20 research outputs found

    Avaliação ambiental da Lagoa Negra/RS : índices e modelagem matemática

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    O presente trabalho estuda a modelagem da qualidade da água em sistemas lacustres, utilizando um modelo bidimensional hidrodinâmico e de transporte de poluentes, desenvolvido pela ASCE. Paralelamente, é realizada uma avaliação da qualidade da água através de índices biológicos e de qualidade para uso geral da água. Nesta pesquisa é estudada a Lagoa Negra, localizada no Parque Estadual de Itapuã. Foram realizadas cinco campanhas de coleta de água e uma de sedimento de fundo no período de julho/90 a maio/91. Técnicas de Sistemas de informações Geográficas (SIG) foram utilizadas para delimitar automaticamente a bacia contribuinte e identificar as sub-bacias com exutórios na margem da lagoa. As mesmas técnicas SIG serviram para obter a discretização do fundo da lagoa, uma das exigências de entrada no modelo. De posse dos dados obtidos nas campanhas e estimados, disponíveis da região e, alguns de literatura, o modelo foi aplicado, simulando fósforo dissolvido e particulado dentro da lagoa. A análise de sensitividade do modelo para três parâmetros de entrada, temperatura da água, concentração inicial de fósforo e carga de entrada proveniente do escoamento superficial, indicaram a concentração inicial o de maior influência e, em segundo lugar, a temperatura. A carga de entrada só influenciou a concentração na margem norte, não atingindo o restante da lagoa em 10 horas simuladas. Os índices aplicados, de qualidade da água e de diversidade de espécies, ajudaram a melhor interpretar a qualidade ambiental. Os índices de qualidade indicam que a qualidade da água da Lagoa Negra varia de média a boa.Water quality in lake systems is studied using a two-dimensional model developed by ASCE including hydrodynamics and transport of polutants. At the same time, water quality is assessed using quality and biotic indices. This study concerns Lagoa Negra in the State Park of Itapuã, Rio Grande do Sul. Five campaigns were carried out to sample water and one for bottom sediments between July 1990 and May 1991, besides using historical data. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques were used to delimit the contributing basin automatically and identify sub-basins at points of inflow into the lagoon. GIS techniques were also used to discretize the lagoon bathymetry, one of the requirements for model input. With the data obtained in the campaigns and others which were estimated or available in the region and in literature, the model was applied, simulating soluble and particulate phosphorus in the lagoon. A sensitivity analysis of the model for three input parameters: water temperature, initial concentration and inflow load from surface runoff was performed. It indicated the initial concentration as the most influential on the resulting concentration of the lake. Temperature appeared at the second place. The inflow load only influenced concentration on the northern bank and did not affect the rest of the water body during the 10 hours simulated. The applied indices of water quality and diversity of species applied helped provide a better interpretation of environmental quality. The quality indices showed that water quality in the Lagoa Negra is average to good

    To what extent can a sediment yield model be trusted? A case study from the passaúna catchment, brazil

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    Soil degradation and reservoir siltation are two of the major actual environmental, scientific, and engineering challenges. With the actual trend of world population increase, further pressure is expected on both water and soil systems around the world. Soil degradation and reservoir siltation are, however, strongly interlinked with the erosion processes that take place in the hydrological catchments, as both are consequences of these processes. Due to the spatial scale and duration of erosion events, the installation and operation of monitoring systems are rather cost- and time-consuming. Modeling is a feasible alternative for assessing the soil loss adequately. In this study, the possibility of adopting reservoir sediment stock as a validation measure for a monthly time-step sediment input model was investigated. For the assessment of sediment stock in the reservoir, the commercial free-fall penetrometer GraviProbe (GP) was used, while the calculation of sediment yield was calculated by combining a revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE)-based model with a sediment delivery ratio model based on the connectivity approach. For the RUSLE factors, a combination of remote sensing, literature review, and conventional sampling was used. For calculation of the C Factor, satellite imagery from the Sentinel-2 platform was used. The C Factor was derived from an empirical approach by combining the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the degree of soil sealing, and land-use/land-cover data. The key research objective of this study was to examine to what extent a reservoir can be used to validate a long-term erosion model, and to find out the limiting factors in this regard. Another focus was to assess the potential improvements in erosion modeling from the use of Sentinel-2 data. The use of such data showed good potential to improve the overall spatial and temporal performance of the model and also dictated further opportunities for using such types of model as reliable decision support systems for sustainable catchment management and reservoir protection measures

    Maternal Smoking, GSTM1 and GSTT1 Polymorphism and Susceptibility to Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

