psychological well-being of all its members have a great impact on forming of the identity of a child. The study of psychological well-being of parents with children with intellectual disabilities, allows us to select the most important areas of work with the family, effectively distribute the efforts of experts to meet the communication, medical, educational and other needs of families. The aim of this research is to analyze the state of psychological well-being of parents of the special boarding school children as a factor of their socialization. Methods. A standardized scale of subjective wellbeing (authors Perrudet-Badoux, Mendelssohn and Chiche, adapted by V. M. Sokolova) is used to determine the components of the psychological well-being of parents of mentally deficient children. The technique «A scale of subjective well-being» in author’s adaptation is applied to determination of the level of psychological well-being of school students. Results. 58 parents from 53 families and 60 children of early teenage age (12–13 years) having the diagnosis of F70 (minor mental retardation) or F71 (moderate mental retardation) participated in the research; it shows that the comprehensive social and psychological support of a family aimed at providing psychological well-being of parents (their legal representatives) in the conditions of correctional boarding school becomes a factor of positive socialization of the child with intellectual incapacity. Adult examinees with psychological problems are not found. The respondents do not have serious emotional problems, they are optimistic, not inclined to state claims, active, successfully interact with people around, most of them possess a positive self-assessment. These characteristics are explained by the comprehensive program of social and psychological maintenance of families conducted at school. It is concluded that interconditionality of psychological well-being of children and their parents can and must be supported and adjusted by the school.Scientific novelty consists in the development of ideas to ensure positive socialization of families with children with disabilities.Practical significance. The found results can be used in special education, the implementation of social and psychological support of students with intellectual disabilities and their families.Введение. На формирование личности ребенка сильное влияние оказывают культура родителей, структура семьи и атмосфера в ней, включая психологическое состояние всех ее членов. Изучение субъективного благополучия родителей, воспитывающих детей с интеллектуальной недостаточностью, позволяет выделить наиболее значимые направления работы педагогов и психологов, эффективно распределить усилия специалистов с целью удовлетворения коммуникативных, медицинских, образовательных и других потребностей семей. Целью данного исследования является анализ модуса психологического благополучия родителей учащихся коррекционной школы-интерната VIII вида как фактора их позитивной социализации. Методики. Для оценки психологического состояния родителей использовалась стандартизированная шкала субъективного благополучия (Perrudet-Badoux, Mendelssohn и Chiche; в адаптации В. М. Соколовой). Для определения уровня психологического благополучия школьников применялась методика «Шкала субъективного благополучия» в авторской адаптации.Результаты. Исследование, в котором приняли участие 58 родителей из 53 семей и 60 детей раннего подросткового возраста (12–13 лет), имеющие диагноз F70 (умственная отсталость легкой степени) или F71 (умственная отсталость умеренная), показало, что направленное на обеспечение психологического благополучия родителей (их законных представителей) комплексное социально-психологическое сопровождение семьи в условиях коррекционной школы-интерната становится фактором позитивной социализации ребенка с интеллектуальной недостаточностью. Среди взрослых испытуемых не обнаружилось тех, кто бы испытывал психологическое неблагополучие. У респондентов не выявлено серьезных эмоциональных проблем, они оптимистичны, не склонны высказывать жалобы, активны, успешно взаимодействуют с окружающими, большинство из них обладает позитивной самооценкой. Данные характеристики объясняются реализуемой в школе комплексной программой социально-психологического сопровождения семей. Делается вывод о взаимообусловленности психологического благополучия детей и их родителей, которое может и должна поддерживать и корректировать школа. Научная новизна работы состоит в развитии идей обеспечения позитивной социализации семей, воспитывающих детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Практическая значимость. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы в системе специального образования, при реализации социально-психологического сопровождения учащихся с нарушениями интеллекта и оказании помощи членам их семей

    Psychological Safety and Communication Difficulties of Teachers and Students During Long-term Online Training