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    The objective of the study was to investigate the association between maternal smoking, GSTM1, GSTT1 polymorphism, low birth weight (LBW, < 2,500 g) and intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR, < 2,500 g and gestation ≥ 37 weeks) risk. Within a prospective cohort study in Kaunas (Lithuania), a nested case-control study on LBW and IUGR occurrence among 646 women with genotyping of GSTT1 and GSTM1 polymorphisms who delivered live singletons was conducted. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to study the association of maternal smoking and polymorphism in two genes metabolizing xenobiotics. Without consideration of genotype, light-smoking (mean 4.8 cigarettes/day) during pregnancy was associated with a small increase in LBW risk, adjusted OR 1.21; 95% CI 0.44 – 3.31. The corresponding odds for IUGR risk was 1.57; 95% CI 0.45 – 5.55. The findings suggested the greater LBW risk among light-smoking mothers with the GSTM1-null genotype (OR 1.91; 95% CI 0.43 – 8.47) compared to those with GSTM1-present genotype (OR 1.11; 95% CI 0.26 – 4.47). When both GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes were considered, the synergistic effect was found among smoking mothers: GSTT1-present and GSTM1-null genotype OR for LBW was 3.31; 95% CI 0.60–18.4 and that for IUGR was 2.47; 95% CI 0.31 – 13.1. However there was no statistically significant interaction between maternal smoking, GSTT1- present and GSTM1-null genotypes for LBW (OR 1.45; 95% CI 0.22 – 10.1, p = 0.66) and for IUGR (OR 1.10; 95% CI 0.10 – 12.6, p = 0.93). The results of this study suggested that smoking, even at a low-level, ought to be considered a potential risk factor for adverse birth outcomes and that genetic polymorphism may contribute to individual variation in tobacco smoke response

    Segmentação de imagens de profundidade por limiarização com morfologia matemática

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    This paper introduces a method to segment depth images that are obtained by a ToF camera. The ToF (Time of flight) device is a camera that captures the distance between the camera and the objects within its field of view. I order to recognize the object is the foreground, it is necessary to segment the range image. The sepparation between the foreground and the background is performed by histogram thresholding. The threshold is obtained computing the difference between the histogram and another function that is obtained after dilating the histogram. The method is described and an example presented.Pages: 6151-615

    Estimativa da produção não pontual de poluentes utilizando imagens Landsat e SIG

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    Nutrients, as phosporus, can cause eutrophication of lakes and, therefore, their sources within the basin must be monitored. The purpose of this study is to apply remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies to obtain information about non-point pollution from runoff and its impact in water bodies. This task is performed using a Landsat - TM image, to estimate land-cover parameters, and a GIS to combine them with other informations like topography and soils. The experiment described shows the feasibility of using these techniques as an ancilliary tool for watershed management and environmental protection of lakes. RESUMO: Nutrientes, como fósforo, podem conduzir à eutrofização de lagos e, portanto, suas fontes dentro da bacia são importantes de serem monitoradas. A finalidade deste estudo é aplicar técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e sistemas de informações geográficas (SIG) para obter informações sobre as fontes difusas de poluentes e seu impacto em corpos de água. Isto é efetuado utilizando uma imagem Landsat - TM para estimar parâmetros sobre a cobertura e uso do solo e um SIG para combinar estes dados com outras informações como topografia e pedologia. O experimento descrito comprova a viabilidade do uso destas técnicas como ferramenta auxiliar para o manejo de bacias contribuintes a lagos e para a preservação ambiental destes corpos de água.Pages: 152-15

    Assessment of Phosphorus Input from Urban Areas in the Passa&uacute;na River and Reservoir

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    Elevated phosphorus loads play an important role in the deterioration of water quality and can subsequently pose a threat to the aquatic organisms in a river or a standing water body. The accurate assessment of total phosphorus (TP) fluxes from a catchment is of high importance to the well-being of the entire river ecosystem. In this study, we assessed the yearly input of TP from the urban areas of the Passa&uacute;na catchment in southern Brazil. The catchment drains into the eponymous reservoir, which provides drinking water for more than 800,000 inhabitants of the Curitiba Metropolitan region. The protection of the water quality in the river as well as in the reservoir is of paramount importance, yet high phosphorous inputs have been detected. For adequate protection, the catchment emissions need to be accurately assessed. Initially, the TP concentration in the river sediment was determined in order to assess the relationship between the TP export of the urban areas and the TP stock of the river. It was found that in areas with a higher share of urban land cover and especially in areas with a lack of sewage treatment, the TP concentration in the sediment reached up to 6700 mg/kg. The assessment of the overall TP input from urban areas was based on a regionalized emission-modeling approach, combined with data from long-term water quality monitoring of the river. The monitoring station established upstream of the Passa&uacute;na Reservoir inflow provided an initial assessment and the necessary output for the validation and calibration of the model. From the drainage basin of the monitoring station, an overall TP input of 2501 kg/a (0.31 kg/(ha a)) was measured between 1 May 2018 and 1 May 2019 (3508 kg TP/a or 0.23 kg/(ha a) when extrapolating the overall catchment of the Passa&uacute;na Reservoir). The monitoring data indicated that the TP input increases during the wet months of the year. The sediment stock of the river also plays an important role in the interannual budget of TP. During the timespan of one year, many deposition&ndash;resuspension events happen. The resuspended material is included in the baseflow and hinders the differentiation between urban and nonurban input. After calibration, the model was able to predict the yearly input of TP from the urban areas of the Passa&uacute;na catchment. In addition, the share of inhabitants who are not connected to the sewer system was assessed. Overall, the combination of monitoring and modeling in this study offers a valuable overview of the TP dynamics of the system, while the model ensures reproducibility with high accuracy at the same time

    Análise das situações simuladas da prática médica

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    Considerando a importância das atividades curriculares para a formação médica, este estudo teve por objetivo identificar e refletir sobre a construção das situações utilizadas na atividade curricular Estações de Simulação (ES) pela primeira turma do curso médico da Universidade Federal de São Carlos/SP-UFSCar, de 2006 a 2009. Trata-se de um estudo de caso do tipo descritivo, que analisa 57 situações de ES e suas ementas. Os resultados revelaram predomínio de estações na área de Saúde do Adulto e Idoso, e Saúde da Família e Comunidade. Foram analisadas outras variáveis, como idade, gênero, fases do processo saúde-doença, cenário de atenção à saúde e áreas do conhecimento, entre outras. Foi possível identificar a necessidade de readequar as ES do curso médico da UFSCar, elaboradas de 2006 a 2009. Este estudo contribuiu com a formulação de variáveis e critérios que devem orientar a construção das ES, para que estas representem o melhor possível a realidade da prática profissional

    Análise das situações simuladas da prática médica

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    Considerando a importância das atividades curriculares para a formação médica, este estudo teve como objetivo identificar e refletir acerca da construção das situações utilizadas na atividade curricular Estações de Simulação (ES) pela primeira turma do curso médico da Universidade Federal de São Carlos/SP, no período de 2006 a 2009. Trata-se de um estudo de caso do tipo descritivo, sendo analisadas 57 situações de estações de simulação e suas ementas. Os resultados revelaram um predomínio de estações na área de Saúde do Adulto e Idoso e Saúde da Família e Comunidade. Outras variáveis foram analisadas, como idade, gênero, fases do processo saúde-doença, cenário de atenção à saúde, áreas do conhecimento, entre outras. Foi possível identificar que se faz necessária uma readequação das ES do curso médico da UFSCar, elaboradas entre os anos 2006 a 2009. Este estudo contribuiu com a formulação de variáveis e critérios que devem contribuir com a construção das ES, para que estas possam representar o melhor possível a realidade da prática profissional


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    Londrina é uma cidade de porte médio com grau de urbanização acentuado no contexto paranaense. Atualmente existem vários conflitos de ordem social e ambiental, como é o caso da ocupação irregular em fundos de vale, objeto de estudo deste trabalho. Foram utilizados dados cartográficos do Banco de Dados do SIG-Londrina, do grupo IMAP&P do Departamento de Geociências da UEL, os quais foram processados no SPRING. Os mapas derivados gerados foram os de restrição legal e de áreas de preservação ocupadas irregularmente. Os resultados apontam a existência de 21,36km² de área de preservação permanente, sendo que 5,42km² (25,4%) encontram-se com ocupação irregular. Identification of the irregular occupations in the bottom of valley in the city of Londrina, using the image landsat 7 Abstract Londrina is a medium size city, with a high urbanization stage for the state of Paraná context. Nowadays there are many social and environmental conflicts, the irregular occupation of margins of rivers (bottom of valley) studied in this paper is a typical example. Using the cartographic data of the database of SIG-Londrina, by IMAP&P group, in the Geosciences Department of UEL, the maps were processed by SPRING. Then maps of legal restriction and environmental protection areas with human occupation were generated. The results show the existence of 21,36km² of environmental protection area (area of permanent preservation), but 5,42km² (25,4%) of that area are irregularly occupied by urbanization