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    Due to the growing concerns related to the psychological well-being of students and teachers during a long and intensive online training, it becomes necessary for teachers, psychologists, practitioners to take measures to prevent threats to online communication and identify personal resources of psychological security in the online environment.The purpose of the study was to identify the communicative difficulties of long-term online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the personal resources of students and teachers that contribute to ensuring their psychological safety.The study was conducted in February-March 2022. The study sample included 132 students and 40 teachers of the Faculty of Psychology of the Russian State Social University (Moscow). The following techniques were used: “The test of hardiness” (S. Muddy, in the Russian-language adaptation of E.N. Osin, E.I. Rasskazova), “The scale of subjective well-being” (A. Perrudet-Badoux, G.A. Mendelssohn, J. Chiche, in the Russian-language adaptation of M.V. Sokolova), “Methodology for assessing the level of sociability” (V.F. Ryakhovsky), questionnaires “Difficulties of online communication” for students and teachers. The empirical data obtained were interpreted and processed using qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis, including: descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, Spearman correlation analysis. The study showed that during the long-term distance learning, students and teachers experienced significant difficulties in online educational communication, had low levels of subjective well-being, resilience and sociability. These personal qualities are systemic in nature, interrelated and can act as resources to ensure the psychological safety of subjects of education, prevention or coping with difficulties of online communication and hybrid forms of learning.The data obtained make it necessary for teachers to create psychodidactic conditions for a safe online educational environment in which students will be involved as subjects of education, will be able to freely share their opinions and not be afraid to make a mistake, will feel belonging to a group and protected from verbal aggression

    Environmental Improvement Of Opencast Mining

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    Existing classifications of waste dumps in the quarries are given and their phenomenological nature is clarified. The need to identify the essence of the term "dump" is shown as well as the idea of "dump" as an artificial formation with everted and mixed rocks distanced from the quarry. Essential classification of man-made rock formations in quarries is developed. Characteristic of variations of man-made waste formations in quarries is developed. To reduce harmful effects of open-pit mining, dumps should be substituted with strat-lays - man-made structures relevant to natural stratification of litho-substances. Construction of strat-lays would improve ecological and technological culture of open cast mining

    Instrumental oscillations in RHESSI count rates during solar flares

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    Aims: We seek to illustrate the analysis problems posed by RHESSI spacecraft motion by studying persistent instrumental oscillations found in the lightcurves measured by RHESSI's X-ray detectors in the 6-12 keV and 12-25 keV energy range during the decay phase of the flares of 2004 November 4 and 6. Methods: The various motions of the RHESSI spacecraft which may contribute to the manifestation of oscillations are studied. The response of each detector in turn is also investigated. Results: We find that on 2004 November 6 the observed oscillations correspond to the nutation period of the RHESSI instrument. These oscillations are also of greatest amplitude for detector 5, while in the lightcurves of many other detectors the oscillations are small or undetectable. We also find that the variation in detector pointing is much larger during this flare than the counterexample of 2004 November 4. Conclusions: Sufficiently large nutation motions of the RHESSI spacecraft lead to clearly observable oscillations in count rates, posing a significant hazard for data analysis. This issue is particularly problematic for detector 5 due to its design characteristics. Dynamic correction of the RHESSI counts, accounting for the livetime, data gaps, and the transmission of the bi-grid collimator of each detector, is required to overcome this issue. These corrections should be applied to all future oscillation studies.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Клинико-морфологическое наблюдение ребенка с врожденным пневмоцистозом

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    The article presents an interesting case of congenital infection pneumocystis conclusively proven and confirmed by various methods of laboratory diagnostics, including morphological with a special color. In addition, parents were surveyed, which were the source of infection. Congenital pneumonia, especially in preterm infants, are a direct threat to life. In this regard, the timely examination of the mother and child, as well as the appointment of etiotropic antibacterial drugs is an important task to prevent the fatal outcome of the disease.В статье представлен случай врожденной пневмоцистной инфекции, убедительно доказанной и подтвержденной различными методами лабораторной диагностики, в т.ч. морфологическими со специальной окраской. Помимо этого, были обследованы родители, которые явились источниками инфицирования. Врожденные пневмонии, особенно у недоношенных новорожденных, представляют собой непосредственную угрозу жизни. В связи с этим своевременное обследование матери и ребенка, а также назначение этиотропных антибактериальных препаратов являются важной задачей по предотвращению фатальных исходов данного заболевания